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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8991574 No.8991574 [Reply] [Original]

How is NEET not a status symbol again? Just because some don't necessarily want to be NEET doesn't change the fact that someone else (the state, your parents) can and is supporting you. Some people simply can't afford to be NEET (poorfag with no social safety net). In fact, some NEETs actually live BETTER than working people through their leeching.

So isn't all a simple case of priviledge one way or another? In the 'hahaha, I can afford to be unemployed and you can't' sense?

>> No.8991581

Nobody should be proud to leech off their parents.

>> No.8991589

It is though. Don't let those insecure false NEETs trick you.

>> No.8991592

Leeching off the state however, is a fine and noble thing to do.

Also, didn't most of /jp/ have really bad parents? In which case it would be fine to bleed them dry, too.

>> No.8991624

sucks to be you loser

i born to be NEET

god wills it

>> No.8991633

It's not. You're just a moron.

>> No.8991648

It is, we're like ancient Greeks.
A life of pleasure perusing our interests.

Too bad normals think our interests are shit and our lifestyle is weird.

>> No.8991644

If you're a NEET, it's probably your parent's fault in one way or another, so don't feel about leeching off of them. If they couldn't support a kid, then they shouldn't have had one.

Oh, and the whole "fuck u ur suposed to leave as son as u turn 18 nerd" thing? Fuck you. If your parents expected to only have a son or daughter for 18 years, yet never prepared their child for it, then it's on them.

OP, I would like nothing more than to be a full on NEET-my only problem is the lack of money. I envy you NEETs, and respect your dedication to taking it easy.

>> No.8991680

Why is it a shame?
Do you need them to validate your existence?

>> No.8992032

How exactly is leeching off the state a fine and noble thing to do?
Especially for those NEETs that look down on normals and society in general. You don't find one bit of hypocrisy in doing that and yet at the same time relying on said 'normals' and 'society' in order to survive? Take that society. I spend my time bashing you anyway I can but for the love of god please please please don't cut my benefits. Fuck those people and hurrah for this government cutting benefits to said self-righteous bums.

What about NEETs who wouldn't work even if given counseling and a chance at a decent job with good pay and conditions? One of my brother's old classmates is apparently from a well-to-do family that set him up with multiple sweet jobs no questions asked. But he simply didn't want to work any of them and they ended up having to kick him out eventually.

Do NEETs have absolutely 0 responsibility for their lives or something? It's all the parent's fault even if they weren't molested/abused or born bumfuck poor and given nothing. From an objective perspective, should this be the case? I for one think not.

>> No.8992047
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It's a status symbol in the same way being a virgin is a status symbol: you can boast about and justify it all you like, but in the end, it doesn't impress anyone.

>> No.8992090

You could just in theory brand yourself as a socialite (a term made up for certain rich people) or 'aloof' scholar (autodidact of course). Or some other euphenism that is somehow more socially acceptable. They might not be impressed with you but there will be those that can't help but envy your privileged family/environmental circumstances.

>> No.8992098

It's a group of children that take pride in being useless.

One day they will crack and realize that they contribute nothing to society and don't deserve to live. Being proud and flaunting around you NEET status is equal to being a 'proud' homosexual.

>> No.8992115

>How is NEET not a status symbol again?
/jp/'s NEETs go shunning anyone on /jp/ that has a job as "normals." They think being a NEET is the most abnormal state one can be in, therefore treat is as their label of deviating from society. Ironically enough, this narcissistic and egoistic mentality (along with the attempt to be different from everyone else) is one of the most normal things ever, despite how strongly they proclaim themselves as "not normal." In general, they are really annoying, act like spoiled little children and think that their opinion is what makes /jp/ stay alive. I have nothing wrong with NEETs personally, it's just that a lot of them are (or at least act like) spoiled children and just can't let a day go by without them announcing their presence and self-proclaimed superiority. It wouldn't be a status symbol if they didn't treat it like a such.

>> No.8992116
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NEETs are posers. TruNEET hikkis are where its at.

>> No.8992114

It's funny because usually it's the Normals that regret their choices in life.

>> No.8992128

I, living out my inheritance, do not feel superior nor useful. But I must admit that I have a comfortable position.
I pity most of the people that can't dedicate their lives to what they love.

>> No.8992141

op is jelly I can live the life I want as HELL.

>> No.8992136

How do I get autism bucks, /jp/? I really need them.

>> No.8992172


Study a mental disease for a few days, especially the actual textbook symptoms, go to a pyschologist, pretend to them have voila.

You'll have to go a few times, though.

>> No.8992244


Normals don't understand what it's like being hikki and forced into being NEET because you don't function as well as society has intended. I apprecate a good day's work and it's hell being forced into not working.

>> No.8992254

I'm neet because I'm scared of those pigs man.


>> No.8992258

In my country they give you money if you are unemployed.

>> No.8992282


Written by an expert, and having used his system myself I can assure you that it does work.

>> No.8992294


I envy your hikki/NEET lifestyle despite being socially skilled-you should view it as more a blessing than a curse, friendo.

>> No.8992344


That's part of the reason why it's so bad being neet. People get jealous and judge you for it, especially on job applications. I just haven't been able to enter the job market and my parents hate me for it. Every time I talk to them they make me feel like shit, as if I don't feel bad enough already.

>> No.8992395

>Every time I talk to them they make me feel like shit, as if I don't feel bad enough already.
No, it's not just you, so don't think you're special. It's a little something known as "reality."

>> No.8992434

Wrong, stop projecting your insecurity to everyone fucking falseNEET. You not happy as a NEET then just go to school or work. Plenty of people here prefer the NEET lifestyle and by choice.
I will probably be bashed for this but I am not a fulltime NEET. I am not as lucky as some of you out there since I am unable to get government handout.
What I do to be a NEET is that I actually work. On average about 6months/year. Have been doing this for like 3years+.
Basically I work as free lance contract monthly and then quit and NEET with my unemployment insurance.
Working is fucking suffering and looking forward to being a NEET is my only way of suffering through my daily work lifestyle.

>> No.8992440

Think about the other side of the spectrum, the super rich. Do you think they work or give a fuck about all the "little people" that worked hard to give them the wealth they now live on?

Yet you would take that lifestyle in a moment.
(And if you wouldn't then you are just full-on retarded)

No matter what philosophy you or anyone might have on life, the most simple, boiled way to look at is is: How much am/can I enjoy(ing) life.

Working your ass off at McDonalds doesn't make you a "contributor to society" because you work DAMN HARD for your money and EARN IT!

It just makes you stupid for not being able to live a life without having to work (like the super rich do).

Captcha: economic rdurite

>> No.8992470

As a NEET, what you should be most concerned with is how to get money for housing, electricity, internet and figs.

Food should not be an issue, America wastes 50% of its food. Do some dumpster diving research, in busy areas in say 10 minutes you can get all the food you want for free, legally.

>> No.8992476

Felling very aristocratic in here.

>> No.8992480

Merely by working and paying taxes, one becomes "a contributor to society", as you put it.

>> No.8992483

>It just makes you stupid for not being able to live a life without having to work (like the super rich do).

And how exactly does one go about signing up to be born into a super rich family? Or even just a strong upper-middle class one that can support a high standard of living for you until the day you die? What's the probability of being born into such families again? I'm sure many would like to know.

>> No.8992484

>Working your ass off at McDonalds doesn't make you a "contributor to society" because you work DAMN HARD for your money and EARN IT!
Yes it does, except that the whole "contributor to society" bullshit is something invented by the rich to keep the poor workers making their money for them.

Catchpa: mcdonalds truNEET/jp/

>> No.8992540

Judging from the way you posted, the only insecure one here is you. But it's clear that you treat NEET as a status symbol, strongly evident from the very way you use "falseNEET" and probably "truNEET" in a serious sense. And where in my post did I ever say that I was a NEET, or "falseNEET," for that matter? (Rhetorical question, it does not beg for an answer.) Thank you for telling me about your wonderful life, though. I was very touched.

