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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9017179 No.9017179 [Reply] [Original]

For all your concerns and sharing your current thoughts on avoiding society to any degree.

>> No.9017188
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Keeps getting detected as spam for some reason
Links of possible interest:

>> No.9017218

You add the green onions to the bowl after everything is in it already, you don't add it to the boiling water.

Is /ck/ seriously that bad at cooking?

>> No.9017224

>the Gensokyo Prevention Line

Oh you.

Does anyone work from home? Not looking to join a pyramid scheme or anything, but surely there have to be reasonable ways to earn money from your desk? I mean a "proper" job, or something like drop shipping.
I refuse to believe I have a world of information and commerce at my fingertips, and I can't even earn enough money for food.

>> No.9017238

I want to start a NEET colony, if only to work in my sweatshops.
I will provide full food and accommodation, you just have to work at least 6 hours a day.

>> No.9017246

I'm no expert, but I figure this wouldn't matter so much?

Onions is onions. You cook food with onions in it all the time. Boiling them a little shouldn't hurt.

>> No.9017259

>NEET colony
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.9017284

Speaking of which, can we all agree that if any one of us becomes very rich, we'll buy an apartment complex and let a bunch of /jp/er NEETs live in it?

Don't go all Charles Foster Kane on us.

>> No.9017291

You'd like that, wouldn't you? Fucking capitalist parasite. Shouldn't you be off sucking government cock and ruining the economy?

>> No.9017292
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I believe they lose a bit of their texture if you boil them first. Quite satisfying when fresh or saute fried, not so much in boring old boiling water.

Web development is a popular home office job. Kind of iffy market though, hard to remain competitive with so many cheap offers out there. Don't really know, sorry.

Wonder why tracksuits are popular visual short hand for NEET. Kind of active wear, isn't it?

>> No.9017302
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>> No.9017306

This isn't a charity. There are tons of mining colonies where the companies provide everything you need to live in exchange for working on site.
I'm just doing the same, only you're not out in the middle of a desert and it's not mining.

>> No.9017316
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I'm wearing a tracksuit right now. It's comfy and easy to wear.

Jeans and stuff hurt my genitals, and they don't play too nicely with sweat.

>> No.9017337

>There are tons of mining colonies where the companies provide everything you need to live in exchange for working on site.
This is the sort of thing I'd kind of like. Sure you're working and with people, but it's mostly solo labor work and you're isolated from society. I think I'd like to work on a ship. Just a small one-man cabin, satellite internet, and bland meals.
My only reservations are that a) people might try to make friends with me and b) you can't just "quit" from working in a mining colony or a ship. Once you're there, you're there.

>> No.9017354

Something like a cult, lke Jonestown, then?

Yeah, no, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.9017364

I never noticed that because I don't use verticals, nor do I particularly care for ramen. Someone should tell the person who made it. Don't think that all of /ck/ doesn't know how to cook. There are definitely some people on there who know what they're doing.

It'd be preferable to have them raw. They'll turn to mush and lose their flavor if you boil them.

>> No.9017373

What this guy said. Clothing made for exercise is strangely comfortable for doing anything all day.

I just hang around in sweat pants and a tshirt though since I use my track pants to go running in the mornings. I could just use regular pants for that but I figure if I'm wearing track pants then I won't get stopped for looking like I'm fleeing the scene of a crime.

>> No.9017374

>They'll turn to mush and lose their flavor if you boil them.

That's what I was thinking might happen. I have done both though and never really noticed a difference. I wouldn't take offense to it if someone did it one way or the other.

I'm no food expert though. On which note I ask: can I eat potatoes raw? Obviously I am capable of doing so, but is it okay?

>> No.9017385

I'm no potato expert but I guess you can eat them raw. They taste a lot better if they're cooked though, and there are tons of ways to cook them.

>> No.9017402

Well I like plain, starchy foods, but I don't like the texture of mashed or boiled potatoes.

What would you recommend?

Also what are some other cheap, boring foods? Something an autismal NEET can enjoy.

>> No.9017410

Can someone post the NEET eating guiding (another one)?

>> No.9017432

It's a good source of cheap, tasty foods. Eat healthy and you'll be happier.

>> No.9017463

I dunno, I don't actively seek out starchy foods... I like quarteing potatoes and grilling them and eating them with italian dressing. A baked potato that's been drizzled with oil and sprinkled with salt before cooking is great too.

There's always pasta/noodles, beans, rice, and bread if you're looking for something plain.

>> No.9017519
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i have to go outside tomorrow
i cant take it easy like this

>> No.9017526

British NEETs:

It's becoming more popular though, so the stocks are getting lower. Of course there are places like Home Bargains and B&M too, but I don't think they do deliveries.

>> No.9017538

Next time ask or tell us something NEET related instead of just lazily typing General in the subject.

>> No.9017546

>i have to go outside tomorrow
You are not a truNEET.

>> No.9017568

yeah, i bought something online and have to go pick up the package
i cant be a NEET anymore

>> No.9017573


We need a truNEET playlist.
Maybe split it into two parts: crushing loneliness and happy escapism.

>> No.9017609


>> No.9017692

Do I get internet, money for figs and other weeaboo related purchases and other accommodations?
If so, I'd do it.

>> No.9017696

>crushing loneliness

Speak for yourself.

>> No.9017700

>social anxiety
Holy crap, I have this problem.
I never realized, I thought I was just shy.


>> No.9018181

I don't avoid society. Society avoids me.

>> No.9018240

that is why you fail

>> No.9018508

How do you keep your pee bottles from smelling after a few uses?
And what's a good way to prevent bugs without cleaning your room?

>> No.9018510
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>British NEETs

Thank you for being the first person ITT to acknowledge our existence... It makes one feel even more isolated when any help links are completely inaccessable.

>> No.9018518
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>Holy crap, I thought I was just shy

They both mean the same exact thing, regardless of what the quacks say.

>> No.9018551

No, shyness is a personality trait. Social anxiety is a life-crippling disorder

>> No.9018557


That's what I call pseudoscience.

>> No.9018559

>Social anxiety is a life-crippling disorder
Sure, pal.
How's spending half your income on pharmaceuticals going? You treating that ``disorder''?

>> No.9018571

Since the income might be zero without the medication, half an income is still better than none.

