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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9026584 No.9026584 [Reply] [Original]

I got to wondering recently, how many of you here are actually autistic? I know you all say you are, but are you just joking or are you serious? How many of you are actually high functioning (or low functioning) autists such as myself? I've seen some normal looking posts around here so I've been starting to doubt some anons. I need to know this so I can take it easy knowing I'm in good company.

>> No.9026594

I am probably more sociopathic than anything. Do autistic sociopaths exist? because thats what i am if it does

>> No.9026593

People don't type posts "autistically", you know. In fact a lot of low-functioning autistic people I have chatted with are pretty well-spoken, even though some of them are literally mute in real life.

Go to Wrong Planet. Read a few posts.

>> No.9026597

Literally all 2 million /jp/ browsers are autistic.

Trust me, I know.

>> No.9026602

I thought we had more than 2 million regulars, this makes us like the 9th most visited board=

>> No.9026606

I'm not autistic. That I know of.

I'm sure you could diagnose me with something if you really wanted to though.

>> No.9026608

You can diagnose anyone with something if you look hard enough.

>> No.9026610

That's true, especially when personality disorders are thrown in the mix.

>> No.9026612

>high functioning autism

Doesn't exist... It's fabricated bullshit.

I only consider someone autistic if they are aphasic, have practically no communication skills, and are, or almost are mentally retarded.

You wonder why there is a "hurr durr autism epidemic", well, it's because they tell every fucking socially awkward kid that he has autism. Hell, they tell fucking geniuses that are a bit introverted that they are "autistic".

It's ridiculous.

>> No.9026616 [SPOILER] 
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I'm neither autist nor sociopath. I'm a bit shy in real life, but, I'm actually relatively skilled when it comes to social interaction. However, so many things that people do irritate and anger me, that it's best for me to be alone most of the time, I find.

>> No.9026620

Autists write like robots. They're pretty easy to detect.

>> No.9026630

Can you point to an autistic post in this thread (not this one, faggot)?

>> No.9026628

I'm not autistic, but I have assburgers.

Qualifies me to take it easy on the tax payers expense. What's it like working to support me, anon?! Ah ha ha...

>> No.9026633


It sucks, because people with assburgers don't have real emotions,and thus, are not real people. They are simply low-functioning computers.

>> No.9026641

That's queer as hell. Aint none of my hard earned money going to no assburger.

>> No.9026642

Did you just call my writing robotic, you piece of shit?

>> No.9026646


>> No.9026648

I have assburgers and I still work. Just because you have assburgers does not mean you cant work. You just need to find a job that works really great for you and you dont have to do too much outside of your comfort zone socially. Of course I had a whole bunch of help growing up from my school and my family so I think that helps quite a bit. Of course you probably dont want to work anyways. Believe it or not finding a job that was rewarding and worth the time mentally pretty much cured the depression that I had.

>> No.9026655

That's stupid. ``assburgers'' emotions are just different, not non-existant. You can argue about what ``real'' emotions are all you like, but assburgers certainly experience emotion.

>> No.9026656

How do robots write?

>> No.9026659

Sperglords detected. Stop taking everything so fucking literally.

>> No.9026667

Stop taking everything to serious autist.

>> No.9026669

This. The main problem is they can't EXPRESS their emotions. This works both ways. e.g. they might do well on a test and not tell anyone because it's pointless, or they might say, "I hate you and find you annoying." in the middle of a conversation.

>> No.9026673

Literal assburger from /prog/.

>> No.9026681


So, exactly why do people consider either of those a indication of a neurological disease?

>> No.9026698

Everyone in /jp/ is autistic, no exceptions. You just think regular people like this 2hu shit because on /jp/ autism is the majority. Regular non-autistic people like drinking beer and having "fun". If you try to do those things, you'll get bored. Why? Because of autism.

>> No.9026704

I had aspergers but worked so much and hard that I pass as normal in 90% of all life situations. The diagnose "aspergers" is ALWAYS just an explanation, not an excuse for odd behaviour because it's "healable" after all.

They do not. But they are annoying side effects.

Also, what >>9026648 said.

>> No.9026717


Acknowledging it as the label "aspergers", implies that you believe it's a indication of a neurological disease.

>> No.9026750

It's not a "neurological disease", stop using that word. It's a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is a genetic problem in the brain (biological) and a problem with mental development in the mind (psychological).

>> No.9026785

I am not autist, I am a normal-yet-shy little girl.

>> No.9026789


According to psychiatry it's a indication of a neurological disease.

>> No.9026803

Both "neurological disease" and "neurodevelopmental disorder" are misleading terms.
Diseases are normally conditions that go away by waiting and letting the immune system do the work, or by taking medicine. But aspergers is something you actively need to counter (if that's your goal).
Disorder sounds like something that's abnormal, not intended to be that way. But I'm pretty sure that "asperger-genes" being activated in every 500th person is intended by evolution. Investing all the mental power into logic instead of social skills is problematic for the person having that condition but beneficial for the society that person lives in. This one person is so to say a sacrifice for society.

