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8987112 No.8987112 [Reply] [Original]

What tea and alcohol are you drinking tonight?

>> No.8987116

None, I don't drink such toxic filth

>> No.8987123

You don't have to drink every night of the week, Anonymous.

>> No.8987132


I wish someone would tell me that to my face ;_;

>> No.8987134

same as last time, Tie Guan Yin and chartreuse.

I aslo enjoy coffee and hot cocoa on ocasion.

>> No.8987136
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Tequila, mixed with some lime cordial with a couple ice cubes.

Good stuff.

>> No.8987140
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Earl grey.
A-anon-kun.. ;_;

>> No.8987149

My drinking has gotten out of control. I'm starting to feel pains in my stomach a lot.

>> No.8987153


I agree. I enjoy these drinking threads on the weekend, but lately it seems to be getting out of hand. I see them everyday!
get a hold of yourself anonymous!
if you have a problem, we're here for you. you can talk to us

>> No.8987161


I had a liter of vodka earlier, but I'm all out now.

>> No.8987171

Little girls aren't supposed to drink alcohol.

>> No.8987181
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Most common cause is gastritis, that will go away if you simply stop drinking.
If you drink to the point where it brings you pain/bleeding stomach you need to stop!

Also please go see a doctor, you need to take care of yourself anon!

>> No.8987188

that's bad anon. get some milkthistle and take a fortnight off.

>> No.8987194

Keep at it.

>> No.8987203

had 5 coffees today, just going with weak homegrown lemon and tea in hot water.

also no alcohol, too broke and sick

>> No.8987263


How could anyone drink five coffees?

>> No.8987267

I should quit drinking. But how is the question.

>> No.8987300

are you joking? if i didn't restrain myself i'd drink twice that.

>> No.8987307

Tolerance. I drink the stuff constantly until five in the afternoon.

>> No.8987322


that sucks. once I got to like 3 cups a day, and if I missed even one of the cups my head would be pounding all day.
why would you do this to yourselves?

>> No.8987326

whos the girl in OP pic? shes really cute :)

>> No.8987352

I do it to keep warm in the winter, but end up doing it year round because of addiction. That and I simply have a habit of drinking something all day long, and it's what's available.

>> No.8987373

eh, been trying to quit but because of a throat infection i can't really consume much else

>> No.8987394


You idiot. We have a thing for the winter and it's called whiskey.

>> No.8987407

I drink about two pots a day (each pot being around 60 ounces or 12 cups by their measure but nobody really uses a cup that small) and it barely even affects me... I've been meaning to cut back on it to let my tolerance go back down again but I've kind of not gotten around to it yet.

>> No.8987414

I don't like drinking alcohol any more, because it just tends to make me feel drowsy and then when I actually do get around to sleeping I sleep like shit. Used to enjoy it when I was younger but it's just not the same any more.

>> No.8987468


how old are you now?
I want to know how long I have to enjoy drinking

>> No.8987593

24. I drank really heavily from about the time I could buy the shit legally until about a year ago and then it just kind of stopped being much fun.

>> No.8987628

Cheap canadian beer.
It's way better than any budweiser or miller product, but still aimed at the poor, I just wanna get drunk, market.
And as much as I love drinking threads, we really don't need them outside the weekends.
I usually up my quality on the weekends when I look forward to the threads, it feels like it lessens the fact I'm drinking alone.
but when I see these in the middle of the week I just feel like an alcoholic, but then again, you must be too, welcome to the club, let's have a reverse AA, when was your last day sober? I'm going on 4 months!

>> No.8987655

Homebrew wine

Like every other day

>> No.8987675



Before that, sometime in 2010

>> No.8987705

>when was your last day sober?

Yesterday. Beyond that, the previous week. This bottle of hard liqour I got recently isn't going to survive very long at this rate. Oh well.

>> No.8988624

>when was your last day sober?

I want to say Saturday. I don't drink too hard though.

>> No.8988648
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gin and juice

>> No.8988662


It's nine in the morning.

>> No.8988672

I turned 21 the other day so I can buy alcohol now, but I'm not experienced with it at all. What should I get to start with?

>> No.8988687
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I must drinking gin + juice all the times.

Its sustain my mana

>> No.8988683


Take it easy with it. I would suggest maybe popping back a six pack of fine beer or a half pint of vodka. As for me I am going to stop drinking for a bit so that I can get my shit back together.

>> No.8988694
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cider--good for beginner too but its rare for finding in America store. i heard from internet.

>> No.8988703

Personally Wine is my favorite, even the cheaper wines taste better than any vodka or beer on my personal experience, but thats really subjective, you must try stuff. Just take it easy, dont drink too much.

>> No.8988700


No it's not. On the west coast it seems to be but here in the Northeast it's everywhere.

>> No.8988707
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great, then its my recommendations for you !!

>> No.8988732

I'm saving my money so I can have a 3 day bender on the weekend by myself instead.

>> No.8989207

fuck off avatar tripfag

>> No.8990805
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no !

>> No.8990845

I'm drinking again because life feels so dull without alcohol. It wouldn't be so bad if I could drink and watch anime or read books at the same time but that's not how it works.

I really need to find a job so that there would be a reason to get up in the morning. I've lived this kind of life for over a year now and I've had enough of it.

>> No.8990886

Out of port wine, only that strange yogurt liquor (that I bought on impulse) left and it's already midnight so I'm prolly not going to drink anything tonight... Tomorrow I'm going to buy two bottles of coffee liquor and some sake.

>> No.8990904
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One of the least /jp/ threads ever (despite the tea)
guaranteed to be janitored/meido'd out of existence.

This britfag in London drinks only the finest imported gyokuro tea from boutiques in kensington and chelsea and extreme beers of at least 18% ABV from microbreweries (brewdog and kernel).

also I have a crack habit and enjoy touhou

>> No.8990927

please stop asking this question i feel like you're stalking me

>> No.8991775



>> No.8995072
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>> No.8997810

Again nothing. My girlfriend has convinced me to stop drinking for two weeks. So far I feel more energetic, I wake up easier and I just feel happier.

Drinking some green tea right now along with peppermint chocolate popcorn.

>> No.8998048

drinking left over wine from wednesday!

white zinfandel is the greatest!!!!
mix it with moutain dew and boil it with your favorite scented tea bag!!
unfortunately my my adapter thing is broken and i cant post my picture

until next week, enjoy tonites magic!

>> No.8998092

also - tip from the most experienced (self-proclaimed) drinker on /jp/ -

you don't drink to get drunk! (if you do, you will inevitably throw up all over the place.)
you don't drink for the taste! (but you can mix your drink of choice with something tasty if the taste is too strong for you, no shame!!)
you don't drink on weekdays or sundays! (we are not alcoholics, after all.)
you don't drink expensive alcohol more than twice a month!!! (we are not financially well off, after all.)
you don't drink the same drink every week! (the world of alcohol is big, you must explore! /jp/ wills it!)

most importantly,
take it easy!

>> No.8999965

some generic black tea and whiskey