>> No.9018568

I just fucking hate people.


>> No.9018569

Pharmaceuticals? I talked to a counselor until I was able to leave the house and say hello to people without having a panic attack.

>> No.9018574

One could say anxiety is a personality trait.

>> No.9018576


Wow, that must be some really bad shyness. I sympathize with your shyness and bashfulness.

It's not a neurological disease though.

>> No.9018578

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9018581 [DELETED] 

Stop posting this fucking shit here and go to fucking >>>/soc/

>> No.9018585


Generally what they prescribe for "it" is SSRI's, which do jack shit, and benzos, which are incredibly effective short-term, until tolerance withdrawals kick in, and then if you ever decide to stop taking them, it sends you a potentially fatal withdrawal that is worse then any opiate's, and symptoms of withdrawal can linger for years.

Funny thing is, if you think you have anxiety now, you just gotta wait until your in so deep, that without benzos you have seizures and psychosis.

>> No.9018589

Of course its not a disease, its a mental/behavioral disorder.

Do you really not see a difference between being soft-spoken in social situations, and being unable to leave one's room during daylight hours?

>> No.9018592


When you say "social anxiety disorder", you imply that you believe it's a neurological disease, because according to the "doctors" that voted it into existence, mental issues and neurological diseases are synonymous.

And yes, I see a difference between mild shyness, and severe shyness.

>> No.9018598

>according to the "doctors" that voted it into existence, mental issues and neurological diseases are synonymous
Not true. Go and look up the psychological definition of a mental disorder.

>> No.9018603
File: 32 KB, 320x214, Lasagna Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cheapy food stuff.

Lasagna in packet £1 each.
Goes great with a salad.
I chop up some tomato's cucumber,. lettuce, add a little bit of ham or chicken, whatever laying around.

Chicken soup is a good one.
Packet of 4 soups for about £2.50
Cook a couple of linda mccartney sausages under the grill, chop them up and add to soup.
Tastes good!

>> No.9018604

Even if people think of them similarly, people make a distinction between neurological diseases and mental disorders.

>> No.9018602

I voted you into existence with ur momma.

>> No.9018609

>because according to the "doctors" that voted it into existence, mental issues and neurological diseases are synonymous.

Yeah, I don't think you know what either of those terms mean

>> No.9018615 [DELETED] 

My day was pretty good. I showered then went for some coffee at 3 pm. I used their internet for about 2 hours. Then went home and played Halo with my roomate. Then I studied genetics. Went for some beer around 11 and have been studying and F5ing /jp/ ever since.

>> No.9018616


According to psychiatry, there is absolutely no difference between a mental issue/disorder and a neurological disease. They honestly see no difference between telling a kid that he has "ODD" after just asking him some questions, and telling someone they have huntingtons disease.


Well then those people should stop calling them by those labels, for example, instead of saying "I have ADD", just say "I'm inattentive and have a hard time focusing on certain things."

>> No.9018619

>According to psychiatry, there is absolutely no difference between a mental issue/disorder and a neurological disease.
Did you go and look up the actual scientific definitions of the two? Because they are different, and any psychiatrist who tells you otherwise is lying.

>> No.9018622


My entire argument is based around the fact that there is a huge difference between the two, and bashing psychiatry for shitting all over the line between them with giant pseudoscience turds.

>> No.9018623

Great, then we agree.

>> No.9018645

>an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body or one of its parts that interrupts or modifies the performance of the vital functions, is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms, and is a response to environmental factors (as malnutrition, industrial hazards, or climate), to specific infective agents (as worms, bacteria, or viruses), to inherent defects of the organism (as genetic anomalies)

>mental disorder
>a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual


Diseases are defined by their causes, usually external. Disorders refer to any intrinsic malfunctioning. Ironically, the confusion you're having might be because Huntington's disease is technically classified as a neurodegenerative genetic disorder

>> No.9018662


>Merriam webster

Exactly how many times did i say "According to psychiatry". Exactly how many times did I have to point out that I do not have a confusion with the two words, and that I'm just pointing out psychiatry's fallacy?

How fucking autistic can you guys get?

Psychiatry still holds the doctrine that whatever they deem to be a "mental issue" is synonymous with a neurological disease, and by the way, huntingtons disease is a textbook example of a neurological disease, complete with biomarkers, and physical tests to back it up.

>> No.9018666

What's the biomarker for a dislocated shoulder?

>> No.9018663

lol y r u gays so guy? quilt bean pushy sand dosh umpteenth a bow tit faaaaaags

>> No.9018665

Huntington's disease is purely genetic whereas schizophrenia is caused by a multitude of factors including genetic predestination. It's nature vs nurture.

>> No.9018669


The dislocated shoulder.

>> No.9018674

And how do you prove it's dislocated?

Tests have to be developed. Do we refuse to treat patients if there's no known biomarker for a disease?

>> No.9018680

What happened to this thread?

>> No.9018688


You prove it's dislocated because you can overtly see that it's fucking dislocated, and even then, you can get a x-ray.

And no, neurological diseases don't even need to have biomarkers to be neurological diseases, the criterion of symptoms just has to clearly be a indication of a neurological disease.

For example, retardation/psychosis with no known biomarker, is still clearly caused by a brain defect, even if it's not clear what exactly the etiology is for it, you can be assured that there brain is damaged. You can even have physical tests to prove this, still without knowing the biomarker.

For example, a simple neurological exam that takes like 5 minutes, can verify whether or not someone has brain damage.

>> No.9018719


fagNEET's not taking it easy.

>> No.9018724

Seems like it.

>> No.9018725

My chair just broke while I was leaning back and fapping. That was awful.

>> No.9018737


Were you fapping to /jp/?

>> No.9018744

I posted a while back about getting excited for winter/autumn weather, and now I'm getting excited for summer. Today when I went to water my plants it was one of those sweltering hot, silent days where everything seemed washed out. This time of year very few people go outside and I find myself feeling more and more charmed by how the city and neighborhoods look because of the fact. There aren't any cicadas hanging around yet to provide any kind of soundtrack for this time of year. I'm sure they'll be here soon enough.

>> No.9018746

Just slept for 14 hours, whats going on in here guys.

>> No.9018757

Any of you guys use hot water bottles?

