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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9002813 No.9002813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9002821

shit shit ok ok shit
great good good shit ok
shit decent great ok ok
decent shit shit play ST shit
decent shit shit great good

>> No.9002824

Diablo isn't shit. suck my dick

>> No.9002830

/v/ pls go

>> No.9002844

Get better tastes please.

>> No.9002845

>not having the superior Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 on there instead
Confirmed for hipster.

>> No.9002851

I don't feel like getting into this argument again, but the best thing diablo had going for it was the atmosphere and difficulty which the sequels did away with like they were nothing.

>> No.9002858

No, it was the fun clicking and looting for 16 hours a day.

>> No.9002864

Why do you hate things that are different?

>> No.9002869

Nostalgia along with Ameriboo games? Looks like /v/ alright.

>> No.9002871

who the hell plays counter strike other than highschool kids and stoners?

>> No.9002883

I play, as do all the other people I know in real life. You might be confusing 1.6 with Source.

>> No.9002885

This guy's list of favorite games is just a bunch of final fantasy and other generic jrpg garbage.

>> No.9002886

fucking westaboos

>> No.9002888

>people I know in real life
Oh boy.

>> No.9002903
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nerd list

at least post the best Zelda game

>> No.9002914

get a load of the normie

>> No.9002924

Shouldn't you be out partying on a Saturday night?

>> No.9002923

want me to kick your ass, faggot?

>> No.9002930


generic jrpg garbage usually falls under nostalgia.

>> No.9002931

i knew i was right.

expand your horizons man. play different types of games

>> No.9002941

I do. I just got over playing the same games everyone gushes over a long time ago and found games that I actually like.

>> No.9002950

hipster post

>> No.9002966

The fuck is a westaboo game? Anything that wasn't made in glorious nippon?

Good grief you people are picky about what games you'll allow someone to like.

>> No.9002969

I don't think it's possible to be a westaboo if you're already in the west.

>> No.9002996

Westaboos = people who love everything from the west

>> No.9003006

Why are you guys going on about westaboos when most of those games are Japanese?

>> No.9003009

So can japanese people be weeaboos?

>> No.9003020

You guys wouldn't want to see my list. It would have a bunch of obscure games you wouldn't even recognize. Get on my level.

>> No.9003026

How obscure? Just list them, don't make an image. I want to see how hardcore you are.

>> No.9003030

Duke Nukem 3D
Doom 2
Halo 2
Half-Life 2
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Call of Duty 4

>> No.9003034

Forgot League of Legends

>> No.9003035

So... when you said "obscure" you were joking... right?

>> No.9003039

Heard of all but the first one.

>> No.9003047

Sage for /v/ arguments and "Stop Liking What I Don't Like".

>> No.9003050

You "heard" of Doom 2 but not Doom?!

>> No.9003051

We can all agree that Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3, Tomba! and Ape Escape are the greatest PS1 games.

>> No.9003055

sage for any list without Super Mario 64 and Brood War

>> No.9003056

how dare you sage this thread

>> No.9003057

I don't. Couldn't give a shit about them.

>> No.9003059

>poor man's mario kart
>no ffvii

>> No.9003061

I don't have any opinion about them because I never owned them

>> No.9003063

Is there a template for these types of images? I want to make one.

>> No.9003076


>> No.9003095

shaddup you freaking nerds!

>> No.9003114 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9003118

>Icewind Dale

my man

>> No.9003128


>> No.9003131

Nice troll list.

>> No.9003132

hey hey you the first two games were good

>> No.9003136

I don't know man, Tony Hawk 2 was pretty damn good for a skateboarding game.

>> No.9003140

/v/ piggu go home.

>> No.9003159
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what is this i dont even play video games

>> No.9003169

Go dance with the angels.

>> No.9003189
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it is important to enjoy a wide variety of games

>> No.9003192
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I maek list*

*list subject to change every 10 minutes

>> No.9003197

I'd post something but it would be flamed for my lack of stuff from pre-'90s stuff

>> No.9003206

fuck you in your queer tripfagging 90s-born ass

>> No.9003204

As long as it has some 90s stuff you will be ok. You don't need any pre 90s stuff

>> No.9003207
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>> No.9003209

Oh god this is pathetic.

>> No.9003210

Oh god. Just how high do you have to be to do something like that.

>> No.9003213

Ocarina of Time was damn good. Majora's mask was when it started to go down hill.

>> No.9003218

Did the neo janitor really reset the report queue on this /v/ thread?

>> No.9003219

name some 80s-90s games that are better than the games in that list.

RPGs and nintendo shit go home.

>> No.9003226

The optimum ratio of games by decade is:

70s: 5%
80s: 30%
90s: 45%
00s: 20%
10s: 0%

>> No.9003240
File: 239 KB, 200x195, BRAAAINS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaypee is a ghetto board for everything that some Inevitable Idjit would ordinarily decide on his own can go on /a/ or /v/, when in actual fact it doesn't go on /a/ or /v/


Oh and don't forget to sign up for your $10 discount on your way out.

>> No.9003241

and like everything else. your games blow

>> No.9003251

I'd be fine with Rondo of Blood or 68K in my list.

>> No.9003255

The only good Castlevania from that time period is SotN.

>> No.9003257

You forgot about the original and super castlevania.

symphony of the night was a metroid ripoff anyway. and every time you died you had to wait like a minute. fuck that.

