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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9049800 No.9049800 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as /a/ is well known throughout the internet as the best anime forum and also as being home of the creators of Katawa Shoujo. What is /jp/ known for? Why does moot waste bandwidth on this board when as far as anyone can tell it creates nothing and gives the rest of 4chan a bad name?

>> No.9049803
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>> No.9049806

>Seeing as /a/ is well known throughout the internet as the best anime forum
No anime forum can be good.
>home of the creators of Katawa Shoujo
That isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.9049807

Dandelion Girl.

And in seriousness, translation projects. Search TLWiki or the archives or something.

>> No.9049809

ur dumb

>> No.9049816

/jp/ is the best shitposting forum since FYAD died.

>> No.9049817
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/jp/ is the best english imageboard in the east.
It is visited by many japanese, chinese and coreans each day.
Now please go.

>> No.9049821

/a/-subhuman pls go

>> No.9049819
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>> No.9049827

no. the other two seem to be correct though, given the current state of /jp/.

>> No.9049826
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>> No.9049829

fuck off goon nerd

>> No.9050247

>and also as being home of the creators of Katawa Shoujo

you say this like it's a good thing, it's shit. even the most mediocre vn is better than katawa shoujo.

>> No.9050263

In what way is /jp/ supposed to be different to /a/? You talk about the same things.

>> No.9050264

/jp/ has Nocturnes.

>> No.9050282
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> /a/ the best anime forum

>> No.9050286
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I wish /a/ would fuck off, I'm pretty sure that it's generally accepted across 4chan that /a/ is the worst board. Of course, nobody counts /b/ in this because it goes without saying.

Some /a/non trolled them with a single MLP picture asking for recommendations or some shit and they got so mad that they 'invaded' /mlp/ to "put a stop to this shit". It's like watching retards fall down the stairs, hilarious but you feel sorry for them at the same time.

Pic sort of related, I can't see from the thumbnail but it looks gay.

>> No.9050288

>and also as being home of the creators of Katawa Shoujo.

Aren't they from Reddit? Didn't the original team flee from the project about 1 year into it?

>> No.9050330
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>> No.9050713

>4 leaf studios
Anyway back on subject, /jp/ has shitposting, truNeets, and if it were one with /a/ we would be an entity no one would like, it's better this way in fact the part that we're a separate entity makes this site a better place

>> No.9050725

As long as the VN translation thread will be posted on /jp/, the board will survive. Convince the guy to stop posting here and moot will delete the board.

>> No.9050729

This is scaringly accurate.

I used to venture on /a/, but switched over to /jp/ as it is a far better board, higher quality and good comunity. Of course I had to educate myself by playing the touhou games and reading SICP, but I'm never going back to /a/.

Though, I never played any VN, and am terrible at touhou, I just watch anime and play MMO while taking it easy.

I also shitpost by ironically replying seriously.

>> No.9050742

spam&shitposting HQ

>> No.9050747

>>4 leaf studios

Just look at Valve and Blizzard. They have never changed their names but went from producing masterpieces to making casual DRM showelware.

>> No.9050752


>4 leaf

As in yotsuba, as in 4chan

>> No.9050758

Yeah, redditors kept the old name, happens all the time.

>> No.9050763


I don't know what reddit is and I don't care enough.

>> No.9050765

Stop being trolled.

>> No.9050787

I actually think /a/ blame their problems on other boards / sites more than /jp/ nowadays, like they absolutely refuse to admit any undesirable behaviour is home grown.

>> No.9050808

/jp/ is the best western board for all otaku related stuff.

Figs, kigurumi, Touhou, NEET, untranslated titles, idols, general culture discussions and Japanese circlejerk, you name it.

/jp/ has many roles that /a/ (which is mostly just anime and manga) or /vg/ (which is only an extension to /v/ apart from KS) don't fullfil.

>> No.9050806


I only use /a/ exclusively to troll nowadays as even the 'discussion' is full of people comparing sales and acting like fanboys, plus they genuinely get mad and as you say - best of all they blame someone else for it.

It's easy, like shooting fish in a barrel easy. Reminds me of when /b/ used to be easy to troll before it got so retarded that people just stopped replying to posts altogether in an attempt to create an 'epic thread'.

>> No.9050841

>>/a/ posts an anime girl
>>buttmad teenagers rant about anime and its quality and "moe" or whatever unironically

>>/jp/ posts an anime girl
>>everyone faps and posts lewd pics of the anime girl

I'm quoting the respective actions of each board. /jp/ is far superior by the way. Sorry /a/.

