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899957 No.899957 [Reply] [Original]

what a fucking piece of shit movie this is.

>> No.899969

loved the 5 second+ still shots EVERYWHERE.

>> No.899974

What's wrong with those? Too EVA for you?

>> No.899976

Next one will be better, I promise. Fujinon takes a shower ~

>> No.899981

shit sucks. Gonna watch all 7 movies just to say how fucking terrible they are

>> No.899985

Thanks for letting me know it was out. I check this board once in awhile for news like this, even though the rest of it is a pile of shit

>> No.899986

Just to take a still of something else until it is over, right?

>> No.899989


>> No.899988

No, after the shower she and Shiki fight to the death.

>> No.899992

seeing as Shiki's still alive, they pretty much spoiled the outcome didn't they. Fucking stupid, now the fight's gonna have no suspense

>> No.900019

Also, there's an almost-sex scene with Mikiya and I won't tell who

>> No.900024

Shiki or ...SHIKI?

Man is this writing great or what

>> No.900056

Shiki and SHIKI died in this episode.

>> No.900069

what anime is this?

>> No.900076

lol oh hai my names touhou fan999

>> No.900082

0/10, age.

>> No.900232

hey my names touhou-fan9
(hahahhahahah get it 9 is a cirno reference)
i watched this lame type-moon movie cause some guy on gensokyo say type-moon sucks and you know he must be right cause he talks talk about touhou for 8 hours day and that makes him pretty fuckin awesome IMHO (LOL THE H STANDS FOR HUMBLE ISNT THAT LULZ GUYS?!?)

So anyways big surprise this guy was right! There was some girl who was walking around killin people and this kid who knew she was doing it was like "nah shes not" and i was all like "WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT YOU SAW HER KILLIN THEMS PEOPLE WHAT ARE YOU A FAGGGGOOOT!!!" But other than that i couldnt tell wtf was goin on cause they were putting all these big words in the subs, and those freak me out man, so i went onto 4chan real quick to check out what my touhou bros were sayin

The first thing i saw when i opened up my internet explorer 7 was some guy talking about how KnK was trying to develop an interesting story that catered to people who enjoyed mild philosophic themes and more in-depth plots in their anime and i was like "OOOOOHHHH SHI--- MY BUDS BACK AT GAIA TOLD ME WHAT TO CALL SHIT LIEK DIS" and then i posted the word PRETENTIOUS over and over 653 times (arn't fuckin BADASS??!). Faggot got what was commin to him IMHO people arnt aloud to have coherent opinions on the internet XD XD XD XD XD XD

>> No.900252

too much effort

>> No.900272

So did she fall into a coma near the end of this? I never read the novels but I take it she gets her pretty eyes after she wakes up? If she really did fall into a coma.

>> No.900275

Did he turn chibi and un-chibi, or does it need more sporks? I'm not sure.

>> No.900291

Yes, and yes.

>> No.900309

It isn't that terrible. But it isn't any good either.

>> No.900311

I made a rant about this yesterday and only got saged.
Some bullshit this director decided to make, though. Thankfully there's a different one for each part, so we won't have to put up with this kind of stuff anymore. Hopefully.
Way to leave twenty crucial lines and important explanations out, though. The director/script adapter went completely retarded.
Some things which nagged me:
SHIKI is never said to be the male personality(this matters a lot for the fourth movie; now it'll be fucking impossible to know which Shiki they are talking about, even if they add -kun). The Ryougi's 'trait' is never explained(they can still do it in Garan-no-dou, I guess, but it'll sound like retconning). The swordfight got lengthened for no good reason at all, and it was still crap. Daisuke says that the fifth victim looks like a manji, but they removed the dialogue when Ryougi finds the body and says the same, but adds that it was probably made to look like a flower. Shiki's explanation for attacking Mikiya (which she narrates in the classroom) was removed. Five second stills every other scene for no good reason. The whole school rooftop conversation after Mikiya sees Shiki covered in blood got fucked up(rather than the conversation, Shiki's narrative was completely omitted).
I want to keep on going, but my rage meter is going overboard.

Also, I found it hilarious that they spent so much time adding movie 7 foreshadowing, but left out the most important statement of the whole chapter (first line, the '1995, April. I met her.').

On the other hand, the art was faptastic, younger Shiki is hot (oh god someone get a screencap of Shiki wearing panties and sarashi), and the few scenes that they added (99% Lio) were well done.

