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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9034785 No.9034785 [Reply] [Original]

Since I live a very sheltered life in NEETdom with my parents, I was wondering, how does one buy figs?
Like, you need a bank account or something?
Please hold my hand through this.

>> No.9034792

Get a debit card and you can also buy lewd stuff.

>> No.9034793

I don't know how people can be so clueless about simple things. I hope you never have to fend for yourself in your life.

Cash card
Bank account with a checking account/debit card
Credit card
I believe there's "Paypal cards" that let you put funds right into your Paypal, and most sites have Paypal as a form of purchase now.

>> No.9034797

I use paypal as a middle man though.
I go through sketchy sites.

One time I bought direct with debit card from a site called toys and joys, since they said they had an older akiha fig in stock.
Turns out they were a regular scam site, so I filed a report with the better business bureau and internet crime complaint center as soon as I found out.
Got my money back fast.

>> No.9034799

That's pretty bad if your parents haven't gotten you an account yet. You can go to the bank and set one up and they send you a debit card in the post, you can then pay with that card online or hook it up to a paypal account or similar service.

>> No.9034808

You need PayPal basically.

AmiAmi (who are the best figure store) will take your order and then send you an invoice when the order is ready to be shipped. You send them the money via paypal to their account, then they send you the items.

So get a paypal account somehow. I think you only need a checking account for that, which you can get for free some places.

>> No.9034814

If you assume that he's at least 18 then all he needs is an bank account and a debit card to order anything on the internet.
If he's underage then he needs to gtfo.

>> No.9034828
File: 128 KB, 749x479, sortthisfuckingshitoutmoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash card?
Checking account?
Credit Card?
Debit card?
What are these things exactly?
I am that ignorant.

>> No.9035000

>repeatedly sent incorrect verification

Is this legit?

Sometimes it gets an old one from my cache, so it often takes me a few tries to get the right one ;__;

>> No.9035008

You need a bank account for PayPal.

>> No.9035010

Yeah, it's legit, it's why I took so long to reply.

>> No.9035013

Since when?

>> No.9035016

>all he needs is an bank account and a debit card to order anything on the internet.

No, amiami only take paypal from foreigners. If you want to buy figs, then you will probably end up using amiami so it makes sense to have a paypal account. So OP should get a bank account with checking then open a paypal account.

>> No.9035022

Get checking account then link to Paypal.

You could get those GreenDot cards and deposit money into PayPal instead. But some retailers require verified accounts which means has a bank linked. Also there is a limit on how much you can buy.

>> No.9035027

What's a checking account?

>> No.9035034

Wait, not everyone above the age of 3 has a bank account these days?

I'm not trying to troll, its just a shock to me. Is this common?

>> No.9035042
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Don't feel bad, I only opened a bank account at 18 because needed to cash inheritance.

>> No.9035047

Why would you keep that much in your checking account?

Also savings give such low rates , you should open a brokerage account and invest... most have a minimum amount, but with 25k you probably have enough.

>> No.9035046

A non-interest account that gives you a debit/credit card.

>> No.9035049

I'm waiting for the rest of the money to come in before investing.

>> No.9035050

> Is this common?

In USA they used cash all the time b/c no trust of banks. Very 'redneck' to not keep money in bank, but very common! church tells them not to.

>> No.9035051

>with my parents
Get a supplementary card from your parent.
Just lie a bit, say that you want to buy books and you need a credit card for it. But with a supplementary card, they will know what you are buying so you will have to refrain from buying shameful stuff like tenga and etc.

>> No.9035053
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I actually have less money in my savings account than in my current account.

>> No.9035058

Yeah, because investing in random stocks is totally going to give you guaranteed high returns.

>> No.9035062

There's no benefit to that compared to having his own account. He's not trying to get a credit card.

>> No.9035064


>> No.9035066

Just invest in ARM or somewhere.

