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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8989210 No.8989210 [Reply] [Original]

I need some help /jp/ and I think you are more qualified for this than /ck/.

I'm a poor freelance article writer (hell, you might as well call me a NEET who gets free money doing what they like). The only food I can afford is instant ramen noodles and essentials with a little money left over for other stuff.

What do you recommend I add to my ramen so I'm not just eating the same thing over and over and over again?

I've already taken to adding seaweed, lettuce, or an egg to bowls, they're not that expensive where I am. I need more than this though, it's all starting to taste the same.

>> No.8989216
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>> No.8989214

eat potatoes

>> No.8989215

poorly disguised blog thread

>> No.8989223

You were wrong, /ck/ is a better place for this.
They have full guides on how to get proper nutrition and a tasty meal out of instant noodles and some cheap groceries. Go there and ask for their wisdom

>> No.8989233

Post original please.

>> No.8989247

Taste is probably the least of your problems if you eat ramen day in day out

>> No.8989252

Yeah, I know, I'm probably going to gain 100 pounds and die horribly.

But I can only spend 25 bucks MAX on groceries a month, and sometimes I need to spend less than that.

I'm fucked.

>> No.8989255

Are you the kind of fag that gets $2 per 500 words or something?

>> No.8989263


You know those inexpensive things designed to add flavor to food that there are like a million of?


>> No.8989272

Closer to 20 dollars.

But that's if someone even buys what I write.

Luckily I stocked up on them and have enough to last me till next year.
I need... SUSTENANCE to add into my noodles.

>> No.8989275
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If you read history, you would know that spices are worth the blood of many.

>> No.8989288
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That's pretty cool. I like that.

>> No.8989296
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Broccoli, carrots, onions, peppers, etc etc.

Vegetables are fairly inexpensive. A 1kg bag of sliced veggies can last you for 4 rations, or 6 if you measure it well. Or just cut them yourself.

One way to economize is to stock up on coupons and be a jew about prices. Seriously.

>> No.8989298
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there you go

>> No.8989318
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>I can only spend 25 bucks MAX on groceries a month, and sometimes I need to spend less than that.
you're poor as HELL, dude
why dont you get welfare or something?

>> No.8989328

Whoa. I have to agree. Or better yet, an actual job.

I mean, sure, being a NEET might be fun, but looking like something out of Auchwitz doesn't seem like a good thing.

>> No.8989347

Oh, I'm looking for one, this is bullshit. The writing was a backup until recently.

And welfare is a joke. I'd be dead by the time everything actually went through, and that is if I don't hit a snag somewhere.

Also, I'm a fat fuck, I could probably starve for a week and be none the worse for wear once I start eating again.

>> No.8989354

>die like that guy from the /jp/ oel-ge

>> No.8989359

Pasta is super cheap so you should buy lots of it.

>> No.8989367
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/ck/ is the better choice after all

>> No.8989376

Let me check prices.
>10c for 3oz of ramen
>$1 for 4oz of pasta

Thanks for the suggestion, but apparently my area hates pasta.

>> No.8989390

where do you live?

>> No.8989408

I always put some crush red peppers in my ramen.

>> No.8989419

original english game. oel-ge
its called hikkikomori 2012 ( i think, find it yourself)
a game where you live life as a hikki-neet and have limited money to spend
it was popular on /jp/ for like a day, then everyone realized how shitty it was. i think everyone was mostly frustrated that they kept dying because they would eat only ramen

I'm sure if the game had given you the option to buy multivitamins you could have lived longer, but perhaps that would make it easy mode

>> No.8989422

7-spice or straight cayenne pepper is better.

You can get like 5 container of 7-spice from Yoshinoya when you buy something from their containers. Just fill up the ginger cups with the red stuff in the shakers. Cayenne blends into the broth and covers the noodles better.

>> No.8989438

I got the kind with orange peel ^^

>> No.8989453

My mother is going mootxico soon so I'm going to have to cook for myself.

I already half-starve since she's so busy working these days. I only eat when she cooks.

Is it really safe to cook eggs on dump in them ramen soup? I've been scared of cooking anything besides boiled eggs because I'm not sure when it's safe to eat. I don't even know if it would taste good in ramen.