>> No.900337

"1995, April. I met her." was at the end but it was said by Mikiya

>> No.900347

>he most important statement of the whole chapter (first line, the '1995, April. I met her.')
I think it was said somewhere at the end. But I have to agree, the movie wasn't that good. Still have my hopes up for 3&4, though.

>> No.900349


Eh. Maybe Nasu and folks are assuming you've already read the novels, and thus these movies are just for the people who lack vivid imaginations.

That, or they thought these revisions were needed for some other purpose that may or may not be justified in later films, unless Nasu and folk have gone nuts.

>> No.900352

She gets hit by a car, and falls into a coma. And yeah, she gets the eyes when he wakes up, although Shiki already had special eyes; a jougan to the very least. Same history as Tohno, yeah.
Not like you'd know from only watching this movie, because the director was a fag that didn't even try to foreshadow.

>> No.900361

Look, I don't want to spoil stuff, but no, it wasn't said.
Go and rewatch the movie if you want, you'll notice the difference, but if you want to enjoy this series to the utmost, then don't.

>> No.900367

I can't wait till we get to the later movies, because by then BakaTsuki should be done a few more chapters, or even a few more novels, and we'll be complaining about this and that, and about which version was better and should be used for canon purposes.

>> No.900373

Oh shi, my bad, it was said.
I'm on a different computer right now, so would someone please check this for me? Was it said by Kokutou's VA?

>> No.900370

I didn't read the novels (and I don't plan to, why the fuck would anyone read a fan translated novel, anyone who's read real novels and understand the basics of translation would know how fucking terrible they are) and I rather enjoyed the movie

I guess I like this type of story

>> No.900378

>what anime is this?

>> No.900384


could you type out the dialogue that were cut out from this movie? particularly interested in >Shiki's explanation for attacking Mikiya (which she narrates in the classroom) was removed

>> No.900391


>> No.900392

The same reason we read fan translated VNs, I guess.
It's not a bad movie, minus for the five second stills. But as an adaptation, it was lacking.

>> No.900393



>> No.900399

I'm also pretty much a sucker for this kind of story too. I like the atmosphere of the movies, and I don't even have to mention how much I love the animation.

I at least know that even if I'm not a Type-Moon fag, or even if that the movie doesn't have Type-Moon or ufotable brand on it, I'd still watch and love it.

Anyway, other anons opinion doesn't really mean shit anyway, since for every anime you'd always got some anon jumping in saying it's shit and abuse the sage function.

>> No.900423

"There's nothing to let go, because you never did such a thing."

"Even if I admit it myself?"

Mikiya nods.

"You're the one to tell me not to listen to you too seriously. And you're definitely incapable of doing such a thing... ever."

I grow angry at Mikiya for saying something such as this, even though he has no idea of my true situation.

"What do you mean "definitely"?! What about me can you understand?! What about me can you trust?!"

I vent my anger at him. Mikiya makes a troubled face but smiles nevertheless.

>> No.900429

Better read the entire chapter. The explanation is mostly divided in two parts, first when Kokutou says that he will trust Shiki no matter what, and the second in the classroom, the night before going batshit. Then there's tidbits here and there.
Then they fucked up to an even greater level.

>> No.900445

Also he says the "1995, April. I met her." when he goes to see her in the hospital

>> No.900438

What the hell is so significant about him saying when he met her?

>> No.900446

Because Mikiya isn't the one who says it

>> No.900449

Was it Lio?

>> No.900452



>> No.900455


>> No.900464

While we're on this subject, I don't know why did they left out the part of Shiki suspecting SHIKI of committing all the murders. For me, that part is kinda crucial on how important Shiki-SHIKI's relationship is.

>"SHIKI, is it you?"
>I ask aloud, but there's no answer. SHIKI and I are out of sync. That feeling grows stronger every day. Even if I let SHIKI use my body, the one who decides is me, but why is it that my memory is vague when I do so?


>...Yes, even if SHIKI is a killing monster, I am not able to make him disappear. Since I have "SHIKI" in me, I am Shiki just like him.

>> No.900469

SHIKI was pretty hot.

>> No.900471


wtf. they left THAT out? I hope this doesn't flop like the tsukihime anim- wait, what was I talking about?

>> No.900473

Director & Scriptadapter = Pillocks.