They are really comforting and cosy, especially on a cold day.
I use mine more than my daki.

>> No.9018772

You mean newly filled piss bottles right?

>> No.9018890

I'm a fucking weeaboo. Please kill me.

>> No.9018895


I wish I didn't have to sleep and I don't understand why I do.

I mean, I don't do anything all day. Why is my body so tired it needs to sleep for 8 hours?

>> No.9018896

I don't know about doing this dishonestly but take care of an old lady for housing and shit. Its not hard.

>> No.9018897


Do you fuck her?

>> No.9018917

No. You have to do it yourself.

>> No.9019753
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Today I will attempt doing things.

>> No.9019764

My last two shopping trips were interrupted by old folk who asked whether I worked there just because I was wearing a blue flannel shirt. I'm never wearing it again.

There was also a drunk guy who asked if I had any smokes (I did) and started talking to me while holding on to my lighter. Luckily I was able to come up with an excuse and leave.

I know they didn't mean me any harm but it still makes me feel extremely uncomfortable when people start talking to me out of the blue.

>> No.9019788

How would you cope if you were made homeless?
Include in your post, if you are a NEET or not, and how long you've been a NEET.

>> No.9020223

By dying.

>> No.9020244

why the fuck did you give him a smoke?

I either ignore people of his sort or fuck with them, by telling them to kneel before me if they want change and shit like that.
Never direct physical contact thought due to mental filth.

>> No.9020285

Recently, after almost 5 years of living this way, I was just about out of money and about to become homeless. I panicked, and an Anon reached out to me to try to encourage me and help change my life (not that I wanted to). I ended up causing him to despair and I'm too afraid to return any of his emails now. I never should have responded in the first place, but I was in a state of panic.

I'm surviving now on a tax refund I got for some old student loan interest which my mother has been paying for me. When this runs out, I'll probably kill myself.

>> No.9020278


either die or get a job, I'm a huge pussy so I would probably get a job.

>> No.9020294
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Why aren't you guys on medicine?

I never go out, but when I do have to go outside it's nice to have some pills on hand to make it possible to continue taking it easy, even when I'm outside.

>> No.9020301


Because benzo withdrawals nearly killed, and resulted in the worst 2 years of my life getting off them.

>> No.9020307

Why is cum so hard to dispose of? It's like I'm burying a body everytime.

I washed my cumrag today because it smelt really bad, and the areas where I came were discolored and a bit faded, even though it's brown-ish.

>> No.9020313

I just cum into my boxers.

>> No.9020314

Rub it on your legs. Wait for it to harden. Peel it off.

>> No.9020316


>getting off them.

Why'd you do that? I've been taking them every day for about three years straight. Can't withdrawal if you never stop.

>> No.9020320

I did too, that's what the cumrag was. For some reason I sweat a lot from my butt, so I have to use a separate pair of them for fapping, and generally, having moist boxers is unpleasant.

>> No.9020326

Cum into piss bottles, wipe off the excess with tissue, take a piss directly afterwards (this bit's sometimes tricky, but otherwise globs of semen form at the tip of your penis).

>> No.9020342

>take a piss directly afterwards
I don't recommend this, as it often causes an unpleasant burning sensation in my urethra. I just let any excess drip onto my leg or something, the amount is negligible. So you get a tiny cumstain here and there. So what?

>> No.9020501

The SNRI I started taking a few months back worked pretty well (I was more energetic and saw things in a positive light) but I completely ruined it by picking up alcohol again. It no longer makes me feel good, yet I keep drinking it every chance I get.

I suppose that, in a way, I'm addicted to misery self-pity. I wish that weren't the case.

>> No.9020606

I suppose that, in a way, I'm addicted to misery self-pity. I wish that weren't the case.

This is my problem too. I believe you achieve it by sitting in your own turmoil for too long.

After a point, it becomes normal and it's the only way you can feel content about yourself. It's easier than hope or desire, because to hope is to latch onto the idea that some good will fall into your lap. That is not the case because man decides his own destiny, not some form of deterministic rules.

It would be nice if it were possible to seek an absolute truth on ones unhappiness but perhaps that is impossible to do. We beg doctors for help, or we whine to others for validation. Some of us attempt to ignore it by drug use or drinking or through hedonism but I think the only real way to any type of normality is to deal with your own issues introspectively.

>> No.9020611

I think a lot of us are like this.

I know a lot of people say, "Why do you care? You're a NEET who can do anything. You should be apathetic!" but sometimes I enjoy being upset or hating/pitying myself a little.
I'm definitely not depressed any more though, which is nice, but also kind of boring.

>> No.9020709

I am infected with parasites again due to my poor hygiene. I know because I can see them on the water after going to the toilet. I think I'll let them stay this time instead of taking my medicine. I have some fond memories of them, back when I was little I used to get infected pretty often. My parents wouldn't let me have a dog or cat, so I was very happy to finally have a pet growing inside my tummy. Sometimes I'd call them "my guests" I got them once every couple of years and it was very fun.

I don't think "parasites" is the right term, I mean, they pay me back by keeping me skinny. Whats the worst that could happen if I don't take my medicine?

>> No.9020712

See if you can get a tapeworm. Lovely little things.

>> No.9020727

I like hosting different being in my body too, Anon!

I keep some nice warts of what seems to be HPV and lately I have started to grow lice in my head and pubis. It is my love for them what keeps me alive!

>> No.9022789


I've also noticed I'm getting worms as of recent, anyone else have any experiences with them that I should maybe know of? I really don't want to go to the chemist to buy the pills.

>> No.9022800

Do you guys like eat cat poop or something. How does that happen?

>> No.9022827

To bravely stave off hunger a truNEET wouldn't hesitate to consume the feces of their household pet.

>> No.9022850

I've been homeless twice. And am currently.
Been a NEET since 2002 and still am.

I would cope by squatting, as I did, and do.

>> No.9022856

Tell me your adventures.

>> No.9022865

My entire body is a parasite feeding off my mind. It forces me to do things I don't want to do.

I don't really want to eat, but when I go without eating my body becomes tired and produces chemicals to me feel sad. I never want to masturbate, but every time my body produces solid waste (from the food it forced me to eat) the pressure causes that damned appendage to swell, causing intense discomfort.