>> No.8989468

They're safe to eat if they're fully solid.

>> No.8989463

>Is it really safe to cook eggs on dump in them ramen soup?

99.99% of the time yes. The other 0.01% of the time if you let it cook through or microwave it again with the egg. You can also soft/medium/hard boil an egg in the microwave, just poke a hole in the shell and put in a cup of water.

>> No.8989480

>safe to eat
It's egg, man, I eat that stuff raw.
Only thing to worry about is chicken and red meat.

>> No.8989487

Beef is usually safe but one shouldn't eat raw pork.

>> No.8989483

Another way to save on money on food is intermittent fasting. Something like, eat a day, and then don't eat a day. Or maybe just eat less in general. Seriously. It has already been proven by countless studies that calorie restriction increase the average lifespan. People eat way too much shit mang.

You save money and live longer. Meditation can help you overcome any problems you have with hunger and the like. It can be very difficult to restrain yourself if you're agitated, depressed, or not at peace with yourself.

>> No.8989495

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmonellosis..
>The type of Salmonella usually associated with infections in humans, nontyphoidal Salmonella, is usually contracted from sources such as:
>Infected eggs, egg products, and milk when not prepared, handled, or refrigerated properly.

>> No.8989490


>> No.8989506

Just soft boil the egg(same as normal boiling, just don't do it for as long as you usually would), peel off the shell, cut the egg in half and put both halves in the bowl.

>> No.8989516

This nigga knows his shit.


But if you're still too attached to the taste...


Still though, your choice for cheapest by-the-bulk foods should be brown rice, not ramen.

>> No.8989522

That's not true. They're far more likely to be infected, but they're not the only ones that can be infected.

>> No.8989520

Check the egg shell for holes or cracks as soon as you take it out of the container. IF it has holes or cracks throw it away and grab another one. Eggs with compromised shells are the ONLY eggs that can be infected.

>> No.8989542

Thanks for the egg answers, guys, I think I'll give it a shot right now, I'm getting hungry.

So I just boil the egg as normal and simply cut it in half and put it in, right? Can I also chop it up if I want to? Two big chunks would be harder to eat collectively with the ramen.

What if you crack the egg yourself? Like you drop the egg in a pot of water and your spoon slips and it falls and cracks a bit when it lands. Would it be ok? I've done that a few times before since I'm very shaky.

>> No.8989551

Have you never taken a class in biology or read anything at all about infectious disease?

>> No.8989553

It's fine if you crack it yourself. His point is that you don't want to eat an egg with a shell that cracked weeks before you bought it.

>> No.8989560

You fat fucks are disgusting, anyway. Eat less.

>> No.8989569

Nope! I am bad at taking care of myself.

I see. I do that too, I figure if they are cracked before then a lot of bacteria could get inside.

I am a twig.

Maruchan beef ramen with two boiled eggs and some frozen vegtables it is. Sounds much better than "nothing for the next 12 hours" or "rice or pasta without anything". Hoping it turns out ok.

>> No.8989600

2$ for a pound of chicken breast?
I wish.
Costs 4$ here...

>> No.8989605

1. Stop going to normal grocery places, go to a Japanese one if you can.
2. Get the refrigerated type, they taste a billion times better
3. Go try out the other bajillion that aren't offered in normal grocery stores
4. Try pasta too, I like tuna mayo/tarakao spaghetti.

>> No.8989614

About >>8989516,

Is it really that bad to only eat ramen (not barring supplements such as eggs, bits of meat and fish, vegtables and rice added alongside or in the ramen) instead of say rice, beans, and chicken everyday?

What I'm scared of is the sodium content. There's a heck of a lot of salt in most ramen products. Apparently, 2 cups is pushing the limit according to that article, but 2 is hardly enough to feed me for the entire day, and I'm pretty small. Is it really that bad or is the article being a bit sensational?

>> No.8989618

Oh fuck. What's the ideal time to boil eggs for?

Also, was I supposed to put the eggs after the water has started to boil?

