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9003759 No.9003759 [Reply] [Original]

If you could give up your sexual desire and ability, would you?

I, at this point in my life, would. I mean, orgasms were fun and all, but it's been, for several years now, a chore that takes up way too much time per day. I barely even get horny anymore, but I can't stop thinking about it if I abstain from fapping. It's no longer pleasurable, it's an obligation.

>> No.9003765

Are you literate?

>> No.9003764


>> No.9003771

Do the math for how much time you spend fapping, that's time you could spend reading, learning, gaming, or whatever.

>> No.9003767


Now if was "would you give up your sexual desire/ability for an extra 5 years of youth added to your life", then fuck yes.

>> No.9003770

Fuck no. Masturbation is the one thing I still look forward to.

>> No.9003774

None of those things give as much pleasure as fapping.

>> No.9003781

I was done with the whole masturbating, wanting to fuck anything that moves by 13. I was late to the scene as well.

>> No.9003783

I fap in about two minutes while waiting for my shower to heat up. I have become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.9003784

I would kill myself if I could.

>> No.9003787

That's... pretty sad, actually. Also, OP, you might try abstaining from it, your case sounds like ``porn addiction'' or maybe even somekind of obsession/compulsion. Anyhow constant masturbation might overstimulate your dopamine receptors which makes them less efficient or some shit like that.


>> No.9003791


>> No.9003792

You're fapping inefficiently if you're unable to do those things you wish to. Study up on advanced fapping techniques (the knowledge is out there and quite vast) and then look into dreaming lucidly, you maximize your pleasure output without wasting any of YOUR precious spare time! Just vary your techniques a bit. In any case, a good nights lucid dreaming pretty much kills off any remaining desire to slap the donkey IRL, so you might want to think about that if you love your hand.

>> No.9003797

It's pretty sad? But it makes perfect sense. You only exist to reproduce, so why would it not be the most pleasurable thing?

>> No.9003798

I have very little libido that I can notice in any meaningful way other than if I haven't rubbed one out in a few days I notice myself being a little testier.

There's no real reason to give it up. It doesn't have any impact on my life anymore anyway.

>> No.9003801

No I would not. Sex is not an evil. Excessiveness is what spoils good things.

>> No.9003799

Only if I get something in return. If I don't, then what's the point?

>> No.9003804

But think how much tension and distracting feelings it relieves. It's a lot easier to learn after a few minutes of fapping than it is with a raging hard on frustrated about how CHEMICAL BONDS are the least sexy thing ever.

Masturbation is good for your mental health, which is why some health services recommend doing it often.

>> No.9003817

SSRIs, anon.
They inhibit sexual function and stabilise your mood.
Win-win. Pretty sure you could get a doctor to give them to you since you're on /jp/.

>> No.9003818

Sex is obsolete, though. And real sex is more trouble than it's worth.

It's like religion. Sure, religion is a fantastic way to impose a set of healthy morals on a lot of people. Whether you're a religious dictator trying to control people, or just some government who wants people to not kill one another, religion is great. But then it starts wars and everyone outgrows it and it's just a mess.

>> No.9003823

I never "recovered" from the reduced libido a few years of SSRIs gave me. I can get an erection and ejaculate no problem, but it doesn't feel anything.

Perhaps it's just my mood, but I have a strong feeling it was the medicine since it wasn't like this before.

>> No.9003829

Reproductive happiness is about a lot more than simple orgasms. It's that twinkling eyes of proud parents and fostering blood bonds. Personkind in the evolutionary sense enjoys also other aspects of survivalism and reproduction. Acquiring skills, knowledge etc. is also essential for the survival of personkind. Achieving something or grasping to achieve something is a lot more fun than a quick masturbatory session or a one-night stand with some bar slut. It all comes down to our reward system and sex is a quick and easy way to achieve relatively small amount of releasing of dopamine compared to longer term plans like education and having an autonomous motivating job and enjoying all the little things of life. Too bad the current capitalistic system is counter-productive to the means of achieving happiness, so the only thing that concerns us is probably to lessen the bad aspects of constant masturbation to make a life atleast a little more bearable.

Agreed on the excessiveness part.

Serotonin doesn't have any kind of link to increased ``mood stabilization'' or even happiness. It's mostly about placebo and/or even nocebo in the sense that people who firmly believe to medical companies' lies about the effectiveness of SSRI's are more likely to think that they suffer from ``chemical imbalance''.

>> No.9003834



>> No.9003846

>Serotonin doesn't have any kind of link to increased ``mood stabilization'' or even happiness. It's mostly about placebo and/or even nocebo in the sense that people who firmly believe to medical companies' lies about the effectiveness of SSRI's are more likely to think that they suffer from ``chemical imbalance''.
Apart from the whole 'double blind placebo controlled trials' that were conducted.
Saying it's a placebo is a bad argument.
A good argument is that modifying serotonin and brain chemistry isn't an exact science at all- and especially what it's designed to treat.
What is it designed to treat anyway?

>> No.9004052

I love you OP! You have come to the realization I have had since birth. It's an unproductive waste of time, that's why I've never fapped.

Doesn't mean I haven't had a few solid boners or wet dreams, but I've never fapped. It's a downward spiral of obligation.

>> No.9004061

Feels good man
Boners are awesome

>> No.9004071
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>If you could give up your sexual desire and ability, would you?