It's not like they're going to go DOWN

>> No.9035067

Nobody said to invest in random stocks. Picking good stocks for the long term is a good way to build wealth over time. Or if you're a pussy you can invest in bonds/CDs. Or if you got balls you can invest in Binary Options and try to make money every day, though I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.9035068

With a VISA credit card you can buy anything from everywhere with zero problem with CREDIT.
You dont have to deal with merchants not accepting debit card and PLEASE LET ME DELAY MY PAYMENT I HAVE NO MONEY NOW issue.

>> No.9035069

How does /jp/ get money for figures?

I got banned too, still waiting for my appeal to go through.
It's been 4 hours...

>> No.9035070

You don't invest in 'random' stocks. If it bothers you that much, invest in funds with a risk profile to your liking.

Equities are hardly the only thing worth investing in as well. Savings accounts give such a terrible rate these days that even if you are completely risk-adverse you would do much better with CDs or AAA corp bonds.

also gb2reddit

>> No.9035071

You're with Natwest too?

I have a 3% instant access account with them, not too bad. Still below inflation though. But it's nice because it's like a current account almost, considering I can switch money between the two instantly.

>> No.9035075

Just invest in blue chips and stocks that give dividend.
A good example of this, if you have bought facebook when it launched, it would have been better than letting it rot in fixed deposit.
There is no way that facebook will die in our life time.

>> No.9035077

Most banks give you a Visa debit card, most retailers accept debit. And he's using PayPal anyway for figs.

>> No.9035083

You do know paypal is a jew that raped you with their hidden currency conversion rate?
I always try to avoid paypal as long as it is possible.

>> No.9035087

You could buy Facebook on Monday, it had a pretty bad IPO.
It's a good short term investment, I'd sell it as soon as they announce their phone, after that they will probably collapse because government regulation

>> No.9035092

Which is fine if you have a credit card and the protection that offers. But I doubt OP has enough money to get a decent credit rate, so he'll be stuck with debit.

>> No.9035095

I'm just going to avoid Facebook. Because I don't use it (and don't have friends) I know nothing about it. And it's going pretty wild right now. Maybe once it cools down I'll check back...

>> No.9035098

Everyone investing in the market thinks they're making a good choice. "PICK GOOD STOCKS" is pretty stupid advice. Frankly you are not going to get great returns from the markets on average unless you have some edge over other investors. Anything an amateur trader chooses is likely to be no better than random guessing.

Savings rates are 3+% here anyway. Maybe you'll get another one or two percent on average from more risky investments but who cares? It's one or two percent. I'd rather keep my money safer than worry about staying one or two percent closer to the rate of inflation.

I have never been on Reddit... I have been here for years.

>> No.9035099

FB is shit long-term.

real money isn't made in short term positions, its made in long term cross product derivatives. Which explains why 80% of day traders lose money: they don't have the knowledge or access to structured products to trader properly.

>> No.9035105

They have a solid revenue stream with data mining, the problem is that revenue relies entirely on the inability of government to protect privacy, eventually they will regulate it.

>> No.9035106

Just buy gold
It's guaranteed to at minimum be above inflation, and has the possibility of accumulating value due to other gold buyers as more people start worrying about the value of currency

>> No.9035111

>bad IPO
maybe for institutional investors
hedge funds and various investment banks made a killing

>> No.9035109

>It's guaranteed to at minimum be above inflation

No it isn't. Nothing is. It would be an arbitrage otherwise and the markets would adjust accordingly.

>> No.9035112

Gold has been on a decline recently.
But yeah, there is really not many places where you can park your money thanks to lazy greeks and yuropeans.
The world isnt big enough for that many lazy NEETs.

>> No.9035114

Or as a more simple explanation, the majority lose money because average discounted returns are zero and trading costs are not.

>> No.9035121

Since none of is here are capable of buying a billion shares, yes it was a bad IPO.

>> No.9035119

Well maybe i'm thinking of gold as currency, but wouldn't it still retain a fixed value as the supply of gold is relatively inelastic?

