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File: 75 KB, 796x798, Isweartogodthiswasnotgrabbedrandomlyfromgelbooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8996534 No.8996534 [Reply] [Original]

So uh.... I hear Nocturnes is dead.

Any of you fine gents ever consider submitting your writing to TAR, the /lit/-based zine instead? We've got a $30 monthly award for good writers~

Our website is www.theaprilreader.org, interested anons can email us at theaprilreader@gmail.com.TAR is a nonprofit 4chan-based organization, we've been around for about a year.

Anyone interested? Please don't kill me

>> No.8996538


>> No.8996539


>> No.8996543

Forgetting "i like it" aren't we?

>> No.8996542

I like it.

>> No.8996544

No one gave two fucking shits about Nocturnes.

Why do you think anyone will give two fucking shits about your dumb /lit/ project?

Delete this thread before you ruin yourself. Friendly advice.

>> No.8996547

Oh god, why did I put a period there? Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.8996554

I never figured out how deep the levels of irony went that caused people to spam the Nocturnes shit.

>> No.8996552

woah shit

Eh. Some people did, apparently. They did get a few authors for their first issue and all. Surely /jp/ must have a few writers around who were unsatisfied with what happened to nocturnes and would like another place to submit their writing?

>> No.8996555

How can you write when Nocturnes is dead?

>> No.8996560

Quality mspaint skills. Quality thread. I like it.

>> No.8996566

At least 3 layers deep.

>> No.8996568

because it's morning now?

Naw man, MS Paint AND gimp. Quality circles and text there. A full 3 minutes of my life, given up to the undertaker

>> No.8996570
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>> No.8996578

Here is my submission:

>Hey there, /lit/fags. Quit posting shit. No one cares about your stupid projects and cries for attention and validation. You can't even write good prose, or you'd be an author. Reading is for fags. The end.

>> No.8996575

e/lit/ist here.

TAR is pretty awful, but it's held on despite being so shit.


>> No.8996583
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>> No.8996589

/lit/fag here. reading TAR is like a middle school teacher having to grade awful stories.

it sucks. it seriously sucks.

>> No.8996595

If reading is for fags, are we all homosexuals?

Aha, I knew at least one /lit/erate would browse /jp/ as well. Begs the question if all the submitters for nocturne have already moved over to /lit/

and just as swiftly countered. C'mon guys, can't terrible be lovable in a little-kid-growing-up sort of way?

>> No.8996616
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I had to.

>> No.8996627

I'm flattered, y-y-y-ou really like us?

>TAR according to /lit/
>"what is this trash"
>"goddammit TAR"

>> No.8996637

I think that we should do a LN collaboration project, but this time, remember to not screw up like that guy did.

>> No.8996639
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>> No.8996641


>> No.8996659

If such a project ever takes off, feel free to email us. We can advertise for it on our site and in an editorial, assuming it isn't a one-off thing like nocturne was.

"the street finds its own uses for things"

God cyberpunk was a shitty genre in the end. A real shame, there

>> No.8996668

30$? Are you posting from Israel perchance?

>> No.8996677

more like posting from the land of "we make no money off this so we're not gonna shell out megabucks"

sorry, but $30 is not terrible for a small prize

>> No.8996679
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took me forever to find this one, need to manage my pictures better

>> No.8996683

That place sounds like shit. You guys should consider relocating.

>> No.8996689

Do you make sure the stories you publish are free of blatant errors in grammar and usage? If you do, it can't be any worse than Nocturnes.

>> No.8996694

Make a "meta" folder.

>> No.8996706

Nobody's perfect, but we try. TAR has not received serious criticism about mistakes for a very long time, so I think that is reassurance enough. Seriously, just try reading the latest issue. You'll find the submissions to be pretty respectable, I think.

I like my igloo, thank you very much

>> No.8996714

I will.

>> No.8996921

You heard wrong.

>> No.8996926

Wait. So it isn't dead? Despite missing release for the last ~2 months?


>> No.8996934

>missing release

There was never a release date mentioned, you dumb prole.