Would I give up the only thing in the world that gives me pleasure?

>> No.9004067

I'd give up desire, but not ability.

Masturbation is a chore that ultimately makes me feel like I've defiled whatever character I used. That said, taking away my ability to reproduce is scary, even if I am forever alone.

>> No.9004069

Calling bullshit on this. I was raised Catholic by religious nutjobs and spent half my childhood in a cathedral with monks. But even I fapped the moment I hit puberty.

>> No.9004082

Are you black?

>> No.9004078

OP, the answer is to fap less.
You're doing it as part of a routine. Break it up, stop looking at porn for a few days.

>> No.9004099

There are other factors than I mentioned. I basically 'understood' what sex was by 14, meaning I was incredibly late to the party.
My childhood self had wholeheartedly believed that erections indicated the need to take a piss.
Later that year, I had my first wet dream. Instead of feeling like it was great, I was utterly disgusted as I wiped myself off that morning. At that point I came to the realization that forcing this shit out through masturbation is ridiculous.
To this day I question whether or not I'm asexual because of these defining moments.

>> No.9004106

I seriously consider lopping my nads off with a burdizzo from time to time.

I like the thought of losing the pressure that comes along with sexual urges. As a bonus I get to cut down on some bodyhair.

Only cons I see from it are
>great pain for a while
>risk of something going wrong and me having to seek expensive medical treatment
>don't know if I might regret it someday and need semen

>> No.9004107

Consider chemical castration first.

>> No.9004131

I didn't masturbate until I was 19, I came on accident while trying to jelq. Honestly I was happy because I thought something was wrong with me to where I could only cum during wet dreams. I've had a few fetishes ever since I was 5 that would get me hard, from the point I got internet and on I used to just stare at the images with a rock solid boner all night because I was too stupid to figure out how to fap.

My aversion towards sex/porn and seeing masturbation as disgusting probably did it for me. It's been about 4 years since then and I'm already bored of it, the experimentation days wore off and now I don't enjoy the sensation as much as feeling like I must do it otherwise I have to deal with a dull headache.

Speaking of which the headache has been on all day because I've put off fapping for a couple of days.

>> No.9004136

Try drinking more than a cup of water a day, mongrel.

>> No.9004186

>Do the math for how much time you spend fapping, that's time you could spend reading, learning, gaming, or whatever.
All that time would just be spent on 4chan anyway.

>> No.9004304
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i was most creative when i was addicted to masturbation

now i'm pretty much bored with a life, i don't even fap that much. i'd just close myself in the room and read books and watch anime. movies are stupid, people don't know how to have fun anymore, most of the jobs are useless and contribute nothing to society in the long tems, religions and politics are illogical and people are making a huge deal out of them, social norms turned upside down, and everyone expects you to make a huge career while i just want to earn enough money to eat and spend some on hobbies by doing shit like repairing PCs or something.

or i am just weird and my brain is so much rotten i think TV nowadays is dumber than the most dumb anime/manga i can find. maybe i'm the weird one for not religiously following sports and celebrities.

maybe i'll should just fap just to keep it topic related

why i am even writing this there

>> No.9004382

but i like long fapping sessions. who gives a shit about how much time you spent fapping could be spent on other shit when you cum buckets after a nice blue balling session.

>> No.9004396

Collecting ero manga and fapping to it is my main hobby, things would be different if I wasn't a loser NEET already.

>> No.9004456

As long as moe still works, I wouldn't mind.
Fapping feels a bit like a chore. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

>> No.9007833

Yes, I would view it as my transcendence from the plane of the normals.

>> No.9007880

Yes, it's a bother to have to do it every day.

Why can't I be 10 years old again?

>> No.9007893


>> No.9009654
File: 65 KB, 436x426, tumblr_lx7680tFgr1qfd8ddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Serotonin doesn't have any kind of link to increased ``mood stabilization'' or even happiness.

So ecstasy is a placebo?


>> No.9009656

When I was a young teenager I was horny all the time
now I have to force it and I often hurt my dick

>> No.9009663
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>> No.9009665

I could never give up my sexual desire!
Doing lewd things is on my top of things i enjoy doing the most~

Be that alone or with others it makes me feel just amazing and lewd.
I would rank it just below the pleasure i get from browsing /jp/.

>> No.9009667

I cant fap to this..

>> No.9009671
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>> No.9009676


Truly there is no greater pleasure in life than that of shoving your dick in things.

>> No.9009682

That i would not know as i have only ever been on the other end of it~

>> No.9009718


Adding a tilde to the end of sentences makes you cute and feminine ^______^ lewd things xd~~~ ^___^

>> No.9009726
File: 222 KB, 850x850, sample-c29043938ae6922d191cc285e37de229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I would give it up.

>> No.9009729

I am repulsed by the sight of naked or sexualized women and atm feel no sexual desire whatsoever.

If you want to remove your sex drive take up alcohol abuse for a few years, seriously, you'll never feel like fapping again.

>> No.9009734


What? Alcohol increases your sex drive. Hence drunken one night stands.

>> No.9009743

Not if you're behind a couple of screens, browsing /jp/ all night. You can only cry yourself to sleep afterwards.

>> No.9009747

take antidepressant, you will unable to cum

>> No.9009878

>If you could give up your sexual desire and ability, would you?
only if i get to become the little girl. if i have to stay in this body, no way.
