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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9016230 No.9016230 [Reply] [Original]

Face it, /jp/. You'll never have sex with Yukari.

>> No.9016237

One of my greatest regrets in life.

>> No.9016238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9016248


I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>> No.9016244
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Lucid dreams solve that problem.

>> No.9016243
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I was never into older women.

>> No.9016253

fug you yoogari :DDDDD

>> No.9016254

I want to party with her.

>> No.9016259

yukari a shit

>> No.9016262
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I do not want to have sex with a 17 year old because they are not mature enough.

>> No.9016263
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What would Yukari's hair smell like?
What would it taste like?

>> No.9016270
File: 101 KB, 850x963, sample-7100c37014964e146479865d3f9ac4ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna party with a bunch of old ladies or would you rather party with me?

>> No.9016273

Yukari will never gap strangers' dicks into your ass until your mind breaks

>> No.9016272


The fuck did you just say?
I fucking know you didn't just do that i'm a Yukari thread asshole

>> No.9016290
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>> No.9016297
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>> No.9016309

I would love to ask Yukari for portal to Gensokyo and something very important.

>> No.9016334

How Rude.

>> No.9017045
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Why would she even want to have sex with me, does she enjoy unattractive, fat, useless men or something?

>> No.9017087

Whoa. Dude. You wanna, I dunno, talk or something?

>> No.9017101

Are you implying a being like Yukari would only choose men based on purely superficial things like some 15 year old normalfag tart?

>> No.9017117

Are you implying Yukari will settle for a ugly nerd like you just because otherwise it will hurt your feelings?

>> No.9017112

i dun think he want to have sex wif me cuz im so FAT lol gomen xP

>> No.9017111

Oh yeah, I'm sure behind the fat acne ridden hideousness, he has a great personality.

>> No.9017129

If it has breasts, kill it, as I always say.

>> No.9017138

Who do you usually say that to?

>> No.9017161
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I can dream.

>> No.9017170

No, she really wouldnt give a damn about looks if there was a situation that would cause an immortal nigh omnipotent being to fall in love. And if it was any sort of detturence, shed just manipulate the border of handsomeness and uglieness and make you the prettiest man in gensokyo. The issue is having some sort of personality yukari of all people will fall in love with.

>> No.9017438


she would eat you.

>> No.9017533

No, she wouldnt fall in love with you. This is my point. Yukari is not going to fall in love with some random /jp/er.

>> No.9017537

Why would I want to?

>> No.9017541
File: 88 KB, 350x1056, yukariclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you've all had a dream where you went to bed weary and miserable after a bad day. Yukari, being herself, likes to use her gaps to view the mortal world. Seeing you so miserable touches her heart and she proceeds to gap into your bedroom wearing a skimpy outfit. As you rise in panic at an intruder, she puts her fingers to your lips and says "shhh" before a tender kiss. She gently makes love to you, washing away the negativity of the day, letting you fall asleep with your head resting on her bosom before getting up and returning through her gap, leaving you to wonder if it was all just a good dream.

>> No.9017567
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>Seeing you so miserable touches her heart

>> No.9017571

>Yukari is not going to fall in love with some random /jp/er.

You can't prove that.

>> No.9017580

can yukari gap her way out of fiction

please respond

>> No.9017594

She does it on a daily basis to talk with ZUN.

>> No.9017601
File: 413 KB, 775x975, 98f01a4d435e850901707259206435b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already has a lover.

>> No.9017605

How do you think ZUN knows so much about Gensokyo after all.
Yukari has chosen him to be the prophet.

>> No.9017697

>obsessing about cartoons

Stay classy, /jp/. In the real world people would think you're a creep, but they don't understand you like I do. I know how schizoid or autistic you are. The ironic thing is that you willingly submit yourselves to social isolation and you would rather sit at home with your make believe cartoons than actually go outside and make yourselves productive members of society. Have you even had a real girlfriend outside of VNs? Aren't you old enough to start your own life and take up some responsibility? Buying figs is a waste of money. They are nothing more than children's toys. How many times have you avoided opportunities because you felt anxious? A ton I bet , because you have less confidence than a little girl. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that you're squandering the best days of your life over make believe cartoons. It's time to man up and do real work. It's a shame that you'll wake up one day, alone, then realize how much of a disappointment to your family you are.

>> No.9017701

Thanks man. Good luck to you too.

>> No.9017706

Thanks mom

>> No.9017731

I agree with you none the less.

>> No.9017753

>productive members of society
Joke on you.
I am being paid for doing nothing because of productive members of society like you.
Thanks for the $$$, hahahaha.

>> No.9018256


Its your fault that your life is so miserable that you willingly substitute the false realities of anime for your own. What you actually believe isn't what actually is.