>> No.9026823

People generally use "disease" and "disorder" interchangeably (not all diseases are infective, it's a lot more broad) but when people refer to "neurological disease" or "neurological disorder" they generally mean a central nervous system disease or a peripheral nervous system disorder.

Autism as we understood it is a genetic mutation, but we simply don't know enough about it to call it something as misleading as a "neurological disease". Is depression a neurological disease? Is neuroticism a neurological disease? They both have effects on the brain and mind, and can be genetically determined (including through an abnormality).

>> No.9026832
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Agreed, I can usually spot an autist on /jp/ because they type things like "This image of Teto eating a piece of bread is so lovely, don't you agree?" and "It is a rather good experience to wake up to the feeling a wet bed. At least, that is what I think." Like they kind of have a subtle way of writing that is reminiscent of a badly translated visual novel. I've noticed autistic people tend to do this in vlogs on youtube too. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X87UYNI6g8

I wonder if it's just a typing/speaking quirk exclusive to people who are really immersed in otaku culture or something common to many autists.

>> No.9026842

>Disorder sounds like something that's abnormal, not intended to be that way. But I'm pretty sure that "asperger-genes" being activated in every 500th person is intended by evolution. Investing all the mental power into logic instead of social skills is problematic for the person having that condition but beneficial for the society that person lives in. This one person is so to say a sacrifice for society.

I guess you're referring to neurodiversity? While I agree this may very well be the case, as it stands autism spectrum disorders cause an impairment in everyday functioning and are quite obviously out of line with behavioral normality.

>> No.9026859

What? People just type how they type. It's not like autistic people learned different rules of English grammar to you. They're not all writing in E Prime or whatever. They just have trouble speaking and socializing.

>> No.9026871

this is why /jp/ is the worst board. you faggots think you are the very best board because you like pretending you think you have "autism" and think its cool to be socially retarded but everyone on 4chan sees you for what yuo are, a bunch of socially inept losers, we think you are worst board but you keep on the act thinking someone gives a shit that you think you are best board even /b/ knows you are cancer incarnated you seem to like this reputation because you keep creating autism threads thinking that makes you cool or some shit but in reality you are just fooling yourself because we all know if anything /jp/ should be worst fucking board and you like to think that being a aspie faggot is a fucking badge of honor or something because you are proud of it and you don't even want to change yourself while everyone makes fun of you in reality and in the community of 4chan, you should try to be a little more subtle with your autism and not be proud of whats basically a mentally disease, also you like saying the word autism but you don't even know what that word autism actually means, autistic people have a lot more trouble than you, they barely communicate at all, they are almost catatonic and have crazy retard strength, they didn't choose to be like that yet you choose that way of life and take proud on it like some kind of achievement that's why when someones ever mentions having a friend or a normal life you just keep on bastardizing him and cyberbully him so he feels bad about his way of life and he either chooses to give up on life because he thinks he doesn't belong in any world nor internet nor reality or he becomes a socially inept hikki neet like you. you are the cancer of 4chan

>> No.9026878

Could you summarize that in a sentence?

>> No.9026885

“I wrote a post once, but nobody read it! It took me ten whole minutes to write all this! Better post it five or six times, it's so funny and worthwhile. I'm such a comedic genius.”

Quoting a fictional characterisation of >>9026871-kun's brain, and feeding him all the attention he desperately craves.

>> No.9026888

Maybe you're right. I just don't have a lot of sympathy for whining people. I believe that with honest effort the impairment through aspergers can be significantly reduced. That's at least what I have experienced. I don't know with what level of aspergers others start out. Maybe mine was just very weak in the first place. I don't think so though.

See, the reason I don't like calling myself aspie is that I get grouped with THAT kind of people.

Calm the fuck down.

The summary is: Don't be proud. It's not "cool" to be retarded.

>> No.9026892

I can't even begin to read this.

I would if you used some more grammar and paragraphs.

>> No.9026898

Guys, >>9026871 is certainly mad, but he has a point.

>> No.9026904

>you faggots think you are the very best board because you like pretending you think you have "autism" and think its cool to be socially retarded but everyone on 4chan sees you for what yuo are, a bunch of socially inept losers, we think you are worst board but you keep on the act thinking someone gives a shit that you think you are best board even /b/ knows you are cancer incarnated you seem to like this reputation because you keep creating autism threads thinking that makes you cool or some shit but in reality you are just fooling yourself because we all know if anything /jp/ should be worst fucking board and you like to think that being a aspie faggot is a fucking badge of honor or something because you are proud of it and you don't even want to change yourself while everyone makes fun of you in reality and in the community of 4chan, you should try to be a little more subtle with your autism and not be proud of whats basically a mentally disease, also you like saying the word autism but you don't even know what that word autism actually means, autistic people have a lot more trouble than you, they barely communicate at all, they are almost catatonic and have crazy retard strength, they didn't choose to be like that yet you choose that way of life and take proud on it like some kind of achievement that's why when someones ever mentions having a friend or a normal life you just keep on bastardizing him and cyberbully him so he feels bad about his way of life and he either chooses to give up on life because he thinks he doesn't belong in any world nor internet nor reality or he becomes a socially inept hikki neet like you.
Is that really one sentence?