>> No.8996958

I thought nocturnes was monthly. Oh well. Even if not, judging by the amount of shit directed towards it I don't think they have a chance at this point. Any good will towards them seems ruined by the release, edithurr drama, and subsequent spamming. Give it up

>> No.8996982

A /lit/fag who can't read. Somehow I'm not surprised.

>NOCTURNES MAGAZINE is a quarterly Light Novel magazine
> is a quarterly Light Novel

>> No.8997035

>shit directed towards it

The spammers efforts have been discredited long ago. Just get out, please.

>> No.8997066

Looks like we'll still have to compete with Nocturnes for a while then. Pretty clear they stole the sideways A5 format from TAR and subsequently butchered it. I was honestly rather flattered that they choose to mimick us, although we've since given up the format.

The one thing they have going for them is artists, but it is pretty clear that they're being used poorly. Whole pages given over to single images that only take up one side? Ugh, they could use work.

Say what you like, but it pretty clearly has wrecked damage on the publication. /a/ doesn't seem to be touching it with a ten foot pole for these reasons

>> No.8997084

>Pretty clear they stole the sideways A5 format from TAR and subsequently butchered it.
It was trying to be a LN magazine style

>The one thing they have going for them is artists, but it is pretty clear that they're being used poorly. Whole pages given over to single images that only take up one side? Ugh, they could use work.

Light novels, fucker.

>Say what you like, but it pretty clearly has wrecked damage on the publication. /a/ doesn't seem to be touching it with a ten foot pole for these reasons

No fucking presence is the problem.

They got a good staff going. Best fuck off.

>> No.8997103

Ooh, and looks like I really am talking with a nocturnes editor after all. NEAT, although I'm pretty confident the publication is headed towards the dumpster judging by the above comments. I'll be watching your release closely to see if you can turn it around

One bump before I get take-out

>> No.8997124

Stay illiterate, /lit/scum.

>looks like I really am talking with a nocturnes editor

>> No.8997144
File: 51 KB, 499x500, 9cyPFQbgCnrhuk16HVmUN2kCo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit. I took a gander at the first issue and it was fanfic written by a 16 year old level.
Stories about a normalshit and his girlfriend that dumped him, some other thing about two lesbian girls doing nothing all day but walking on grass, etc.

Think of it this way. Animus have shit stories as it is, and "light novel" is code word for "too shit to get animated". Then you have these jackasses trying to emulate the shit that didn't even get considered for the 2am tuesday time slot.

Don't even bother acknowledging the guy.

>> No.8997156

No shit, first issue is shit. First issue=/=Second issue.

Stay illiterate and samefag, Prole.

>> No.8997169
File: 30 KB, 350x350, d97f95bc9fc8f12f8ca0c2e03e7edd3b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All issues a shit.
Laughing at your shitzine, stay forever bumwreckd niggerlorrd.

>> No.8997174

Damn you spammer.

>> No.8997207

Japanese Nocturnes editor denying involvement.

>> No.8997208
File: 223 KB, 590x335, laughing genki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the OP is the editor of an e-zine? I'd expect someone like that to have better vocabulary. He's right on the money when it comes to entitlement, though.

>Pretty clear they stole the sideways A5 format from TAR and subsequently butchered it.

>> No.8997220

Why would he bother with vocabulary when he's posting here? I guess he might if he wants to seem pretentious, but it's not like there's anything he's saying that would benefit from a precise description.

>> No.8997234
File: 88 KB, 590x406, paranormal 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this the one that ran the long-winded Slender Man story ("Tall, Thin, and Faceless"?) and some stuff by HowToKill/x/?

>> No.8997271

It's not about using fancy words or anything like that. Look at the way he posts. He's completely apart from every other anon in here. I picture him as a hyperactive 16-year-old.

>> No.8997304

He sounds like he has a distinctive style.

>> No.8997311

As much as modern art tells you otherwise, distinctive doesn't necessarily mean good.