>> No.900478

Wait. You're judging the movie before you've even watched it?

>> No.900482

First part was a rather perfect adaptation. Second part was bullshit in that department. But then again, different directors for each movie, so chances are this won't happen again. And anyway, chapter three, five, and seven are so damn awesome, that even a shit director like this one couldn't fuck them up.

>> No.900488

I thought the movie was pretty well done. Until I came to this thread and realised they left out crucial information essential to character development. fffffffffffff

>> No.900500

I think Shiki has never mentioned of her suspicions towards SHIKI in the movie, AT ALL. Sure, she somewhat imply that she might be the one committing the murder, but she's making the implication on Ryougi Shiki as a whole, while at least in the novel, Shiki herself is somewhat clueless about the murders, and thus suspecting SHIKI on it.

>> No.900520


A VN at the very least has visuals to make up for the poor translating, and let's face it, VNs aren't that well written

A novel is just full of words. There are way too many things that get lost in translation, especially in a fan made one. At the very least I would assume this novel to be good enough to be hard to translate

Anyways reading this thread, I don't think the info that are left out are that essential. It's the typical butthurt anger over certain parts that get left out just because anon wanted it in

>> No.900525

Oh. One of the greatest lines in the novel get left out, too. Although it was expected, since it was third person narration.
>---------Amidst it all, Shiki is smiling. The sleeves of her light blue kimono are tainted red. Kneeling down and touching the blood flowing on the ground, Shiki streaks it across her lips. The blood drips down her lips and her body trembles in ecstasy. This is the first lipstick that Shiki has ever worn.
>This is the first lipstick that Shiki has ever worn.
This. How could they leave the line out, but keep the scene? It just isn't the same.

>> No.900532

Wow, she's never worn lipstick before. That's so important.

>> No.900536

They really can't just add the line there, you know. In the larger scheme of things, it's a rather insignificant detail.

>> No.900543

lol no
If you haven't read the novel, clam it. You don't know what is essential and what isn't.
This being /jp/, I take it that you know this, but KnK was written by Nasu, who also did Turkeyhandle and FSN. The main difference in the writing style is that Rakkyo is more of a pseudo poem.

Also, for the most part, fan translations > professional translations.
And you know it, because you have a ponytail moe.

>> No.900558

>Anyways reading this thread, I don't think the info that are left out are that essential. It's the typical butthurt anger over certain parts that get left out just because anon wanted it in

Some of those parts are pretty essential for character's development, the parts that's responsible for creating an impact about the characters on the readers. I'm actually doesn't care much, but I just don't understand why it must be left out while it certainly doesn't take too much effort to put those lines in while they can make fucking beautiful still shots just everytime they got the chance to do it.

It's like, why won't you ask for MJ's autograph, while you actually have time taking pictures with him? It may not be necessary, but at least you can sell those autograph to some freaks right?

Anyway, I think MJ is not a good example, sorry.

>> No.900567

I think if you aren't retarded you can infer it, SHIKI did say he's a murderer.

>> No.900572

I didn't say that it was important. I only said that it was a great line, fag.
Either you should work on your reading comprehension, or you should stop projecting your anger so hard that you can watch movies on walls. I take it that you are >>900520. Maybe that nagging doubt on the back of your mind, that perhaps you didn't enjoy the movie as much as you did and these anons are right, that the adaptation was bullshit, is actually true?
Like I said, I expected them to leave it out (>since it was third person narration), but it was still a disappointment.

>> No.900573

God damn, what do you guys have against the fucking still shots?

>> No.900582

But having Shiki, the other side of SHIKI herself suspecting him would be a different matter right?

>> No.900585


And no I'm not >>900520

>> No.900586

But he isn't.
In the novel: Shiki isn't sure. SHIKI knows, but won't/can't tell Shiki because they are going out of sync. Shiki/SHIKI says that she is the murderer to keep MIkiya away.
In the movie: 'o lawl i killed him'. And that's about it.

Read the novel before arguing whenever the adaptation was good or not.

>> No.900588

I don't. I love it.

>> No.900589

I'd her lips.

>> No.900591


I don't have to. The things that are getting bitched in this thread are not essential, OMG FIRST LIPSTICK FOR A SEEMINGLY QUIET PERSON WHO NEVER DOES ANYTHING AND REJECTS EVERYONE? The significance of that was apparent as the movie went on anyway. Are the skipped material RELEVANT? Yes, maybe. Are they critical to the story and characters? No.

