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9014143 No.9014143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I like where this world is going.

>> No.9014162
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>> No.9014187
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Who the fuck wants a "Strong" "Independent" woman devoted to work? How fucking boring and unpleasant is that?

Also, gooks need to bring more to the table than a vagina, because they are usually ugly, smelly little rice-goblins. This is also considering that all women are annoying, evil, self-righteous cunts, especially after being exposed to the disgusting idea of feminism.

Fuck the world and the way it's going.

>> No.9014214

Keep up the good work.

>Who the fuck wants a "Strong" "Independent" woman devoted to work?
The more work she does, the less you have to. Just sayin.

>> No.9014220

> China has far too few women, not too many.
> This is a country where 118 boys were born for every 100 girls in 2010, and by 2020 the number of men unable to find partners is expected to reach 24 million.
> "In the past, there was no such word as sheng nu. But today women have more wealth and education -- they have better jobs, and higher requirements for men."
> She reflected: "Now you want to find a man you have deep feelings for who also has a house and a car. You won't all find that."
> China's big cities will be filled with sheng nu. "Those who can bear the shortcomings and sufferings of men will get married," she concluded. "Those not, single."

> The more work she does, the less you have to. Just sayin.
I'd let them drive the economy, while I take it easy at home.

>> No.9014227

>Who the fuck wants a "Strong" "Independent" woman devoted to work? How fucking boring and unpleasant is that?
Well you could be a perfect NEET house husband. If she's good enough, might even get a maid to do your work too.

You should rephrase that to
>Who the fuck wants a "Strong" "Independent" woman devoted to work who also wants you to be a "Strong" "Independent" man devoted to work?

>> No.9014228
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But that's not true. She'll do meaningless busy work at an office all day, bitch about it incessantly, and expect me to do my own job and do everything else because she's a liberated womyn that can't be forced into stooping so low as doing the dishes or cooking dinner.

>> No.9014234

I wonder if these untouched women are pure too due to that sex before marriage taboo kinda thing they seem to have.

>> No.9014235

The article explained it pretty well. Society tells women that you want to get married so you have a secure future. Problem is, as women move up the social ladder, they consider there to be fewer and fewer good candidates for marriage due to income and social differences. They've essentially narrowed down their choices to absolutely nill

Add that to the fact that younger women are usually considered more desirable and an increasingly marriage-averse male population and you have a recipe for christmas cake

>> No.9014237

>doing the dishes or cooking dinner.
How can anyone complain about housework? It's the same stuff you'd have to do on your own for yourself but it helps two people instead of one now.

>> No.9014239


Chinese women are fucking sluts-most of them have had trains pulled on them since they were like 15.

>> No.9014241

They just need to be more restricted by moral standards and their lust for the dick will lower their standards until they get married.

>> No.9014243

> Problem is, as women move up the social ladder, they consider there to be fewer and fewer good candidates for marriage due to income and social differences.
I don't think they even realize the side effect of their pool of "good men" getting smaller. They just shouted where are all the "good men".

My grandmother used to tell me and her other grandchildren: "you girls needn't get too far in education. Your priority is securing a good man fast."


>> No.9014244

>expecting feminism to do anything else than destroy the household unit

You reap what you sow. Luckily I and most of /jp/ have transcended beyond needing 3D, but for most of the world this will be an incredibly hard coming decade. Japan in particular will reach a critical mass in that time.

>> No.9014246

I'm sure you have the experience to back that up.

>> No.9014250

>you will never find a woman that loves you the way your grandmother loves your grandfather

Talk about an iron fucking bond. I'm so jealous.

>> No.9014253

just import a pack of horny niggers to chinkland and problem solved

>> No.9014256


More niggers is never the answer.

>> No.9014262
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The problem is that educated career women still want to marry up.

Educated and rich men will obviously marry women with no jobs without an issue and have them become housewives.
However, educated and wealthy women with jobs still want to marry someone "superior" to them, which is difficult in their position.
They want to have their cake and eat it too.

There are more than enough willing men on /jp/ that would love to marry a career women, stay at home all day, never leave the house, and be a good househusband and do stuff like cook her delicious meals and rub her feet after work. However women still want a richer, more powerful man with a superior job to theirs.
Feels bad. I will never live the dream of a househusband ;_;

>> No.9014261

As if people didn't predict this back in the 60s.

>> No.9014257
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Men want to be little girls.
Women want to be like hardworking guys.

We live in the age of the body swap.

>> No.9014259

From a market perspective, what we have here is falsely perceived value. The article talks about women who are educated, professional, or whip-smart, but what nobody mentions is that men really don't want those things.

