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9018924 No.9018924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to get out of the house but I don't want to interact with people I don't know

is there anything I can do to accomplish this?

You know, besides walking in the woods.

>> No.9018928

I have that same problem...

I live in a semi-urban tourist trap, no where I can go, not even the woods.

>> No.9018936

Live in an urban environment. Denser the better.

No joke, the more people there are the less you have to interact with them. Sure it's scary having them nearby, but they ignore you.

>> No.9018938

Just get a job.

>> No.9018939

Was going to say this. Go for a walk in the city.

>> No.9018942

How about bicycling with the most concealing helmet you can find? Or just hats in general

>> No.9018943

Small town folk love their chit chat, city folk like not being bothered.

>> No.9018949

is anyone else having trouble uploading images?

>> No.9018950


>Riding a bike with a helmet on

>> No.9018951

>You know, besides walking in the woods.
What's wrong with walking in the woods?

>> No.9018953
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>> No.9018954

there's bugs and stuff out there and I hate bugs

>> No.9018955


Sounds to me like he's done it so much he's bored of it.

Either that or he hates /an/.

>> No.9018957

good morning jessica

>> No.9018958


>Reddit meme

>> No.9018959

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9018960


>> No.9018961

People aren't very friendly these days, so don't worry, they'll leave you alone.

Well, except for old people, they can be pretty friendly, but I like old people, they're really nice.

>> No.9018964


Saw that coming from a mile away, was even thinking about adding this;

>Who am I qouting

to my post, but I decided not to.

>> No.9018968



I've noticed old people are the only ones who say random stuff like "hi" to me when passing by in public, it's kinda nice.

I guess young people don't do it because of media sculpting a more and more impersonal and fearful society.

>> No.9018975

add a track suit (nothing too fancy) and sports sunglasses and everyone will just think you're an serious business athlete.

>> No.9018978

I can be really shy, and I don't usually like talking to people, but for some reason I really like old people. I still have trouble figuring out what to say, but their kindness warms my heart, so I don't mind. And they're pretty interesting too. Listening to young people is so boring, and sometimes pretty aggravating. But old people have a good deal of stuff to talk about, all of which can be pretty interesting. My favorites are the old farmer types.

>> No.9018980


>implying wearing uber-pro spandex biking suits makes it any better.

Anyway, is anyone not being able to upload anything again?

>> No.9019019

I can't upload images at all, this is weird

>> No.9019024


>I guess young people don't do it because of media sculpting a more and more impersonal and fearful society.

No... it's not societies fault that you're a disgusting weirdo, nor is it young people. I'd avoid you too, and I'm one of you.

>> No.9019044


;_; Boy that was awfully mean.

>> No.9019049



I may be eccentric and socially inept but at least I know it's all my fault.

>> No.9019056

The world and humans aren't so bad once you stop caring.

>> No.9019054


Nobody is talking about you behind your back if you can't listen to them!

>> No.9019058


He was replying to a comment saying that media created a impersonal society, the comment never even implied that he or anyone else was blaming their failures on society.

That autism isn't your fault.

>> No.9019061

That didn't answer his question. Who are you quoting?

>> No.9019064

Yeah, the way he brought it up kind of insinuates that.

Maybe he just needs some new woods to go walking in. That's usually cheered me up when I've gotten tired of the same forest.

>> No.9019065

I think Nazrin is really cute, but I don't like her tail.

>> No.9019068

She is a rat.

>> No.9019070

He's quoting his thoughts.

>> No.9019071

Panzers won it over for me

>> No.9019069


Religious whores that would try to burn you at stake if they found out you fap to little girls

>> No.9019072


I know. But it looks like a dead earthworm sometimes. Her tail is cute in this picture.

I would have posted a picture but I forgot we can't upload pictures right now.

>> No.9019077

That's more middle aged baby boomer types. By old people I mean OLD people. They're retired and just really nice and calm people.

>> No.9019093

try telling them you fap to little girls
or insult their country
or tell them their religion is wrong

you'll see

>> No.9019097

It might depend on where you live. Not too far south, I hope?

>> No.9019101


Works anywhere on this planet. Guaranteed. Unless they are hippies.

>> No.9019103

Put on your mean face.

If your mean face looks like you are taking a shit, draw extra lines on your face to make you look meaner.

Either way, trying to squeeze a shit out while walking or having lines all over your face, pretty sure nobody will want to talk to you.

>> No.9019099


You and that other guy are both generalizing. There are some really nice old people who don't give a fuck, and then some other ones who are racist as hell and really dumb.

>> No.9019109

Why would you tell them that if you weren't retarded or facing the threat of imminent death?

>> No.9019115

Anyone will get upset if you insult them though.