>fan translations > professional translations

When it's 20 min of "MASAKA", "OWARI DA" and "KAWAII DESU NE", for the most part sure I prefer a fan sub. An actual novel? No, never. You are missing out. Unless the story is simply poorly written in the first place with nothing but simple words, but since this is mollusk man we're talking about here, maybe it really is shitty. In this case, enjoy your shit

btw it's pretty obvious you're bitching at me JUST because I said I don't read the novel, you don't have any substantial reasoning whatsoever

>> No.900594

>In the novel: Shiki isn't sure. SHIKI knows, but won't/can't tell Shiki because they are going out of sync.

Why can't she just write "Hey Shiki, I'm not the murderer" on a piece of paper?

>> No.900592

If they said it straight, then there would be no fucking suspense.

>> No.900593

In this case, I would place the blame on the director rather than on entire adaptation. Guy worked on Coyote Ragtime Show, so I went in expecting some fuckups.

As a whole though, ufotable is made of TYPE-MOON fantards, so I'm sure they'll manage to come together somehow and think up of something, or have already done so. At the very least, I'm expecting that the director is currently or has already been pummeled to death for skimping out on details.

>> No.900597

>Critical to the story and characters? No

fuck you nigger

>> No.900595

>Guy worked on Coyote Ragtime Show

>> No.900599

You should open up a dictionary and look up subjectivist. Because that's what opinion is, fag. Subjective.

>> No.900601


>> No.900603

Not really. It doesn't reveal anything. If there's anything it'll do, then it is adding more suspense to the story.

>> No.900602

I've noticed that you've called me fag twice. Are you sure that you're not 14?

>> No.900612

I find it more constructive than calling you a pillock.

>> No.900605


Coyote Ragtime Show had probably the best first episode of any show I've watched the last few years

Of course then it went into complete and utter shit after that

>> No.900614

Kara no Kyokai is poorly written. Nasu even said so himself. It is one of his earlier works, and it shows.

You can only do so much with mediocre source material.

>> No.900625

The problem is faggots defending that poorly written shit and raging when the shit isn't adapted 100%

>> No.900626

You're really losing your credibility here, mate.

>> No.900633

Since chapter 7 isn't translated yet, I don't really know about it. But maybe it's because that SHIKI doesn't know who the real murderer is too. It won't do any good by just saying "I'm not the murderer" to someone that suspects you right? He has no proof to convince Shiki on it. And the fact that he does have murderous impulse doesn't really help either.

>> No.900635

And to make 7 movies of such amateur material, no less. What's next, Witch on the Holy Nigh-oh wait.

>> No.900639

lul, type-moonfag that i am, i agree with OP. shitty movie is shitty.

>> No.900636

You are bitching because we say that the adaptation is shit, but you haven't read the source material itself?
No matter how you look at it, that's just stupid.

And hey, nice reading comprehension you have there. Nobody mentioned the lipstick until >>900525, and even that guy didn't say that it was important.

2/10, troll harder.

>> No.900649

Poor writing style =/= Bad storyline.

Take for example LotR. The writing is basically Winnie The Pooh take two, but extracting the plot and making it into a movie? Oh hello there, millions upon millions of dollars.

>> No.900653

Tolkien's prose is wonderful, what are you talking about?

>> No.900661

Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
In our case, a fag's gotta do what a fag's gotta do. No one ask our opinions, but we still want to say it.

The same thing applies to you. It's as if you feel obligated to jump in to say Nasu's writing is shit in every discussion we have while nobody ask you to do it.

In the end, we're anon, and we're not so different from each other after all.

>> No.900678

I'm bitching at what? Nothing. I've simply said these things not essential, given what has been said in this particular thread so far. You wanna prove me wrong? Bring out a different line instead of the I READ IT YOU DIDN'T. Quit the raging, I haven't even called you a faggot yet

Lipstick was one example. I sure as hell won't copypaste everything onto one post DURR HURR

>troll harder

I guess this basically shows you've got nothing to say. Actually, it's better to say you're incapable of coming up with anything. Typical typemoon fag, oh there I called you a fag now

>> No.900680

Not this again.
Tolkien prose is shit, unless you happened to take a ride in a time traveling machine from the thirties and decided to post in this machine that magickally creates text.
Which is to say, by current day standards, anything written in his style (minus ultrahyped powered to the square vomit inducing shit like Eragon) would earn you a subtle but anus-shattering kick in the ass if you went to any publishing agency.

