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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 298 KB, 900x688, Cirno VS Yuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
902051 No.902051 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.902255

...I'm guessing...



>> No.902272



>> No.902298

Because poor Cirno is always destined to fail.

>> No.902319
File: 72 KB, 700x483, 1214547302403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like asking what would win in a fight, an ice cube or the sun?

>> No.902343

well... then it's going to be a very cold summer.

>> No.902358

everyone1 knows cirno its the strongest snanyways of course hshe would inw

>> No.902378

Yuka is the only girl in Gensokyo who doesn't have anything on her head. What chance does she have?

>> No.902373

Depends on the size of the ice cube. If it's bigger than the sun, look out!

>> No.902398

You best be jokin' nigga

An ice cube the size of the Sun would still be melted by the Sun.

>> No.902409
File: 328 KB, 1417x1755, 1214548015248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a large enough ice cube you can extinguish the sun. Cirno agreed, don't bother her about it.

>> No.902404

But then the sun would melt.

>> No.902420
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>> No.902458

Actually, this is a good question

Since the sun is not a wood fire, and it's nuclear fusion process is generated from the pressure of the sun, would not adding more matter (water, which is oxygen and hydrogen) make the sun hotter/have no effect?

>> No.902461
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>> No.902466
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>> No.902470

Do you see comets heating up the sun?

>> No.902480


well, comets are REALLY GODDAMN SMALL compared to the sun.

our sun is where 90+% of the mass in our solar system is.

>> No.902482

Comets rarely hit the sun, and are infinitely small in comparison

we're talking about an ice cube the size of the Sun

>> No.902479

This is ZUN's best so far.

>> No.902508


I thought ZUN drew windows Yuka fairly well.

>> No.902537

The addition of hydrogen is good, of oxygen, less so.


If we're going to be talking about nuclear physics, then we can't have ice cubes that big.

>> No.902543

Why the hell not? And don't say because it would have to be an ice sphere.........

>> No.902547

If you'd been paying attention in middle school science, you'd know that an ice cube that big would melt from the heat generated by it's own internal pressure

>> No.902551

/jp/ - Astrophysics/Thermodynamics

>> No.902557
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1214549646420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we forgetting something?

>> No.902560

Then that superhuge ice cube needs to be in a very low temperature to counter the heat increase from the pressure.

>> No.902566

Pluto is not made of ice moron.

>> No.902572


Well, Pluto's a far cry from the size of the sun; it's own gravity barely keeps it spherical.


>> No.902574


>> No.902580

I know the topic was retarded to begin with, but amateur astrophysics hour isn't helping.

>> No.902578


My palm just went through my head.

>> No.902585

Cirno beats Suwako... who might stand a chance against Yuka...

So Cirno stands a chance against Yuka.

>> No.902586



>> No.902589



>> No.902592



>> No.902604
File: 292 KB, 1259x2896, 1214550204808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.902608

Pluto is not made of ice.

Pluto's composition is unknown, but its density (about 2 gm/cm3) indicates that it is probably a mixture of 70% rock and 30% water ice much like Triton. The bright areas of the surface seem to be covered with ices of nitrogen with smaller amounts of (solid) methane, ethane and carbon monoxide. The composition of the darker areas of Pluto's surface is unknown but may be due to primordial organic material or photochemical reactions driven by cosmic rays.

>> No.902610

A mass of hydrogen/oxygen equal that of the sun would probably just form a new star, or a really big gas giant

>> No.902612

Remember when Touhou used to hijack threads instead of the other way around?

>> No.902622


>> No.902626


Hmmm... no.

>> No.902631

Then go somewhere else for the summer.

>> No.902634

What the fuck happened to my thread?

why didn't things go as planned?

>> No.902639

I can't fucking believe you guys. Can't you durr hurrs at least stay on topic instead of responding seriously to absurd shit?

>> No.902636

Look, we know that Pluto is not entirely ice; nothing in the kuiper belt is exclusively ice. Nonetheless, a significant portion consists of frozen hydrogen compounds, or "ice" by your own admission. it's an overused descriptor, but "dirty snowball" is a pretty good description.