>> No.9050852

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9050855

According to /a/, ignoring shitty trolls (which they also claim they have less of) is a sign of self-righteousness.

>> No.9050860

Touhou would have never gotten so popular in the Anglospheric internet if it wasn't for /jp/.

>> No.9050908

jaypee made rita please respond

5x times better than katawa shoujo

>> No.9050904

Imageboards aren't supposed to be 'known throughout the internet' fucking retard.

>> No.9050911

Most of current /a/ weren't even around when KS devs were shitting up the forum with the progress reports.

Plus they chose disability girls over fucking drill hand girls.

>> No.9050913


And thus, this is why /a/ is shit.

They need to cool it on the elitism shit or it just has the reverse effect and makes people want to join in.

>> No.9050921

/jp/ is the shit posting capital of 4chan


>> No.9050922

/jp/ is where the true oldfags and the highest of powerlevels reside. Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined. In addition a lot of people on /jp/ can watch anime without waiting for subs like you fucking faggot babbys. Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality. Also /a/ has no OC besides shitty image macro memes that get old within a week; /jp/ translates VNs, games and has doujin translation teams that regularly post there. People at /jp/ know your own boards' subject far, far better than you do, fucking dream on if you think you have any kind of superiority in any way whatsoever.

We sneer at you fucking newfags/normalfags, your shonenshit Big 3 threads, quasi-/v/ mentality and everything else that makes /a/ suck fucking balls. /jp/ is a better board than /a/ could ever dream to be because most of you f/a/ggots are, in our eyes, eternal newfags, aka there is nothing you could ever say or do to bring yourself up to our level, because you aren't true oldfags. You're G/a/ia, you're ANN and MAL trash now. Stay away, we don't want you in /jp/, not now, not ever. Go on and continue existing in your own world of shit thinking that it's any good, while the master race quietly resides separated from you mongoloids.

>> No.9050931

/a/ just come off as total tryhards when they try to act elitist. It's honestly pretty cringe-worthy.

>> No.9050943

>it creates nothing
I don't understand why this is a bad thing. Every instance of, for example, memes spilling out from their original boards has had a bad effect on 4chan as a whole.

I don't think we feel a need to "create" something legitimate here for the rest of 4chan or the Internet, nor would outsiders accept or have a use for it if we did. /jp/ doesn't owe you anything.

>> No.9050944


Don't care about the second paragraph but I totally agree with the first.

Trying to talk to /a/ about anime is ridiculous "What the fuck is this series?" "wikipedia says it's by <studio> so it's automatically shit" "this is just nostalgiafag shit"

It was The Soultaker.

They don't know anything about anime, I'd rather just watch anime and talk to /jp/ about VNs and other shit than discuss anime on /a/. I wouldn't go there but some of the oldfags on Animesuki know more than 'high powerlevel' /a/ users.

>> No.9050956

/jp/ had reached that level about the things we're supposed to be talking about here.

It's gotten to the point where it's just silly to come to 4chan at all if you intend to do anything other than shitpost.

>> No.9050959
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First part is mostly right.

There were MAL threads on /a/ a while back, and most people had total viewing time of less than a month...

That is now the average /a/ user.

>> No.9050962

I don't discuss anime with anyone anymore, I simply watch it. I don't see the point in discussing it with people who would do nothing but point out every negative aspect and shit all over it.

>> No.9050964

That entire thing is joke pasta, moron.

>> No.9050974

I know, and it managed to be fairly accurate.

>> No.9050978

You're lucky this is /jp/. In /v/ you'd have about a hundred valve fanboys biting your shins. They complain so much about viral marketing they didn't realize the elephant in the room. Pun intended because "gabe is fat" jokes are the epitome of humour.

>> No.9050982

It's not. It was made because it's ridiculous. /jp/ doesn't have high power levels. Sorry if you thought so.

>> No.9050987

Good job making a shitty board even shittier out of spite. Where do you think those guys will go to once they become disillusioned with /a/?

>> No.9050985

>/jp/ doesn't have high power levels
What are you talking about, everyone comes to /jp/ after their power levels are too high for /a/.

>> No.9050989

>/jp/ doesn't have high power levels.
And here I thought we came from old /a/.

>> No.9050995


>implying I care where they go.

See >>9050956

>> No.9051007
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Butthurt /a/spie detected

>> No.9051014

Some of us certainly are.