>> No.9022871

No. I guess I can answer some general questions about how to be a bum but still live a good NEET life if anyone had any though.

>> No.9022875

How do I be a bum and still live a good NEET life?

>> No.9022878

I can't relate to normal people, and the people I can relate to seem to dislike me because they tend to be misogynists. I truly never will have friends, I envy the people who are okay with this.

>> No.9022884

Very carefully.

>> No.9022911

My mom kicked the bucket a few weeks ago and my dad is pissed because I haven't left the room in years and didn't go to the funeral. I don't think he's going to kick me out though, so I can still take it easy

>> No.9022990

Are a f-f-f-f-female?

>> No.9022993

What do your farts smell like?

>> No.9023410

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9023441

You wouldn't like this, I guarantee it. Mining is hard shit and you'd be on 8 days on 5 days off type shifts, which means 10 hours of hard hard work followed by extreme tiredness. Mining only attracts rough cunts so unless you were a scientist on fly-in fly-out you'd get bullied by all the fair dinkum blokes for being shy and effeminate. There's a reason why crystal meth and hard drinking is so big in outback Australia

>> No.9023521

>You wouldn't like this, I guarantee it.
Being an autismal fuck, I actually enjoyed being a showel monkey at industrial construction sites. Unlike in the army, there was no bullying of any kind. Age matters: older people don't have the need to show off by acting like bone heads.

>> No.9024063

Bump because people can't condense their threads.

>> No.9024111

I think I'm becoming insane.

Posts on 4chan are starting to get to me and I sit here, mulling them over in my head, eating away my brain.

I feel like I need to drink lots of alcohol.

>> No.9024150

I'm under 18 . Please report me.

>> No.9024159

i don't even watch anime

>> No.9024163

Tell me more about your experience in the army. I'm a stupid shit that can't do anything that requires too much thinking and I'm probably flunking out of community college so this my be my only choice unless I go through with trying to become a hermit in the wild.

>> No.9024169

at least you go outside

>> No.9024171


Can't you just stay inside and leech off your parents/government?

>> No.9024175

i want to start rhyming more but after going on /new/, i feel a little bit racist

>> No.9024178

Guys, do you know if sakamichi is out yet?

>> No.9024233

It was shit. Unlike movies imply, superiors are expected to be good with people. Everything revolves around people. There is also no privacy. When you live in conditions that are total shit, it's a huge advantage to be able to relax with others.

>> No.9024263


Are you ok man.

>> No.9024276

What's so great about going outside anyway?

>> No.9024286

Do your dreams ever get mixed up with reality? I don't mean anything big like thinking you've actually visited Gensokyo but simple things such as not being sure whether you took out the trash or if your mom called you yesterday.

I like the scenery. This city looks really beautiful at night when there are no people around.

>> No.9024290


It doesn't help that, since /jp/ is my life, I often dream about threads that didn't happen then try to search for them (or think threads were a dream when they DID happen).

>> No.9024295

Think it's all the same in the other branches too?

>> No.9024303


Yes. Sometimes thing happen that contradict what I dreamt, I wonder how many things I have though are really not even real. Well I guess it's real if I think it is.

>> No.9024393


I drank some whiskey and feel a bit better now, calmer.

The feeling of my brain becoming overloaded or too crowded seems to be recurring though and I don't know how to fix that permanently. Maybe some exercise or less 4chan would help.

>> No.9024451

I don't know. I would at least avoid ground combat forces.

>> No.9025042

I am pondering about, if i should just go to gensokyo alone or send my father to hell first, before taking my leave to gensokyo.

I could never take it easy in my life thanks to him.

>> No.9025438
File: 743 KB, 845x934, fug DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it wrong not having a social life /jp/? i sometimes i go out runnning, buy groceries or even drink with some of my friends every blue moon but other than that, i never talk with anyone, i dont care but i need to know if anybody else is experiencing this

i dont want to be alone ;_;

>> No.9025460

The only acceptable social life a /jp/er can have, is with the people he sells items to.

>> No.9025455

>is it wrong not having a social life /jp/?

>i dont want to be alone ;_;
Then don't be. If you're capable of doing those things and you don't want to be alone, go out and do them. There's no reason to restrain yourself from social activity if you enjoy the companionship of other human beings.

Perhaps the NEET path simply isn't for you. And you can't help that. Now go out and make friends, loser.

>> No.9025464

Same but I rather like that I don't have to rely on other people to be happy.

>> No.9025492

I'm capable of acting sociable and making friends but I prefer to be left alone.

I can't really understand why someone who wants to and is perfectly capable of doing so wouldn't just go do it instead of posting about it on /jp/. What's stopping you?

>> No.9025509


>> No.9025519

It's too much work.

>> No.9025556 [DELETED] 
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>not fuging 2 girls at same time

>> No.9025559

I'm on my way to following the Uncle Remus method, but I have a question. What is this hospital stay going to be like? If it's boring I hope they let me bring my mp3 player in. What is it that's going to be done in the three days I'm there?

>> No.9025568

What method is that?

>> No.9025580 [DELETED] 
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>thinking that is 2012

>> No.9025582



>> No.9025610

I don't think you'll be allowed to bring it in, they usually strip you from your personal belongings to reduce risk since you'll be in suicide watch for those 3 days.
There will be a lot of talking with doctors, group therapy so you know you're not alone in your suicidal tendencies and then some paperwork. It will be dull, but it's the environment they prepare for people at the end of their line.

>> No.9025614 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9025649

I know this is late, but actually open my links before you dismiss them:

>A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine

merriam webster's website only hosts their medical dictionary

>> No.9025652

Depends where you live. In my area they're making all the non-criminal mental hospitals trendy, cosy places to live. You have your own room with an ensuite, there's a nice lounge, and you're basically free to walk around as you please, so long as you attend regular sessions. Of course they still have padded chambers in case people get too crazy, but overall they seem more like hotels than hospitals.

Scope out your area. See where they're likely to put you. If it's just a normal hospital, I wouldn't worry so much. I had to stay in a hospital when I went a bit mad, and it was just like a regular stay in a hospital (except I got my own room). Unless you're in a big city or something, I doubt they have specific rooms for mentally ill people.