It's got ice in it. Should we really split hairs about how much of the proportion has to be ice before "made of ice" is an accurate term?

>> No.902642


>> No.902640


No. U.

>> No.902652

Because going off-topic spawns the more interesting conversations?

>> No.902662

Well the point was someone brought up Pluto when discussing the topic of a giant ice cube. An ice cube is made entirely of ice. Pluto is not. Majority of its surface is covered in some form of ice but its interior is believed to be mostly rock. This is why I posted Pluto is not made of ice. If you want to call it an ice planet or whatever then by all means. Since it is. But saying it is made of ice is incorrect. And that's not even splitting hairs.

>> No.902665

It doesn't matter. If the thread is boring just leave it alone and start something interesting instead. It's fine if you want to post off-topic, but the least you can do is sage to keep it off the front page.

>> No.902667

This is what old /a/ used to be.Topics would get off topic, yet interesting to participate anyway.

>> No.902674

Guys, unless you can explain to me why thermonuclearphysics in space has anything to do with Japan, I'm going to have to start saging this.

>> No.902672


Sorry we didn't indulge in your lame powerlevel fantasies tonight.

>> No.902680

Japs come from the moon and practice thermonuclear physics as a religion.

>> No.902682
File: 33 KB, 438x330, 1214551191811.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's hear it from the person herself.

>> No.902686

So it IS a semantics argument. Fun.

I'm sorry, but if there's ice in it, "made of ice" works better than "not made of ice"

Thanks for spoiling a perfectly good conversation.

>> No.902694

I fail to see how an obvious mismatch is a powerlevel fantasy.

>> No.902691


Our new meme.

>> No.902702

Its been illustrated before. Where's that picture with Cirno being raped by tentacle vines?

>> No.902706
File: 206 KB, 512x640, 1214551424779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japs come from the moon and practice thermonuclear physics as a form of governance, while practicing pedophilia as their religion.


>> No.902713
File: 256 KB, 968x585, 1214551508384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.902740


>your dad comes from the moon and practices self-fisting as a form of governance, while practicing pedophilia as his religion.

-fixed again

>> No.902748

Humans are made of water.

>> No.902761

Actually my dad comes from Mars, and practices beatings of me with a huge metal dildo as governance and religion.

>> No.902763

its true for me

>> No.902796

Also, he likes to drink himself blind and dress me up as a woman before he beats me senseless. It's the only way I can get off now.

>> No.902820


Good for you. Your dad must be George Bush.

>> No.902833

Rather than argue the dynamics of large scale Nuclear Fusion verus Ice. Let's ask. In Cirno vs. Yuka, who gets raped?

(Of course we all know the answer)

>> No.902834

Ok. I'm almost POSITIVE that this isn't anything to do with Japan.

>> No.902838

Dick Cheney.

>> No.902841


Then why'd you ask, fuckface?

>> No.902849


Explains why his daughter is a lesbian, and why he tried to keep lesbians from marring.

>> No.902863

party politics

>> No.902860

Explains why his daughter is a lesbian, and why he tried to keep lesbians from marrying.

>> No.902869


So you like to get them drunk first.

>> No.903099

Guys guys, how do you pronounce Cirno?
[sirno] or [chirno]?
Guys guys, tell me please. Guys?

>> No.903102


>> No.903103
File: 211 KB, 1500x1084, 1214556237455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.903106
File: 89 KB, 287x403, 1214556361427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.903438

Who the fuck would pronounce it like that? I'd feel quite embarrassed if I were you.

>> No.903498

the japanese.

>> No.903502


>> No.903528

Yes, this thread should've been about Yuka raping Cirno.

>> No.905000
File: 705 KB, 2799x1500, 1214586473941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno is strongest, even more than Suika and Yukari.

>> No.905011
File: 1017 KB, 2799x1500, 1214586715945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.905027


>> No.905061

One thing: could you add Momizi & Mima there?

>> No.905074

>>905061 Momizi
Shes there look hard