>> No.8992565

The super-rich, especially members of the 'core' family do have to work to maintain their empire. This includes the offspring of the founder/patriach line. Just look at op exec James Murdoch or even Buffet who supposedly doesn't want to leave a massive family fortune/empire behind yet his son will serve as a 'guardian' non-exec chairman for BH. Not all of them can be hedonistic fucks concerned only about themselves.

>> No.8992580

I dont know how anyone can see an extra 10hours/day to spend on anything that you want as not a status symbol.
Guess how many ticks you get by being a NEET?
It checked 4/5 of people top5 regrets.

>> No.8992575

No it doesn't it just makes you a pissant worker ant hulling 20 tons of shit around so the queen can sit on her lazy ass, lazy but enjoying it.

Enjoy your bad back when you reach 40+

Obviously zero if you aren't already there.

That is why you become NEET though. Only people that are smart enough and don't buy into the "I am worthy because I work" bullshit can pull it off though.

>> No.8992593

Being a NEET is shit unless your parents give you enough money to buy all the stuff you want.

What's the point of living if you can't get what you want?

>> No.8992606
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>> No.8992608

>Only people that are smart enough and don't buy into the "I am worthy because I work" bullshit can pull it off though.

So if you're in a country with a shit-tier social safety net (no hurr durr free autism bux) and your family isn't wealthy enough to support a cushy lifestyle for you until the day you die, how do you afford to become a NEET? I suppose you could try sneaking into another country but they won't be very happy about you just wanting to leech off their welfare. The welfare policy may even change for the worse in this age of austerity. Willpower alone doesn't guarantee in any way that you can become and stay a NEET indefinitely. The initial dice roll determining your environment and who you will be born to has a crucial role.

>> No.8992617

My parents give me tons of money to spend on things, but I never actually spend it on anything. Guess that makes me the oddball out.

>> No.8992636

That just mean you arent smart enough to beat the system.
1) Use the first 20years of your life to acquire knowledge
2) Finish a degree as the top1 percentile of your class
3) Acquire PR/Citizenship of welfare state that you desire
4) Achieve welfare/autism bux
5) NEET for life
Again majority of people goal in life is to be a NEET.
What they dont realize is, you dont have to wait for 60years to achieve the goal.
And if you are girl, it is even easier, just get married to a rich dude.

>> No.8992646

And if you are girl, it is even easier, just get married to a rich dude.

Couldn't a guy just marry a rich woman? Or a rich gay guy?

>> No.8992653
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How dare those dirty NEETs not feel inferior to us glorious normal working people!?

Stop being proud of what you are and bow down to us!

Normalfags logic is ridiculous.

>> No.8992655

Look kid, I'm not here to teach people HOW to be NEET; I'm just here to say that the people that DO get away with being NEET or Super-rich are the true winners in life.

>> No.8992664

itt: butthurt /jp/sies who don't belong to the truNEET master race

>> No.8992666

Society standard prevent that from happening as the man is still considered the bread winner of the family.
Double standard and gender equality but I am sure you can find a rich fat woman to feed you if you are handsome and cool like Gilgamesh.

>> No.8992672

Aren't there jobs out there that you would actually like to do /jp/?

I think the only reason that jobs are so shitty for everyone is because you don't want to do them, but I'm sure some of you would love to have a job that is genuinely fun for you.

>> No.8992688

How dare those dirty normals not feel inferior to us glorious unemployed NEETs!?

Stop being proud of what you are and bow down to us!

NEET logic is ridiculous.

>> No.8992701

You can always find money online if you know where to look.

>> No.8992706
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truhumbleneet here.

I just want to be left alone. Can't be alone if I work. I don't think I'm better than anyone else or think I'm a waste of space either. I exist and that's that.

I think most NEETs are like me. There's only a very small vocal minority of neets who actually think of their lifestyle as a status symbol.

>> No.8992714

I don't really care what normalfags think, myself.

In fact, if anything I want the worker class to think they are superior because the world is unlikely to be able to support a NEET majority. The worker class is needed for my benefit.

So, continue to enjoy eating all your bullshit with a proud grin, by all means =)

>> No.8992766

We don't care about normals.
It's you normals who come and mess with our board.

>> No.8992817

It is not as ridiculous as you think.
You work you pay tax.
The government will then use those money to pay the NEETs out there.
In theory you are actually working for NEETs.
Just think about it for a sec?
It is a good thing you guys are unable to see this. Keep the system going.

>> No.8992866
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So if I understand this correctly, the NEET side of this debate is arguing that by virtue of being able to do whatever they please by gaming the system, they are inherently superior to the stupid blue-collar workers who slave away and pay taxes to fund the social security programs said NEETs rely for survival?

Oh wow lol.

>> No.8992956

It's always funny how NEETs justify their slothful worthless ways. As if they've found enlightenment and are somehow fighting against our corrupt system by living free happy lives.

When in reality they're just leeching off their parents and forcing them to support them by working in the system they're too lazy to enter themselves. They don't contribute anything to society in any way and just stay indoors all day in front of their computer screens not living life in any worthwhile way. They're mostly depressed and lonely due to the natural tendency to be such when you live such a sad life, so to comfort themselves they glorify their lives to strangers over the internet and group together so they don't have to hear any logic other than their own.

Hopefully their parents will either cut them off or die, forcing these children to either work or starve.

>> No.8992986


No we don't think we are superior than normals.
Just capable of looking at the world from a different perspective than most.
That doesn't make us better or worse.

>> No.8993001

Buttmad workers detected.

>> No.8993015

What perspective would that be?

>> No.8993018
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lol go punch your time card workers ahahaha faggots

>> No.8993020


Your play time per day = around 2 hours

My play time per day = around 10-12 hours

U mad bro?

>> No.8993031

Pseudo-intellectual verbal vomit from "enlightened" NEETs who think they have the world figured out from their parents' basement. Like a 5 year old trying to drive a car. I hate to break bad news, but mommy and daddy won't live forever. :(

>> No.8993046

There is a thing call inheritance.
There is also a thing call renting out your house/shops.
Sucks to be, being born into a lousy life.
Go buy some helium and reroll your life bro.
You already lost @ lvl1.

>> No.8993056

I don't think either side of this ridiculous truNEET war is worth a damn. Normals who want the world to lick their feet for it, or truNEETs who think they're some kind of philosophical movement should both just let it go and take it easy. 4chan is not a place to talk about your job, or how school is going. It was a fringe site to trade porn on. If you want people to give a damn about you, use facebook or something. Pressing for recognition here is just kind of silly.

Basically, no one wants to see you try and use this board as a way to network for school or work, but equally nobody wants to see you stand up and preach about how great you are becuase you don't work either.

Just don't bring up your life here, and do what everyone can enjoy and post touhou.

>> No.8993057

TruNEET supremacy is an elaborate joke.

You have all been trolled.

Go home and be a family man.

>> No.8993063

I think NEETs need to admit theyre sheltered.

Anon, you enjoy yourself, fine, but I wish you werent so arrogant. There is a large, intricate world out there and you know little about it.

>> No.8993073


>Implying all NEETs automaticaly must live with their parents


Truth: I am currently living in my own place and paying $0 a month for it

U mad though?

>> No.8993077

I guess mental maturity is slower with some people than others.

>> No.8993083


>implying that I never saw any of the world before I decided to become a NEET.

A lot of have had "lives" jobs, girlfriends etc.
We've seen just as much of the world as any normalfag.
And it's often because of what we have seen and experienced that the decision to shut ourselves off from is made.

Wait until your gf leaves you, your best bro dies and you lose your job.
Then see if you feel like seeing the world.

>> No.8993092

>intricate world out there and you know little about it.
aint much out there really or just nothing i care to find

>> No.8993090

And I'm sure your average Joe working at a grocery store to pay bills has seen so much of it.

>> No.8993107


Sure my life started kind of sheltered. But once I was out on my own I went out and met life head on. In about six short years I discovered a lot of about the world and about myself. Following which I went right back to my room. I know what's out there, I just don't want any part of it.

>> No.8993101

Typical neet response, someone who feels hurt by the world and doesn't want to leave his room any more. Instead of trying to strive to overcome life you just pity yourself and shut out the world.

