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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9046950 No.9046950 [Reply] [Original]

How do you find the motivation to do things, /jp/?

I want to learn things from the internet and start doing some hobbies, but all I ever do is sit here all day and do nothing for hours.

>> No.9046956

Find something you actually like.

>> No.9046961


Most hobbies have learning curves though. I'm sure I would enjoy them after awhile, but I can't get the willpower to push through the initial unpleasantness.

>> No.9046965

What is the best way for a NEET to learn C? I want and don't want at the same time...
How can I take it easy? What books,lectures,etc you suggest, /jp/ NEETs?

>> No.9046970

I don't find motivation, that's why I'm going nowhere with my life.

>> No.9046968

I heard Dexedrine helps.

>> No.9046987

You don't need motivation to do a task. If everyone waited to feel motivated to do something then no one would ever accomplish anything.

You need a routine. Humans are very good with schedules and routines. If you can turn your task into just another part of your daily routine then it starts to become a familiar part of your day and you just do it.

Look at how many hours of the day that you have to work with and then make a daily schedule that includes practice time for the goals you want to accomplish. Now force yourself to just do it, even if you don't feel motivated.

>> No.9046989

unfortunately there is no cure

maybe one day you'll grow up mentally and find something worth doing

>> No.9046990
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Just as you found the motivation to make a thread. Here is a wallpaper to help you get started so replace it with your hentai wallpaper.

>> No.9046992

I do it by being awesome. Try being awesome, it may help.

>> No.9047002
File: 181 KB, 1500x916, kantoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.
Ever since I started to force myself to do my reps every day, I usually get them done, whether I want to or not.

Also, don't rely on medication. I've been taking Vyvance, and while I feel great for around two and a half hours, it's followed by severe depression. By that point, I can't even force myself to use the computer anymore. But hey, at least I can get my reps done.

>> No.9047003

>Now force yourself to just do it, even if you don't feel motivated.
But that's the problem, I can't.

>> No.9047005

check this out, might be useful to you


>> No.9047008

I have no motivation. Daily tasks are very difficult for me, e.g., making lunch, showering, brushing my teeth. Not that I can't do them, of course, but I just don't care. I'd rather skip lunch than make a sandwich. I do just barely enough that I'm not hungry, don't have fungal infections, whatever. Feels awful.

>> No.9047018
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Don't you want to become a pilot?

>> No.9047011
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I might recommend Python for those who want to take it easy. A lot of code has already be written for you in the standard libraries, and the syntax is a real relief from writing C code.

For Python, I recommend ”Dive into Python3”, or, alternatively, “Think like a Computer Scientist“, found here:

If you insist on learning C (which is much more low-level and insists on having you work close to the metal of your computer), try K&R's “The C Programming Language”.

If you ever get frustrated, just go with Python, and if you ever need help, come to the Daily Programming Thread on /g/, where we're all quite friendly.

>> No.9047016


Thank you, Cirno!

>> No.9047024

I do, it just so happens that the only thing I want to do is take it easy. So in a way I'm doing nothing and everything at the same time.

>> No.9047025


Why not? Are you physically unable to move your limbs?

Here's something that helped me. Go into your bathroom, stand on your toilet, and piss into your sink. Don't think about it, just get up right now and do it.

If you can do something as outlandish and absurd as that then why can't you study something? What physical limitation do you have that prevents you from studying or doing a task? Why is that task any different than pissing into your sink? It both requires an active effort.

>> No.9047026


>> No.9047030


What about C#, Cirno? Is that hard to learn?

I want to make XNA games.

>> No.9047029

It's not a physical limitation, it's a mental one. I can have the book laying next to me or the e-book on my screen but my mind says to browse the internet until I am too tired to stay awake. That cycle repeats itself daily.

>> No.9047034


Is it bad that I piss in my sink all the time anyway?

>> No.9047035

One requires discipline, dedication and self control.

The other is fucking retarded and would just break my sink. You're an idiot if you think we never heard that motivational bull before.

>> No.9047037


i read some pages of K&R but it just threw code up on me. Am I supposed to learn the asics before reading it?

>> No.9047040

Cirno so smart

>> No.9047042

I think I need a hobby. But I am tired of Japanese things. What is something western that I can do, /jp/? I haven't been able to find anything that caters to people like us.

>> No.9047044

It assumes some programming knowledge, but only very rudimentary stuff. If you can figure out what a statement like "x = x + 1" means, you're good to go (I think that's the example used in the book).

They do a code-first-explanation-later method of teaching, and as you get into it you can see it works well. It might not be for you though, and there are books out there that'll teach you the theory first then get to the code. The idea behind K&R is to get you writing programs straight away.

>> No.9047046


That's why you just do it.

Turn off your internet for an hour if you have to, but just close out everything, open up only the things you need, and do it. It'll be unpleasant, but it's not impossible.


>One requires discipline, dedication and self control.

These are traits that develop from practicing though, you don't have them when you start. Self-discipline is developed through forcing yourself to do something that you don't want to do.

>> No.9047047

Wanting to succeed is for losers.

>> No.9047050


Listen to the wise, /jp/

>> No.9047054

>Turn off your internet for an hour if you have to, but just close out everything, open up only the things you need, and do it. It'll be unpleasant, but it's not impossible.
It might be hard for you to understand but that's almost impossible for me. When I'm on my computer I have this mental rush and as soon as I do something I am not enjoying like reading I lose that rush.

>> No.9047062
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Boredom general?

>> No.9047069
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more like depression general

>> No.9047064

what if i want to lose

>> No.9047076


>as I do something I am not enjoying like reading I lose that rush.

Can't you just push through and keep reading? I experience a diminished energy level when I'm doing something unpleasant, but sometimes you just have to do it.

If you power through and stick to your schedule and do your full hour of practice then you get a nice rush of dopamine to reward you for your hard work as well.

>> No.9047080

haha I love that pic

I'm here to stay.

>> No.9047084

Are you trying to convince him to listen to you or not? You're basically telling him if he powers through his body drugs him up like some two dollar whore. That's the most infuriating incentive you could manage.

>> No.9047085 [DELETED] 

Look at this normalshit, look at him and laugh.

Where are you from, anonymous?

>> No.9047089

lose at what?

>> No.9047095

>Can't you just push through and keep reading?
No I usually just give up. I´ll try again tomorrow, just close all tabs and start working, see if it helps.