But if you aren't trolling and really think that Tolkien's prose is good, read the essay 'Epic Pooh' by Moorcock, then find a book really worth your time.

>> No.900685

Ever wonder how it'll looks like when it's being translated into different language? I don't, since I have poor imagination, or it's better to say that I'm pretty much an idiot.

And not to mention I never read LoTR, lol. Watching the movie is how I roll.

>> No.900688

So much negativity in one thread.

There's only been two chapters released on DVD yet, and only one of them has any sort of adaptation decay. If ufotable can rewrite Chapter 1 for adaptive purposes and make it work, then I'm pretty sure that they can do something about the lead-in to Chapter 7.

In any case, worrying about this issue now is a bit premature, considering that there are still five more movies left. We have to see how Chapter 3 goes first, and judging from the reactions from people that watched it, I don't think there's going to be anything to worry about.

>> No.900696

Just so people know "1995, April. I met her." is important to the story

>> No.900693



>> No.900706


yea and it was in the movie

near the end too so fairly memorable

>> No.900707

>Post examples and prove me wrong even though I have no basis to assert my statements
Hey, I simplified your post for you. You haven't read the novel. "HURR HURRR SAME REPLY"? You can't argue against it. You have no say as to whenever something is significant to the plot or not, BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW THE FUCKING PLOT. Oh hurr, caps.
But I'm feeling gracious, so here >>900311
That post has it pretty much wrapped up.

>> No.900710

>We have to see how Chapter 3 goes first, and judging from the reactions from people that watched it, I don't think there's going to be anything to worry about.

Bad move iz. You'll just give the trolls more excuses for trolling later.


The best move to take would be just to enjoy the movies by ourselves and ignore the others.

>> No.900712

Yeah, but said by the wrong person, thus making it a major fuck up.
Although it has no real impact on the storyline, it only creates a paradox of sorts.

>> No.900714

Moorcock is a just a fantasy novel writer. I can't believe you'd think his word is worth any shit to an Oxford university professor's work.

>> No.900722
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>> No.900726
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>> No.900717

KnK is total shit. The characters, the plot, the writing, everything.

everything KnK attempted, Tsukihime did better.

>> No.900725


Yes I've read it DURR HURR. Why do you assume everyone is as incompetent as you are? Is this a self defense mechanism ?

Pretend you've never read the novel, only seen the movie and re-read this thread again, look at the complains and why they say they're complaining. It's not that fucking hard to see why someone even half intelligent might finds your whining pointless

sage for typemoonfag

>> No.900729

Frankly, I think that msot of Moorcock's work is pretty bad. However, Epic Pooh is the best critical text on Tolkien that I've read, so I tend to have people read it and draw their own conclusions afterwards.

>> No.900730
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>> No.900734

Too late. We already have this kind of posts before you.

Or is it an obligation to have this post for every set amount of posts being made? You know, like an interval or something.

>> No.900738



>> No.900741

>i can't comprehend the idea that i'm a total retard and many people can see things better than me

oh hey i simplified your posts as well

>> No.900746

If ufotable make enough money from KnK, they'd probably bribe Nasu enough money to make it, of course to make more money. And then we'll have our Muv-Luv animu.

Damn it, my own wishful thinking has left me in despair. ;___:

>> No.900747

You've read it, and you can't see how this fucks up characterization, or worse, the rest of the movies?
I don't tend to quote myself, but:
>you should stop projecting your anger so hard that you can watch movies on walls.
>Maybe that nagging doubt on the back of your mind, that perhaps you didn't enjoy the movie as much as you did and these anons are right, that the adaptation was bullshit, is actually true?

>> No.900748

Sure, if you have the worlds longest attention span. There's a limit to how much description something can have.

>> No.900743

Frankly, Moorcock hates every fantasy author before him.

>> No.900752


Wouldn't you be full of hate too if your name contained "cock"?

>> No.900754

That's very true.

>> No.900756


So we're back to Nasu? This thread keeps going in circles.

>> No.900759


Cock isn't too bad.

MOAR COCK, however, is just fucking traumatizing.