>> No.9035123

Not really, it's subject to rises and falls in relative value like any other asset.

>> No.9035124

>Everyone investing in the market thinks they're making a good choice. "PICK GOOD STOCKS" is pretty stupid advice.

Most people were telling you to avoid equities ('stocks' as you call them) if you're risk-adverse. There's far more to the money markets than equities and have several have noted you could put your money in CDs or low-risk bonds for better returns.

>Anything an amateur trader chooses is likely to be no better than random guessing.

There are people you can pay to do this for you. A financial advisor, or a fund manager. If you elect for a fund, you can even see their historic returns. And even as an amateur there are definite ways to beat the market. I mean I sold my 5000 shares of LEH back in 2007... guess how much that was worth a year later.

>Savings rates are 3+% here anyway. Maybe you'll get another one or two percent on average from more risky investments but who cares? It's one or two percent. I'd rather keep my money safer than worry about staying one or two percent closer to the rate of inflation.

Ok, how do you think your bank can offer you a rate of return? It's because they have access to a much higher rate, of which they give you a fraction. Guess what? You can buy into that yourself if you want. And 1 or 2 percent are huge numbers... maybe you should look into bond trading where profits are given in basis points, eg 1% of 1%.

>> No.9035126

Gold in practicality is still valuable, but that's just a matter of time before we find a material with superior conductivity properties.

>> No.9035129

>/jp/ - Investor Culture

Anyone have any luck or experience with binary options? Seems almost like gambling and impossible to win consistently, but I've seen entire forums and video series on youtube dedicated to it and they seem to get good feedback...

Is it one gigantic conspiracy trying to lure me in, or is it a legit way to get cash?

>> No.9035132

All direct investments are scams, the real money is investing in your own sex toy business.

>> No.9035134

It seems like everyone in this thread are the old men that cum on little girls, not the little girls!
I don't like this!

>> No.9035139

Such is the life in Jewish Pride

>> No.9035146

>Or as a more simple explanation, the majority lose money because average discounted returns are zero and trading costs are not.

Not really. Investment banks can make money because they have access to 100s of markets and product types. A day trader simply cannot compete with an investment bank because they don't have the range of product knowledge. A bank will have a different set of traders trading short-term interest rates in Asia then recent internet IPOs in the US (for example). A day trader would have to be an expert in all of those to even compete.

>> No.9035154
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>NEET investment tips

Little girls need money too, you know...

>> No.9035159

I've heard of them, and they seem to be a bad deal. You only stand to gain a fixed amount, while you stand to lose everything.

For example, let's say you buy 10 call options at $40 each. If you're right, you stand to make $1000 ($100 x 10 options). If you're wrong, you stand to lose $400. Your expected value is $300, which is less than your principal investment (0.5 * -400 + 0.5 * 1000). Generally, this is not a good investment.

>> No.9035165

Everyone has to start somewhere. A lot of shitty parents out there are enablers and let their children go years without learning how to leave the nest.

>> No.9035182

Well to me it seems that any investing within reasonable risk parameters will give you much better returns than relying on paper money in some bank.
I mean there is a reason that the rich in the US are called job creators and that is also a reason why they are rich.

>> No.9035196

>Most people were telling you to avoid equities ('stocks' as you call them) if you're risk-adverse. There's far more to the money markets than equities and have several have noted you could put your money in CDs or low-risk bonds for better returns.

Low risk bonds here are 3-4%. My savings account is 3%. No asset class is magical. I'm not sure why you object to calling equities stocks by the way.

>There are people you can pay to do this for you. A financial advisor, or a fund manager. If you elect for a fund, you can even see their historic returns. And even as an amateur there are definite ways to beat the market. I mean I sold my 5000 shares of LEH back in 2007... guess how much that was worth a year later.

