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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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898724 No.898724 [Reply] [Original]

"I understand that certain boards have been going downhill recently"
- moot-sama

>> No.898747

Must be refering to our shitty cousin, /a/.

>> No.898759

Partly because of summer, and because moot pretended to sink the ship of fools and they fucking believed him. Once the retard shield went down, that was it.

>> No.898764

/a/? No, it's just about all of them.

>> No.898780

moot doesn't care about /jp/.
He's about /v/ and /b/.

>> No.898785

I'm not sure I understand how that cup is working in that picture. It looks weird.

>> No.898786

Was /jp/ ever uphill in the first place?

>> No.898790

Because if he did, this place would not exist and all its posters would be permabanned.

>> No.898793

Fuck you, I can never unsee that.

>> No.898798

Believe it or not, there were times when it wasn't boring. Then May ended and the retard schools let out early.

>> No.898800


It's like she's eating it.

>> No.898801


Alice's so hardcore she drinks tea and eats the cup

>> No.898804


All the times I've seen this picture and I've never noticed that before, fuck you.

Must be because my eyes naturally avoid Alice.

>> No.898814


/jp/ was always about Touhou, Type-Moon and J-Idol faggotry. There were more Ronery/Blog threads and people asking how to start learning japanese, but that too got tired pretty fast.

I just try to take it easy. If there's something decent on the board I'll read and reply, if not I just ignore and move one.

Summerfags don't bother me at all.

>> No.898820

>move one

move on

>> No.898821

I never said it wasn't about those things. I just said they weren't as boring.

>> No.898825

May was a good month, I was still working in an elementry school and /jp/ didn't suck as badly (4chan in general didn't, but thats a moot point)

>> No.898826

Take it easy Anonymous.

>> No.898832

no, school let out

>> No.898831

>I was still working in an elementry school
Got found out, did ya?

>> No.898868

Sagefags are the cancer killing /jp/. That used to be a bannable offense years ago on /a/ and other boards, saging for no other reason except to spam it. I can only hope moot addresses this issue, because if there's a thread that you don't like, it should be ignored instead of destroying it just to satisfy some sagefag's dislike of it. It's ruining too many threads now.

>> No.898879

sagebombing was the bannable offense, not general saging because you don't like a thread. Saging because you don't like a thread, but posting in it anyways is the proper use of sage. Its to post with out bumping a thread you don't like.

>> No.898882

Stop posting Ayathreads.

>> No.898884


No. The real problem is shit threads. Quality posts will attract fewer sages.

>> No.898891

the month after the split yeah.
it was full of bokusatsu and onizuka, which was win.

>> No.898894

Rage, Onizuka is fail.

>> No.898896

Bitching threads never solved anything. Learn to post better content.

>> No.898893

He's not talking about /jp/ because /jp/ never was uphill. /jp/ was shit from day one.

>> No.898902

This ia a troll thread.

>> No.898911
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So what boards actually make anything these days

>> No.898973

/d/ makes me hard. thats making something.

>> No.898991

Stop crying every time somebody doesn't like your thread. A single sage does not a sagebomb make.

>> No.899007


Is that you, yoda ?

>> No.899055


I see more sages here for tripcode usage or emoticon usage than for post quality.


Oh hey, another /d/generate. Has it started to pick back up? I haven't been there in a few weeks because I was getting tired of seeing tons of penises and almost nothing actually worthwhile.

>> No.899064


>> No.899066

Emoticons do degrade quality. As for tripcodes, depends on who's posting.

>> No.899088


>implication that emoticon usage is not an indication of poor post quality

Suggestion that you return to Gaia.

>> No.899128




I don't see how emotes are inherently anti-quality. They help in making sarcasm more obivvus, for example, thereby avoiding retarded shitstorms that go something along the lines of "You're a fucking idiot for saying/thinking (x)" "I was being sarcastic dipshit, obvious troll was obvious" "You're just saying that to cover up the fact that you look like a faggot" etc.

Is there really a meaningful difference between, say, ;_; or :( and BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW?

>> No.899129

/jp/ is fine. The majority of people who come to 4chan don't care about the stuff on this particular board anyways. Hell, even Moot doesn't. All of this works in our favor.

>> No.899136



Christ, I have no clue how that happened.

>> No.899138

They are both equally unacceptable.

>> No.899140
File: 27 KB, 350x450, 1214513669796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kilgamayan (18-1) !2BklmILFiE
>I don't see how emotes are inherently anti-quality
Go back to gaia

>> No.899151

>I don't see how emotes are inherently anti-quality. They help in making sarcasm more obivvus, for example, thereby avoiding retarded shitstorms that go something along the lines of "You're a fucking idiot for saying/thinking (x)" "I was being sarcastic dipshit, obvious troll was obvious" "You're just saying that to cover up the fact that you look like a faggot" etc.
Gee, I think I remember a certain tripfag making this mistake a couple weeks ago.

>> No.899165


And yet no one sages for the latter.


Thank you for your well-thought-out point-by-point analysis.


Why do you think I used it as an example? I fucked up that day. No two ways about it.

>> No.899166

I don't pay attention to emotes and tripcodes. If you rage about that stuff you too are part of the cancer.

But emotes and tripcodes are monikers of "I HAVE NOTHING OF VALUE TO SAY", so I just ignore these.

>> No.899182

I don't hate tripfags, I just hate tripfags I don't like.

>> No.899190

On the other hand, there was a time when "BAWWWWWWWW!" was funny because it meant a furry pissed himself. That was before it became a verb, though.

>> No.899203


You're fucking retarded if you can't recognize an obvious troll anyway.

>> No.899208


All right, substitute "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" or "WHY YOU DO THIS" in "BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"'s place, and someone explain to me against what the terrible difference is.

>> No.899217

BAW is exceptable if it's being used like "X made me BAAAWWW", etc.

>> No.899230


All right, substitute "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" or "WHY YOU DO THIS" in "BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"'s place, and someone explain to me again what the terrible difference is.


Shit like >>899128 can/will fly whether the original troll was obvious or not. There are plenty of very opinionated people on the internet, and 4chan is no exception.

>> No.899238

God I'm retarded

>> No.899282

What does FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF mean? Sorry, I'm not too hot on all those modern ``memes''.

>> No.899454

I believe it's from Ebaum's World.

So yeah, awful newfriend meme. Good thing I don't pay attention to anything outside of /jp/ these days.

>> No.899467

I've always interpreted it as accidental lip biting caused by a deformed, primitive jawbone.

>> No.899469

I've used FFFFFFF way before it became a meme. I didn't even know ebaums used it.
Isn't it just pretty much supposed to be FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck without the "uck" at the end?

>> No.899476

Yes, precisely.

>> No.899665

Hey guys, I found a solution to the namefag problem here in /jp/ (also hides sages, not sure if that's a feature or not):

@-moz-document url-prefix("http://zip.4chan.org/jp/")) { span.postertrip,span.commentpostername { display: none; } }