>> No.8989640

/jp/ - Japanese Cooking Central

>> No.8989639

depends if you want it soft or hard

>> No.8989644

>I make money through a job
>call me a NEET

>> No.8989649

It's definitely not the best thing to do to your body. Please consider trying out brown rice or oats instead. It's the most similar product in terms of cost and the kind of craving you get for the taste. Add a bit of salt if you absolutely must have it. It won't nearly be as bad as the powder that comes with ramen.

Why hasn't anybody brought up fruit, by the way? You need it.

>> No.8989658

>he thinks you need fruit

Fructose actually acts like poison on the body the same way alcohol does, but it doesn't get metabolized the same way alcohol does.

>> No.8989664

Thank you.

Hard boiled I suppose, I put it in before the water boiled. Been 25 minutes now, 10 minutes since it's been boiling altogether. It's time.

>> No.8989667

Buy some veggies and use them sparingly or something, make cheap salads with what you have. At least it'll taste better than ramen.

>> No.8989672


This! I plan on planting several trees on my garden, an apple tree, a coconut tree, pear tree, strawberry and watermelon on the ground.
It's free and tastes absolutely nice

>> No.8989676

That sounds really wonderful anon

>> No.8989678

I despise brown rice. I just can't down it.

Oats are okay, but I usually only have them with milk and sugar added. Is that bad? I mean I can eat them raw but it's not very enjoyable.

I do eat fruits every now and then, just my diet is not very good since I hardly eat, depending on my mother to make food for me.

>> No.8989682

What the fuck kind of climate do you live in

>> No.8989690


Thank you! Too bad I live in an apartment right now, but as soon as I can get a house with a nice garden I will mostly live out of my own food. Free and tasty. Don't even have to leave my house to get it.


Tropical wet

>> No.8989699
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>> No.8989701

The only cooking apparatus I have access to is a microwave (living in university dorms), so I usually end up eating mostly ramen and shitty microwave meals.

Is there anything better I can make myself with only a microwave? It has to be cheap, of course.

>> No.8989705

Melted cheese sandwiches.

>> No.8989709

If you're going to have any kind of milk, it should be almond milk. Your typical dairy stuff is laced with hormones and other harmful substances. Soy milk is modified as fuck. Thing is, almond milk is more pricy than the regular 2% stuff. I've heard rice milk is also pretty nice in nutrition and health benefits. Sugar, if it's the refined kind, you should be avoiding it as much as possible. Try using something like honey or maple syrup.

What exactly irks you about brown rice?

>> No.8989729

Can it work like an oven too?

>> No.8989730
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I see. I dirnk 2% milk. Whenever I'm hungry and really lazy, I just drink milk. Lately I've been having terrible gas, and stomach pains so I've stopped drinking as much. I really hope I did not become lactose intolerant or something. Now I'm just worried about how I am going to go to sleep on an empty stomach.

Anyway, man, this ramen is not half bad. Though it tastes a bit weird once the yolk has dissolved in the soup.

Did I tell you how much I love you guys and /ck/? Because I do.

>> No.8989735

What about coconut milk? I have no idea if I can buy it anywhere but I read somewhere it's really healthy.

>> No.8989743

Are yolks supposed to be that yellow? I hope that's just your inability to use a camera

>> No.8989745

I don't think so.

>> No.8989749

Lactose intolerance is built up by not drinking milk/eating dairy products for an extended period of time [several years], so that's unlikely.

>> No.8989751

Then you don't have much choice I'm afraid. You can always buy food that doesn't need to be heated like maybe cereal and bread but that's about it.

>> No.8989755

S-something is wrong? It's not supposed to be that yellow?

Hmm.. my stomach still hurts but I am not as hungry anymore. Perhaps I should eat some more.

>> No.8989759

>S-something is wrong? It's not supposed to be that yellow?
Not that guy but my yolks are never that weird color of yellow.

>> No.8989764
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Dunno, that shit looks almost neon.
Maybe it's a regional thing, but eggs here are usually more of a orange color like this.

>> No.8989776

I think that the color of the yolk depends on what the chicken eats.

>> No.8989771
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>> No.8989773

Perhaps you have a Free-range egg? They have a much brighter yolk.

>> No.8989778

I think so. To me this has always been the norm. Maybe i'm overcooking it too.