>> No.8993102
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Average NEET: lives happily and worry free

Average working normie: slaves away to buy his happiness and deludes himself into believing he ``has a life''

>> No.8993126

>a lot of us had lives, jobs
going to highschool doesnt count everyone does that. Tell me, though, how old are you? Again, if you had a minimum wage job for a year or two after high school youre not exactly qualified to consider yourself superior and enlightened. I dont have a best bro or a gf, nor do I want to see the world. I just like going to school so I do. I like the feeling of improving myself, and I plan to make a lot of monet to fund my weeaboo habits in the future. I dont claim to live a better like, but the difference is not I dont wallow in self pity, and somehow, arrogance at the same time like a gigantic faggot

>baw my gf left me i so sad ;___;
>but im so happy, and lead such a good like cuz im NEET u mad lol

>> No.8993125

Average neet who uses the word neet is depressed, lonely, loser who desperately wishes for a more fulfilling life.

>> No.8993143
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Why are you all trying to be mentally superior to each other. What is the point? Just stop, stop all the fighting.

>> No.8993138

>How exactly is leeching off the state a fine and noble thing to do?

It's very simple, you pay taxes, yet normals will shun you for taking advantage of the system that you support with your taxes.

>> No.8993146

ITT young children think going to highschool counts as life experience

>> No.8993148

It's in people's nature to want to feel superior to others.

>> No.8993151

>Average working normie: slaves away to buy his happiness and deludes himself into believing he ``has a life''
This is what clueless NEETs who don't know more than what they read on 4chan actually believe.

>> No.8993155

this is neo /jp/.
They all have something to prove.

One half wants nothing more than to pretend to be among the first posters. And the other wants to spit on all that and make a new culture built around the new generation. Neither have anything to do with the board itself. I guess that's one thing that will never change. /jp/ will always draw in the crazies.

>> No.8993158


You're basically asking for my life story.
I'll save that for my autobiography.
Maybe you can buy a copy when it comes out, and support my new job as an author, then I won't have to get wealthare.

>> No.8993166
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truNEET: low on money but cozy and happy, hates normies but doesn't do anything about it

``has a life'' normie: shitty life but has money and a "gf" to mitigate the shit, hates NEETs but can't do anything about it

>> No.8993177

>neo /jp/

yeah as if a board changes that much to warrant the word "neo" to be used.

next week will be neo neo /jp/, right?

>> No.8993179

If you were truNEET you would live on a farm and be completely self sufficient. You're just a child living with his parents.

>> No.8993189




>> No.8993196



>> No.8993193
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From what I can see, there are a few smart people arguing on both sides of the debate in this thread. Unfortunately, they're having trouble getting their points across to each other due to the sheer number of retards also participating.

>> No.8993194
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>self sufficient
That pretty much means self employed. No longer in the NEET status, they are a whole different class of people.

>you're just a child
Typical raging normie reply to try and get a truNEET to work or commit suicide. Won't work, normie.

>> No.8993202

I believe I've seen it called that already by our most recent generation. That said, you're just looking to shit fling, and will do everything in your power to deny that the board has changed at all.

Now you will make a small concession to justify your stance.

>> No.8993220

I'm a truNEET, no normie, just trying to sheppard poor misguided NEETs who have gone down a misguided path of believing that NEETdom is the light.

If you're under 25 and/or living with your parents, you're a child.

>> No.8993221

I love reading posts about normals who are so deeply angered by NEETs and all they have to show for it is their ``having a live'' mentality. That said, I'm a normal myself. I'm just not afraid of admitting that I wish I was a NEET.

>> No.8993229

i think these things have to be this way

read these words on your screen

>> No.8993235

I wish I wasn't a NEET. shit's getting boring to be honest and I can't afford jack shit.

>> No.8993237

It's really just a conservative/liberal split.

Doesn't mean it has to be that way, but it really is to be expected.

>> No.8993241

A normal was kind enough to let me into his home and he spoke with me while his wife made us a meal. He told me that he works full time and often when he gets home, his wife is sleeping, or when his wife gets home he is sleeping, but the few hours they get to spend together make living worthwhile. It is difficult for me to call what he had happiness.

>> No.8993262

>Instead of trying to strive to overcome life you just pity yourself and shut out the world.

How do "overcome life" mean here? Why does someone need to "overcome" anything? You need to constantly prove yourself to others or something? Can't call that living.

By opting out of the rat race, that is "overcoming" in itself, no?

>> No.8993273

A NEET was kind enough to let me into his mother's home and he spoke with me while his mother made him a grilled cheese. He told me that he stays home all day playing video games, watching anime, and posting on imageboards all while never leaves his house , he has no girlfriend or any friends at all, his mother works all day just to support him while he sits in front of his computer, but he said his life was fulfilling and happy. It is difficult for me to call what he had happiness.

>> No.8993279

No thats giving up and crying over it bitterly before it has eve begun.. Whatever, Enjoy your room in which you are oh--so--happy, you're just another typical neet out of thousands, which in reality are known to society as losers.

>> No.8993284
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Why should I not be arrogant?
I achieved financial independence early into my life?
>"enlightened" NEETs who think they have the world figured out from their parents' basement. Like a 5 year old trying to drive a car. I hate to break bad news, but mommy and daddy won't live forever
I can smell your jealousy from 10000miles away.
And you got your distinction wrong. A NEET is not a hikki. I can be a NEET and still go out.
Only difference is, I can go out and play while you guys are busy working your ass off.
I probably traveled more places and country that you can only dream of.
Stay jealous normalfag and please try to broaden your world horizon instead of being stuck in your cubicle everyday. Go out and see the world and realize how much you are missing.

>> No.8993286

90% so called NEETs on the internet are Hikkys.

>> No.8993292
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>known to society as losers

What did I lose? What did you win?


>> No.8993289

Not everyone wants to be a selfish worthless piece of shit who will only be memorable because he leached off of others who he thinks he is better than. Why don't you kill yourself and make the world a better place for everyone else?

>> No.8993290
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The difference between us blue collars and freeloading fucks is that we could survive war, apocalypse, zombie invasion name it

>> No.8993296

what have you fought for and succeeded?

>> No.8993299


Stay mad, it suits you.

>> No.8993300

>avoiding the question


>> No.8993303

lol he mad bro XD
le epic win!!!!!!111

>> No.8993307

so you're saying that the ones used to excess living and luxury would survive better than those who have experience with getting by with little?

nice delusions.

>> No.8993308 [DELETED] 


And you've given in. You are just another soul to be exploited, like millions of others. Enjoy slaving away for 40 years of your life out of that false sense of accomplishment installed into you by our plutocratic society.

You are just another worker bee amongst worker bees and ea

>> No.8993312


And you've given in. You are just another soul to be exploited, like millions of others. Enjoy slaving away for 40 years of your life out of that false sense of accomplishment installed into you by our plutocratic society.

>> No.8993315

i fought for the usage of you'r'e' mom's' ass hole NERD

>> No.8993316

So go insult the hikky instead of us NEET.
I am still waiting for a good argument on why my lifestyle is bad compare to people slaving in cubicle and flipping burgers. Stay mad hardworking upstanding citizens while I enjoy playing outside during this fine spring season.

>> No.8993313

to survive the above you need to go outside. Checkmate

>> No.8993314

>>doing what he wants 24/7
>>surrounded by people who love him 24/7

That's essentially what every human being calls happiness right there. Has nothing to do with being a non-NEET or a NEET.

>> No.8993320

Enjoy sitting on your ass leaching off of others for 40 years with a false sense of superiority installed into you by self-delusions.

>> No.8993331

Give me your life story in bullet form please.
Please respond.

>> No.8993323


Thanks, I will.

>> No.8993327

I will enjoy spending my vast amounts of free time doing what I want leaching off the efforts of others, thank you.

>> No.8993328

>>surrounded by people who love him 24/7
No parent love their child truly when they're wasting their lives and not even contributing anything to their families.

>> No.8993334

this is what a normie whos parents hate him and kicked him out at 18 years old really thinks

not erveryones parents hate their kids. maybe you're just an insufferable prick to be around too.

>> No.8993340

He is an otaku who wants to sex konata, that's all there is to it.

>> No.8993346

Reading this thread really makes me hate the fact that governments waste money on worthless shits like the ones in this thread.

