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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 215 KB, 700x629, 1336186027258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8996777 No.8996777 [Reply] [Original]

Have a good fridey night /jp/sies.

>> No.8996793

I'm about to play a bunch of DOJBL, so I'm either going to have a good fridey night or wind up getting pissed and watching a movie.

>> No.8996802

Was about time, playing Metal Slug because the threads some days ago, managed to clear 3 in 3CC and X in 2.

>> No.8996803
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>> No.8996809

Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's looking forward to the weekend

>> No.8996818


>> No.8996842

I didn't even know it was Friday until I saw this thread.


>> No.8996846

I thought it was saturday too.

>> No.8996844

going to take 1/2 hit of LSD, watch Fringe, and maybe catch up on some animes, after that i dunno.

>> No.8997030

I was just out at a gig and stuff. Some friends were playing, some cool people turned up. Wore my hat, people loved it.

>> No.8997032
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>> No.8997038

I'm going to try The Secret World beta, and maybe start Max Payne 3.

>> No.8997079
File: 178 KB, 1344x733, booru3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a first release but I keep procrastinating.
Censored because this is a pure board.

>> No.8997154


Looks good

>> No.8997173

One problem I have encountered while using something similar is that there are often too many tags to save it in the file name. Even if I only choose to save char names and copyright.
Having huge file names also makes the files very unflexible.

>> No.8997186


Very interested in this, keep up the good work. I'm liking it so far.

>> No.8997196

i've hit rock bottom. looking up every fetish under the sun and can't get off to any of them, too sick to drink, 200 words of a 2500 word essay due yesterday, and so I sat in a retarded SORANDUM stream and contemplated precisely where my life go derailed.

>> No.8997209

I plan on storing all the image tags in an XML file and have a separate program to be able to browse your HDD with your tagged images.

That's my idea for the tag problems.

Even if you could save all the tags in the image file name I think it would be a mess.

>> No.8997212

sounds like that'd be come unwieldy pretty fast consdiering the average /jp/ers image library.

>> No.8997210
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>> No.8997214


What a fucking faggot.

Learn JSON. Parse faster. Realize how much you've been tricked by bullshit ENTERPRISE propaganda.

>> No.8997221

Pretty sure Windows supports tagging meta data. Though whether that's part of the file itself (e.g. EXIF) or an inode somewhere, I don't know.

Don't modify files, though.

>> No.8997226


This guy is trying to do something good, cut him some slack. That post could have been phrased much better.

>> No.8997239

>Learn JSON
There's not really much to "learn", I already parse JSON for some of the Boorus.

Is there really that much of a difference?
I could do that, can you clarify at least why its that much better?

And take it easy bro, its fridey night.

>> No.8997242
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>not using s-expressions

>> No.8997250

It's not that much better, morons just like to rage over trivial shit like that.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.8997249

This is 4chan you cocksucking tryhard sperglord faggot.

I apologize though, thanks for your advice (seriously).

>> No.8997252
File: 12 KB, 225x127, 113144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome as [HELL].

>> No.8997265

My 3rd waifu of the season

>> No.8997270
File: 12 KB, 836x574, THIS PICTURE IS FROM CAT-V.ORG THEREFORE MY ARGUMENT IS INVALID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JSON is:
Faster to parse.
Easier to write.
More readable.

>> No.8997278

XML combines the efficiency of text files with the readability of binary files.

>> No.8997281

>using javascript format in other languages

>> No.8997290

It's funny because JavaScript is the worst thing ever, but it introduced one of the best data formats ever.

>> No.8997293 [DELETED] 

json has no commenting, and half of the implementations of it fuck of SMP characters. And no, it's not substantially more readable than XML if you use attributes freely to store data (and there are no canonical rules on how they're to be used).

>> No.8997294 [DELETED] 

JSON has no commenting, and half of the implementations of it fuck up SMP characters. And no, it's not substantially more readable than XML if you use attributes freely to store data (and there are no canonical rules on how they're to be used).

>> No.8997314
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>> No.8997339
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Friday night
>Summer /jp/

>> No.8997338

...I bought New Vegas and Skyrim on impulse. And I also got a new laptop yesterday.

I've recently just killed time instead of doing something I like i.e. reading eroge, drinking and fapping. I haven't even done my reps in months...
>over 2000 due cards
Well there goes all my motivation. Was planning to continue reading Monobeno or UshiMirai, but don't really feel like it right now.