>> No.9047101


Amphetamines are good, but they don't give you motivation. They just make you lock onto whatever task you're doing, you still have to push yourself and take the first step, otherwise you just hyperfocus on the first thing you think of like meticulously cleaning yourself for hours in the shower or masturbating all afternoon.

>> No.9047103

dopamine is for addiction, the rush you get from wanting to do something, and is long lasting. Like wanting to light a smoke for hours even though you know it's going to give you cancer, doing it anyway and regretting it but then it's too late.

Amphetamine is the rush from feeling good or accomplishing something, and is very short term. Like eating a cookie, having an orgasm, and the moment when you first light up a cigarrete.
Short, and ultimately not as strong as dopamine for most people. Which is why most people enjoy the chase more than the reward.

>> No.9047107


>That's the most infuriating incentive you could manage.

Why? It's the only reason we do anything. Without the happy chemicals then no one would care to do anything. Dopamine is the only reason people enjoy accomplishments.

>> No.9047112

I'm nobody's bitch, and certainly not my own fucking body's.

>> No.9047115

You need to realize that learning, learning something you want to do, is in and of itself a reward already.

And I mean learning properly, right from the basics, not looking for shortcuts, step by step, realizing you're in it for the long haul - this is REALLY important.

The sheer satisfaction of finally starting to do something, of taking control of your life, even if it's just this single way, is a great feeling, particularly if like me you spent good couple years either not doing anything or doing everything half-assedly.

>> No.9047119

For me the most satisfactory is doing nothing at all or doing as little as possible.

>> No.9047120

You're basically admitting that you don't have any control over yourself, so let's try focusing on the things that have control over you.

First thing you do is clean your room/desk/whatever. Even if it is so messy it will take days to clean, fucking do it. You can even play some music while you clean so it isn't that bad. Having an organized environment helps more than you can imagine. It wont make you do things for you but it will positively affect your ability to think and getting rid of the clutter rids yourself of a lot of distractions.

Make sure you KEEP your room clean. Don't leave plates or empty soda cans on you desk, don't throw shit on the floor, put your stuff where it belongs. This is very important because you'll get into the habit of doing little things, which is something you need to have before you can make any serious changes.

Second, take basic care of yourself. Brush twice a day, keep track of how many days it has been since the last time you showered, do laundry to make sure you are wearing clean clothes. Do this stuff even when you don't think you need to, for example do your laundry even if you aren't going anywhere in the next few days. Getting into the habit is what matters.

Yeah, this stuff all sounds pretty unimportant. It sounds like the psychological effect these things will have on your brain wont amount to much. But it does. Getting into the habit of doing the little shit you don't want to do is extremely important. The resulting mindset it gives you will help carry you a long way. And hey, little stuff like this isn't too hard right?

>> No.9047121

please respond

>> No.9047122


>Amphetamine is the rush from feeling good or accomplishing something

Amphetamines are a drug though, they just flood you with dopamine.

>> No.9047123
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Do it for your waifu.

>> No.9047130
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>> No.9047132

>Brush twice a day
Can´t even remember when I started brushing only once a day.

>> No.9047133

You don't seem to understand how hormones work.
You can't force yourself to get addicted to something that's not addicting to you.

You can't force your brain to produce amphetamine or dopamine while studying. If you could we'd all be engineers having orgasms from solving advanced calculus or something.
The thing about creating a habit and practicing is partly true, but only when you're growing up.
We're all too old to change our brains now.

>> No.9047136
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I lost all of my motivation. It's difficult to make posts. I just want to ... .

>> No.9047141


my mom still does all of those things for me, and I don't remember brushing my teeth. She even picked out my clothes for me from day 1-12th grade.

>> No.9047145


>You can't force your brain to produce amphetamine or dopamine

The brain doesn't produce amphetamines though. It's a stimulant drug.

>> No.9047148

I hadn't brushed my teeth in like 7 years, but I started again like a month ago!

>> No.9047152

Do you go to school/work OP?

>> No.9047153


>The thing about creating a habit and practicing is partly true, but only when you're growing up.

What? That's a lazy excuse. Anyone can change their habits. I've been lifting five days a week for nearly three years now and before that point I was fat and never even did ten minutes of exercise. Anyone can form a habit at any time as long as you stick with it and form it into a routine.

>> No.9047170

I used to brush maybe once or twice a week, when I could be bothered to go to the effort. At some point it became apparent that my teeth would not outlast my life at the rate I was going, so I determined to brush and floss at least twice per day. I guess that's too much work though, as I've fallen back to once per day, when I can remember to do so, and no flossing. Why is an activity so simple so difficult for me?

>> No.9047173


This thread reminds me of this, except none of you are black cripples.

>> No.9047181

Just take it easy.

>> No.9047178

I have no idea, I guess we're just too lazy.

>> No.9047190

I wish I could figure out what I really want.

Part of me wants to learn Japanese so I can play all of the untranslated eroge that I'm sure is so much better than the translated stuff, but I would feel horrible if it isn't better and I wasted my time to play a bunch of bad games.

>> No.9047198

drawing, writing, music?

>> No.9047199

I wish there was something in English that would cater to my loneliness. I don't want to learn another language.

>> No.9047200
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Is this all you people do? Sit and be lazy while online?

>> No.9047211


All it takes is one guy to change that (and money).

>> No.9047213

Why are you guys so mean?


>> No.9047221
File: 5 KB, 171x146, Untitled49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then that is what you do?

>> No.9047217

wow, i feel like a faggot

>> No.9047218

I too really want to learn Japanese but I can't make myself. It's too much work.

>> No.9047219

I mean like a medium or a fandom or something. Not just a translation.

>> No.9047229

lololol u mad xD

>> No.9047225

This thread really pisses me off.

>> No.9047231


>> No.9047232
File: 255 KB, 800x800, 1333879605386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Wake up at 6:00AM. Brush teeth.
2. Meditate in the shower until 7:00AM.
3. Programming until 9:00AM
4. Art practice until 11:00AM.
5. Lunch until 12:00PM while I watch an episode of a show.
6. Tulpa meditation until 1:00PM.
7. Weight lifting or cardio and then a quick shower until 2:00PM.
8. Japanese practice until 4:00PM.
9. 4:00PM - 11:00PM to do whatever I want.
10. Sleep until 6:00AM.