>> No.8993352

This thread really makes me glad I get to antagonize sensitive kids like you.

>> No.8993347 [DELETED] 

>This is what a neet leach whose parents are too nice to tell him how they feel or to make him help pay for the food he eats or do anything at all with his life

Is your father dead? That would make sense

>> No.8993348



pretentious fanfic writer detected

>> No.8993350

would you water a dead plant?

>> No.8993359
File: 189 KB, 500x555, 1336434309421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't like it, nerd? stop paying taxes then. then see where you end up hahaha

>> No.8993355

>This is what a neet leach whose parents are too nice to tell him how they feel or to make him help pay for the food he eats or do anything at all with his life really thinks

Is your father dead? That would make sense

>> No.8993356

another one of those guys with limited vocabularies who gets mad when he sees certain words used?

>> No.8993369

Who even lets people like you on /jp/?

>> No.8993370

Why do you even live?

>> No.8993363

My life story has no place in a NEET thread.

Some really kind parents do. That's why NEETs actually exist. Some parents love their kids a little too much.

>> No.8993377

Why do you assume every NEET is on welfare, you fucking tard? I'd rather starve to death than take your or Uncle Sam's kike money.

>> No.8993378

Are there any other ex conscript NEETs out there?
Westerners need not apply.

>> No.8993380

This is pretty amusing, normals trying to establish a foothold on /jp/ - the citadel of neetsism.

>> No.8993381


It's not my fault you're a shit writer

>> No.8993388

Are you still mad that you cant beat this system?
Then stop paying tax.
You know the difference between slave like you and us liberated NEET?
We can adapt while if you lose your job you are dead.

>> No.8993383

Send it to the email

>> No.8993384

Why wouldn't I live? Not gettin' you there, just because you can't stand the thought of someone more happy than you doesn't mean you need to wish death upon them, jealousy will be your undoing.

>> No.8993393

That's true, it's destructive though. The love the give isn't healthy for themselves or their children.

>> No.8993395

Your taxes bought me an entire box of fuckholes, and $400 worth of tea this month alone.

Keep breaking your back for me, okay~?

>> No.8993399


Not everyone is smart enough to job the system, after all.

Is it late where you live? Better wash that McJob uniform and get ready for another day of being a useful member of society.

>> No.8993397

>We can adapt

Explain, because I can't see how you would live if someone wasn't taking care of you.

>> No.8993405

lol u told him! /jp/ - NEET Genral, am i rite?

>> No.8993402

I'm not even the guy who used the word
you're really just angry because of the contexts you've seen this word in before, and nine times out of ten people like you are mad because once, you had to look up the word and decided that it's not your fault you didn't know its definition, it's that the guy is a pretentious dick for using a word you didn't know, and you decided for yourself that he must have thought he was being especially clever to use that word, when in all likelihood he didn't put any more thought into using it than he would any other word

>> No.8993403

This thread is terrible and everybody posting in it is retarded.

>> No.8993412

we adapt by finding someone who will take care of us, idiot

as long as we're living in this 1st world country

>> No.8993408

I heard that those filthy American savages kick their children out at the age of 16. Why are Americans so psychotic?

>> No.8993411

Because someone will always be willing to, even if they don't really know it (see: wellfare)

>> No.8993418

When will the normies stop coming here to complain about truNEETs?
Do you want to be accepted by them that badly?

Do it like everybody else: Just keep your normal seeming opinions outside /jp/.

>> No.8993419

It is not my fault I spend all my free time reading books acquiring knowledge while you guys are busy working all the time. financial management do you know it?

>> No.8993422

Wouldn't the guy who loses his job also get welfare? The guy said a NEET adapts and the person who works dies, as if they were superior at surviving.

>> No.8993424
File: 53 KB, 450x600, cwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of NEETdom.

Is this what you NEETs like and strive to be?

>> No.8993429

It's not a status symbol and I don't treat it as such. I am happy and that's pretty much what really matters.

>> No.8993437

He's a normal.

>> No.8993446

no that is the face of a normie neet unsatisfied with his life. truneets are clever individuals with iqs higher than 5 normies working at mcdicks combined

>> No.8993443

Please ask them if the amount of welfare can sustain their lifestyle? They cant. NEETs are thrifter.

>> No.8993451

Can you provide some evidence because it sounds like you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.8993449

Only the religious have the courage to waste away 8 hours of their lives every day. I don't want to do that. If I could I'd just leave the universe, but I don't even know if death is an escape anymore, and I'm not willing to take the chance. So I'm stuck in my apartment on my computer.

>> No.8993450

By the standards of roleplaying truNEETs, this guy wins at life.

>> No.8993460

No one is superior, nothing really mattress.

>> No.8993473

An employee doesn't think about how to spend less, they live in excess and wasteful style, if in the event they lose their job, they won't be a ble to sustain this, this will stress them and make them want to look for another job to sustain their excessive lifestyle, yet again being drawn in to the slavery the system forces you in to. NEETs have plenty of experience in both playing said system and figuring ways to live both cheaply and comfortably, without needing to work.

16-year old nihilism, I'd almost feel nostalgic.

>> No.8993475

It is very simple.
Do they have to pay for rent our house mortgage?
A car?
A wife?
Insurance care?

Lets turn the question another way.
If a person is used to spend $5000/month, what would happened if he was suddenly forced to only have $500/month?

>> No.8993469

>CWC cons the wellfare system to buy things he wants that are related to his hobbies
NEETs take pride in conning the welfare system to buy things that are related to their hobbies
>CWC lives with his parents
Many neets live with their parents
>He doesn't work
NEETs don't work
>He's proud of his ability to con the welfare system
NEETs take pride in this aswell
>He doesn't go to school
NEETs don't go to school

He sounds pretty NEET to me.

>> No.8993471

I'm not impressed by this new technique of you normals to pretend that all the truNEETs of /jp/ are just your fellow normals playing pretend.

I liked it more when you would try to use "taking it easy" as an excuse for truNEETs to sit back and let normals take over.

>> No.8993478

A NEET claiming to be superior to a normal is like a kid cheating on a test and getting 100 saying he's smarter then the kid who actually took it and got a 95, since he knew how to beat the system.

>> No.8993479

nihilist as FUCK

>> No.8993488

looks like the kid who cheated wins at life

>> No.8993489

You take that back. Some things mattress.

>> No.8993485

anyone who gets places cheat, honest work is stable but you'll never get anywhere at life, even hard workers know this.

>> No.8993496

NEETs don't go places.

>> No.8993497

>If a person is used to spend $5000/month, what would happened if he was suddenly forced to only have $500/month?

>Rich people are used to being rich!!! You can't take their money away!!

>> No.8993505

They're more happy than you, and they don't even have to work. I don't see how that isn't success.

>> No.8993512

Why does it bother anyone that some people don't want to work? There are people in this world who wander about, living off the generosity of others, whether they're monks, missionaries, or average joes.

You're happy to work or go to school? Good. Some just want to take it easy. If you're unhappy, you could become a NEET or if you are one, get a job or go to school. If you've got a problem with people "gaming" the system, how about making use of that voting and "voice of the people" shit? It's in your hands.

>> No.8993527

When I got back from Chechnya I found out that my father had died, my brother had fled to america, and my mother had built a dear reader style shrine to long dead figureheads in our sitting room.

At first I felt guilty for coming back home, due to how bad things were. But being home actually did my mother a lot of good. I won't say that's what kept me there, becuase after all I was a lazy directionless piece of shit.

Now, if I even mention my being a burden she just goes on about the war, and forbids the idea of me straining myself. Feels pretty guilty NEET, eating up her pension. But at the same time, I don't really want to leave either, and I don't think she wants me to either. Guess I'll just walk in front of a train when she dies.

>> No.8993521

Reading /so/ most NEETs sound like a extremely depressed bunch of people.

>> No.8993522
File: 812 KB, 301x282, 1333260978725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiss my ass normies

>> No.8993532

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.8993531
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>> No.8993540

>Why does it bother anyone that some people don't want to work?
Because they work and they get mad when other people don't have to sacrifice half of their waking hours to do the same. Just getting mad about it isn't going to influence anyone though, so they try all the reverse psychology peer pressure tricks their life amongst their fellow normals have taught them. If they don't work, they've got little more to do than get a little madder and try again.

