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File: 64 KB, 468x463, sawaki_youkai_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9007594 No.9007594 [Reply] [Original]

Which youkai do you want to be eaten by?

>> No.9007605

None >>>/d/

but if you flip the question around

Which youkai would you like to "eat"? then the possibilities are endless

>> No.9007614

I wonder if Cirno's wings have any flavor to them or if they're just water-ice.

>> No.9007619

I want to eat youmu's ghost.

>> No.9007627

They're not actually ice, just ice shaped, so they probably taste like insect wings.

>> No.9007641

didnt cirno make water flavored ice pops in one episode

what a baka xD

>> No.9007648
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>> No.9007651
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>> No.9007765

If you really loved your waifu you would let her eat you.

>> No.9007941
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>> No.9008195

Please respond, is she scary? Please...

>> No.9008201
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>> No.9008203

She's alright once you get to know her. Horribly racist though.

>> No.9008224

What? Explain further...

>> No.9008227

They'd get sick if they ate me with all the modern chemical floating around inside of me, and I'd be sad if any of them didn't enjoy it at the very least.

>> No.9008261
File: 131 KB, 800x1119, 92048a4ccd5c4baba43c949028a37752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one suggests
>What youkai would you like to eat a human with?

In which case it's Rumia for me

>> No.9008277

That's because they don't share their meals with the appetizer, that's just rude.

>> No.9008289

Remilia so I can die a slow anemic death as I enjoy the opulence of her house.

>> No.9008311
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 1335989800047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about that for a second. Most youkai (especially less powerful ones like Rumia) have a hard time trying to snag humans to begin with.

They'd probably find common cause with cannibals, who'd likely be able to more easily lure away and butcher humans for food.

>> No.9008329

She seems like a nice person once you get over her looks and talk to her. She'll be happy to sit a while over some tea and tell you some stories about her life. A lot of her stories almost sound too crazy to be true but either ways it's entertaining. She'll occasionally say some nasty things about minorities and she has a pretty big collection of racist paraphernalia (which she will probably show you at some point).

Strangely enough, she won't seem to notice what color you are while she is talking to you (probably because her eyes can't seem to focus on a single location for more than a second) and will probably end up saying some nasty things about your race right to your face. Even so, it's probably best to stay quiet, she is known for biting the heads off of people who interrupt her during one of her rants.

>> No.9008332
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And we're assuming that the cannibals are in Gensokyo. Rumia and the other lowly solo hunter youkai would pretty much be forced to tag team with allied humans if they found themselves stuck in the outside world.

>> No.9008396

How hard would it be to for a normal human of average strength to fight and win against Rumia?

>> No.9008400
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I bet yamame would be gentle.

Rumia would say she would be gentle, and she wouldn't be, but that's okay because she's cute.

Flandre would bite too deep, I hope the excess blood doesn't get wasted on the floor.

Okuu could eat my corpse too, as long as she shares with orin.

Mystia could prepare the meal.

I don't think there's enough of me to go around.

>> No.9008432
File: 232 KB, 590x830, youmujob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go on an adventure through the gut of your favorite touhou with Youmu?

>> No.9008444

Will there be parasites?

>> No.9008456

Why can't I go on an adventure through Youmu's gut with my favorite Touhou instead?

>> No.9008473

In that case you'll just be going through Youmu alone

>> No.9008475


>> No.9008488

F-Fine! It's not like I wanted anyone to come with me anyways!

>> No.9008491
File: 66 KB, 854x875, 1336014476705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she might present an unbearable challenge to you or me

>> No.9008525
File: 107 KB, 566x800, 2b601996abf9dfc01423d23c7b226e8fd3d589bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi because she'll put my proteins to good use and I'll always be with her muscles.

>> No.9008582

Remilia & Flandre at the same time.
Then die and become a loli Maid Vampire at their service.
You don't even die... in a conscience meaning.
