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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9015758 No.9015758 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite film, /jp/?

Mine is Scarface.

>> No.9015766


Dues bigolo yuripean jigolo.

>> No.9015770
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y r u cryyaning

>> No.9015768

Didn't we used to have a guy who spammed Robert DeNiro or someone like that? I liked that guy.

There was also a Steve Carrell spammer, but he was GAY IN THE FACE.

>> No.9015771

becayse nsj will delete my thred ;)

>> No.9015780
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nsj drove dont fuck chan to suicide :(

>> No.9015776

What kind of pretentious nerd says "film"

>> No.9015785

what's worse, he doesn't consider animated movies "films"

>> No.9015786

I'm literally crying

>> No.9015790

Someone who watches them for their artistic value and not for entertainment.

I'm gonna go full hipster and say Ikiru.