>> No.8993537

Sorry bro.
Unlike you, I have experiences in the real world.
The real world is dominated by bank.
Let me share something. When you decided to buy something to win at life, the first thing that they will do is to take a look at your salary slip.
With that, you are on your way to be enslaved by the system. Everything you do will be tied to your month salary.
Lets say your earn $5000, you will end up paying maybe $4000 for your bills and daily necessity.
Now guess what happened if you lose your job?
Lets turn the question around again, if you arent spending $4000/month why the fuck are you working in the first place? Just be a NEET and live without these so called luxuries.
Time can never be bought. I guess normalfags will never understand this concept. I really feel for them.

>> No.8993549

/soc/? They are falseNEETs, normals who are uncomfortable with their life. Of course they are depressed, they are way happier as truNORMALs.

>> No.8993552

/jp/-People in their early 20's know all about life.

>> No.8993561

Why do NEETs act as if they have the world figured out yet are extremely closed minded when it comes to other people and like to makeup bullshit as if they are some sort of trained psychologist?

>> No.8993556
File: 80 KB, 436x500, 1331579626709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I work at home?

I sell flash games and live in a studio apartment. I never have to go outside, it's fun, I can work whenever I want, and I barely work more than a few hours a week.

>> No.8993559

I said /so/, you dumb fuck. Learn to read.

>> No.8993572

I am a very serious person.

>> No.8993573

because they're smarter than you

>> No.8993563

Why are you taking anything in this thread remotely seriously?

>> No.8993565

Oh, so you're /a/ scum then. Big difference.

>> No.8993579


No one wants to work. It's a form of torture.

If you don't have to work then it's something to be envied. Anyone who says otherwise is just in denial.

>> No.8993582

They probably are smarter than your average normal.

>> No.8993576
File: 47 KB, 409x350, well well well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have to respect anyone's choice

American bullshit, the same kind as ostensibly respecting creationists. If someone's being a tard, damn say it and don't accept objections. You don't do it, that's why your nation is dying.

>> No.8993578

>closed minded

Says the guy who thinks happiness can only be achieved by wasting a good portion of your life being a slave

>> No.8993593

They know a hell of a lot more than the 30+ old nerds who put their faith in the normal system and now have no choice but to proceed along that road due to their crippling financial and familial responsibilities.

>> No.8993595

>let me just prove your point for you

>> No.8993598
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>> No.8993605


Well, if he cheated and got away with it.
Props to the guy.
He had the smarts and the balls to cheat, and did better than the guy who didn't.

>> No.8993614

You can give as many props to they guy as you want he still can't claim he is smarter.

>> No.8993607

/jp/-People in their early 20's know all about life.

>> No.8993618


There's no point in getting angry. When I worked at a shitty job for a while, I would joke to myself that I have to work harder to support all of the NEETs.

Getting mad at NEETs who you have no personal relationship with is like getting mad at people who don't vote. The difference is that people who don't vote are well within their ability to laugh and criticize at the voters to put in assholes only to complain about them, while the NEETs are within their ability to live off the labor of the working class while the normals fume despite supposedly having the power to put an end to that.

Utterly pointless.

>> No.8993630

Relative, fact is if he got away with it, in the eyes of this system you hold so dear, he WAS smarter. This works with just about anything, anyone who gets high up in life did NOT do it through honesty and hard work

>> No.8993641

/so/ scums are /a/ rejects.
They arent NEETs, they are failures that fail at life and couldnt beat the system. They long for normal lifes but couldnt even get into any social circle and are too stupid to even graduate from high school. They are unable to cheat the welfare system and are maybe sadly born into a shithole family.
This is a big dog eat small dog world, if you cant cut it out in the real world you lose.

>> No.8993637


>saying he's smarter

See, this is the part that doesn't matter.

Who gives a shit? It's just status. The end result is all that matters and in this case he got a 100 and the other guy got a 95.

As far as NEETs go though, NEETs beat the system and don't have to work and normals have to work. That's all there is to it. A NEET lives a superior live simply because he does not have to endure the suffering that comes from work.

This is a very simple concept. If most humans on the planet were enslaved and beaten every day, but I managed to find some way around this and lived a life of pleasure and relaxation then how could you say that the other life is better?

Work = Bad. Not fun. Suffering.
Not working = Good. Fun. Not suffering.

>> No.8993660

Then change it

>> No.8993662

The main problem with this thought is only that living on this planet is not about "beating the system" but rather collaborating to improve our living conditions together. American medical professionals may be greedy bastards, but in my country as far as I know doctors they for example go to work because they feel they're doing something meaningful. It seems you're stuck in a childlike state where you still think your parents have all the money in the world and can get you anything if you ask them the right way.

>> No.8993654

/tc/ was made to surpass /a/. Study Chanology 101 nerd. I've written several textbooks on it.

>> No.8993658

>in the eyes of this system you hold so dear

But I hate the system because it allows exactly this.

>> No.8993667

Tohno is the biggest normal circlejerk around.
But go on and tell yourself what you want.

>> No.8993680

>feel that they're doing something meaningful

therein lies your flaw, someone who plays the system to live for themselves is just as valid as someone who works 10 hours 6 days a week from an objective standpoint, if the former doesn't succees then he wasn't doing something right, just as the latter, if the former manages to live with little trouble than he was successful, again just as the latter.

>> No.8993675

what's /tc/ and /so/?
I've only been here for 2 years.

>> No.8993689

It's pretty hard to get on welfare.

Besides, I want to be able to buy lots of dolls and figures in the future so I really have no choice. It' a matter of lifestyle I suppose.

>> No.8993690


>but rather collaborating to improve our living conditions together.

Why? I live for maybe 70 years if I'm lucky and then I die. I'm not wasting a second of that.

Fuck collaborating and improving your living conditions. I'm living fine, so why should I care about how everyone else is living?

>is only that living on this planet is not about

Living on this planet isn't about anything. You do whatever you want and then you die, but you can either have fun while you're alive or you can work.

>> No.8993684

falseNEETs that want to be normal.

>> No.8993685

The Tohno I knew wasn't a normal, why would his chan turn into that?

I've never really held an interest in boards other than 4chan, though. My friends are here, and jones might dox and botnet me somewhere else.

>> No.8993695

Again, it's not about the "system" because there is no omnipotent "system", just people. If everyone stayed home there wouldn't be anything. You're not objectively "winning" anything by staying home either and the thought is very self-centered and child-like.

>> No.8993706

You wouldn't live to be 70 if everyone tried to "beat the system" and nobody worked. Is that somehow non-obvious?

>> No.8993709

I would actually love to contribute to society if there was something I could do that contributes and I enjoy doing.
A doctor for example, obviously has a passion for healthcare and medicine and his job gives back to the community.
My passion is gaming and music and there is very few outlets to give something back to society in that medium.

I'm not going to do something I hate out of a misguided obligation to give back to the community.

>> No.8993698
File: 47 KB, 478x472, 1324060076309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's pretty hard to get on welfare.


>> No.8993700

Here it is: the thing that a NEET values most of all is free time. This is the only way a NEET can claim to be superior to a normal, because they have figured out a way to live life in a way that generates maximum free time. However humans naturally don't have a large amount of free time because there are things that one must do in order to survive in any sort of system.

So in order to create free time one must work so that one can have free time. Therefore work is more valuable than free time because free time cannot create more free time, only work can. A NEET however, exploits the fact that the fruits of work is transferable. In other words one man's work can fulfill the need for another man to work. A NEET does not create the free time he values so much, rather someone else creates it for him.

In other words a NEET is like a dragon who hoards the gold of others, while a person who works is like a goose who lays the golden eggs. If you know anything about fairy tales then you know which one is valued more and which one is slain.

I could elaborate more but I don't want to waste my free time arguing with others who won't even put in time for themselves.