Also it might be distinct from the usual anon but it's not unlike any teenager on facebook.

>> No.8997412

Careful, /lit/ is big on modern art shit and is infested with liberals.

>> No.8997426

>Looks like we'll still have to compete with Nocturnes for a while then. Pretty clear they stole the sideways A5 format from TAR and subsequently butchered it. I was honestly rather flattered that they choose to mimick us, although we've since given up the format.

I don't think most teenagers on facebook write like this.

>> No.8997526
File: 525 KB, 2904x2992, thechoiceisobvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot my pic

>> No.8997524

>come back from eating
>the mother of all shitstorms is a-raging

Let me answer all this the best I can:

>Pulling the Baka brigade on 'ol prole
Woah woah slow it up. Take a look at the formats and you'll see what I mean. TAR had been using something practically identical to the style nocturnes took up, and since we were referenced in the thread it seemed probable.

As for vocabulary, the goal of a good publication should be readability. Just going to throw that out there

That was our predecessor, the ZWG. I'm not going to lie, the ZWG was an abomination and I'm glad it died. TAR was founded several months later by myself as a way to improve our failings. Judging by the reasonably consistent flow of submissions from /lit/, it seems to have worked

As for this >>8997271>>8997304 >>8997311 >>8997426, I'm not touching it. Imagine what you like, it has no bearing whatsoever on the written quality of the publication. Criticism of TAR is not only accepted but expected, but personality is a frivolous argument at best

>> No.8997543
File: 74 KB, 900x587, naruto_and_sasuke_darkness_love_by_kurobloodangel-d4s7srv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's fucking hard to contain myself reading that. Fucking abysmal writing.
Zero quality control.

>> No.8997567

Why should I submit my writing to your zine when I can submit it to a REAL literary journal? And when I'd just get rejected by either one?

>> No.8997575

Because you're far less likely to get rejected by a small, online, freely-distributed magazine than an actual literary journal.

>> No.8997592

We don't pretend to be something we're not. If you want to submit content to a more prestigious publication, go ahead. If you want to submit to something a little less demanding and from 4chan, try TAR. You stand a much better chance of getting included, you might even win an award, and you'll probably develop your writing skills much more as a result. If you're decent, we might even include you in the year-end anthology which WILL be published in paper format.

Last month we received a submission from someone widely published. Does that alone not show TAR isn't as terrible as people tend to think?

>> No.8997600


They're both shit?

>> No.8997625

Not anime or even remotely animesque, it's shit.

>> No.8997644

Not true, I specifically made sure we had a story from /a/ last month.

"A Warm Place". Take a look, I felt it was pretty good


>> No.8997760

Not animesque at all. You don't get what LNs are.

>> No.8997763

Yo, Prole, where did you hear nocturnes is dead?


Next issue is coming out real soon.

>> No.8997844

Honestly, I just assumed in light of the seeming lack of activity issuing from the magazine. A couple of people have pointed out I was wrong on this count, and I'm willing to admit this was a misjudgment.

Coming out soon you say. I'll be interested in seeing how it fares. If you want input or advice, feel free to email us. TAR caters to a much different demographic, so we really don't have a natural source of conflict seemingly. We might even be able to help you start up by sharing resources or something

>entire thread devolved into a nocturnes discussion

Okay, I guess I'm about done here

>> No.8997855


Sure. Do I send it to theaprilreader@gmail.com or is there another email where I can reach you specifically?

>> No.8997862

tardhere@gmail.com for myself, although you probably want to talk to other two if you want advice on the website and whatnot. Best of luck

>> No.8997868

Why does the name tardhere ring a bell?
Where you involved in that Rhodesia project from a while back?

>> No.8997880
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pls go OP pls go

>> No.8997924
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Naw, I'm generally a nobody outside of TAR.

Was that Revolutionary girls? I lurked that for a while but nothing more. The only other project I've been involved in is pic related, but this collapsed really early on. Bit of a shame really, I've been meaning to contact the people involved and see if I can bring it back together.

going going nope lol Gone