>> No.9025735

There's no way they'll let you bring an mp3 player in.
But you should be allowed to have some books or something.

For the most part, it's not too bad. You'll get asked some stupid questions, do some pointless counseling, and have to eat whatever slop they offer you, but it's only three days, and after that you're pretty much ensured to get autism money.

>> No.9025763
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Why the fuck does it constantly feel like I'm in auto-pilot? For long periods of time, I don't think about anything. I can never get anything done, either.
Being an idiot is true suffering.

>> No.9025808


I've been to mental hospitals a lot (I have a psychotic disorder) so I guess I can speak a little about how they work.

First if you're only going 3 days, chances are you will not be permitted any leisure items such as MP3 players (something like a book would be fine, possibly a game system such as DS but they sometimes take those for fear of theft).

The reason is with MP3 players the cord becomes a risk. You - or someone else - could hang yourself with the cord. In most hospitals they take away things such as belts, shoe laces and so on. Sometimes your clothes are even revoked and you have to stay in a gown. It depends on the area due to things like laws.

If you were going for a longer stay, perhaps weeks to months, it's the same treatment at first - usually nothing. After a while if you demonstrate you are acting within reason you can get to use an MP3 player. Since not everyone who goes to a hospital is suicidal you can gain the privilege to have things back.

The experience varies. It consists of one on one treatment with a doctor to assess and diagnose things. Then it usually includes things like group therapy which is very awful to do. Apart from that you just take it easy, reading or maybe watching television until your stay is over.

>> No.9025833

I am lonley
sometimes very lonely

but it's worth it
I don't want to be like the other guys

so I don't complain

>> No.9025842

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9025861


but you're wrong. I'm the guy from

I don't want interaction

for example, I often imagine I'm talking with the people I once knew IRL about my interests
touhou, video games,anime.
It's fun.

but at the same time I am aware that really, I would never, never talk with them about these things
because they are disgusting, retarded normalfags and we think in a totally different ways
besides, talking about your interests is what desperate retards do to express themselves
an it's fucking retarded

>> No.9025872

You have a very negative view of people.

We're people too, y'know.

Have you tried speaking with similar people? They exist, and are probably closer than you think.

>> No.9025869

If you don't want interaction then why do you feel lonely?

>> No.9025875

How is he wrong? Wouldn't that just make you part of the first group? I know I am anyway.

>> No.9025876

Stop responding to copypasta. Some NEETs are just more worried about their future than others.

>> No.9025886

/a/b/v/ just like to make statements like that with no real reasoning behind them. It's like a child yelling out "no!" whenever they see or hear something that doesn't fit their view of the world. They also love to use catchphrases and memes...

>> No.9025888

I don't think it's possible not to feel lonely if you didn't interacted directly with other humans for a long time
or if you don't have any friends

some psychologists say that loneliness is something that every human feels and it can't be eradicated

>> No.9025899

Don't forget the mentally ill!

There are people, who aren't necessarily bound by the same pointless restrictions and stuff, yo!

>> No.9025916

How hard is it to get autism bucks? I am not diagnosed but I think I would be if I went to a doctor.

>> No.9025917

I spend just about every day sitting here on the computer or in bed playing games and I don't feel lonely. In my room I can do what I want, and I love that feeling. I get the same feeling when I have my house to myself. There was a period in my life where the owner of this house was in the hospital for a few months and I lived alone, and I feel a bit guilty saying that it was one of the best times in my life, actually being alone. I didn't feel held down by anything and I could so whatever I wanted.

>> No.9025985

Sometimes I feel like that too
But sometimes I just feel so...empty.
I've been trying to justify this emptiness with a lot of "deep" shit
trying to give it a meaning
but then I realized I'm just lonely

>> No.9026348
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I feel the same way. I have a thousand ways to excuse my behavior and feelings using psychology, philosophy and big words.
But really I'm just stumbling over the fine line between escapism and reality.

>> No.9026353


>> No.9026427

Found a very nice suicide resource:
It has a lot of info on methods, statistics and self-help. It's also neutral, no shoving "don't kill yourself it's wrong!!" in your face like most places.

>> No.9026441

Not him, but you sound like you've done. Have you successfully gotten benefits from the uncle remus method?

>> No.9026446

*done this

>> No.9026452



The Peaceful Pill Handbook, describes a few methods and has some anecdotes.
Mostly aimed at the elderly/euthanasia crowd, though. Actually read all of it if you're just having a hard time. You should have every right to choose how and when you want to die, but consider that you might be acting rashly if you're just depressed.

>> No.9026505


Not who you're asking. But I have got autism money, using the Uncle Remus method. It might have been a little over kill since I already had some good paperwork, but it sure as hell did speed things up, and they gave me no hassle at all.

>> No.9030202

What are you all drinking tonight, gang?

>> No.9030208

I don't dislike people, I WANT to go outside. But when I do all I can feel is anxiety. Where did it come from?

>> No.9030216

Maybe you're scared of people judging you?

Or perhaps you're just naturally introverted. It happens.

>> No.9030272
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Completely unrelated to the thread, but here I go.

I don't come to this board often and I notice that you use sage very liberally, when is it acceptable to bump a thread in /jp/'s opinion? When posting something of relevance to other people and not for idle discussion? That's pretty much all I can pick up on. Thanks.

>> No.9030274

I wish I had a car so I could make a few days' road trip to wherever I please. We don't have a Route 66 around here but there's still plenty to see and driving around without a clear destination is pretty fun.

>> No.9030285

Don't know about other people but I sage because bumping often on a slow board seems like bad manners.

>> No.9030299

Got it, sounds good to me. Thanks.

>> No.9030317

It's hard to come up with proper guidelines for using sage but generally you should sage unless you bring something new up. It's okay to bump a thread from page 3 with a useless post if you deem the thread worthy of people's attention, though.

"General" threads like this usually receive quite a few sage posts because people who want to post in them can find them on their own and they don't want to bother others by bumping it to the front page all the time.

>> No.9030348

same here
if I walk outside during the day I get anxious and a lot of stressful/retarded thoughts invade my mind

>> No.9030350


>> No.9030415

>if I walk outside during the day
>during the day
I'm pretty sure you're actually the skeleton inside of me, bro

>> No.9030454

I love social interaction but I hate society

what the hell does that mean?