>> No.8993710

I don't want to work to give 25% of my hard-earned money to shaneeqa and her 14 kids and 25% to pay for retarded zionist conflicts I don't give a shit about. I also don't want some fat fuck "job creator" making millions off my work so he can buy himself another ferrari and fuck 3 whores at once. I refuse to take part in such a shitty system.

>> No.8993715

the thought that people are supposed to do something a certain was is terribly narrow-minded. Like I said before, you think that success and happiness mean working and earning money honestly, I think success and happiness are living my life the way I want with plenty of time to myself

Its all about your own perception, which is why this argument is pointless. We'll both go on thinking the other is in the wrong or whatnot, and both AND neither of us are right.

>> No.8993724

>If you know anything about fairy tales then you know which one is valued more and which one is slain.
I thought you were on the side of NEETs before you got to this sentence.

I don't think you quite understand. This isn't about NEETs being noble or upstanding people, this is about whether or not they're living the good life. Clearly, that's the dragon. (who's supposed to come along and slay the NEET in this analogy?) The goose laying eggs also plays down the part about that egg-laying being extremely painful and time-consuming. The goose isn't having fun, it doesn't matter how much people value it. Of course people like hard workers and despise people who don't have to work, that's why all the normals like you are so angry.

>> No.8993720

Yes, for me it is. I don't qualify for anything and as awkward as I am, I still pass mental tests and stuff. I seem to activate defense mechanisms of some kind because I swear I am a retard when I am indoors.

>> No.8993721

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8993722

All it takes is a little common sense. You could say raising children is painful, but if nobody did it there would be nobody left to enjoy anything. Same goes for all fruits of labor.

>> No.8993728


>If everyone stayed home there wouldn't be anything.

I don't base my life decisions on hypothetical situations.

You can. Hell, I encourage you to. You, along with most other people, will slave away for most of your life and by doing so you allow me to live in comfort as a NEET that leeches off the government.

I don't care if I'm "the dragon that hoards other people's gold" because the end result is that I have the gold. Even better though, I got the gold with almost no effort because it was given to my by people who had to work hard to get it.

Why is this not something to be happy about? All the rewards and none of the trouble.

>> No.8993734

Your argument would hold more value if NEETs couldn't actually live the way they do because of this system. Perhaps some 200 years and further back, but there's a way to live without working and so it is only natural that someone will exploit it. If you're going to say they're wrong for it, you should be working to stop it rather than complaining at them about it.

>> No.8993735

The main problem is you're confusing activity with complete inactivity. You're acting like if people don't work they just stop breathing.

>> No.8993739

And if nobody did there would be nobody left to suffer, either.

Being grateful that people raise kids is like being grateful that you yourself were born and raised. This is something normals often tell people to be grateful for because their system that is perpetually in motion without going anywhere depends on it, but it's nonsensical. You can't make a pro or a con out of it.

>> No.8993736


Thanks for the gold, normies.

>> No.8993740

Of course I'm not saying anything about whether or not the goose has any more fun than the dragon. Of course the dragon is much happier than the goose because it gets to sit around and do nothing.

My post was not made to convince NEETs that they shouldn't be happy. Be as happy as you want I don't care. However my post was directed at the people who claim that NEETs are superior to those who work. Even in their own value system that is not true and it just sounds like a defense mechanism.

>> No.8993742
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>> No.8993751

I-I want to be a dragon.

But the gubmint won't give me free money no matter how many times I try. But on the other hand... >>8993698

How did that guy get on welfare? Is it because he's black and has kids?

It make me sad when I see that and then see homeless people. I'd like to help them but I can't even help myself.

>> No.8993752


>> No.8993750

His post sounded more like a NEET /pol/ posting justifying why he doesn't work than your average /jp/sy.

>> No.8993753

Even with your analogy, a dragon is definitely superior to the goose.
The goose is a tool and will be exploited.
I am not seeing how the dragon IS NOT superior.
Can perhaps please elaborate?
I guess you are trying to say that without goose there wouldnt be a dragon with gold?
Lets say there isnt a goose, the dragon will still find another way to achieve the same thing.
The dragon adapt, the goose cant. They die.

>> No.8993756

If people don't work, most of the things you NEETs require to live comfortably wouldn't exist. Now I personally am not even mad, I like working, get a good salary and feel like I'm actually doing something important with my life, and I imagine my quality of life is much better than yours. I'm just trying to figure out whether you're just trying to be provocative or your psychology is actually knotted enough that you imagine "beating the system" means a victory of some sort over some inanimate thing, like beating an exam, rather than being a drain on other people who are fundamentally the same as you. If so, something is definitely wrong with your personality structure and there's definitely no point being mad at people who can't help themselves.

>> No.8993757


>However my post was directed at the people who claim that NEETs are superior to those who work

They are superior because they're happier. That's the only thing in life that actually has any real value, everything else is just bullshit. If you aren't happy then else matters and if you're working for a huge percentage of your life then that takes away from the time that you could have spent being happy.

It's as simple as that. Happiness trumps everything else. You can have all the social status and respect that you want, but if you aren't happy then it's worthless.

>> No.8993755

Defence mechanisms eh? You can't say we're the only ones with that, can you.

>> No.8993763

But studies show that people who are more respected and have more money are happier.

>> No.8993770

Where are we going with this again? Fact is people do work thinking they're doing something important with their lives, living with a higher quality in whatever remainder is left after working or sleeping, all the while a bit of that money goes to people who don't feel that working is what will make them happy. This is reality.

>> No.8993771

>high status high income earners are happier than low status low income earners

Wouldn't doubt that.

>> No.8993772

Why do normies get mad at NEET's who are content to live on very little and spend a few of their tax dolla's.
Shouldn't you guys really be mad at the rich billionaires that horde huge amounts of cash and always want more.
Most of them do fuck except push a few papers around and benefit from hard worker bee's.
They are way bigger leeches than any NEET will ever be.

>> No.8993766

I can't take it easy and go to sleep when there's a fast thread on /jp/

>> No.8993768


>> No.8993773

It doesn't matter what we do with our lives, we're all narrow-minded retards.

>> No.8993776

What evidence is there that most are happier with their lives? What evidence do you have to show that most people with jobs are unhappy?

>> No.8993779

In the analogy gold can only be made by the goose, since gold represents free time and the goose works to create it. The goose is only exploited by the dragon but the dragon cannot make its own gold, it requires the goose to make it for it. In other words the goose is more valuable because it makes what both the goose and the dragon value. Without the goose there would be no gold, without the dragon there would be more gold for the goose.

But a NEET doesn't even create his own happiness, he needs other to create it for him.

>> No.8993781

You seem to be implying that you can't get mad at both.

>> No.8993783

>But a NEET doesn't even create his own happiness, he needs other to create it for him.
Yes, and?

>> No.8993785

You see, the wrong thing with the goose-dragon anaglogy is that being a goose is fucking gay. Who the fuck wants to be a goose when you can be a dragon?

>> No.8993784

We don't need to go anywhere further, but you shouldn't deflect either. In Western society having a developed conscience and sense of empathy are elements of psychological maturity. If you don't have them, obviously you will be like a cat, fundamentally a preferential parasite. What I'm curious about is whether it's so or not.

>> No.8993788

In my system of values someone who can create their own happiness is superior. Of course it might be different for you but then we get into some bullshit relativism that wont get either of us anywhere.

>> No.8993789

There are assholes in this world that will cheat the system and their workers for more money. Assholes that are voted in who will support these people, send citizens to war for these people, benefit personally off of these people.

And normals get angry that some lazy faggot gets a measley check every month to live?

You can stop it. Enough of you can get together and stop it.

>> No.8993786


So normies are are just buttmad at everyone is isn't a normie.
Okay then!

>> No.8993790


>But studies show that people who are more respected and have more money are happier.

Money doesn't make you happier, it's the things that you buy with the money that makes you happier. The problem with wealth is that there's very few things that are actually enjoyable and expensive. The most expensive things in the world are just hollow luxuries that bring no long-term happiness. Why would I need a mansion when I have an apartment? What's the difference? My computer and bed will fit in either.

I know every single one of my hobbies is fairly inexpensive. You could give me a million dollars and I would have almost nothing to spend it on because I pirate most of my things and everything else is just unappealing to me.