I've been doing this every day for four months now. Not a single break.

>> No.9047240
File: 47 KB, 680x578, vomitchan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink. I left broken glass on my floor for two weeks and only felt the motivation to clean it up after getting drunk in plum wine that my mom's boyfriend bought for me. After that I watched some youtubes and started trying to learn japanese again.

The thing is that nihilism is the only truth in the world and it's hard to get motivated in a world where nothing matters. So you have to put that aside for a second and pretend that things actually matter. Who knows you might fool yourself well enough to get some things really done.

>> No.9047245

That's some determination, I applaud you.

>> No.9047248


that's a bit over the top, best to bring one thing in at a time. Well what I mean is everyone has there own pace that might work for you but it seems way too hasty.

>> No.9047250

>The thing is that nihilism is the only truth in the world and it's hard to get motivated in a world where nothing matters.

Sometimes I wish I was an idiot and had never realized things like that.

>> No.9047256

Reading your routine reminds how much I miss having all day free to do what I want.

>> No.9047259


>The thing is that nihilism is the only truth in the world and it's hard to get motivated in a world where nothing matters.

Things matter if you want them to matter though. There may be no objective meaning to life, but if you enjoy something then that matters.

Nihilism has given me a lot of motivation. I just stopped doing all of the things that weren't making me happy and started doing all of the things that do make me happy.

>> No.9047265


I want whatever drugs you are on.

>> No.9047269


>>The thing is that nihilism is the only truth in the world and it's hard to get motivated in a world where nothing matters.


Every single thing you enjoy matters to you somewhat, if nothing mattered to you, then you would be dead from starvation/dehydration after doing nothing but staring blankly at nothing.


>> No.9047275

So you've been working on tulpa for 4 months? I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but I would love to hear about your progress.

>> No.9047281

Reading celine if you haven't always psyched me up. There is probably room in the world for some self actualized nihilist.
Eh I don't even know if I care if I'm happy or not at this point.
oh fuck you, nihilism doesn't make you some suicidal psychopath. A meaningless existence is obvious superior to being nothing(more nothing than i already am I mean).

>> No.9047294


I probably would have made more progress if I dedicated more time to my tulpa, I only do an hour a day, but so far I can have back and forth conversations inside of my mind. I can't hear or see her, but I can talk to her inside of my mind and get actual responses.

>> No.9047296

Instinct. If I don't eat, I start feeling worse.
When I, or the anon you're quoting, say "nothing matters", we're not including instinct.
The fact that my animal needs are still there is not worth to be taken into account when most things above that do not matter anymore.

>> No.9047299


So grimdark edgy.

If nothing matters to you, then why does my post matter enough for you to respond? If nothing mattered, why would you FEEL bad if moot deleted /jp/?


Face it, you feel feels and they matter to you.

>> No.9047302

So you're a coward and an animal? I always knew nihilism was a joke.

>> No.9047305

>Reading celine

what is this?

>> No.9047313

Are you lonely or miserable? I've been told that I can't get it to work because I'm not lonely enough for it or something.

>> No.9047320

I forgot to add examples.
When you get a life sentence, you think "My life is finished". The fact that your biological functions will keep going is almost irrelevant.
You wouldn't think of butting in and saying "Bullshit, you will keep living", right?

>> No.9047322

I've eaten one real meal in fifteen days.

I sleep almost sixteen hours a day.

I don't brush my teeth.

I've washed once in these fifteen days.

I've left my apartment twice.

I like this post.
It's nice when there are people on /jp/ who aren't rotten to the bone.

>> No.9047324

Thanks. I think I'm going to give it a try myself. I just hope I don't waste my time.

>> No.9047330
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actually i barely ever post here and just saw the topic and decided to post. Since I literally have done nothing for the last three weeks and I have no desire to do anything with my life whatsoever.

Then I saw your response and responded because it's polite to further explain myself. Maybe things actually matter and I can't see it, but even if my entire personal philosophy was endlessly wrong and totally fallacious I wouldn't care.
well of course it is, it's just not as big of a joke as life
Celine is a really great Author who wrote a lot of books.

>> No.9047337

>Celine is a really great Author who wrote a lot of books.

I will look him up, thanks.

>> No.9047340

I'd start laughing at you but I think you'd misunderstand.

>> No.9047342


I am pretty lonely. I've made peace with it a long time ago and I don't mind being alone, but I suppose the isolation does fuel me to practice with my tulpa every day. I don't see why you would need to be lonely to make a tulpa, but I'm sure it helps.

I think it's mostly just about regularly doing it every day, rather than just sporadically throughout the month like a lot of people seem to do.

>> No.9047353
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>> No.9047361

as long as someone is enjoying things I guess somehow meaning is magically reintroduced into the universe?

>> No.9047362

>I can have back and forth conversations inside of my mind. I can't hear or see her, but I can talk to her inside of my mind and get actual responses.

I've been doing this sort of thing for years. Though I can "see" my imaginary friend in my mind and she has a voice. I've never really liked the whole Tulpa thing very much. It always felt almost exactly the same as my "imaginary friend" except needlessly more complicated.

If anyone wants something "similar" to a tulpa without so many months of meditating, you might go look around on old bullshit sites like Psipog and read up on how to "communicate with your subconscious". Though those idiots focus on using it for bullshit "psychic abilities", having an internal voice to talk with is always nice.

>> No.9047375

You can't ``reintroduce'' something if it never existed, which means you're now a bad nihilist.

>> No.9047384

Your post makes no sense and you know it.
Please, kindly remove yourself from /jp/.

>> No.9047386

I've never understood what people mean by "see" in their mind.

Whether I'm missing something or if it's just that the terminology isn't proper, I don't really know.

>> No.9047391

If you're still here, I'm going through that "Think like a Computer Scientist" book, and I'm a little stuck. I'm on the modules chapter, and the line wn.mainloop() is giving me the error AttributeError: '_Screen' object has no attribute 'mainloop'. Do you know what the problem is?

>> No.9047396

I don't think I will ever be able to make an effective tulpa because the only way I can make up new people is in 2D

>> No.9047398

A nihilist believes there is no meaning in anything, and you said ``reintroduce'' meaning, which requires that there was at some point a meaning. Which means you fucked up with your own philosophy.