>> No.8989779

they end up that yellow if you boil them for too long/live in a bad location for eggs

>> No.8989786
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Not only the yolk, but also the shell.

>> No.8989783

The yolks are supposed to be this yellow.

>> No.8989795

Yolk colour varies depending on the chicken's diet and breed, which in turn depends on geographical region. Where I am, that darkish-orange yolk colour would be associated with chickens who've been fed omega-3 supplements.

>> No.8989791

Is it true that white eggs never have traces of blood in them while brown eggs do?

>> No.8989802


I don't really know, sorry...
All I know is that they are much healthier and more "organic/natural", so, it may probably contain traces of blood (even though I've never found any)

>> No.8989797

I also heard you can get hit by lightning if you go outside!

>> No.8989800 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I'm not too versed with its effects or anything, but I know that it's not the regular type of milk that you're probably thinking of. It's more of a really thick cream with a lot of fat, so you wouldn't really consume it with cereal or anything. Mainly used in cooking, as far as I know.

>> No.8989807

I heard somewhere that jews eat the white eggs because the brown eggs can contain traces of blood but I have no idea how true that is.

>> No.8989809

If you want the really good milk you want raw milk. It's illegal in a lot of places though.

>> No.8989803

Colour of the shell=colour of the hen who laid it.

>> No.8989813

There's a reason why it's illegal.

>> No.8989810

quail eggs are better

>> No.8989826

The best milk is human breast milk. It tastes a bit like slightly sweetened soy milk, although it also depends on the diet of the specimen. Regardless, it isn't nearly as creamy as bovine milk so I drink it all the time.

>> No.8989827
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So I recently got myself a rice cooker.
Now I make a shitload of rice but don't really know how to make it interesting. Anything to add to white rice to make it better? Any nice recipes or anything?

>> No.8989828

Honestly I'd advise trying to supplement your food supply

Try a food bank, I used to volunteer at one and we gave away a bag of groceries per person (mostly canned stuff, but still pretty decent).

Or dumpster diving - I survived on stuff I found for a few months when I was out of work. Try Trader Joes if you have one in your area, their pasta packages use really brittle plastic so they throw out quite a few. In addition there's usually veggies and eggs (well before their expiration date). Meat is rarer but sometimes they throw out perfectly good pieces (one night I managed to snag like 4 packs of frozen chicken patties that were still frozen solid, ate well for a month)

>> No.8989829


>> No.8989837

How's security? Just fences?

>> No.8989831

Because FDA got paid off by the farming industry to fuck over individual farmers?

>> No.8989838

That might be a bit too extreme for most people but if you're really desperate for money those are good tips.

>> No.8989841

How did you use the chicken?

Sounds very interesting.

>> No.8989857

>canned stuff
That is really terrible for you and nobody should be eating it.

>> No.8989852

>The raw vs. pasteurized debate pits the alleged health benefits of consuming raw milk against the disease threat of unpasteurized milk. Although agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, and some regulatory agencies around the world say that pathogens from raw milk make it unsafe to consume,[6] some organizations say that raw milk can be produced hygienically, and that it has health benefits that are destroyed in the pasteurization process. This latter statement is not supported by all research.[7][8] Additionally, the bacteria found in raw milk are essential to the flavours of many cheeses. [9]

It's just because of the potential health risk of non-pasteurized milk. You can try as an individual, but when dealing with large population numbers it's just not worth the risk.

>> No.8989864

the dumpster of my local one is in an enclosure with a metal door (but no padlock), they tend to finish putting stuff out around midnight

take a flashlight and a bag to carry anything you find away

they were actually ground chicken burger patties, but I did try breaking them up as meat pieces for pasta and rice dishes. Worked alright

>> No.8989869

Should I drink all the water in ramen soup?

>> No.8989875

Were you able to cook it well? I have no idea of I could eat it, I'd probably starve on just rice.

>> No.8989882

No, you mix it out with vodka or some tasty sauce and then eat it as a soup.

>> No.8989884

Enjoy your scurvy

>> No.8989880

Yes if real ramen. Up to you if instant ramen.

>> No.8989888

But a healthier wallet!