Did you never read the disclaimer? Historic returns aren't an indicator of future returns. 9 years of steady growth can culminate in a large crash in the 10th. If you average over all the hedge fund trading activity, average returns are pretty much the same as decent savings accounts. How many people on /jp/ do you think have enough money to invest with a historically well performing fund anyway?

Good job on predicting the market crash, hindsight is always 20:20 isn't it?

>And 1 or 2 percent are huge numbers...

On personal savings? Don't be silly. It's chump change. You'd earn more in a week of working, at least until you reached six figure savings. If you had that much financial security, worrying about increasing your wealth another percent or two seems vulgar.

>> No.9035200

Ah ok. Thanks, that clarifies it.

>> No.9035216

With a robust enough model, you can predict the future price of equities. Algorithmic traders do it every day.

>> No.9035222

>I mean there is a reason that the rich in the US are called job creators

Yeah, because the US is loopy.


>> No.9035229

>AmiAmi (who are the best figure store)
Can anyone verify if this is true. I just did a search on their website for Mami Tomoe and it only returned two pages of results.

>> No.9035230

There is always 2type of invest.
High Risk and LOW Risk investment.
There is no investment that come with zero risk.
If you are too scared to invest, just throw your money into FD where the inflation will slowly dwindle your money bank.

I recommend doing some research and search for stocks that maintain or has a slow capital gain while giving out dividend.
Example of this are coca cola, mcdonald, google, apple and etc.
Even with an economic crash, people still drink coca cola and eat mcdonald.

>> No.9035243

Did op explode

>> No.9035246


just two page huh

>> No.9035274

Actually, all investments right now are high risk. There is a 1 to 1 correlation between equity, fixed income, and derivatives markets. There are no more safe haven instruments.

>> No.9035297

Well yes, that is correct too.

I don't think you need any really complex products though.

>> No.9035319

>My savings account is 3%
This is why you're an idiot. Even Microsoft issued bonds at 4.5%.

>No asset class is magical.
No, but they sure as hell aren't equivalent.

>I'm not sure why you object to calling equities stocks by the way.
'stock' refers to equities and bonds (or product types basically). The un-informed use it to refer to equities only because that's all they think they know. eg, we talk about stock lending when we're referring to treasuries. The fact that you said this shows that you really don't know what you're talking about.

>Good job on predicting the market crash, hindsight is always 20:20 isn't it?
People buying homes and flipping them a year later for a $200k profit does set off alarm bells, anon.

>worrying about increasing your wealth another percent or two seems vulgar.
You should really educate yourself. You sound like a typical 'Wall St is just a casino!' internet poster who has no fucking clue about anything and will be a perpetual loser for the rest of your life. Enjoy losing, I guess (?)

>> No.9035345

>You should really educate yourself. You sound like a typical 'Wall St is just a casino!' internet poster who has no fucking clue about anything and will be a perpetual loser for the rest of your life. Enjoy losing, I guess (?)

Sorry, what? I can't help but feel like you're trolling now.

>> No.9035352

king of /jp/ right here
someone so autismal that they go full circle and consider themselves normals

>> No.9035364

You don't understand the basics of investing yet feel compelled to give advice on the subject.

Everything you've posted has demonstrated your utter ignorance of the field and your personal desire to bring about your own ruin through willful ignorance.

I am merely attempting to save /jp/ from financial ruin at your hand.

>> No.9035367

Wall Street is like a casino in that the house usually wins, while the gambler generally loses. It is always zero-sum.

>> No.9035370

I'm getting about 25 grand soon in inheritance.

Should I just put it towards a degree in being a electrician, or let a brokerage firm have it?

I'm leaning towards giving it to a broker, praying to the almighty overlords I get profit, and when I do use it to pay for electrician school.

Then go into forex trading and continue to put money into a brokerage firm.

Maybe I should just go get autismbux

>> No.9035392

Try to get education grants, it's better to get as much of the money as you can into investing. While the education is important, it all depends on whether you will actually be willing to apply it afterwards.