As far as respect though, that's just a worthless normal concept. It's pathetic to need validation from other people to feel happy.

>> No.8993796

Housing for life is already really expensive. That's a huge chunk out of a million even in the cheapest places of a first world country.

>> No.8993794

If you feel that considering me inferior and slapping labels to make yourself more comfortable, have at you then.

Fact is NEETs and their way of earning money is just as valid as people who work 10 hours a day, it is only your perception and opinions that say that the former is not.

>> No.8993802


>But a NEET doesn't even create his own happiness, he needs other to create it for him.

Why does this matter?

Happiness is happiness. I've never understood people who always feel this crazy need to "earn" everything through hard work and suffering. It's like you don't want the reward unless you had to suffer enough in exchange for it.

I don't give a shit how I get something. All I care about is that I have it and if that means that someone else gives me the funds to live a life of happiness then that just means less work for me.

>> No.8993799

Things have labels if things are different, it's simple as that. You're awfully defensive, so I assume there's more to it for you.

>> No.8993806

Is this going to devolve in to a mud-slinging fit? I'm givine you points and you're attacking my apparent maturity, it ironically brings your own maturity in to question.

>> No.8993808

No idea.
The normies are pretty stupid imo.
Sure I am not be happy at all the CEO or wall street bankers just sitting in their office collecting tons of cash.
But the reason for that is I know I could be happier if I have their free time and the amount of cash that they have. I do however respect them that they can exploit the system to achieve their goal.
The normalfags slave however, I laugh at them. They will be forever slave to the system. They strived to be the rich fuck at the top but they will never achieve it.
While the NEET might not be like those rich fuckers but at the end of the day, what they have is free time.

>> No.8993812


>> No.8993813

.* < 21

>> No.8993811

I want to know the age of every single person who's posted in this thread.

>> No.8993815

>Why does this matter?

Why does anything matter? Because people make things matter. Hey maybe working to earn something makes some people happy, just like sitting around doing nothing makes you happy. Are they then wrong for thinking that way?

>> No.8993817

It's not. I don't feel like I've been particularly confrontational towards you. That's why I said I get the feeling you're defensive, because it seems to me your replies are emotionally "out of proportion" in a way.

You can't really give a description of life which revolves around a concept of happiness that fundamentally originates from the efforts of other people with no desire for reciprocity without stating in a way that you have no conscience as it's usually understood.

>> No.8993818

It's a status symbol, alright. A symbol of low status.

>> No.8993819

Don't worry anon, you can imagine all the NEETs as 16 year olds and all the hard workers as 25 and up if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.8993820

>creating happiness

What the fuck is this guy going on about? Happiness isn't something that is created.

>> No.8993826



>> No.8993823
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So the basic summary of this whole thing is just:

>NEET: "I'm leeching off you and I don't have to work a day in my life. Feels good."

Keep whining, normies. I'm off to collect my autismbux.

>> No.8993824
File: 48 KB, 400x336, 1336671583721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The normalfags slave however, I laugh at them. They will be forever slave to the system.
your parents, you mean?


>> No.8993831

You're fucking retarded or trolling.

>> No.8993832

How old are you then?

>> No.8993833

Hey dude, I want 2 happiness. Can you create some for me?

>> No.8993835

Entitled little babies the lot of you are.

>> No.8993836

You're right, I can't. I know that in leeching off of others that I hold no consideration for what they think. I don't particularly care, but trying to call me immature for it is downright narrowminded, everyone develops in different ways, maybe just my empathy center didn't receive too many points, so I'm behind in that particular area, doesn't really mean I'm immatire overall as you tend to think.

>> No.8993837

Still can't tell if retarded or trolling.

>> No.8993838


>Hey maybe working to earn something makes some people happy

If this was true then why is there retirement? Why does everyone look forward to their weekends so much and why do people on their deathbed wish that they hadn't worked so hard? Why is that you can't go 10 minutes without hearing some working class person complain about their hours or complain about how they dislike their job?

I'm sure there are a handful of masochists out there who love to work and more power to them, but most people don't and that's just how it is. Work is not fun for the vast majority of the world and only the rewards of their work make them happy.

NEETs get the rewards without the work.

>> No.8993845

That's because ur stupid

>> No.8993844

NEET- Content to live on little, values free time, probably the happiest and most humble of the bunch

Normie - wants good stuff, but also wants free time, gets mad because can't have both

Wallstreet Jew - Lot's of money and free time but not content with it, always wants MORE MONEY AND POWER.

>> No.8993848

Notice how I didn't say working makes some people happy I said working to earn something makes some people happy. They might not like to work but they like putting in effort and receiving a reward, rather than just being handed stuff and feeling like a worthless piece of shit. I don't mean that offensively I just mean that's how some people feel.

>> No.8993849

My parents are businessman.
They are actually already at retirement age.
I always tell them to retire and stop working but alas, I cant help it if they think running their own shop as a way to kill them is nice. Cant help it, they cant use the internet and havent found the way to kill time.
I am happy though, they paid for my education and I am happy now and have tons of free time.
I wont trade my life for yours.

>> No.8993854
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I love how normals just resort to whining and insults at the end of these threads.

Go on and call me a baby or a leech as much as you want. I'll be in my pajamas counting my autism dollars and playing video games while you're at work.

>> No.8993855

But it is immature spp, because in what is considered normal psychological development you eventually develop a sense of consideration and empathy for others and become a resource for them as you mature into adulthood. That's what creates our fundamental social structure of dependents and their caregivers where the dependents are usually minors or those with disability. It's just a label like you said, but it is the correct label here.

>> No.8993858
File: 271 KB, 739x720, 1335805492066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a post about how everyone is wrong except himself
>most humble of the bunch
Haha, don't worry, I'm perfectly fine with you cashing in your social security cheques.
After all, it was created for retards to begin with.

>> No.8993863

People are just bullshitting themselves. They all talk about how important it is to contribute to society, but do they really believe in it themselves? Everyone who has a job appreciate the days they don't have to work the most. Hell, a recent example where I come from is that two holidays will fall on the same day this year, meaning people will only get one day off instead of two. This is genuinely pissing people off, they're actually enraged over it. That's how important days off are to them. I won't even go into how common it is to want to retire early.

People try justifying having a job with some bullshit about fulfilling dreams and ambitions. This might sound nice to innocent students with stars in their eyes, thinking the perfect world is out there for them to grab with the right education, but it's just more bullshit. When you ask people about their dream, about what they're truly passionate about, assuming they have something at all, they won't talk about their job. Very, very few people feel that way about their job. Most people will tell you about their hobbies, the stuff they spent time on before they got a job, but that they don't have enough time and energy for with all the hard work they have to do.

>> No.8993869


>I'm perfectly fine with you cashing in your social security cheques

Cool, then there's no problem, you have a nice day at work now.

>> No.8993870


>and feeling like a worthless piece of shit

I'm sure glad that I didn't have crazy Quaker parents that instilled that kind of bullshit into me.

You only feel like a worthless piece of shit for getting handouts if you've been taught to feel like a worthless piece of shit for getting something you didn't work for.

>> No.8993866


And then there's the whole thing about giving back to society. Who the fuck cares? No one would get a job purely because they feel they owe something to society. It's after they get a job that they start over-emphasizing how important this is so they can feel like they're good people.

And they reinforce all this bullshit by antagonizing NEETs, the antithesis to all they believe in. They tell themselves we're worthless since we don't pursue our ambitions through work, that we're immoral because we don't have a problem with taking more than we give back, and that we're just plain unhygienic and unsociable, the lowest of the low, the kind of people no one wants to be like. It doesn't matter to them whether or not it's true, just having that image helps them steer away from us and stick to their bullshit.

>> No.8993874

If that's what you want to think, so far the trend has been negative, I care less and less about people and being around them becomes more and more annoying, oh goodness perhaps I'm regressing in this magical maturity that means everything in the world, perhaps? Oh well that's not a problem in the slightest, call me immature as much as you want but nothing here has changed really, you work and pay taxes, you're happy, I spend my time how I want and get a portion of those taxes, I'm happy. No one is wrong in the end, no one is superior to the other.

and by the way, its normal psychological development that includes empathy, its not so much that I'm "behind" as I branched from it. This is by no means a declaration of superiority, but you really need to get out of your habits of putting such trust in narrow definitions.