>> No.9047399


It's like you can see it, but you can't see it.

It's difficult to put into words. Imagine a gigantic penis slowly floating through the sky as a field of cows graze below. You can "see" it, but you can't really see it. It's more of a mental image.

>> No.9047404

oh well *introduce, whatever happy now?

>> No.9047410

More than you.

>> No.9047411

Not that guy but I always had trouble with seeing mental images. I remember when some sheet of paper told me to imagine a cube in my mind and I just couldn't.

>> No.9047418

This is pretty much what I was getting at, yeah.

>> No.9047416

not being able to visioning things is a sign you are autismal

>> No.9047417

But when I read about tulpas here on jp before, they talked about vivid hallucinations. I want them!

>> No.9047424

1- I didn't write that post.
2- A "philosophy" is not a Wikipedia article. You can't "fuck up with your own philosophy" by using a word.
3- You know what you're posting is stupid. Please, kindly remove yourself from /jp/.

>> No.9047420

But I'm not autistic.

>> No.9047422

well then cheers
The show is over. The audience get up to leave their steas. Time to collect their coats and go home. They turn round... No more coats and no more home.

>> No.9047423

i've been there, my friends. i used to be an worthless prick like you, but then i took an arro.. no srsly. i started to think that nothing really mattered at all. but then i asked myself why people are out there living their lives, and i realized that it wasn't because they had a big objective in life or anything like that. they just wanted to feel pleasure. how? feeling superior to other people, having sex, dates, childrem, causing pain or pleasure to others, owning stuff, playing games, sports, watching tv shows, doing art, expressing themselves.
but i still couldn't feel motivated just by pleasure, or happyness, because i knew i couldn't ever be happy.
but then it hits me: i realized that objectives do not exist, nor they are imposed to anyone. people give themselves objectives. that means that any behavioural rule, like morals, ethics or what you have to do with your life, like trying to be rich, trying to get a girlfriend, trying to reach nirvana or trying to get friends are all made up bullshit invented by humans. so i realized that I DIDNT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL.
nobody has to do anything at all. there might be consequences. but so what? you don't eat, you die. life is meanless anyway. i don't work, i don't get money, i live on the streets. so what? i don't care about anything.
since then, i stoped feeling obligated to do what i HAVE to do, and when you feel like you DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING, you start to do what you WANT and not what you HAVE to do.
i dunno if i makes sense, but i changed to a weak ass lifeless faggot and i gained 14kg of lean mass, got my ass into an university and started going to parties and fucking bitches. i also invented an extremely hard and unlikely goal for my life and i'm doing everything to accomplish that. if you are curious enough i may talk about it but that's an whole different story.

>> No.9047430

I once got myself to dream while seeing. It was pretty bizarre, I could see and hear the dream, but if I moved my eyes, it would break out but continued hearing. If I stopped moving I would return.

>> No.9047426

Tulpae are an elaborate troll, don't get your hopes up.

>> No.9047433

I figured I'd correct this one before it proves nihilism to be untenable.
let me say i'm sorry for making this guy post this stupid shit

>> No.9047444


Apparently you can, I haven't experienced it myself though. It's the highest level of tulpa evolution.

>> No.9047450


>> No.9047452


>> No.9047457

I'm fairly sure I am not but not certain enough to put it to the test.

>> No.9047465

This happens to me all the time. I'm not sure what causes it. Probably hallucination due to malnutrition and unhealthy sleep habits.

>> No.9047554

Anyone want to make a life pact?
In that we would try to improve our live together in ways such as getting fit, studying science, drawing, programing etc.

I figure if two people rely on each other and share their experience then they would have an extra incentive in the form of not being alone at whatever they are doing.

email in the email field etc.

>> No.9047563

Sounds like a good idea, but I don't trust anyone here so I'll pass

>> No.9047572

I made the mistake of exchanging emails with Anonymous once.

Never again.

>> No.9047583

truNEETs take it easy.

>> No.9047582

What happened?

>> No.9047595



>> No.9047601


That's gay, how about a suicide pact?

>> No.9047609

We couldn't really understand each other. Paranoia and social anxiety made it too difficult for me to respond to his emails, and I found him to be too pushy and needy. I ended up never logging back into that email account.

>> No.9047616

I've added anons and tripfags before but we never talk to eachother after the first 2-3 times.

>> No.9047618
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>and I found him to be too pushy and needy.

>> No.9047619

Well the idea is based on a suicide pact.
I figure if it really doesn't work out (the self improvement bit) we could set a timer for when we would kill ourselves.

>> No.9047626

>and I found him to be too pushy and needy
He just wanted someone to talk to.

>> No.9047629

I know. I sort of feel like I ought to feel guilty about that, but I just don't know how to deal with people.

>> No.9047633

This is why I avoid /jp/ outside /jp/, everyone here is fucking needy.
I can't take it.

>> No.9047646

I didn't mean it quite like that. I just don't know how to respond when people come off too strongly.

>> No.9047688

Maybe you should fucking learn.

>> No.9047691

Hey hey, take it easy.

>> No.9047712

Don't tell me what to do, faggot.

>> No.9047726

It's so frustrating.

All my life, trying different things, even sometimes having fun with them, and yet, zero progress.

I think the thing that made me the way I am today, that is, a person with zero motivation, is because I was disappointed with my lack of progress when everyone around me was getting to places in the same time or less. You don't even know how heartbreaking this lifelong pattern is.

This is why I just numb myself. When I see threads like this, I cry, but I don't see them on most days, and those days are bearable, somewhat.

Needless to say, if you're going to start comparing yourself to others, you're throwing yourself into a very deep hole that will be nearly impossible to climb out of. Don't do it.

>> No.9047732

>break my sink

Nigga do you piss lead or something?

>> No.9047737

>All my life, trying different things, even sometimes having fun with them, and yet, zero progress.

I did the same. I could never find something that really fulfilled me so I just switched around. Threw myself into many different things and now I have nothing. I don't like anything /jp/-related anymore but I still come here because its familiar.

>> No.9047740
File: 15 KB, 512x384, 1275472687306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here
I thought I overcame my nihilism
and I did
time to live the life to the fullest, right anon!? Time to live while you live even if it's worthless, k?

except, despite months of trying different things, nothing brings me as much joy as it used to have
and most of the "joy" is forced

>> No.9047754

Just don't think. Jump into it. It's sometimes the only way. Because whenever I stop to think, I think things like "Why bother? I won't be any good at it anyways" Just jump in, and hold on. Don't overthink it.