If you do try to apply for that autism aid, you better launder that inheritance good.

>> No.9035404

The easiest and steadiest way to achieve long term income sustainability is by having property.
They gain value over time and you can rent them out for easy money especially if you own an apartment near university. I hope they left a house for you.

>> No.9035409

>'stock' refers to equities and bonds (or product types basically).

In the United States stock is synonymous with share. It is not common to use the word when talking about fixed income securities. According to Wikipedia:

"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities."

but even here in the UK I have never heard any person working a finance related job (whether in industry or academia) refer to bonds as stocks.

If we have to pick at irrelevant technicalities to try to make other people look bad, let's at least make sure we have our facts straight, okay?

>> No.9035420


Well, the house got left to my dad, he sold that, I only got left 25 grand, I most likely won't ever get any other form of inheritance in my life, just people leaving me debt or something to hassle with.

>> No.9035427

>"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities."

Your own wikipedia quote proves you wrong.

>stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities
>government bonds
>marketable securities

Here's another one for you, since you're so dense:
>stock lending refers to the lending of securities by one party to another. The terms of the loan will be governed by a "Securities Lending Agreement", which requires that the borrower provides the lender with collateral, in the form of cash, government securities, or a Letter of Credit of value equal to or greater than the loaned securities.
>government securities
>Letter of Credit

Care to point out where equities fit in?

> I have never heard any person working a finance related job (whether in industry or academia) refer to bonds as stocks.
Probably because you don't know any? The sec lending desks at any firm are often refered to as stock loan.

>> No.9035430

>advising people who are not experts in finance to invest in safe places and not to bother about risky investments as a percent or two extra on 4-5 figure sums is insignificant
>financial ruin

It seems you don't understand the basics yourself.

>> No.9035438

Figs? Like, fruit?

>> No.9035440

>Your own wikipedia quote proves you wrong.

>"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities
>government bonds
>marketable securities

>"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia,
>"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia,
>"In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia,

Oh god you can't even read.

Instead of getting completely worked up over arbitrary asset class definitions and resorting to attacking me, why don't you stick to the subject?

>> No.9035454

Placing money in a savings account is the same as throwing it away.

>a percent or two extra on 4-5 figure sums is insignificant

These same people will clip coupons and freak out over $1 more on a cup of coffee, but thanks to losers like you they will gladly ignore opportunities to increase their accumulated savings by an additional 1 or 2%.

In other words, fuck off and die. You want people to be poor.

>> No.9035460

You could kill him.

>> No.9035466

Poor people who clip coupons generally don't have savings.

>> No.9035470
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My favorite part was where you ignored the rest of the post. Please let me know where the professionals and academics you know work.

>but even here in the UK I

Anyway, enjoy being poor. I'm already up on the long term EONIA swaps I made last year because Europe is shitting itself.

Pic related its my assistant.

>> No.9035505

which captain of industry wud u fug?

>> No.9035690

Good book to read that explains the different types of investments?

>> No.9035711
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>He thought someone was actually gonna reply.

>> No.9035777

I'm not going to name names on 4chan. Quit your inane rambling, calling bonds stocks is not common at all.

>> No.9036139

please respond.

>> No.9036158

http://www.filecrop.com/john-hull-options-futures-and-derivatives-.pdf.html I guess. Haven't tried the links.

>> No.9037197

... So I need a debit card with a Visa emblem on it to buy figs online. I should also set it up with a paypal because the transaction will be a lo faster and safer?

>> No.9037205

PAYPAL is the last resort. They raped you with service charge and unfavorable exchange rate.
Only use it when you dont trust the merchants or if they dont accept your card.

>> No.9037229

Don't banks also have exchange rates and stuff?

>> No.9037510

Part of PayPal's fees are when there is currency exchanges. Your bank will usually just do a face value conversion.
If you are using a debit card directly, only do it with a reputable site. Debit cards are not required to have the same fraud security that credit cards have.