Oh, and yogurt liqueur tastes horrible.

>> No.8997344

get The Ashen race mod, console command player.setscale .8. Instant loli!

>> No.8997360

Thanks! I was just about to search for any loli type mods.

>> No.8997382

Started playing Violated Heroine again. It depresses me that the game will never be completed in my lifetime.

>> No.8997536

I always read that as "violent heroine"

>> No.8997551

But she's just lying calmly after a long day at the beach.

>> No.8997903

Putting off readings that are slowly building up, one after another

Putting off reading the syllabus of an online course that I haven't even taken a glance at since first day of classes

I did get to spend quality time with my NEET brother though playing FFVII

>> No.8997917
File: 528 KB, 787x982, bday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my birthday today so I got a few presents from my parents and a little bit of ice cream with a candle in it.

The rest of the night I'll probably play some dota2 and watch some anime.

>> No.8997927

Happy birthday Anonymous!

>> No.8997946

>multiplayer games

But happy birthday, man.

>> No.8998041
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Happy belated birthday anon.

>> No.8998094


>> No.8998231
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Happy birthday anon, I hope it was a pleasant and tranquil one for you.

>> No.8998277

Guys, I'm serious: where am I going in life? Bottles of wine, anti-depressants, do little to numb the pain of a pointless and common life. Can anyone relate to this? No real friends right now, random japanese lyrics seem to offer more solace than the well thought out words of solace of so called 'friends'. I don't know guys, what's there left for a guy like me? I've seen a bunch, tried a lot, but in the end it seems like there's not a lot left to do. What does it even mean to be 'alive' nowadays anyway? I could just be a monkey at my current job and no one would no know the difference.

Please respond.


>> No.8998289
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>> No.8998290

What do you consider "real" friends?

>> No.8998334
File: 236 KB, 600x825, 1327894527995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to clean up all that spaghetti code from having quickly added features as I went along.

>> No.8998348

A simple tag based image viewer? Excellent!
Folders are so restrictive, since you have to choose which order to put stuff in (Technology\Guides or Guides\Technology etc).
How easy is it to go from finding the image you want and uploading to 4chan?

>> No.8998351


That means more than you think to me right now, thanks.


The few people I've met in my life that I've become close to. The people I can share a drink with, maybe talk about something important and not worry about being shut out of the conversation. People whose opinion matters to me (unlike most people, sadly). It really seems like everyone who gets to know me, my immediate family, college friends, everyone, seems to distance themselves from me and, well, I don't know, just 'disconnect' from me. I really believe that I just might be fundamentally broken in some way. I don't trust people anymore: therapists, my doctors, my family, they just seem like a lot of liars. I don't know. I really think a few books and bottles are just about all that are waiting for me at the end of my life. Nothing meaningful, no one to talk to or confide in. Just plain old me. I don't share this with anyone. This thread will 404, and with that (just about) every honest thought I've committed to text. Life is ephemeral, I can accept that, but it doesn't change just how alone everything seems nowadays. I just wish... I don't know. I don't even understand the most basic thoughts I have any more. No one will even understand this, anyway.

>> No.8998378

>A simple tag based image viewer?
Unfortunately no, its just a simple *Booru browsing program.
I started making it since browsing individual boorus across many tabs/windows in a browser was a pain.

>> No.8998472
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1336645620839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want find the answer to your problems here, you need to search yourself that's basically the only advice I can give you. The answer lies within.

>> No.8998475



>> No.8998478
File: 35 KB, 158x250, fgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998527

I can't deal with the soul crushing lonliness. Evey Friday night I'm alone. What's worse is I don't have internet at my place anymore so I have to use my phone to browse /jp/. I'm too autistic for society so I'm a shut in. A very ronery shut in.

>> No.8998580

don't worry, I'm your best friend and I'll always be here for you.

>> No.8998929


Or, you could use a... real relational database for your data management needs?

>> No.9001045

fridey is over. please enjoy you're saterday.

>> No.9001053

>relational database

Fuck off. You are why regular file systems don't "cut it", you stupid fucking faggot cunt twat shitlord fuckstain.

>> No.9001083

I'm trying to fight the temptation of getting drunk for the third day in a row. I don't know why I'm doing this, though.

>> No.9001162

You're going to /r9k/, buddy.