Sure not all old people are nice, I admit, but a lot of the ones I've met are pretty good people. When you get to be that old, you don't really see the point in being very upset at rather trivial things

>> No.9019121

Poland, Eastern Europe

hordes of old people making a shit war over the fact that there MUST be a GIANT WOODEN CROSS standing before the Parliment

aggressive and vulgar, they were attacking even the journalists

>> No.9019139

I have a mountain I go to at 5am until the sun rises.
I tried going outside the other day because it was really nice, but then I saw someone coming my way and went home.

>> No.9019150

I do that sometimes too I'm afraid. One time I was going to this quiet little river, but then I saw another car there and just went back home. I like taking pictures, but I get so nervous when someone is around, that I end up not taking the picture, and missing something really interesting. I don't like being watched, especially when I'm taking pictures.

>> No.9019156

I know how that feels too, I have a camera I sometimes bring with me.
Oh well...
We should go on adventures together!

>> No.9019163

I like the idea, but I know I'd just end up being really awkward and nervous the whole time...

>> No.9019170

That's part of the fun!

>> No.9019174

sick palindrome!

>> No.9019180

Well you certainly make a strong argument. Maybe one day

>> No.9019181

Aww, that's just another way of saying "No"!

>> No.9019189

But if I say "Yes" then there's the possibility of disappointment.

>> No.9019191


>> No.9019209

Where do you live?

>> No.9019204

Think of the "maybe" as limitless possibilities.

>> No.9019206

I would say yes to a interwebs get-together, but I'm allergic to getting raped.

>> No.9019213

Just go to a library.

It's what i do when i have to get out for a few hours.

>> No.9019211
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>> No.9019218

You have to interact with people at a library faglord.

>> No.9019226

What the hell? No you don't.

Grab a book, sit down. Nobody will talk to you ever.

>> No.9019228

The South Eastern U.S.

>> No.9019235

Wear good headphones, and pretend you don't hear anyone, even if you can still hear them

>> No.9019229

They'll look at me.
And this one time, this cute girl walked up to me and said "You like The Preacher too?~"
and I said yes, then put down the book, and walked home.

>> No.9019233

Only if you want to borrow a book dickface.

>> No.9019238


>> No.9019245

I've tried pretending I'm mute, but I still end up getting surprised at noises, so it doesn't really work out.

>> No.9019246

People will look at you anywhere you go. This is why the outside world is scary. And yes, they're judging you. This is human nature. Even normals know this, but they're fine with it.

In a library you're actually better off, because people will think whatever but they know they're stuck in the same room with you and shouldn't disturb you.

This is why I would rather be trapped in an elevator with a bunch of people than, say, walk down the street. As backwards as it sounds.

>> No.9019259

People will just assume you can hear it over the music. They're still not going to talk to you or anything.

>> No.9019263

At the library of the university I go to, they have a self checkout system so you don't even have to interact to get books out. It is much faster and more convenient as well.

>> No.9019275

My university had this too. But I kept the books too long and had to speak to a human being to pay my fine. Obviously I didn't, so now I have a stolen copy of K&R and SICP I've had for three years.

>> No.9019283

That's too bad. For the library at least. I don't think I'm in any danger of that, you can keep books for a maximum of 90 days if you renew them twice.

>> No.9019302

dont wash and shave for a month and no one will disturb you.Or find a girl friend that will do all the talking for you

>> No.9019319

I too dont like to interact with many people, and I simply ignore them if I dont want to talk to them.

>> No.9019387

>And yes, they're judging you.
Not as much as you think. Remember that weird guy you saw last time you were outside, who looked kinda nervous and would mostly stare at the ground? Of course you don't. You didn't even notice him. Even if you did, he would have forgotten about him 3 seconds later while thinking about something more important.

You really overestimate people's attention span if you expect them to pay much attention to some random guy who walks past them or sits down in the same room as them. Unless you do something that's really hard to ignore, like shitting your pants in public or something. If you fear you'll do something like that, you're perfectly justified in wanting to avoid other people at all costs.

>> No.9019495
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that's pretty much it
they notice you just like you notice them

not at all

>> No.9019548

Or at least not nearly as much as you do.

Half of my social phobias dissipated the day I realized that most people aren't as scrutinizing and critical as I am.

>> No.9019560

The reason I don't go outside is because I can't stand the sight of 3D people and the world in general. I get an irresistible urge of killing most guys and girls I see because I consider that they are so utterly ugly and disgusting that they must be wiped out of the planet I inhabit. It wrecks my nerves. Sometimes I can't stand watching how hideous the world is. I need to escape to the 2D world because if not I'll end up puking. I haven't looked into a mirror in years. I never look away from my computer unless I really need to.

>> No.9019568


>> No.9019581

Headphones & sunglasses. Keep walking.

>> No.9019582

Go back to fucking your cosmic horror girlfriend, Fuminori.

>> No.9019586
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>> No.9019589


the funny thing is, fuminori really saw them as a monsters
not just hipster bs

>> No.9019592

3D is PD. We have been telling you years now. Nothing new.

>> No.9019596

lol, but you are like the supreme king of hipsters, nerd