>> No.9037513

Aren't there those VISA gift cards? You could basically turn your cash digital with one, right?

>> No.9037525

Not all online retailers accept them.
Retailers that accept only PayPal do not, as PayPal blocks them.
Also you usually pay a 10% fee everytime you just put money on.

>> No.9037534

Oh I see. I kinda feel stupid for not doing that sooner, but I don't buy very often. There's no chance of AmiAmi pulling that shit though, right? I always thought they were pretty reputable.

>> No.9037676

how is it possible that 5 NEETs know so much about economics

>> No.9038685

Should I wait a few months before putting money in stocks or funds? I have 10k in the bank, but the stock markets don't look very good right now.

>> No.9038745

seems like nobody really knows anything.
one thing I know, put extra money in a savings account. that's what I would do with the 10k.

>> No.9038765

and by the way, stocks are stocks, nobody says fucking equities. my buddy's a trader, and stocks are still stocks.

>> No.9038773

The best savings accounts I can find are less than 1%. I guess I'll just wait for the markets to go down some more.

>> No.9038784

I keep my savings in ally bank, they're nice and easy going people. A friendly female attendant always answers my stupid questions nicely.
You'll want to keep your money available too, in case of emergencies. savings accounts let you take it easy.

>> No.9038919

Read this.
Most stocks will give you more than 1% from your bank.
I am not sure when is the greece deadline for their debt payment but it should be soon. Just go on a bargain hunt if the greece default. And in the off chance they get bailed out normal business will resume until their next debt payment date.

>> No.9038943

What do you think about REITs? Just as good?

>> No.9038967

In REITs there is always almost zero or very little capital growth.
On the other hand, REITs are very safe investment. You can check out their property portfolio and it is easy to check if they are making money from their rental. But the thing is, why would you give them your money to buy up the property when you can buy them yourself? Isnt property extremely cheap now after the housing crash in america?

>> No.9038972

I'm in California, so it's never going to get cheap enough for me.

>> No.9038988

Fuck this is why I love /jp/...some of the ex-NEETs that escape and come back end up being so educational from their autism/assburgers.

>> No.9040841


>> No.9040846


Be reasonable, Mr Hacker. The NEET/hikikomori thread died, so people might as well use OP's /adv/ thread in its place.

>> No.9040986

Ask someone who is going to portal in a few days anything.

Why not now? Because I there are certain things I need to take care of before my voyage to Gensokyo.

>> No.9040990

Why aren't you posting on Reddit?

Why shit up /jp/ in your last days?

Is that really how you want to go?

>> No.9041007

I've never been to Reddit.

I don't think I'm shitting anything up by posting a reply to a thread.

I won't be wasting more than an hour here so this isn't exactly how I'm "going to go".

>> No.9041012

>There is no way that facebook will die in our life time.

Are you serious? I'd say that facebook has only 5-7 years left before it's worth absolutely nothing.

>> No.9041031
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Implying it won't become more ubiquitous and pervasive.

>> No.9041208

Binary options is an even easier way to kill your investments than Foreign Exchange, guaranteed.

>> No.9041230

not really
normalfags need a shitty place for themselves, even if facebook dies it will be quickly replaced by something similar

>> No.9041242

True, but the fact remains that facebook will end.

>> No.9041245

Unless Facebook becomes the de facto standard like Google did. These things happen. People probably went through a whole bunch of mouthwashes before Listerine became the "default" one.

>> No.9041251

I think that phrase requires your statement to be fact. There's also the fact that myspace is still a THING, even if it's shifted its focus or something to try and stay relevant

>> No.9041292

DO NOT go into Forex.

You do not huge sums of money and expert statisticians at your disposal. You WILL lose all your money if you do.

>> No.9041366

What's a good dividend stock to invest in, /jp/?

I'll let you guys decide.

>> No.9041380

bread factories.