>> No.9047758

how 2 turn brain off

>> No.9047759


>> No.9047763

I've been overthinking my entire life, it's hard to stop

>> No.9047767

But I don't want to kill myself. Not yet anyway.

>> No.9047778

Yes, that's the biggest problem, at least for me. I don't know, you just have to try.
For example, I was going to some store for some errands, when I noticed some sort of side road that looked interesting. Without thinking, I turned right, and went on that road, which led to a wonderful little river and park that was completely secluded. I don't think I would have ever discovered it if I hadn't just done it on a whim. But it's still hard to do. Just trust your gut. It's better than to end up regretting not doing it at all. After a while you get better at it.

>> No.9047788

So the best way to stop thinking is to stop thinking. Got it, thanks.

>> No.9047789

I tried doing this, "thinking without verbalizing my thoughts" I called it.
It doesn't work.

>> No.9047792
File: 35 KB, 400x240, leatherface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking unknown back roads might turn out badly.

>> No.9047801

Not exactly leatherface, but getting murdered and gangraped in unknown back roads is a real danger here

>> No.9047805

You don't start new hobbies for the sake of starting new hobbies. Just do what you enjoy. There are endless amounts of otaku related media which you haven't looked at yet.

>> No.9047810

Yeah, sorry, but I honestly don't know how else to explain it. Just do it, and don't overthink it. I always felt like thinking things out is the wisest course of action, but it always just ends up making me depressed.

There was nothing to it. I saw it, I liked it, and I went in. The only thought that ran through my mind was "I'm going in there" I guess the thing you should do is to not try to rationalize it? That doesn't sound very good though. I don't know. Don't over think.

>> No.9047819

I hear people saying that you should just push yourself to do things, but I feel I can't, people tell me it's just me not wanting to do it, but I feel as if it's not just me who is not wanting to do it, but it's just my body which can't summon the effort to get up and do things like going outside, or trying to learn something. I just can't seem to find anything but a few things interesting, so I mostly spend my time on the internet doing nothing.

>> No.9047820

Thank you for maintaining your composure in the face of my ignorant post. I understand what you are trying to say.

Doing is much different from understanding, though.

>> No.9047822

Brainless Idiots live the happiest lifes.

>> No.9047827

Ironically true.

It's a bit upsetting.

>> No.9047828
File: 254 KB, 1500x1500, 1336906837633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try overcoming a challenge that actually requires thinking from you, anon
try solving a math problem with this approach

>> No.9047835

hello koishi

>> No.9047842

Why do people say their nihilism doesn't allow them to enjoy things?
That's a non sequitur.

You are a nihilist and you are depressed.
Nihilism means ultimate freedom, you have no goal you have to reach, no path you must not stray from.
Do what makes you happy.
How is that depressing?
I think you are just trying to find rational reasons for your anhedonia.
Well, look elsewhere. Your nihilism might be a symptom or not, but it certainly is not a cause.

>> No.9047841

Who the fuck cares about math?

>> No.9047849

lol if u love maths so much y dont u go 2 marry it LMAO

>> No.9047850

that's not my point, retard

with this approach you're going to epic fail at everything that requires using your brain

>> No.9047856

Boy do I know what you mean. Easier said than done, and so on. But you gotta try anyways I guess.

Yes, oddly enough. Sometimes I wish I was able to simply go through life like that. The bad thing about being alone is that you're alone with your thoughts.

Eh, that's kinda different from just trying something new, like going to explore some new place. Although, I have had times when I've overthought a math problem, and ended up getting it wrong because I made it more complicated than it should be. Or I'm just bad at math.

>> No.9047857

I am not an engineer. I do not find doing math problems entertaining.

>> No.9047858

I started emailing someone who left /jp/.

We conversed some and then I put off the next reply for half a year. We stopped talking after that.

>> No.9047859

no goal to reach and no path is death

>> No.9047868

I'm stupid and unhappy. I even find it hard to concentrate for more than a few minutes.
I also shy away from anything that could be a mental challenge because I hate being reminded of my relatively low intelligence.

If I were smarter, I would have less reason feel like shit.

>> No.9047869
File: 26 KB, 267x410, faceit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if doing nothing is what you love, then follow your dreams

>> No.9047873

That doesn't make sense.
It's barely a statement, let alone an opinion.

>> No.9047875

who the fuck cares, nerd?
most problems faced by people on /j/p can be dealt in a purely instinctual manner, overthinking is what causes you faggots to be the faggots you are

>> No.9047882

you're wrong

>> No.9047879

no money no taking it easy, no job no money
I'm too crazy to be able to function in society, but not crazy enough to get autism money.

>> No.9047880

nihilism is one of those things that is too discrete for most people, especially the type of people who are against nihilism, whatever that means

>> No.9047884

I remember there was this one phenomenon or whatever you want to call it, where ignorant people were very confident, and more intelligent people tend to have very low self esteem.

I have trouble focusing too sometimes, but if I find something interesting, I'll read about it for hours. Wikipedia can be fun because of that. But if something can't keep your interest, then perhaps it's not for you? Just do what you like.

>> No.9047885

no UR wrong

>> No.9047889

no u

>> No.9047893

are you on good terms with your parents? Move back in.

>> No.9047894

FUCK my cock dudes

>> No.9047898

But I'm interested, I just have no energy or ambition beyond learning. And because of my stupidity I can't even understand things or concentrate on something.
It's very frustrating. I'm too inept to do the only semi-productive thing I would want to do.

>> No.9047906

kill yourself then

>> No.9047907

I don't have enabling parents. They would force me to look for jobs and work and/or get treatment for my mental deficiencies.
I don't think there's a cure for laziness and lack of ambition, and it would be hell.
Maybe I should just kill myself, but I don't have the guts to do it.

>> No.9047912
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1336091953168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel that these kind of thread are full of normalfags telling us in round about manner to go out, socialize and be normal rather than /jp/sies discussing how to take it easy. Half of these threads are probably started by them, too.

>> No.9047915

Being stupid, ugly, having no self esteem or confidence is really the worst thing ever. I'm good in no areas at all, yet I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself.