>> No.9003261

A: SotN is not that hard.
B: You watch too much AVGN.

>> No.9003266

Yume Nikki is the best the 90'ties had to offer.

>> No.9003268

The game is called metroidvania. That doesn't mean I watch too much AVGN because I recognize it took that map style from metroid.

>> No.9003274

The only franchise I like that came out of Nintendo was Pokemon.

Zelda and Metroid were never popular where I grew up and I still don't understand why they're so big and Sonic is better than that midget Mario.

>> No.9003275

All of the Castlevania action games are better than the Igarashi ones anyway. Order of Ecclesia was good though, that one's better than CV4 at least.

>> No.9003278

Confirmed for furry pedophile.

>> No.9003283


Actually metroid hasn't been doing much recently

>> No.9003288

It was more that you made such a huge deal about the lengthy deaths. Which is annoying compared to SCIV, but if you're dying that much, chances are you're playing terribly.

SCIV is a good game, my only complaints about it are how stairs work, and especially its stiff movement.

>> No.9003298

Sorry, I hate load times. Reason cartridges are far superior to CDs. I really don't care much about castlevania anyway.

Ninja gaiden was way better anyway.

>> No.9003303
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Confirmed misunderstanding. One can love animals and children without wanting to screw them. That's what womenfolk are for.

>> No.9003305

if you're dying at all in sotn you should pretty much stop playing video games forever

>> No.9003320

Video games are otaku culture. Deal with it nerdlingers.

>> No.9003330

Fair enough. And I haven't played Ninja Gaiden yet, where to start?

>> No.9003338

The first one. Be prepared, it's hard as shit.

Though it's easy if you use an emulator and use save states.

>> No.9003368

you best be using those save states so you can practice for your no miss run

>> No.9003379

I'll try not to save state too much. At least not during levels. OK.

>> No.9003412

>respond seriously to an on topic thread
>partake in the discussion
>saging all the while

I keep seeing this recently on /jp/, it's like there's a bunch of you that understand the function.

>> No.9003421

Sage is such an intellectual insult imo, I always hide behind nokosage to stay polite.

>> No.9003424

>on topic thread
Here's where you're wrong.

>> No.9003426

but who r u quoting?

>> No.9003433

>video games aren't part of otaku culture
>90% of /jp/ threads are about touhou


>> No.9003445

I want to play TFT ladder with you.

>> No.9003447

Huntress rush all day every day forever.

>> No.9003455

If you're being serious add me.
Username: I-Rock
I usually play on US East

My record sucks this season because I've been doing weird strats like solo shadow hunter (i've been getting pretty good at that)

>> No.9003476

Post more lists or go back to arguing with people who posted their lists, please.

>> No.9003500

This board is for threads that belong neither on /a/ nor /v/. Since this one belongs on /v/, it has no place on /jp/.

>> No.9003503


>Cel Damage

what the fuck

>> No.9003511

In that case, bring Touhou/STG discussion threads to /v/ as well.

>> No.9003518

No they should go to /vg/.

>> No.9003609

SNES > Dreamcast > NES = Genesis > N64 > PS1 > Saturn

>> No.9003614

Dreamcast > Saturn > Genesis > PS1 > SNES > NES > N66

>> No.9003628

You're really a peace of work. You're really a son of a bitch, you know that, right?

>> No.9003636
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>> No.9003645

PC with emulation > Xbox 360 > PS2 > Dreamcast > Saturn > Genesis > SNES > PC without emulation > Xbox > NES > PCE > DS > PS1 > N64 > Gamecube > PS3 > GBA > GBC > PSP > Wii

Bring it, gaylords

>> No.9003653

Stopped reading after xbox 360 wasn't in the bottom 3

>> No.9003657
File: 29 KB, 594x380, neogeo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug you gaylord

>> No.9003658

guess you don't like arcade games

>> No.9003660

I was too poor to have a neogeo, but its library would put it in the top 5 for sure.

>> No.9003666


>> No.9006045


>> No.9006065

Literally the worst opinion I've ever seen.

>> No.9006534

see >>9003658

>> No.9006544
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>> No.9006958

Why is there no mention of all the great sonic games?

>> No.9006979

i meant to say all the great sega games. There are very few sega games in the thread

>> No.9006994

if it makes you feel any better, AM2 is the best developer in the world.

>> No.9008591

What are you on? Even AM3 is better than AM2

>> No.9009000



Last Bronx (VF is the pinnacle of fighting games, so this is no competition)
Crazy Taxi (which is awesome)
Virtual-On (VOOT is awesome)
Virtua Tennis (which was awesome)
Sega Rally (Daytona and especially OutRun 2 are superior)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (best SW game)
Initial D (never played because I don't care about ID)

AM3 is great, but AM2 is better. Because they're the best.

>> No.9009318

I wish I could buy the Virtual On:Oratorio Tangram cabinet for cheap. I would so play that game too much until my eyes go dark eternally.

Also, Initial D.

>> No.9009323

Fucking omron. Sega AM2 has nothing.

>> No.9009325

Is this /jp/?

>> No.9009614

why not just play it online on 360? get some twin sticks if you want.

Virtua Fighter > you're favorite series, gaylord

>> No.9011643

Someone better warn Tokiomi he only has one command spell left.