>> No.8993873


>> No.8993879

And I'm sure glad that when I purchase something with my own money I didn't have to use mommy's money and she can spend her own money on something that makes her happy because I have empathy for other humans.

>> No.8993885

I'm sure glad that I'm spending your taxes rather than my mother's money.

>> No.8993894

Nah, I NEET. No need to be a normalfag to point out the sheer hypocrisy of your post.

>> No.8993891

Replace mommy with whatever and it works for all NEETs.

>> No.8993897

I didn't really say maturity means everything in the world, or the rest of those things you thought I was implying. Again. You're maybe sort of letting out more than you're meaning to.

It's acceptable to not be normal. Not in America, but in other parts of the world yes. But if you don't feel like you can contribute anything meaningful, that's something that you might want to analyse more.

>> No.8993905


I'm glad that you feel that way too.

It's people like you that allow people like me to live off the government. Empathy sure is great.

>> No.8993913

I have no empathy for people like you.

>> No.8993911

No need to continue the thread past these posts, or any of the elaborate proNEET posts that said similar things before them, but the normals will keep it going with one-liners about NEETs being angsty teens.

I don't think there are really normals here, they're just NEETs trolling.

>> No.8993912

What requirement is there that I need to contribute? There's plenty already doing so and they're perfectly fine with letting me do what I want without working.

>> No.8993921


Well, you're still paying your taxes so that means I'm still getting my autism bux.

Thanks for giving me part of your paycheck!

>> No.8993918

No but you pay taxes and that's just as good.

>> No.8993924

That's okay. It seems that enough people still do to keep the cheques coming.

I hope you don't think I care. You can be proud of your empathy all you want, but you'd be much happier if you were selfish like me. Nobody's your friend when it comes to money, anyway.

>> No.8993927

Arguing with a NEET is a pointless endeavor when they use a nihilistic worldview to justify anything they want and demonize anything they want. Its an endless game of "I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG BUT I CAN'T PROVE IT!"

>> No.8993929

Wanting to contribute and to "actualize" oneself is a basic human desire. There are people who don't feel it and live happy lives, especially in cluster A personality disorders. The main question is whether you don't feel it because you don't feel it or because of anxiety/depression/lack of opportunity.

>> No.8993935

Guess I'm voting Republican next election!

>> No.8993938

You sounding awfully normal fag to me.
Why else would a post claiming NEET's are content rustle your jimmies.

>> No.8993942

I don't feel it, never have. I have no ambition, I don't like people and as a result they don't like me which turns it in to a downward spiral in relations between me and people. I don't mind.

>> No.8993943

Oh, this is so pathetic, I can't watch anymore.

PROTIP: You need to start realizing when you're getting trolled.

>> No.8993950

I'm shaking in my boots, really I am.

>> No.8993951

Probably /so/ scums that think of themselves as failure.

>> No.8993952
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>2012 election


>> No.8993959

I can't be trolled because I believe they sincerely believe what they say.

>> No.8993966


And all worker bees can do is guilt trip. None of it matters in the face of people who are comfortable living off the work of others. Might as well get over it.

>> No.8993971

You sincerely believe they sincerely believe what they say

Works for me.

>> No.8993976

If that's really how you feel, then okay. The reasonable people debating this issue are concerned because it's known many people who become socially marginalized are very depressed and/or anxious, and "lost" workers. But as for cluster A types, I know a guy like that who lived to his 50s with his mother doing nothing in particular. There was absolutely nothing you could do to make him do anything, and he was happy. He's not a "lost" worker, he's more like a pet of humanity, and there's no need to be frustrated about his case in my opinion. So you see, happy ending.

>> No.8993981

Hypocrisy and stupidity rustles my jimmies. Especially when it comes from those who claim to represent my lifestyle.

>You sounding awfully normal fag to me.
Hope you've got better rebuttals than that, bro.

>> No.8993985

The nihilistic worldview is the obvious counter to the normalfag logic of "this is what a human SHOULD do, this is what a life SHOULD be".

What else do you want? Do you want nilhistic logic to be banned because you get angry and imagine the person using it against you is 16 and wearing all black? I'm sorry you're not able to force your ideas of inherent meaning and direction in life down other people's throats.

>> No.8993987

Yup, we'll both have fun doing what we do, and belittling the other for it, it can't be helped.

>> No.8993994

It is not our fault you are unhappy or content with your life as a NEET.
Back to >>>/soc/ or >>>/r9k/ where you can continue whining how sad it is to be NEET.
You are a disgrace, please return the NEET badge before leaving.

>> No.8994002

I'm done. You people just can't seem to get it.

>> No.8994005





>> No.8994009

Don't let the door hit your tender butt too hard on the way out.

>> No.8994018


Get what? Stop trying to convert people over the internet who don't care. Life's easier that way.

>> No.8994019

No, this is a misunderstanding. I'm perfectly happy being NEET. I just don't like being represented by idiots whose piss-poor arguments have more holes than swiss cheese.

>> No.8994042


What's wrong with their arguments?

>> No.8994050

About time. Might be a bit late to say this, but most of the Anons you were arguing against only came here to troll you because you made yourself an easy target.

Let this be a lesson for the future.

>> No.8994098

The belittling probably can be helped. But at this time we live in such a situation people don't have to work in order to not die. If there was a hikky "movement" that would change, but there never will be because ordinary people feel the need to gain resources, esteem, and to leave their mark on the world, no matter how tiny. It's one of the forces that fundamentally drives us. However, when you work in psychiatry you learn that there can be abnormalities of any system, and one of those systems is the one dealing with motivation. There are also people who don't feel this need, who will live their life doing nothing, never having relationships and still be happy. Whereas for a normal person never having a relationship is a horrible prospect, for them it's the natural state. The main problem is when they for some reason lose their access to funds, in which case they easily become homeless drifters. However, all in all it's just another type of person and indeed, in the absence of conventional motivation working holds no interest. You can imagine the space explorers of fiction would probably rather stay on earth if they didn't think space holds anything of interest.

>> No.8994119

Just the usual generally contradictory bullshit, like claiming to look down on normalfags who are slaves to the system but then turning around and praising their parents or benefactors, who are usually the very same normalfags. Otherwise, putting on airs of being satisfied, humble, satisfied and enlightened to the trappings of society, but then write paragraph after vitriol-laced paragraph about how everyone else is wrong or a tool for not having reached the same conclusions about life. Shit like that.

There are a lot of intelligent arguments to make about NEET living, but those definitely aren't.

>> No.8994127
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>> No.8994143

>praising their parents or benefactors
They aren't subjected to NEET is BAD, Fucking LEECHERS AND SCUM of earth by their own parent.
If the normalfags didnt come here, nobody would even care to gloat.

>> No.8994160


That's a wonderful picture

>> No.8994198
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Interesting thread, only a few people really had any good points because of all the trolling but interesting none the less.

>> No.8994221


What were your favorite posts?

>> No.8994300

has anyone really been far even etc.

>> No.8994306

but Suigin has left...

>> No.8994319

Actually, if everyone did actively protest the system and stopped going to work, it would open up an opportunity to build a better system that is actually fair and people somehow have motivation to get up in the morning.

Sure, there might be a few years of turbulence at first, but the world is going in that direction anyway. Capitalism has just a few years left, and we're going to break through it whether it be by force or gradual change.

>> No.8994447
File: 25 KB, 433x415, 1331487630946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early humans encouraged NEETs because they thought of work as fun and if you declined going out for the hunt then that just meant you were missing out on fun. You still got your share of the food and everyone was happy.


>> No.8995389

This is really great.

We're eventually going to get there - 75% of all jobs can already be mechanized today. Technology lets us do so much, and yet, look at the what's happening. I hope this greed passes soon and we enter the age of a socialist utopia.

>> No.8995448

Not gonna lie, going out and slaughtering animals is pretty damn fun.
My grampa in Louisiana took me duck, deer, and boar hunting many times, I loved it.
Sitting at a desk is way different from going out and killing animals though.