>> No.9047917

so you're one of these self-hating good for nothing NEETs?

omg leave /jp/ already we have enough of your kind

>> No.9047922

I thought this was a place for good for nothing NEETs?

>> No.9047923

aunts? uncles? I mean I worked for awhile, it's awful. Though if you can get something part time and live with your parents you can do pretty well. Pay them rent who cares. You could always say you're going back to school that would net you a few extra years.

>> No.9047925

No, it's for normal people to laugh at your pathetic kind.

>> No.9047926

I'm afraid I know how you feel. There are things I can't wrap my mind around, and it frustrates me. I think I have it, but then I realize I have no idea.
I like photography, I really do. And I could talk to you all day about different facts about cameras, how they function, composition, what makes a picture good, how to make it better, blah blah. And yet, when I go out to take a picture, they all come out awful, it just makes me want to give up, even though it's one of my favorite things in the world.

>> No.9047929

>discussing how to take it easy

you mean bitching and moaning

>> No.9047935

No, everyone in my family has a proper work ethic and wouldn't mindlessly support me doing nothing.

>> No.9047931

no, you fucking idiot
there are awesome NEET who have no regrets
and there are emo faggots like yourself

>> No.9047932

Not if all you're going to do is whine about it.

If you want to blog about how sad your life is try /r9k/, you'll probably like the company there. They might even try to help you out.

>> No.9047940

>for NEETs

No, there you just get girls who call you a beta and how pathetic you are and how you are 700lbs with a small dick for not liking feminism.

>> No.9047947

Don't compare us truNEETs with your pathetic kind. We are proud of what we are.

>> No.9047948

Just like all of you, except I am a millionaire thanks to inheritance. Even rich people have this problem, don't worry.

The only difference is that I don't have to worry about working, ever.

>> No.9047952


>> No.9047955


The sad thing is you're not really exaggerating, genuine feminists have moved into /r9k/ and /adv/, along with a few other boards, disgusting really, those boards had alot of potential.

I'm not implying feminism is what killed them, but it's just a great example of a piece to it.

>> No.9047953

I just stepped in for a look at the thread on top was "how do I make friends" and everybody was taking it seriously. /r9k/ is all betas anyway.

>> No.9047962

>"how do I make friends"

There was a very similar thread here on /jp/ not too long ago

>> No.9047963

The fuck, my only problem is that I have no income, I'm as asocial and immoral as the next trueNEET.

>> No.9047980
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I think about killing slav pigs. that's how i keep my sanity intact.

>> No.9047973

well, aren't you a dark little star in the nightsky

>> No.9047974

If you're a truNEET, you have absolutely zero desire for relationships of any kind. With time, you numb yourself, and all that conditioned need to "love" someone else dissipates. Just the thought of being with someone else is pretty disgusting and really unnecessary.

>> No.9047975
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>> No.9047977

you don't know what NEET means, you are not from /jp/ and you should give up and depart already since you don't belong here

>> No.9047988
File: 46 KB, 640x480, phoca_thumb_l_expoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop going on /jp/ for starters. Communication with anonymous strangers isn't very good for you.

>> No.9047995

fuck germand poland wil rise again slava

>> No.9048014
File: 108 KB, 533x770, Nazi_poster_Teutonic_Knights_(1920).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eat shit.

>> No.9048018

germany a shit

>> No.9048032

>How do you find the motivation to do things, /jp/?

Literally, caffeine and energy shots.

I feel like complete shit until I've had coffee and a shot and then I feel marginally better for maybe 2-3 hours, sometimes longer if I'm doing stuff I want to be doing.

>> No.9048040
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say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens.

>> No.9048054

germans gay

>> No.9048077
File: 40 KB, 139x107, 4123111144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you such an idiot? You jaundiced jumped up, vercordiously pusillanimous piffle. Your vileseome existence nauseates me beyond compare. It is politically correct when discussing your faults to use certain words to denote your humanness above your disability. But in your case, there is nothing human. You are just challenged, you are just different. Given a choice of stepping in something nasty on the sidewalk, or bidding you good morning, I would happily choose the former. Single-handedly, you have wrenched all meaning out of life. Congratulations. As I write this I try vainly to think of something, anything, which redeems in some small way your utterly pointless existence. The only thing that comes to mind is that you have taught me hate. Pure, unmitigated hate. I have had fantasies about attacking you with a machete, but I dare not. I once cut up a starfish, which was so neurologically simple that each piece grew into a clone of the original. Your coleopteron brain no doubt shares certain appalling similarities with such creatures. You, misguided as you are, might be asking yourself what you have done to deserve such a letter as this. Your misdeeds and villainous vampings can be described in just two words: you exist. And believe me, there is no reason on earth why you should. How do you justify to yourself waking up each morning and ruining yet another day? If everything in this world has some purpose, some grand plan behind its existence, then yours surely is to show everything else, whether it be a slops bucket in a fried chicken stand, or the gunk behind the fridge, how fortunate it is not to be you. I have tried, but clearly, I have failed. I must stand firm to the realisation that mere words cannot express my utmost and profound contempt and loathing for your person, your being and your existence. You are a blight against nature.

>> No.9048092

turkey was here germans are fagits

>> No.9048093

I have this problem too. Someone else mentioned just doing what makes them happy, but for me, doing nothing makes me happy...not sure how I'm supposed to live like this. I'm scared if I tell my psychiatrist, then he'll want to hospitalize me. I don't want to take tons of drugs and get high on other people's bullshit.

>> No.9048095

germans a bad speech and angry all da time

>> No.9048107
File: 24 KB, 139x62, 211312314124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Learn how to write, ya faggot slav pig.

>> No.9048118

I just finished cleaning my room! It wasn't so bad as I thought.

>> No.9048126

Support me. I'll let you suck my cock.

>> No.9048130

Yeah but Germans can't clean shit because they are DIRTY!

>> No.9048154

germany status=
not owned [ ]
owned hard [x]

>> No.9048250

That's tough man, it's hard to slide by. You might want to look into working for small businesses or various people who are too stupid to tell you're doing a bad job.

I'm sure you could get some part time shit if you look hard enough.