>> No.9041389

Unless you have tens of thousands of dollars to invest, dividends won't be a good source of stand alone income.

If you're just looking for side income, though, just look at some of the Dow companies. This includes shit like Wal-Mart. I'm fairly sure each one pays a dividend and they're generally safe.

>> No.9041395

>/jp/ - Investing Experts Culture

>> No.9041406

Yeah I only have 4 figure sums to invest at best, I just don't feel like leaving it in my checkings account for over 2 years at minimum since it's not doing much there. I was looking at Verizon, seems to be doing okay. I'll take a look at Walmart.

>> No.9041448
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>Please hold my hand through this.
This made the post sound really cute.

If any of the questions you want answered that have not already been answered in this thread, feel free to ask me.
Personally, I use pre-paid cards that you can get from walmart, walgreens, ect and hook them to my paypal account.
That is all.

>> No.9041453

Any good recommendations for books/resources on learning about stocks, bonds, futures, options, swaps, etc.?

>> No.9041462

I want a pet NEET to take care of and cuddle. hnnng

>> No.9041477
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 51JVVXNen7L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is pretty good for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the subject. Though it really only covers stocks, the information it teaches you can be easily carried over when learning other markets.

Though word of warning, if you don't have a bank account this won't always work. A few years ago I would use "Moneypak" cards from Walmart to get funds on Paypal, and eventually Paypal locked my account until I connected a bank account to it.

>> No.9041521
File: 17 KB, 231x174, 1314668067804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago I would use "Moneypak" cards from Walmart to get funds on Paypal, and eventually Paypal locked my account until I connected a bank account to it.
Moneypak? I think Iv'e heard of that. But I use Vanilla Visa.
It also works perfectly fine for ordering things on amazon.com.
Sometimes I get figures there.

>> No.9041534

Bad worst 2hu.

>> No.9041529
File: 289 KB, 602x393, 1336435887850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I forgot to greentext the post.
Go ahead everyone and laugh at me now.

>> No.9041550
File: 171 KB, 1387x1004, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind anon, for the recommendation.

Is this the book? I downloaded the only pirated version I couild find and it was some annoying epub file that I had to install a reader program to open. It also has some annoying unicode error where characters are replaced with an accented a and a weird E.

It seems kind of sensational and a little too optimistic so far. I'll see how it goes.

>> No.9041556

PayPal blocks all temporary credit cards because they have an exclusivity deal with GreenDot.

>> No.9041577

You went over your spending limit. Verified accounts don't have limits.

>> No.9041588

They still have withdrawal limits if I recall, but that is different.

>> No.9041592

>The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
I'm laughing right now.

>> No.9041594

Withdraw limits are when you take money out of PayPal into your bank. Spending is a PayPal to PayPal.

>> No.9041602
File: 1.57 MB, 300x200, 1336751745859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried GreenDot yet?

>> No.9041598

That looks like the book, but make sure you're reading the latest 2010 version. The writer does sound kind of like he's trying to sell something, but it's overall an alright book. While his own investing strategies are questioned by some, he does teach you where and how to do your own research. I think that's the most important part of it.

He also lives in Japan so it's /jp/ right?

>> No.9041607

>he does teach you where and how to do your own research

That's perfect. I'm fine at discerning what's sensational and meant to sell things and what not. I just need to learn a little more about things before I look for more technical stuff that I would not have a clue about.

Thanks again, anon. Going to continue reading now.

>> No.9041614

I've used it. It's an OK temporary solution. They have a 10% fee, and then on top of that you have to pay any fees PayPal charges (if you are using it only for retail purchases, there are no fees on your end)
But you have a spending limit until you attach a bank account, think its $200 a month.

>> No.9041623

Oh, and some retailers only accept payment from verified accounts (bank attached)
Only site I've encountered that with was NewEgg. There is no way to tell if a site does until you are checking out.

>> No.9041640
File: 112 KB, 338x416, 1336096766445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that sounds like too much work and Fees.

btw, wtf happened to my trip?
Did /jp/ disable them?