>> No.8989886

Yeah, it turned out pretty well. I ended up spending the little money I had on sauces and such rather than staples since I could salvage those. So a little chicken, some veggies and teriyaki sauce over rice = decent meal

oh wanted to add, at least while I was doing they were also getting rid of quite a few potato chips (I think it was because they used a different oil than most companies and customers didn't like it).

>> No.8989891

Cook it, let it sit overnight, make fried rice.

>> No.8989892
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I love to cook! It's a lot of fun, unless something starts to burn or someone gets poisoned!

>> No.8989895

Instant ramen, I guess not then, It's not really my taste and it doesn't really fill me up for a long time, just makes me run to the bathroom more.

Vodka, huh? I'll try that next time.

Thanks guys.

>> No.8989893

Fried rice nigga.
Most important rule: There is no such thing as too much curry powder.
Make the rice, then put it in the fridge. Cut up vegetables like carrots, green onions, white onions, garlic, etc., you can use small things like peas and corn too. Put some butter or vegetable oil or whatever in a pan/wok/CASTIRONSKILLET/whatever and put the vegetables in the pan at low heat. Stir them around for a bit. Beat an egg in a bowl and then pour it into the vegetables. Stir the egg and vegetables until it all scrambles together. Put the rice in and stir it all together. Let it sit for like a minute and then stir it again. Just keep stirring like that until you feel like it's ready. While stirring add soy sauce and curry powder to the rice. You can add meat too, I'd suggest frying the meat beforehand and keeping it in the oven at 180 degrees, then putting it in right after you scramble the egg. Also put the chilled rice in a skillet by itself if you want to seperate the grains first before you put it in with the vegetables and the egg.

>> No.8989899

Is it that much better than just boiling it in say microwave oven or in a normal cooker?

>> No.8989897

>fried foods


>> No.8989904

Y-you poison people?

>> No.8989908

Yes. Rice cookers are a necessity if you want good rice.

>> No.8989912

B-but I'm enjoying my rice without having that fancy equipment.

>> No.8989927


>> No.8989930

Only by accident and only a little! I try my best to not cause dangerous accidents.

>> No.8989932


What is this?

>> No.8989940

That fucking speech near the end.

>> No.8989950

I only know that the first two words mean 'negro'.

>> No.8989955


a quick google search doesn't return results

>> No.8989969
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My kind of noodles:
-Curry-flavoured, boiled soft, but not sticky
-Remove most water
-Mix in microwaved meatballs & enjoyyyy

>> No.8990218

>Your typical dairy stuff is laced with hormones and other harmful substances
Amounts of hormones far below that which you naturally produce on your own. You really couldn't drink milk fast enough for those hormones to accumulate significantly, you would pretty much have to be injecting it directly.

Avoiding certain milks for fat content and whatnot is one thing, but the hormone argument is just organic nuttery.

>> No.8990513


>> No.8991069

So much junk science mixed in with good, drudging through it to separate it out almost isn't worth it.

>> No.8991776

You can cook the eggs in one pot with the ramen. No need to hard boil them. You just crack the egg into the boiling ramen stock and let it boil for a minute before you add the noodles.

A chopsticks are fine too.

>> No.8991803

fill your ramen with dicks; you will probably like it

>> No.8991826

Where do you write for OP?

>> No.8991900


Barefoot merlot is like 7 dollars a bottle-it's still cheap wine, but it's 3 fucking dollars.

The only wine you're going to find in the price range is bum wine. Wild Irish Rose, MD20/20, nighttrain, thunderbird, etc.

>> No.8992224

where the fuck do you live that it's 7$? or perhaps its the store that prices it at that?
I've only ever seen it a 1.99 to 3.99, sometimes it's a special where you have to buy two to get them at 3.99 or 4 at 1.99$ ea(this has been the Circle K special), but any other decent *local* retailer won't mark it up to 7 fucking $.
The only retailer that has marked it up to I think it was like 8.99$ was Fresh & Easy which is out in the boonies

I usually go to those local Mexican places for my liquor since they seem to always have the best prices, in comparison to, for example, Walmart, CVS, and Trader Joe's, though sometimes Trader Joe's has good specials.