>> No.9030488

that you're a normal rational human being

>> No.9030606
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A hospital stay does help, but it doesn't guarantee it. I got rejected my first try, and the second try is still going on. And you won't be aloud anything besides books and clothing, typically.

There were no group therapy sessions, oddly; I think that they knew better than to do that with me because I was aloof. Expect to be so upset that you can't even read your books, and as such you'll just lay on your bed or drink decaffeinated coffee for hours. It is not a fun place at all; I yelled at my parents every time they called me.

What these fools aren't telling you is that you should expect a huge-ass bill that will be hard if not impossible to pay off if you don't have a job, even if you don't have insurance. My parents dumped it on me when they practically forced me to go (or else they were going to sick the cops on me) and I had no income. Yes, getting free money for life might be worth it in the long run, but remember that it is a gamble; you are not guaranteed this at all.

>> No.9030632

You are over 18.

>> No.9030660
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And? It would have been either the nuthouse or jail. I guess that I should say that I was having a psychotic episode, and was saying scary things that were terrifying everyone. Besides, you don't know my family, and how they can control and dominate you. I dare say that it would be no different for any other NEET here if they were in my situation. De jure, I might have had a choice, but in reality I didn't. I had just came home from graduate school and had nowhere to go, and couldn't support myself. Despite working two part-time jobs now, I still can't. And I fear of going back there again because it will obliterate the meager savings that I have finally acquired.

Yes, I might be over the age of majority, but you don't know all of the parts of the equation. You shouldn't just say "Burr durr you're over 18 nigger" and leave it at that; it doesn't prove or solve anything.

>> No.9030682

There's no sense arguing with people like that, they don't have brains. If they did, they would never make an argument like "you're 18". Best to mark them as scum and forget they exist.

>> No.9030684

>What these fools aren't telling you is that you should expect a huge-ass bill that will be hard if not impossible to pay off if you don't have a job, even if you don't have insurance. My parents dumped it on me when they practically forced me to go (or else they were going to sick the cops on me) and I had no income.

I guess I'll just chime in here. You sound underaged.
Anyway, a little foresight here saves you some woe. In every county there is usually a "free clinic" of some sort or another. There is also usually an emergency room that will take you, even if you can't pay. The trick is to turn yourself in here. Obviously, since you're doing this you're not very well off, and most likely don't have an involved family. What you need to do is explain to them your financial situation. This should put you on the road to getting "rated". What that means, is essentially you'll be getting wellfare rates, instead of the full price. The poorer you are, the lower it will be. My $7000 stay cost me only $275 out of pocket when it was all said and done.

>I got rejected my first try, and the second try is still going on.
You're just really bad at this.

>Yes, getting free money for life might be worth it in the long run, but remember that it is a gamble; you are not guaranteed this at all.

It's not free money at all. It's assistance for somebody who can't live on their own becuase they are disabled. This view of yours is probably why you couldn't get in. You don't even mention that you know about SSI, let alone intend to get on it. And once you start, you should constantly tell them that you will be getting off of it ASAP once you're back on your feet.

As for it being a gamble, I disagree. As long as you possess the the minimum amount of skill needed to navigate the social issues, and the symptoms to back up your bullshit, it's nearly a sure thing.

>> No.9030696

Cool blogs

>> No.9030701

A depressing amount of Americans actually believe that adults at age 18 should be able to fully support themselves. In this economy, especially with the piss poor public education available in the states, the 18-25 demographic is pretty underemployed.

>> No.9030728

It's funny because for all you complain about WAHHH THEY EXPECT ME TO BE GROWN UP TOO FAST ;__; you should really be able to support yourself by your mid-teens. You think the soldiers of old were thirtysomethings? Ha! They were in their teens and twenties.

You just constantly feel the need to justify that you're leeching scum, even though you're a grown-up who should be supporting himself.

That's a normalfag attitude, so get the fuck out of my /jp/.

>> No.9030731
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Oh, well it actually wasn't my idea to get on SSI; my parents were absolutely convinced that I couldn't support myself and pressured me to apply for it, even though I kept on telling them that I was an inappropriate case. I got rejected for petty reasons that were not related to my condition; they always do that so that they can get rid of scammers.

After the rejection, my parents got a lawyer, and he thinks that I am a good case. My parents think that I am a definite sperglord despite what me and my professionals think (I have a form of psychosis where I'm usually not detached from reality), so that is muddying up the process a bit because the lawyer isn't entirely clear about what to make of me. But it does look like I will get on it after the hearing at the end of the year, or at least it is likely.

One thing that I learned, though, is humility. That I truly am disabled and do need assistance, even though I want to work. I am working, but it isn't enough, and I have difficulty doing it. I just feel like a failure, but maybe I can still be content with my life, and find some other venue to achieve success.

>> No.9030741

>justify that you're leeching scum
Not that guy but what the HELL am I reading?
Only normalfags would feel guilty of leeching other normalfag scum.

>> No.9030749

You sound way more normalfag than I do. Getting by in the army isn't so hard. You do what your told. Maybe people shoot at you, but if you do what your told you will do alright.

It isn't an issue of "growing up too fast." It is an issue of a bad education system combined with a poor economy and an older generation that refuses to employ a younger generation even when capable individuals present themselves.

>> No.9030756

You don't have a prayer.
Even if you managed to get your shit in order enough to jump through all the hoops, your parents would just shit all over it (inadvertently, as it would seem).

The fact that you ARE working doesn't help your case any, either. To a social worker, your whole case reeks of a yuppie family you can't control their kid, and want to put him on the dole, rather than deal with him.

If you want a real chance for this, take a few years off. Build up your case, by not working and being a useless sack of homeless shit, and ditch your folks. Because they are not doing you any favors, and are completely holding you back from this.

Get someone who's not family to back you up during your next case, a landlord, a friend, a fellow bum, whatever.

I don't think you'll do any of that, but maybe it'll help someone else in the same situation as you.