What Chinese women are doing is trading what they traditionally bring to a marriage union (youth) for things men do not find as valuable (education and career). So women are going into financial negotiations (marriage) perceiving their value to be greater than market price. Of course they're going to be frustrated.

Until men as a whole find educated and intelligent women as valuable as women do, this problem isn't going to go away.

>> No.9014271
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It intensifies my strongly-developed sense of misogyny-women pretend that they aren't just worthless, stupid, hypocritical, whining slaves to cock and masculine power, but they are. That's all they are-fucking cunts.

It makes me want to ruin their goddamned lives. I hate women so much it hurts. I want to beat the shit out of them and then make them beg for my forgiveness, because they got their blood on my skin.

If the sexes are really equal, they shouldn't have any problem with having a gender-neutral, egalitarian fistfight. There are plenty of fatty bitches that far outweigh me in this country, after all, anyway.

But they know. They know that women are worthless, weak, stupid creatures, so they hide behind feminism and pretend to treat everyone equally, and that everyone is the same-especially in matters of gender-when it's not true.

Fuck women. They're just supposed to be mobile baby factories that can cook.

>> No.9014289
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Now the lazy girls who just wanna play videogames become more desirable

>> No.9014294

I always wonder if I was to ever be able to convince a successful woman to marry me and support me while I support her from home how would I be able to justify my position in the relationship.

If you had small children it would make sense to have a stay home parent, and your purpose would be clearly defined. Keep the kids alive, clean up after them, have dinner ready for your wife and pamper her when she comes home. But in couple of years the kids will be in school for eight hours a day. What would be my purpose then?

I'd just be someone who she pays to stay at home and perhaps live an exciting life she's too busy working to live? She could buy dinner that would be better than what I could cook. It's not like I could go into the workforce after that.

It's very annoying this question pester me, since it makes my fantasies fall apart anytime I think about it for anything more than a moment.

>> No.9014297


You have to become her personal sex toy.

>> No.9014298

A couple that lives up the street from me has the father as a stayathome dad and the mother as the worker. He does yard work and stuff, seems like he's living the dream, for at least 10 years now.

>> No.9014299


Women are in the same position-the only difference is, they can just spread their legs when they need to reaffirm their place in the relationship-after all, their pussies are on-demand for the husband, and like a well-worn couch, it's comfortable, familiar and doesn't have any unknown bugs living in it.

>> No.9014300

The same women who think it's some great calling to "sacrifice your career" to raise your children would despise you for wanting to do the same.

>> No.9014302


What is the big goddamned deal about careers anyway? Most people that pride themselves in it don't actually do anything important-they move money around, sign papers, talk to other stupid people-it's nothing but an artificial, detached rate-race pissing contest for people who wanna wear business-casual clothing and seem important without actually contributing anything substantial to humanity.

>> No.9014303

What is the problem?
You would be living every NEET dream life.
Too big of an ego? Cant take being fed by a girl?

>> No.9014306

Shut up Athens.

>> No.9014309

>without actually contributing anything substantial to humanity.
That's obviously not true. If it weren't important, these careers wouldn't exist. They're not important to you, but you're mistaking your subjective view of what's important with the economic pressures which let society function.

>> No.9014310

I know, women really had it easy in a lot of ways with the positions they held. They still have it easier than men when it comes to being a stay at home parent.

But maybe women have the same insecurities and fears about being a stay at home parent. Questions about their purpose, feeling that they might not live up to the expectations of their working partner, fearing their partner may leave them for someone else who they found to be less of a drain of resources and what they would do after that.

>> No.9014312

>She had a graduate degree from a good university, held a respectable job in marketing, and was reasonably attractive. It had never occurred to her that finding an appropriate partner would be a struggle. Did I know any unmarried men? she asked. And if so, I should probably tell them she is just 24.

>> No.9014315
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>If it weren't important, these careers wouldn't exist.


>> No.9014317

When you lie on your resume, it needs to be about the important things.

>> No.9014320

They're important to enough other people to justify their existence, you narcissistic basement dweller.

>> No.9014321
File: 353 KB, 970x1400, Ore x Yome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A parent staying at home is invaluable to raising kids and keeping a happy household. Chores, cleaning, laundry, and cooking are pretty important. And being there for your kids is even more important, much better than having an immigrant nanny and the TV raise them, or ship them away to a daycare.

However most women think of it as a useless and oppressive position to be in, and a man doing it is just as useless.

>You will never be able to ask your wife "Would you like dinner, a bath... or me?"

