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File: 48 KB, 300x424, FA_Black_Rock_Shooter_And_Miku_by_peeknokboorapa_go_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9051483 No.9051483 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else prefer covers of vocaloid songs over actual vocaloid songs?


Maybe its just because Miku's voice always pissed me off.

>> No.9051493

Miku voice sounds like a couple cats fighting but without it her songs wouldn't feel the same, the only one of her songs I like to hear without her voice is rolling girl with the nico nico chorus.

Post butt now.

>> No.9051496
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>> No.9051503

That's not a relevant part to show of a singer.
Why would anyone do this?

>> No.9051510

I really hate when people say that but whatever I hate covers actually unless the singer is at professional level.

>> No.9051515

TBH Gumi's voice is the only one I could ever stand to listen to, probably because she sounds the least like a vocaloid.

>> No.9051527


Miku is engineered to have the best ass.
That's relevant.
They spend budget on her butt instead of her voice.

>> No.9051536

When people mention Gumi and realism that's how you know they are a secondary

Aoki Lapis

These Vocaloid are supposed to easy to use for begginers so they get a more realistic sound easier BUT a vocaloid is only as good as you tune it go listen to Miku's "Freely Tomorrow" or "Survivor" and then come back

>> No.9051538
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>> No.9051547

Fanservice. It's how all countries (yes, including the USA) get more people to buy or look at whatever and rake in tons of cash.

>> No.9051552

NNDs are fucking awesome.
Covers are meh. Gero's the only artist who's worth following. Akiakane and FYE have their occasional good song as well.

People who prefers covers to the originals are faggots who haven't discovered the right genre/append/artist to suit their tastes.

>> No.9051560

Saying that it works doesn't justify it.

But that's a doujin (right?).

>> No.9051563
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>> No.9051581

Personally, I prefer this version over miku's


>> No.9051585
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>> No.9051586

That looks... painful.

>It hurts to live

>> No.9051590
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>> No.9051596

When will there be a BRS X Miku doujin

that needs to happen

>> No.9051622
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I prefer originals because it preserves the technical talent it took to make the songs, not saying that the covers aren't artistic in their own ways.

Also, the new Vocaloid 3's they have now are pretty good, especially the Yuzuki Yukari voicebank. people are working wonders with these things...

>> No.9051630


You don't know jack about idols, don't ever become a producer

>> No.9051645
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my gift to you all.

>> No.9051646
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USA Miku is better than Japanese Miku.
(* >ω<)

>> No.9051653

>japanese miku
>almost too white


>> No.9051657
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I think mikus ass is so popular that it could be its own character. Kinda like Reimus armpits.

>> No.9051669
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>> No.9051690
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>> No.9051739


Fartsune Stinku

>> No.9051779

Yamai's voice is sex in this one.


>> No.9051784

>cover thread
I hope you've seen the Acoustic Guitar Medleys already, OP. If not, enjoy. You're in for a ride.


>> No.9051789
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>> No.9051900

As much as I like this, I will admit that they've changed up a fair amount of the original tones, both instrumental and vocal wise. It irks me when cover-artists do that.

Anyone got the artist name?

>> No.9052032
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>> No.9052064



>> No.9052070 [DELETED] 


>> No.9052072
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>> No.9054324

Yes. Though some songs are pretty good when sang by vocaloids.

Here are some

From girls I mostly listen to Hanatan, Kakichoco and Choucho.
From guys I like to listen to Ren, Clear, Dasoku, Panyo, Mi-chan, Akatin and Pakota. But I guess Ren, Dasoku and Panyo are my favorite for now.

>> No.9054334

> Pakota

>> No.9055001
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>> No.9055009

I actually really like Vocaloids and actually, I've gotten used to hearing them rather than actual voices. There's just something about them which I find charming. There are a lot of cover songs which are good though!

>> No.9055018

The only one I really enjoyed was a cover of Rolling Girl, but it was good in a Okkusenman kind of way and I still like the original better.

>> No.9055110

Vocaloid pisses me off.
I hope they die already.

Sweet Magic without vocashit sound so much better.

>> No.9056517

Miku has the best voice off all. True.

>> No.9056591

Sometimes you get a nice cover. Sometimes even an english covers succeeds. But as a rule, someone lacking experience and equipment will only remind you that laboriously crafted vocaloid arrangements sing better than the random shmuck human being.

Anyway, enjoy a Saihate cover by Yamai.

>> No.9056616

>I hope they die already.

Well keep hoping you poor little man.

>> No.9056642


Here's a cover I like. It's from the IA demo CD that came out back at C81. I liked the IA version as well, but Lia's is my favorite. Both completely wreck the original with Miku.

I think the problem is that the only songs that get any kind of popularity are the ones with Crypton's Vocaloids, especially Miku. There's other voices out there to use, but they're hardly used at all. So instead what we get are producers using Miku for roles her voice simply doesn't fit. Her overexposure is turned me off to Miku.

>> No.9056657

The top 6 vocaloid are

1)Miku(By quite a bit)

The others with the exception of Meiko and Gakupo get forgotten easily because these are the most beloved characters

>> No.9056686

I also forgot to say that CV04 is coming out soon and you best believe that he is going to be popular just for being Crypton related

>> No.9056706

Black Company Worker.

>> No.9057160

Gumi is only popular among hipsters and was forgotten til mozaik roll came out.

She will be over taken by IA or Yukari in the future.

>> No.9057645

Gumi has the best music written for her.

>> No.9057654

because hipsters make good music when they're restricted to not being EDGY AS FUCKING SHIT
100% serious

>> No.9057730

There are some songs that I think fit Vocaloid well. There are the only reason I even like it.

But most of the time, yeah, I'll prefer a good cover.

Probably my single favorite of those:


So good.

>> No.9058051

Why are so many Miku Hater here? She is the best.

>> No.9061095
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Liking covers more than the vocaloid voices is a god damn crime, I see, on the same field of liking cosplayers more than the box art/canon art.

>> No.9061113

The only thing I started to dislike about Miku is how they're making her older and older. What's the point if she's not going to stay 14 forever?

>> No.9061143


Like dis if u cry evritym

>> No.9061244

Miku has never been 14 she is forever 16

>> No.9061319

That's what people has been saying for a while now, but i'm pretty sure she was 14 at first. I forgot where I picked that piece of information though.

>> No.9061346


Do you think she has her period yet? Do you think she's still a virgin?

>> No.9061353

What I think here is irrelevant, I was just stating a fact. Nevermind, forget it.

>> No.9061366

Only good Vocaloid song IMHO

>> No.9065360

Anyone else?
