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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9034886 No.9034886 [Reply] [Original]

I only feel comfortable talking to 30+ year old women, and kids.
Anyone else, I'm terrified.
Is anyone else like this?

>> No.9034893

Life of a beta
Otherwise known as scs

>> No.9034895


>> No.9034897


Small cock syndrome

>> No.9034898

30+ year old women but not kids, I hate talking to kids.

>> No.9034899

My cock is huge tho
ask you're mom

>> No.9034900

As truNEET I'm terrified of talking to anyone.

>> No.9034904

Well, me too.
But older women and kids make me feel more comfortable.
And by kids, I mean less than 10 years old.

>> No.9034905
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If my mom was getting cock she might not be so miserable all the time

>> No.9034906

I only feel comfortable talking to middle aged or old men. Everyone else makes me nervous, and guys my age are so awkward. Seriously, every time I talk to one of you guys off of this you're all so awkward and weird.

>> No.9038426

I'm only comfortable talking with kids. What makes talking with 30+ women so comfortable for you?

>> No.9038437

Well, they are usually less retarded than 18-25 year old women for one.

>> No.9039020

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9039038
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I hate children and old women-and men. I despise the majority of old people I come across.

I don't like talking to anyone. I'm most comfortable talking to middle-aged men with moustaches and middle-aged women who move slowly.

>> No.9039051

I have the same problem. I just don't relate with anyone in my own age group. I don't really relate with older people either, but older people don't EXPECT you to relate with them. They know there's a gap, and they don't make shit awkward because of it. My best friend is actually a 39 year old teacher.

Children, on the other hand, are just hard to deal with in every way. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with children, even when they're behaving. I try to ignore them unless they're bleeding or something.

>> No.9039063

That's cool bro, I would like to shag some 30+ women if you know what I mean.

>> No.9040718

I'm comfortable talking to 40+ year old women. And 20-25 year old men.
Kids and bishoujo make me the most uncomfortable.

>> No.9042166

Why does that poor girl look like she's about to cry? did someone break up with her?

>> No.9042181

I can't talk to kids, but I'm fine with older people. Those in my own age group are terrifying too.

>> No.9042195

Old ladies bother me because they have the bad habit of wanting to know about my personal life.

Old men are easier, specially if they are those who spend all day sitting in their porch smoking homemade cigarettes. They know how to take it easy.

Kids either are annoying as hell or make me uncomfortable.

>> No.9042425

/jp/ did

>> No.9042444

I like talking to older women a lot too. Like 7 years older. I like to fantasize their my big sister. ;_;

>> No.9042450

you're just afraid of people your age

>> No.9042458

Can't stand old middle aged women, unless they're abnormal and carefree, drug users, or both.

Most middle aged guys and really old guys/women are cool as fuck. Many teenagers are cool to, it's just hard to pick them out from the psychotic freaks that love violence and being mean.

>> No.9042460

Must be why you're comfortable on /jp/

>> No.9042464

Really? You should be a psychiatrist, dude.

>> No.9042470

nah, I just, you know
stalked the op a lot

>> No.9042468
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That wasn't our fault. That scandal-digging whore Hieda tore us apart with her gossip rag.

>> No.9042473

She was afraid no one was going to respond.

>> No.9042540


>> No.9042550

I like talking to people a generation older and younger than me. I hate my generation.

>> No.9042561

It sucks being born in 2000. My generation is retarted

>> No.9042564
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>> No.9042566

It's been a long time since I've seen that face, geez.

>> No.9042575
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>> No.9042839

I'm only comfortable when talking to English people. I haven't communicated with anyone from my own country that my native language skills have turned to shit. I should probably read some literature from my own country to brush it up a little.