>> No.9041647


>> No.9041659

I invest in real estate.
So far it's been pretty stable, for now.

>> No.9042197

How did you get started in real estate?

>> No.9043044


>> No.9043069

I'm going on a road trip for a few days. I have about 1500 € to waste but the problem is, I don't know what to spend it all on. Any ideas? Drugs are out of the question because I don't know anyone who sells them.

The trip may or may not end in Gensokyo. I'm not quite sure yet.

>> No.9043081

You should invest it.
I don't see why you need to go on a road trip.

>> No.9043087

>He doesn't need to go on a road trip.
Well, no fucking shit.

>> No.9043088

go anywhere
it doesnt matter

>> No.9043100


Sounded to me like he was talking about going on a road trip because he's seriously contemplating sodoku, and is so bored of everything, that he just wants to do something like that before he offs himself, but he's just not fully sure whether or not he wants to go through with killing himself.

>> No.9043113

Then he should give me the money because dead people don't need it, he's just wasting whatever he spends.

>> No.9043114

Well, I've already decided to visit a neighboring country. Even if I eat and sleep like a king during that time, I won't end up spending more than a few hundred euros.

That's exactly the point.

>> No.9043120

Go to a better country then.

>> No.9043117

He's just as dead as you are.

>> No.9043125

No, I'm dead on the inside, he'll be dead on both sides, so I still require money.

>> No.9043121

Why is the shipping always equal to that of the product price? Is this how they make money?

>Only available in Japan

>> No.9043123

How is OP going to get money for his card even if he gets one?

>> No.9043129

Of course I could give most of that money to my siblings but I don't know how they would feel about receiving "blood money".

>> No.9043131

The point is that he's not dead, and neither are you.

>> No.9043135

That's not what blood money means.
Also you'd need a will if you'd want that to happen.

>> No.9043140


You are the biggest fucking jew I've ever heard of, holy shit.

I consider myself pretty cheap, but please, shut up.

>> No.9043271

Investing in Dow Jone hedge funds duh

>> No.9043286

Get $10,000
Play poker, be good at it
Live off it

get on my level

>> No.9043496

Read about half of this book. I'm sort of disappointed. A lot of the chapters were disorganized in my opinion, especially that "6 famous investors" chapter that felt like tacked on internet articles about each investor and didn't really belong anywhere except for causing some confusion.

It had a lot of fluff and even failed to explain some basic concepts very well even thought this is supposed to be a book for dummies.

Then when it came to the research section (skipped ahead) it just throws out a list of websites most people know about and quite a bunch of useless ones too and basically says "here you go that's it".

Perhaps I'm stupid and missing quite a lot of information or something. I think I'm just going to take a plunge and do some long-term naked trading without relying on anything. I'll just invest even less than I planned to.

Did anyone else read this book?

>> No.9043532

It didn't look good from what I saw of >>9041550.

Try The Intelligent Asset Allocator. There are people who disagree with modern portfolio theory, and the book's not exactly for people who day trade, but I think it's a decent overview.

>> No.9043563

Now that I think about it, I was actually doing better just googling terms I didn't understand than reading Kelly's book.

I continued reading a bit more and it got even worse with shameless promoting everywhere and more confusion.

I'm not into day trading anymore (I tried it with Forex but it's impossible), I want to try long-term (more risk-averse but not entirely playing it safe of course) investments. I'll take a look at it. Thank you very much, anon.

>> No.9043590

>long-term (more risk-averse but not entirely playing it safe of course) investments

Guess it fits then, since the book focuses on long-term investing and principles. No promises about making you a millionaire overnight.

>> No.9045080 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 500x375, IMG_0906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you had to do was listen!

>> No.9045117


>> No.9045172

Hello blogbros where can I get nitrogen or helium in the UK.

>> No.9045176


Enjoy rupturing your lungs.