>> No.9048276

I almost got sucked into starting one of those bullshit vocational schools this month, but backed out at the last minute (I had been wondering about maybe going back to school when I got fired from the job I had 3 years, and because I suck at interaction, I let the recruiter (saleslady) talk me into it). I don't want to go into debt again; I'm still paying off school from a few years ago when I dropped.
But I've been NEETing it up for about three or four months now, and what really made the decision for me was when I went to orientation and felt like I was going to die. I don't want to be around people. I don't want to go into a shit-ton of debt. I just want to take it easy and buy some figs and drink tea.
Unemployment will work for now, but I'm not sure what I'll do when that runs out. I might be autismal enough to get bucks for it, but I have no idea how to go about that.
How to be NEET forever and ever, /jp/?

>> No.9048292

>computer science

Most community colleges have Intro to Programming and Algorithms in the US. They good typically teach Python, the rest teach Java. They're both great languages to pick up, because they're easy to learn.

If you've a poor neet, chances are you qualify for need based grants and you can go to college for free or very very cheap. It's easy to make something of yourself.

IT jobs are always in demand. Everyone needs an IT guy. Everyone. Schools, offices, cafes, colleges, universities, hospitals, police stations, every single business larger than a mom and pop shop, basically.

>> No.9048323

No dumbshit. This place is not for pathetic falseNEETs bitching about his sad life like you. Fuck off back to /adv/ and /r9k/.
This is the place for truNEETs and dragons alike.

>> No.9048337

You are delusional.
I didn't bitch about being a NEET. I bitched because I cannot continue being a NEET.
You crazy people just jumped at me for no reason.

>> No.9048414

Rob a store or something, not like you have anything to lose. Death is better than a life of working a dead end job.

>> No.9048425

He doesn't have to work a dead end job, though.

I feel for you guys sometimes. I totally understand how you feel but "take it easy" doesn't mean "resign yourself to a meaningless existence."

>> No.9048458
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>> No.9048465

Is this for real? Are you serious? I think this is the very first time I've read a single post and immediately known without a shadow of a doubt that it's author was autistic.

Saved so I can show it to other people and we can laugh at you. You made my day.

>> No.9048539

it's like you're askin for the fountain of youth. If we knew how to be an infineet we'd tell you man.

>> No.9048547

The keepers of the key to eternal youth will only give their secrets to those who prove that they are lazy pieces of shit that will never abuse their power on account of how they are too lazy to go out and abuse it.

>> No.9048572

it is very old. ancient even. no he did not write it.

>> No.9048605
File: 37 KB, 278x278, 1336973340720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-okay...thanks for responding, guys.

>> No.9048655

So...is there a pastebin with some forex info? What does one do to get started in that sort of thing?
I saw someone a while back post a link to a forex practice 'game' but I didn't bookmark it, so if you have it, please post.

>> No.9048911


Any decent broker offers an unlimited demo account. Start with that.

>> No.9048913

1) Born rich
2) Won the Lottery
3) Retired around age 60+ with pension
4) Huge inheritance from deceased relative
6) Government handout - Unemployment insurance/autismbuck/disable

If you arent born rich tough luck.
Go to step3 or step6. Or you can be a part time NEET.
Work for 3months, NEET for 3months and then repeat.

>> No.9048921

Oopps mMissed #5
5) Married to rich fat dude/sjcking dicks

>> No.9049678

Do an online course at Open University. Don't have to meet people.

Or, if you want less responsibility, do one of those online MIT courses; you don't get anything for doing them, as they're largely self-study, but you'll still be gaining skills.

Also, if it makes you feel better, the only reply I got was that boner picture.
I don't know how I feel about that.

>> No.9049688

But what to study? I already have a vocational school certification in computer repair, but no one wants to hire me because I'm female and under 30. All of the jobs I am able to get involve working with people. I'd love to just take it easy in a server room all day, but I don't know how to get a job like that. Maybe I should go into programming?

>> No.9049694
File: 82 KB, 480x540, my friends are here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, that sucks about the boner picture. Sorry, bro.

>> No.9049794

There's a course on the MIT site for programming with Python. Maybe go through that?

If you have some experience with that kinda thing, you might be able to go through it pretty quickly, then take a fancier course at Open University with the skills you've gleaned from it.

Employers like fancy pieces of paper.

Also, another option is Udacity.
The idea is that university education should be available to everyone, everywhere, for free. It's an actual course you follow along with, online, for free.
You get a certificate at the end which doesn't REALLY have any weight to it, but you can bluff it up in an interview, that learning online helped introduce you to new concepts that you wouldn't get in a classroom, and really gelled well with the course material. You also got to converse with students across the globe, which you would never have been able to in a usual course.
You can also go on about how being able to do it in your own time really worked well for your desire to self-improve.

It doesn't matter if it's all bullshit, they don't fucking care; all that matters is that you can play the part for 20-30 minutes.

Udacity does programming courses too, so check it out? I dunno.
Again, no pressure with that one as well.

>> No.9049808
File: 498 KB, 600x614, Kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the only reply I got was that boner picture.

That was me.

>> No.9049811

Do they have one for Java?

>> No.9049833

Jump on the android and ios bandwagon.
You can be the next angry bird.
Imagine all the flash touhou that you can port.
hopten, that sanae zombie game, sakuya run, myonthrow and etc.
free money imo.

>> No.9049837

Udacity has a course where you build a web browser, teaching you HTML and Java. It recommends you have basic programming knowledge first though, comparable to their CS 101 course (Python).

I don't know whether I should be happy or not that the thought of a pathetic mess of a man would elicit that pic.
I'll try to look on the bright side.

>> No.9049848


>pathetic mess of a man

Sorry, I'm a little girl, no clue what your talking about. You just sounded so cute though, all dirty and malnourished.

>> No.9049867

Also, there are Stanford lectures up on Youtube where their programming course tackles Java.

Which gave the little girl a boner?
Now I see.

>> No.9049865

Stay in denial faggot. You ll never be a girl.
And neither will I.

>> No.9049881
File: 89 KB, 500x366, Imagine that, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9050021

>2. Meditate in the shower until 7:00AM.
Ok, you've had your fun. Time to give me your life now.