>> No.900770

Not really. Tolkien was a tangent to show that shitty prose doesn't exactly mean shitty plot, or to the very least, shitty movie adaptation.
Since Nasu = Shitty prose, it fits.

>> No.900772
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We keep turning around and around and around

twisting around and around and around

>> No.900778

Well, the world is round isn't it?

Oh wait, you're talking about circles, I'm sorry. BTW, can I have some of your beer? And hats.

>> No.900780

You are now awesome.

>> No.900773

Oh, so you're that immature retard who was calling that guy a fag because he disagreed with you?

>> No.900782

Duh. It's summer after all.

>> No.900792

You're now admitting that you're a summerfag?

>> No.900808

>Clang Clang Clang

>> No.900817

I know exactly how you feel.

>> No.900818

I'm only adding evidence on my 'biased dickhead*' pile. Notice how you can't even see the sarcasm? You are blinded by rage, Anon.
>Maybe that nagging doubt on the back of your mind, that perhaps you didn't enjoy the movie as much as you did and these anons are right, that the adaptation was bullshit, is actually true?
But you've probably replaced your eyes with parts of your rectum by now, so chances are that you can only see shit.

*oh by the way, I upgraded you to dickhead, now your projection is twice as powerful!

>> No.900819

Fuck, this film was awesome.

People keep popping up and stating that a lot of things weren’t clarified/mentioned, but I everything you guys claim wasn’t made apparent, I seem to have realized (without reading the novel). These things were all simply inferred without the extensive use of monologuing/vestigial dialogue that people have come to expect from anime. I can only assume that a lot of people are so reliant on that kind of storytelling that they’ve become almost oblivious to other methods, because honestly, I don’t know how anyone could not have realized Shiki’s reason for attacking Mikiya, or the fact that Shiki suspected SHIKI of the murders.

>> No.900815

Did anyone else think that around 14:00 it was going to turn into a musical?

This movie let me down...

>> No.900826
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>> No.900829

Ice Cream Scene = Singing in the Rain Scene

>> No.900834

Not really. You didn't enjoy it because you, like my first post in this thread mentioned, is the standard type who comes complaining the moment you see something is different

This thread, JUST THIS THREAD, has provided nothing that suggest that the characterizations are really damaged. Like I said, if you have other materials that haven't been covered, post them. Until then, enjoy being an idiot

>> No.900835


gb2bed Yahtzee.


In terms of awesome? Yes.

>> No.900839
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>Clang Clang Clang

>> No.900840
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I actually have no idea what's going on here, but this being a TM thread, I thought this would put it back in track.

>> No.900847

I think that >>900826 is just posting a picture of what >>900818 is experiencing right now.

>> No.900852

>You are blinded by rage

This consistent need to label others with this word is really backfiring on you. also if you notice what he typed

>you were calling that other guy

you may have realized that it's a different person and i didn't respond till >>900834

just now

funny i missed this gem though, i kind feel bad responding to a retard like you now. Hey, you can claim you've just been brilliantly trolling me any minute now, it's the typical response from your kind right. Go for the gold champ

>> No.900874

>SHIKI is never said to be the male personality
Also, not from this thread, and not necessarily something that had to be added, but,
>Shiki had always been gazing at a far-off location. I think that even while looking at a person she saw not the exterior, but that person's core.
Was never even referenced, or shown, or hinted. Garan-no-dou will be like retconning hell now.

>> No.900880

Technically it wouldn't be you.

>> No.900896

What the hell is going on in this thread? I infer that there's some sort of retard flamewar happening, but both so sides are so goddamn incoherent that I don't actually know what the fuck either is saying.

>> No.900902


>> No.900903


Basically, the episode sucked. Is it Nasu's fault or ufotables'?

>> No.900910


fuck, you are absolutely terrible at this.

I find it somewhat disturbing that people need everything to be made into huge neon signs and shoved in their faces for them to realize it's there.

Yes >>900446 is an important revelation that was confusing in the movie.

>> No.900906

one guy is saying that the second KnK movie was bad, then two others saying that the first guy is a retard
that's about it
keep on going, guys.

>> No.900922

Mikiya said it, but it's supposed to be Lio.

>> No.900935

>Leaving details out is detrimental for characterization.
>Characterization isn't really damaged.
>It is.
>Yeah, so?

I agree with >>900896, you are both fucking incoherent.

>> No.900941

>i'm too stupid to follow more than 2 posts