>> No.9014324

It is called exploitation.
You know how much money the burger flippers earn for their boss who sit in his office doing nothing while he earn a min low wage. The world is fuck up especially the bank. We are actually putting in our money into the bank system so that they can loan us back the money. I blame jews for all of this.

>> No.9014327

>"When Gloria Steinem said, in the 1970s, 'We're becoming the men we wanted to marry,' I doubt even she realized the prescience of her words."
it's funny because the chink who said this doesn't understand either. the simple fact is that men aren't attracted to other men, unless they're gay in which case they aren't attracted to women.

>> No.9014329

A friend of mine's Dad is married to a successful female lawyer and he just plays World of Warcraft and video games with his kids all day while his mom makes all the money AND does housework.

Now that guy is truly living the dream.

>> No.9014331

I can't think of anything more fucking boring than marketing-is that supposed to be impressive or something? Cashier stories are more interesting than that shit.

Yeah right. Wanna know what the big difference is? A woman can go out and find a new man to support her worthless ass by spreading her labia and flapping into the night to pray on horny, balding middle-aged losers with enough money and the desire to hump and domesticate.

For men? You have to prove yourself and initiate EVERYTHING in a relationship, and no matter how much egalitarian feminist bullshit tries to trick males, women will never settle with an inferior male specimen, even if they themselves are worthless trash. There is absolutely no equality in this-it's all on men, and they receive the least amount of benefits after putting in the most work.

Maybe they should start teaching these brooding, tight-assed cunts that if they don't want to be alone forever, they have to go court males. But that will never happen. Because no matter what an ideology says, it's simply not reality.

>> No.9014335

God tier:
Rich double NEET marriage

High tier:
House husband

Med Tier:
Work from home husband

Low tier:
Stay at home wife

Shit Tier:
Both working

>> No.9014338


He's probably good looking as fuck, and the female lawyer is probably a fatty.

>> No.9014341
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>The singletons I interviewed in Beijing were anything but dowdy. At 5 feet, 9 inches, the slim woman who slipped into a seat at the table at trendy Opposite House cafe was, in fact, an utter knockout. Annie Xu has a strikingly angular face, large wide-set eyes, shoulder-length hair, and flawless skin. She is 30 years old

>30 years old

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

>> No.9014346

/jp/ is so beta. as expected of people who fap to ntr.

>> No.9014349 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 512x512, Th08KaguyaHouraisan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier: Rich double NEET marriage

Impossible aspirations often involve impossible requests.

>> No.9014357
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See, and then there's this beta/alpha shit.

If a woman is shy, she's cute and pure. If she's a loudmouthed douchecunt, she's a strong-willed woman who knows what she wants.

If a man is shy, he's a creepy pervert or a timid little faggotpussy. Probably both. If he's a loudmouthed douchecunt, he's a stupid, arrogant asshole and everything is his fault all the time. Always both.

Women only like males that seem sensitive and gentle in an ironic, counterbalancing-manner. And even then, since they have cocks, they are committing a great rape on the earth by existing anyway.

Why haven't then men risen up and destroyed and imprisoned their women with the advent of 2d and convincing traps?

>> No.9014362 [DELETED] 

This thread is becoming too /r9k/. Men can be shy or they can be loud and abrasive and some woman somewhere will like them if they're attractive. Same applies to attractive women.

Most men don't find ugly/fat shy girls to be cute just as most women don't find most ugly guys to be attractive.

>> No.9014365

> Why haven't then men risen up and destroyed and imprisoned their women with the advent of 2d and convincing traps?
It's called 'abandonment'.

>> No.9014369

China dug this hole for themselves. You know it's bad when a few years ago they were offering money to women from western countries to come and live in China. China is creating whole generations of men who have bleak prospects of even finding a girl. That's dangerous.

>> No.9014377
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Women don't normally buy into that feminist bullshit.


>At 5 feet, 9 inches
Without heels? Disgusting. Especially if you expect Asian women to be tiny.

>a strikingly angular face

>30 years old
Probably wore herself out on dick thinking she would be young forever.

>> No.9014384

even as a docile neet you should still have some manly pride. wanting to stay at home and do your wife's laundry while she fucks her manager is beta as fuck no matter how you look at it.

>> No.9014391
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You don't seem to understand. I agree with you. I'm saying it's bullshit that men aren't accorded the respect they used to rightly have. Feminism is a pervasive and invisible force destroying the civilization from the inside out.

Women should be treated as property, and in marriage, the woman should not be allowed to do virtually anything without her husband's approval. If she disobeys, she should be punished like a child, and if she does something like flirt with another man, she should be beaten.