>> No.9026912

Autists usually have stilted diction even in typing in addition to difficulties with speaking. It's subtle in high-functioning autists but easy to pick up on once you start to see the patterns in how they tend to type.

>> No.9026916

But he's not even actually mad over the "autism" thing, his main gripe seems to be that "you guys are social rejects but you wear that as a badge of honor, that's not fair, please be jealous of normals!"

Normals get HELLa mad when you don't care about meeting the standards by which they judge human life, because if you won't acknowledge them as superior to you on account of their jobs, facebook accounts and sex counts, they can't flaunt it over you.

>> No.9026917

I think he's just trying to make his post a copypasta.

That being said, zero autism here. Less social than most people and I have trouble verbalizing thoughts, but nothing really out of the ordinary.

>> No.9026933

I used to think "stilted diction" meant you were typing as if you were trying to be better than everyone else, but weren't really, and you're coming off as pathetic. Like a short guy wearing stilts claiming to be taller than his peers.

I got really mad when someone called my posts stilted because I'm short.

>> No.9026940
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That's kind of cute, anon.

>> No.9026936

>I believe that with honest effort the impairment through aspergers can be significantly reduced.

Agreed. You can't cure autism, but you can work around it. If a child is mentally retarded, he is taught how to do simpler tasks that will benefit him in the real world and perhaps get him a job. You wouldn't put a retarded kid in Calculus III.
I think it's the same with autism. Sure, you can do exercises to improve communication, but ultimately these people aren't good at it. This isn't a problem, just help them do something they are good at. This guy knows his trains, but he's bad at talking to people? Great, get him on an engineering course.

In fact, I extend this to introversion in general. Even outside of mental disorders, truNEETs and hikikomori, a lot of people are just introverted. In fact, extraversion is one of the main components of personality. If someone isn't extraverted, don't force them to be. There are jobs available that don't require talking to people. And you can argue that jobs are scarce and we can't be picky, but the logistics wouldn't be difficult. Just have therapists or employment agencies ask, "Are you an introvert? Y/N" and try to find them something suitable.

>> No.9026946

He's asking you to be jealous of normals for your own sake.
Damn, do you actually think he's actually trying to make you acknowledge his "superiority"?
He probably couldn't care less.
Don't try to rationalize your refusal to be normal like that.

>> No.9026949

Have there been any studies on this? Or hell, just a blog article.

I've noticed people on sites like WrongPlanet tend to misunderstand jokes or take things "too far" (not in a taste way, they just drag things on too long). But overall their grammar and idiolect seems pretty normal.

>> No.9026953

Introverts are beta as fuck and will never be successful because they won't be respected by the social hierarchy. If you're not extroverted that is going to be pretty high on the list of problems you have.

>> No.9026959

>get him on an engineering course.
My dad had to fire one of the most talented engineers in his small business because he had Asperger's Syndrome and was arrogant, rude, and condescending to everyone else on the team and was a complete nightmare to work with.

>> No.9026963

Best explanation/treatment/whatever of Asperger's:

Not even kidding.

>> No.9026977

Shut your face. There are plenty of jobs you can do solo and succeed in.

I guess that's a problem. I don't know trains, but I assumed there were specific parts that were a one-man job. Like wheel engineers. Or something.

>> No.9026987

There's nothing vaguely motivating about his post. He is definitely wrote that after he got called a normal one too many times, frustrated that his normal exploits that would usually demand respect earned him the opposite on /jp/.

You feel much better about yourself when people you view as below you likewise view you as above. You don't have authority if people don't respect it.

>> No.9026993

It's a common observation.

Also, WrongPlanet is basically "Discussing things you don't understand with people who don't understand it either".

>> No.9026996

da fuq is wrongplanet

>> No.9026998

>It's a common observation.

I've never really noticed it. Hurr durr I must be autistic.

But really, has anyone actually quantified it in some way, or wrote down a list of their observations?

>> No.9027000


Imagine Something Awful, but less autistic.

>> No.9027006


What the fuck gives a deer a right to judge an autistic bunny when he LITERALLY TALKS TO HIMSELF WITH A WOODEN DUMMY

>> No.9027019

You're trying to make this a matter of respect/superiority. But it's not.

Global Autism General

Sorry, I don't know any written examples. (Keep looking, I guess.)

>> No.9027271

I have Asperger's. I have a really active thought process and imagination, but people assume I'm a quiet idiot because I can barely string a sentence together. I'm eloquent in my own head.

>> No.9027278

Same here. I need to work on my writing so people don't instantly recognize my stilted autism.