>> No.9051011

Tell me when /a/ has the humor 2ch and nicovideo delivers

>> No.9051012

who are you quoting?

>> No.9051017

tbh i find that /jp/ is the more consistent board and the people are great and easy to talk to
only newfags and people with the attentionspan of a goldfish dont understand

>> No.9051018

We did, except for that neo-/jp/ subhuman.

>> No.9051023

That might have been true 4 years ago but it sure isn't now.

>> No.9051027

Prophetic kopipe. The second paragraph, at least.

>> No.9051031

>gives the rest of 4chan a bad name

Yeah, no. That's /b/'s claim to fame. I don't think anyone even knows what /jp/ is. I love /jp/ but it's one of those misunderstood boards that you need to stick around in to understand what it's really about. It's not ALL shitposting you know, even if it looks like it at first glance.

>> No.9051037

Man, Soultaker. I thought I was the only guy who watched that.

>> No.9051044

ask anyone what /jp/ is about

theyll probably say its about Japan/Personal Translator

>> No.9051089 [DELETED] 

That's because everyone's a cock sucker now.

There were many version of /a/ rules, that were posted a long time ago fairly regularly. For example everything in the black box on the right here was part of an individual image a long time ago. Notice the emphasis on looking for stuff by yourself first?

It's almost as if people foresaw that with the progression of technology, everyone would be become useless retards.

>> No.9051109
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You open up your eyes, it's summer. The sunlight bleeding through the gaps in the newspaper you pasted over your windows is enough to make you vomit. The heat of the midday sun warms your urine bottles stacked in the corner, leaving the musky smell of piss, cum and body odor wafting around the room, the computer emits a low hum, you hope your torrents finished downloading during your slumber. Just another day for a typical /jp/ user.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. It's /a/ and he's come to your place to watch the latest episode of Precure with you. The odor hits him as he steps into your house and takes off his shoes, he is noticibly more concerned than normal. "/jp/...are you alright? Lately you've been...neglecting your social life, the other boards are worried about you.." he stutters as he carefully tries not to offend his sempai.

"I brought some alcohol around, I was hoping we could hang out, troll /v/ and be classy bros tonigh-" "URUSAI!" you interject, who gives a shit about this kid anyway? "I've seen more anime in a year than this natsuchu has in his entire life...and besides, I was supposed to be watching 2ch drama tonight anyway.." you say to yourself. You've offended him; his eyes well up and his lip trembles - /a/ is about to cry.

"But...we used to go to school together and talk about anime...aren't you my friend anymore?" You reach across and throw some empty bottles and your soiled shimapan at his face, he begins to bawl loudly. "Shit, now I'll have to talk to the neighbours about this", you begin to reach for one of the warm piss bottles, but /a/ is already gone and nowhere to be seen. Time to check on those torrents..

>> No.9051132

hold up!

/a/ is an ancient and venerated core board, more important than /b/ (which, last time I was in there, had improved, but everybody there thinks even more poorly of it including mootles. Yeah, moot. Yeah, holy shit, eh?)

/a/ also did not "create" KS, some bloggers did, and the real original idea (not the fake, trolling one on /a/) came from a thread in the old /b/ about this one fucked up mentally ill sow bitch whore who got her boyfriend to buy her all kinds of crazy shit that j-list would be embarrassed to sell, because she claimed she was going to make a VN and needed it all for that somehow. Bad dragon. Very bad. This despite the fact that you don't even need a graphics tablet or fucking anything (huge ass dildoes) to do art for a VN you just need a lack of shame. Obviously this baby-eating siren she-bitch already had a lack of shame. Such is life.

Anyway, party on, Garth

>> No.9051134

I actually had to stop posting on /a/ because I was turning into a whiny bitch. I really hate the attitude on that board.

>> No.9051142

I've grown to acknowledge that /jp/ is the better board, but I still like /a/. Hating other people makes it hard to take it easy.

It's easier and usually more enjoyable to talk to people on /jp/. For months I thought everyone here was just exaggerating when they said /a/ was filled with normalfags, but I now realize it's true. But they can still be fun to talk to.

Regardless, both /jp/ and /a/ have one thing in common. Both boards constantly complain that /a/ is shit.

>> No.9051145


/a/ branched off from /b/ which was /b/ - Anime/Random.

It used to be a given that 4chan was anime-related.

>> No.9051149
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If that means becoming Pants, I'm okay with that.