This is how I really feel, but if you say that to anyone, they'll think you're some horrible person.

>> No.9014392

>Implying my wife won't be the manager

>> No.9014393

>Probably wore herself out on dick thinking she would be young forever.

She says a much herself.
>College-educated and financially independent, Xu is a whip-smart journalist for one of Beijing's most respected newsmagazines. She is, in short, a catch. She is also, somewhat to her own surprise, increasingly convinced that devoting her time and attention to work constitutes time better spent than dawdling on disappointing dates or "friends with benefits" (she's seen too many of both, she confided). She still hopes to get married one day

>> No.9014395

So you want Muslims but with out the stupid headscarves too?

>> No.9014397
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You do realize that women were considered male property in marriage until a short time ago in the US, right?

And that none of that was particularly odd until a recent period ago, right?

Everyone goes hurdur muslims, but keeping women in their place is a world-wide, time-tested tradition that only recently has been fucked up.

I also despise non-whites, by the way.

>> No.9014411
File: 10 KB, 500x385, 1325441101037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are dissatisfied with our bodies, and soon we will be dissatisfied with our humanity. Our future is a bright one.

>> No.9014413

>whip-smart journalist

I think she means

>pretentious, self-righteous cunt who's pussy is drying up and wants someone to tell her she's special

>> No.9014417

i thought /jp/ was unemployable because they were simply social wrecks

turns out they're genuinely shitty people too and they're getting divine punishment a shade earlier than most

>> No.9014418

>You do realize that women were considered male property ... until a short time ago in the US, right?
So were blacks and poor whites.

>I also despise non-whites, by the way.
Unlike Jews, Muslim is not an ethnicity.

>> No.9014421

Try not to generalize. Some /jp/ers are quite competent in social situations.

>> No.9014425

Naturally, a board frequented by pedophiles would have an unhealthy and downright toxic attitude toward women. Congratulations OP on probably the easiest thread to get /jp/ all raging and screaming about their lack of success and meaning in this life.

>> No.9014428

Marriage is dying because both men and women have higher standards, and because never before have people been so free to not marry.

Marriage is slowly becoming an option rather than an institution, and I prefer it that way. Thanks be to the feminists and to God in Heaven in the Year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2012.

>> No.9014429

>Pedophiles are pedo because they hate women
I remember when trolls used to take pride in their work.

>> No.9014432

Why do you people care? It's like I'm literally on /v/. Really, this thread is full of shit. Please at least learn how the world works and try not to project so much.

>> No.9014435


You also know that a woman's irresponsibility of wrong doing on their behalf was faced with consequences for her husband/father for not raising them right? Women back then were completely removed of consequence because it was (and still is) a man's job to teach a female how not to be a stupid whore.

>> No.9014441


You don't have to deal with it if you call it trolling, after all...

Keep going as you are through your wreck of a life. Keep living off the backs of others and never contributing, until you finally get the hint and kill yourself. Oh, what a wonderful day that will be for us both: you won't be tormented by your inescapable feelings of inadequacy, and we won't have to put up with a fat hateful leech. Really, garbage like you should just disappear...

>> No.9014450

WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT CHINKMEN???!?? THEY'RE THE ONES TAKING OUR JOBS AND BUYING UP OUR US SOIL IN SECRET! They can't build for shit, and when they finally win ww3, all their GHOST city's will be filled to celebrate and then KABAM,the US will earthquake them to death from underground nature weapons!! They wont know what hit 'em. The plan is to reduce population world wide anyway! You think we all want to be speaking chinkchong and fucking skinny lead women? Their ratio of women to men shows this!

>> No.9014457

Yep, it's a proper shit thread now.

>> No.9014464

The world of today needs to be destroyed. You know how the French Revolution fucked up France? That needs to happen, but on a global scale so we can rebuild the world under the red banner.

May god protect us and guide us in our battle.

>> No.9014490

The U.S. government will enact an attack on the world using secret technology, they will blame these attacks on extraterrestrials. All technology used during these attacks have been sighted around military bases around the world, the mission objective is planetary unification under the leadership of the U.S. The mission will start once monetary collapse reaches most developed nations, these attacks will dwindle planetary population making control easier once the truth is found out.

>> No.9014657

They spend half the article hyping up the "love doctor". Makes me think the doctor is actually a guy. Then suddenly they reveal it's a woman. I stopped reading there, as I remembered this:


>> No.9014680


>> No.9014904
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I'm a ``leftover fighter'' ;_;
