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9044662 No.9044662 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Pearl Harbor.

>> No.9044664


twas only a matter of time before stormfrotn brought that up.

>> No.9044666
File: 153 KB, 552x360, amuroevolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the white devil

>> No.9044673
File: 69 KB, 852x480, unicorn5_psn_480p.mp4_snapshot_48.12_[2012.05.20_04.15.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9044674

In late 1920, after the Bolsheviks won the Civil War and before the Eighth and Ninth Congress of Soviets, the Communist Party had a heated and increasingly acrimonious debate over the role of trade unions in the Soviet state. The discussion split the party into many "platforms" (factions), including Lenin's, Trotsky's and Bukharin's; Bukharin eventually merged his with Trotsky's. Smaller, more radical factions like the Workers' Opposition (headed by Alexander Shlyapnikov) and the Group of Democratic Centralism were particularly active.
Trotsky's position formed while he led a special commission on the Soviet transportation system, Tsektran. He was appointed there to rebuild the rail system ruined by the Civil War. Being the Commissar of War and a revolutionary military leader, he saw a need to create a militarized "production atmosphere" by incorporating trade unions directly into the State apparatus. His unyielding stance was that in a worker's state the workers should have nothing to fear from the state, and the State should fully control the unions. In the Ninth Party Congress he argued for "such a regime under which each worker feels himself to be a soldier of labor who cannot freely dispose of himself; if he is ordered transferred, he must execute that order; if he does not do so, he will be a deserter who should be punished. Who will execute this? The trade union. It will create a new regime. That is the militarization of the working class."[citation needed]

>> No.9044679

Is that a genuine AW Mann comic?

>> No.9044685
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>> No.9044686
File: 60 KB, 500x429, 1231866235721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9044673 unicrap
I'd rather watch something good and manly like Zeta Gundam

>> No.9044689



bitch tears everywhere
girls name


8th Ms team called Zeta a shit

>> No.9044698

Lenin sharply criticised Trotsky and accused him of "bureaucratically nagging the trade unions" and of staging "factional attacks". His view did not focus on State control as much as the concern that a new relationship was needed between the State and the rank-and-file workers. He said, "Introduction of genuine labor discipline is conceived only if the whole mass of participants in productions take a conscious part in the fulfillment of these tasks. This cannot be achieved by bureaucratic methods and orders from above." This was a debate that Lenin thought the party could not afford. His frustration with Trotsky was used by Stalin and Zinoviev with their support for Lenin's position, to improve their standing within the Bolshevik leadership at Trotsky's expense.

>> No.9044702

If he's supposed to be exacting revenge on behalf of the Japanese, why is he wielding what appears to be a falchion?

>> No.9044706


Get a load of this nerd