>> No.9030784

Labor jobs like that aren't as hard as you describe them. I've worked on a pipeline before and everyone was determined to spend at least 50% of the time fucking off, even though we laborers were payed 18$/h + 100$/d. If it takes 1 worker 1 day to do something, then it will take 2 workers 2 days to do the same job. No one ever fights on the job site; that would interfere with fucking off, because if you have a good relationship with everybody, you can talk to them and it will look like your are discussing work when you are really just talking shit about the company and how much you hate them. The townspeople hate you though, but the job usually moves 500+ people into a town of less than 1000 that was dying, so you'll be safe as long as it isn't by Mexico. (If it's close to Mexico, Mexicans will cut your throat to steal 50$. Don't go near Mexico).

There is a lot of faggotry that you might like though. Men get shovel handles and poke other men's asses. Mexicans like to whittle (very realistic, complete with veins) dicks out of wood and throw them at each other. People are constantly telling the other workers to suck their dicks, talking about having sex in prison, and other gay shit. Some of them will walk up behind you and rub your back and say "how are you baby?". Really, for as much as they claim to hate gays, they are real faggots.

>> No.9030800
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I don't know. I also have my doubts, but everyone (boss, therapist, lawyer, etc.) is saying that I have a good chance and that I deserve to be on it. I actually seem a lot more strange in person than I do in writing. Maybe I could pull it off.

You're probably right about the social worker thing, although I'm not meaningfully employed (not enough to live independently) and am still technically a dependent. You can still work while on SSI, and I work just slightly above the 18 hour a week limit. Employment in and of itself doesn't disqualify you, but it does look bad.

I would have left my parents a long time ago, but I'd be left with nothing. I have no friends, no connections, no where to go. My dad threatens to kick me out all the time, and even staged it once. I'm not afraid of fending for myself but I do have a fear of not surviving it. I have some idea of how to be homeless, but I want to avoid it if possible, and no one could blame me. I need support, health insurance, and money, and I would have none of those on the street.

>> No.9030825

Well, I'm not speaking for the law. I mean you technically qualify. But experience says, you're just not going to get it, like that.

And yeah, I know you CAN work. But if you can work, why do you need SSI in the first place? Sure there are tons of valid reasons, but now that's just one more big thing you need to account for, where otherwise you wouldn't have to.

Don't worry about living on the street. With parents like that, it will be easy modo. Besides, any future case workers will see that you're fucking desperate. The only thing you need a contact for, is backing up your story. I forget what they call it, but they'll hunt to the ends of the earth to find someone for you if you don't supply them with one.

Here's a homeless protip though, save up whatever you can, and get a UPS PO box. Use that to receive food stamps during that time, and then you only need to worry about keeping that paid for and buying maddog when you actually get your greasy mitts on some actual cash.

>> No.9030950

So, I recently ended up having some "interview" before being given psych appointments, looks like I'm getting 20 weeks of CBT, can't say I expect it to help much considering I've spent almost every waking hour of the past 6+ years talking to myself, often about how pathetic my anxiety problems are.

Seems like the right place to ask since it's a /jp/-blog general thread - but is this in any way the right direction in regards to autismbux? I've read Remus' posts plenty of times in the weeks leading up to the interview, but I'm not sure if 20 weeks of CBT is heading in the right direction or not.

>> No.9030973

Cock and ball torture?

Ouch. Sounds like they still think they can fix you. And 20 weeks, damn that will slow things to a crawl for you. Time to showcase your autism, and prove you're beyond any help.

>> No.9030984

Years ago I used to say the same
but now I hate both

>> No.9031016

I'm more bothered about having to go out once a week than any timeframe for receiving money. All I want is enough money to be left alone without starving to death, I'm underweight enough as it is.

>> No.9031037

Which was my precise argument.

We all know we're grown-ups capable of and supposed to be able to fend for ourselves, but we reject that.

>> No.9031044

Well your case might just be put on hold until this silliness is over. And if you botch this, then you're pretty much fucked.

As for it being the "right track" to autism money, I don't even know how you ended up at this point. But it's definitely in the wrong direction. But it's something you can't just ignore either, beat this little distraction, and then you can move back onto your target though.

>> No.9031086

Homelessness and the inevitable death that follows is starting to look more appealing than all these hoops.

>> No.9031106

Homelessness is far from a death sentence. But it was you who forced this extra step on yourself, afterall.

I'm not sure how you did it, but it was likely to image you presented of yourself. You may want to consider casting yourself in a different light during this therapy whatnot.

>> No.9031125

What's the best lube for onaholes? And best place to buy from?

>> No.9031277
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>> No.9031288

Trust me, homelessness is only as hard as you make it. My life has been amazing this whole year now that I know what I'm doing.

>> No.9031361

I've not left my home in 6 years bar these psych trips in the last month. I think I'd rather risk the 10% failure rate of walking infront of a train.

And now I find myself making whiny /soc/ level posts on /jp/. They expect me to go outside once a week, and by the sounds of it expose me to the things that cause the anxiety. I'm starting to wish I hadn't bothered.

>> No.9031450

You don't have to go. In fact, it won't completely kill your chances if you don't.

Just blow them off, and call the SSI people six months later and try again. When they ask why you dropped of the face of the earth, cite your social anxiety or whatever.

>> No.9031477

This. Fuck them, anon.
I only had to leave twice, once to mail a letter. Which included to horrifying sprint to the corner, and after the deed was done, a tear soaked jog back. And the final boss fight, the doctor's appointment.
You can do it anon! Don't make them force you outside 20 times for nothing.

>> No.9031552

There was a time in which you couldn't wake up whatever time you wanted or do whatever you wished.

>> No.9032141

I'm going to drink until I black out. I've never done this before. Does anyone want to join me?

>> No.9032150

I do this often. I would advise that you reconsider, as the hangover for the first time will be miserable. The best way that I've found to avoid this is to begin drinking again after waking up.

>> No.9032153

Drink water as well as booze.

This is ONE SIMPLE TRICK I DISCOVERED and I never get hang overs.

>> No.9032154

you can die
please don't do it, life of every NEET is precious

>> No.9032164

it's obvious, if you consider that it happens due to dehydration

if he blacks out from drinking however, he might consider himself happy to be able have hangover the next day though

>> No.9032162

I don't really give a shit at this point. It's something a human being (I am one) has to experience at least once during his life. Probably.

>> No.9032179

How do you deal with that annoying family member that keeps shouting at you to get out of your room, get a job, do something with your life, etc.. ?

I just want to take it easy..., why can't they leave me alone..