>> No.9050039
File: 680 KB, 612x457, 1336015529224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectual faggit here, Nihilists fall into three categories:

- Edgy grim teenagers who misunderstand the entire concept completely
- The religious that have personally suffered from the death of a god and gone in the complete opposite direction in their woe
- People that will eventually realize the idea of Nihilism is flawed completely and defect to existentialism

Nihilism is a temporary stage. Nobody is a pure Nihilist, and if you find yourself even giving subjective meaning or values to things you have unintentionally become an existentialist already. In that case, please do not refer to yourselves as Nihilists. It's distressing ;_;

Nokosage because I'm a faggot

>> No.9050043

Here's my secret to actually get things done; go full autism. Force yourself to do only one thing at once. Focus every single waking hour on wathever you want to accomplish, disregard everything else. One task at a time. You can't "check /jp/ for 5 minutes for a little break", or "continue tomorrow". You're only allowed to sleep and eat. Set goals like this that last at least a week.

>> No.9050360

>I'd love to just take it easy in a server room all day
>Maybe I should go into programming?
If you really want to take it easy, then programming is not for you.

Oh what the hell, you wouldn't be able to take it easy in the server room even. The only time you would need to be in there is to hook up a crash cart to a box that REALLY NEEDS TO BE UP RIGHT NOW AND IT'S FAILED HARD FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT.

IT and taking it easy do not go hand in hand. Unless you do IT for grandma's flower store.

>> No.9050369


Existentialism is the only pure form of thought.

>> No.9050373

Or if you know your shit and have some underlings who do the worst shit.

>> No.9050386

Then you're working with people, which isn't what >>9049688 wants.

>> No.9050391


Don't listen to this guy. When you're a programmer or sysop or anything like that, your days consist of sitting on your ass F5ing websites and talking on IRC. If you know what you're doing there shouldn't be any problems, and if and when they arise they are usually simple.

>> No.9050410

I have half the mind to read through this entire thread just to see if it's worth it. To be safe, is it worth reading?

Totally made this my wallpaper.

>> No.9050479
File: 246 KB, 709x520, 1322863057251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also don't be to hard on yourselves. Let change take some time and enjoy the ride. Take it easy.

>> No.9050751

Has anyone actually listened through the whole thing? Any good?

Your man sounds like a snake oil salesman.

Thanks for the kind words though.

>> No.9050774

I'm 30 minutes in and from my experience with a high number of social-help, life improvement and biology books a lot of this could actually work.

Ignore the advices about finding people to share your motivation with and stuff like that though, never works.

>> No.9050796

Also I'm taking notes. They are made for me personally but I could share them later.

>> No.9050805

That'd be sweet, thanks.

Will be giving it a listen so.

>> No.9050807
File: 27 KB, 384x500, psy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're delving into self-help territory.


They have a bunch of articles on this. I also recommend 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot and Psychology Applied to Modern Life (it's a textbook, so it's long and expensive in dead tree form).

Don't fall into the self-help trap, /jp/. It's mostly as bunk as the non-"but just in case" part of your brain knows it is.

>> No.9050844

Also realize that most self help books just write things so they sound good on paper. If you have read like 5 books you probably know as much as the author of your 6th book.

>> No.9050869

My motivation is to open portal to Gensokyo. It's my first thought when I wake up and last one, before I go sleep.

>> No.9050880

Good, please share what you have tried so far. Must be a lot if you have that much motivation.

>> No.9050935

I have tried few things like exit bag, pills, jumping, starvation and dehydration and few other strange things.

>> No.9050940

Fuck you, if you had you wouldn't be here. Stop lying.
HURR DURR master troll.

>> No.9050984

I'm really honest. I feel terrible for failing.

>> No.9050998

Can't you jump from anywhere? Shouldn't take much if you really want it.

>> No.9051063

I would like to try something fail-safe.

>> No.9051092

Just make sure you land with your head first. I guarantee you will die.

>> No.9051182

Here it is.
The audiobook was good but he starts to slur at the end and sounds drunk.
May have some errors. Have fun.
And for everybody else I recommend you to listen through it. Much more motivating then text.

>> No.9051330

Thanks a bunch.

He kinda sounded funny to start with; it's nice to know he devolves further as it goes on.

>> No.9051347

You obviously didn't, since they didn't work.
Do the helium properly next time.

And how do you fuck up falling from a building?

>> No.9055854


Why does he sound drunk?

>> No.9055868

If you guys want a pretty sure and painless way to die, try Insulin (something like Lantus brand). Inject this (I'd get at least 800 units plus) into your veins. As your sugar levels go all crazy and your body starts wondering what to do, you drift off into death.

The only part of it that hurts is giving a needle but you can just bite your tounge. It can be a little uncomfortable once it's in you and you realize you'll soon be dead but it's not going to hurt or anything.

>> No.9055874

I assembled my server earlier today and now I'm going to install the OS and try to figure out what to do with it and how.

It feels pretty damn good to actually do something once in a while.

>> No.9055891


>> No.9055945


>> No.9055948


Kill you're self.

>> No.9055969

My hobbies are mostly reading, building electronics, hacking away at BSD or Linux systems, or the visual arts.

The motivation to do any of these seems to come in phases that I can't control, so the urge to do things is quite dependent on circumstance. I can go a couple weeks strictly reading books, or some painting, or some just doing nothing but sitting around. It varies a lot.

>> No.9056037


>hacking away at BSD or Linux systems

is this TERRORISM?

>> No.9056044

Intel Celeron G530 2.4 GHz (socket 1355)
8 GB 1066 MHz
1.5 TB WD Green
380 W Antec EarthWatt
Gigabyte H61MA-D3V

>> No.9056045

watch out guys we got a l33t h4x0r here
please don't hack my computer

>> No.9056063


Way to be a moron.

Hacking doesn't refer to cracking someones root pass and messing their computer up, I don't really know where people started to confuse that term...

Hacking refers to taking your own computer software or hardware and altering it to do things it was never intended to do.

>> No.9056068

Last week I turned a full inch to the left.
This week I'll manage another to the right.
The this time next year I might be able to finally nudge myself to the floor.

Where I'll go from there remains unknown, but I'll finally be free to do whatever I want.
After such a work out, I'll probably just go back to bed

>> No.9056070

Who let these /v/ kids in?

>> No.9056092

Learn programming with me, /jp/. This online class just started yesterday. Videos will be posted twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday, and projects and tests will be emailed out periodically. Course runs for 4 months for the summer.


>> No.9056109

They're not the ones pretending to be Neo.

>> No.9056293




>> No.9056447

How many hours should be allocated for it a week?

Kinda busy failing university for the next two months.

>> No.9057764

i dont really