>> No.9032187

All I have is beer so I don't think hydration is a problem here.

>> No.9032188

listen to them
move out, get a job
never deal with their bullshit again

that's why I moved out, I preferred interaction with people at work(for which I get paid) to the interaction with retarded family members at home(who didn't pay me at all)

>> No.9032192

>black out from drinking

gl with that
do you homework first

>> No.9032200

That never seems to work for me. Maybe I just pee it all out.

Speaking of urination, >>9032141-anon, be careful to Stay Dry.

>> No.9032202
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My beer hangovers are pretty mild thanks to all the water I drink when doing that. It's difficult to get shitfaced on beer though, it's bulky and it will weigh your stomach down, this is why most people start out with beer and then go on "second gear" with liquor.

>> No.9032206

If you want to go gensokyo, just drink near the rooftop of a 20storey aparment or near the train station.

>> No.9032212

Beer before liquor, get drunk quicker. Liquor before beer, you like Pam Grier.

>> No.9032225

Like the other anon said, listen to them. Get a job, not because you want to become a normal but because you want to be a human being. Even if you live in a socialist paradise such as Sweden, doing nothing is going to take a toll on you. Seriously, working in a dead-end job is better than being a NEET.

>> No.9032241

Becoming more and more of a shut-in every day. I have a job and go to school and stuff, but besides that, I don't leave the house much.

>> No.9032244

bs, being NEET is always better

being NEET and living with your family is not

>> No.9032248

Such low level shitposting, it's kind of sad.

>> No.9032252


Not a single empathy was found. Thanks for reminding me why I hate people.

>> No.9032255

So many /soc/ threads during friday night and weekend.
Fucking NEET posers everywhere. If you guys want to be normal just fucking get a job already and talk to people in school.

>> No.9032257

While I understand what you mean about doing nothing, but you don't need to be a wage slave.

>> No.9032260
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Putting up with whiny relatives is (slightly) better than working.

>> No.9032267


All my classes are with the same handful of people and they're all faggots. ): I have some awesome friends, but they're spread out all over the country and I only see them all a couple times a year. Shit sucks.

>> No.9032276

Well, people are different. I've been living on my own AND as a NEET for almost two years. I love solitude but being a burden to the society is something I cannot handle.

If you want to live as a NEET for the rest of your life, it's your decision. I don't want to be a burden. I want to make my parents proud, even if it's pointless in the end.

>> No.9032282

you're pathetic
and you probably didn't graduate school yet

>> No.9032284

Can you leave /jp/, ``please''?

>> No.9032286

I did graduate High School. I don't quite understand what you are getting at, though.

>> No.9032290

LOL WE TruNEET!!!! Let's report that fag and make /jp/ pure enough again!

>> No.9032291

he will once he realizes nobody falls for his lame trolling

>> No.9032293

Does anyone know how to talk to people? I have a really stressful time even standing in the same room as my dad.

>> No.9032299


Gladly. You guys are a bunch of shitheads anyway. Clearly misunderstood the point of this thread.

PS: I wasn't trying to troll. Was just trying to chat with you guys. Whatever.

>> No.9032300

yup only a fag troll wood have a oponion different than ours. /jp is for groupthink only. gaijin ideas are not allowed

>> No.9032301


I can't even look anyone in the eyes, sorry man..

>> No.9032302

I mean that you probably pose as an adult with a job for whatever reason

>> No.9032309

your right!! [^_^]!

>> No.9032310

I'm sorry?
I'm not talking about different opinions, but it's really hard to believe that someone may consider themselves shut-ins while having job&friends&school

>> No.9032311

There's a difference between posting a ``different opinion'' and blatantly obvious shit trolling.
> Becoming more and more of a shut-in every day. I have a job and go to school and stuff, but besides that, I don't leave the house much.

>> No.9032316


You're still falling for it.

>> No.9032319


Jesus christ! I do this shit because I have to. What I'm saying is that in the future, after I graduate, I can see myself retreating more and more, and perhaps reaching NEET status. I didn't used to be like this, my social anxiety has skyrocketed lately and I can't really explain it.

>> No.9032320

NEET is a state of mind like religion or pedophilia that transcendences human definition and is applied directly to the personality by a higher being.

>> No.9032328
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I find
>>9032319 's

lack of faith disturbing

>> No.9032330

Even if the person in question is a ``troll'', his opinion is still valid. I think we should accept their opinions as longs as they are sincere. Or something? Shit, I'm lost. God fucking dammit. I don't like this, I don't like being lost.

>> No.9032332

no wonder he whore a helmet hes ugly as hell

>> No.9032338

But he didn't post any ``opinion''!

>> No.9032341


I came here with sincere intentions, not to troll. But thank you for trying to understand and not shooing me out like everyone else.

>> No.9032391

I know what's it's like to be a ``normal'' among /jp/ers. I know what's it like to be hated among the hated.

I'm not telling /jp/ to accept normals, I'm telling them to accept /jp/ers.

>> No.9032401

Just so you know, not everyone who posts here saying they are a NEET is telling the truth. Not all are lying, of course, but you should take some of that shit with a grain of salt.

>> No.9032412


Understood. I suppose I can see how I could come across as a troll, but I really just wasn't sure what to say.

>> No.9032424

They're more bothered by you not playing into the "image" of what a /jp/ poster is (fitting in), than whether or not you are really a NEET. If you lied, for example, they couldn't know. Anyway, if some autist starts going off on you because you said you left your house to buy food, just ignore them. If you want more serious answers to stuff you should try later at night (2AM - 6AM EST).

>> No.9032456

More like please not turn this into another /soc/, /adv/, /r9k/ or blog.
Use them. Who cares if you are lonely depressed and want to fuck girls. Ask for tips elsewhere.

>> No.9032475

The problem is that people on those boards will likely be unable to relate. They are filled with disgusting normalfags. The closes you'll get is an unvirgin who hasn't gotten laid recently.

>> No.9032482

If you want to be like them then post there.
The only people unsatisfied about the NEET life are normalfag wannabe anyway.

>> No.9034833

I'm happy about not having to work, but I still long for some kind of relationship, because I've never had one I guess.
The people I see that are always like "truneet4lyfe" were once normalfags that changed their ways.

>> No.9035554

