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8982599 No.8982599 [Reply] [Original]


I bet you're all gonna buy WoW now =P

>> No.8982621

Jokes on you, some dumbass actually bought my shitty account off cragslist for $90.

>> No.8982619
File: 25 KB, 320x483, Are-you-a-Loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't logged on WoW for about a week now.
Didn't notify my guild either.
Can't be assed anymore.
Might just cancel sub and disappear without saying anything.

MoP doesn't really interest me.
I wanna play TERA but PC is shit.
Sux being a broke ass NEET sometimes

I'll just shit up /jp/ instead

>> No.8982624


Of course I lied and spent all the money before he asked for a refund of $40

>> No.8982628
File: 62 KB, 500x500, idontevencare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this.

>> No.8982772
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 5644381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW is fun!

>> No.8982787

even tho i havent played it in 2 years my wow acount got hacked recently ;~; i think everything is sorted out now thogh

>> No.8982799
File: 52 KB, 492x544, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope I will be playing Diablo 3

>> No.8982943

Blizzard does that themselves to remind you of WoW and get you to resub.

>> No.8982951


>No room list

>No world PvP

>4 people per room

Yep, Diablo 3 a shit.

>> No.8982962

Same here.

>> No.8982969


>> No.8982970
File: 12 KB, 247x231, 1291853549123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implementing a Swedish dance in an American game that features Chinese themed milieu because the dance was popular among Japanese

>> No.8982974

Shut the fuck up Miku.

>> No.8982977

Maybe its shit for you, for me it will be a good game and I will enjoy it.I am not forcing you to buy it , if you think its shit its shit for you I am sure you are not the only 1 who thinks like that , but there are people like me who will have fun with the game.

>> No.8982980
File: 10 KB, 160x200, 1333578444229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol8lol pap culturrefrense lmao wow bliz gets us!!

>> No.8982982

But the yakuzawhore spammer has shit taste, so yeah.

>> No.8982986

im sure you will have fun feeding all the time, noob.

>> No.8982997


Would you mind posting a link of that site? Googling "Cragslist" or "Craigslist" didn't gave me anything at all.

I do have an account for Allods Online (US server) i want to sell with some real high end characters. I don't like that game anymore.

>> No.8983002

sell it ingame
I sold mine after a few minutes in trade chat
Did get like 200$, but it was at TBC time.

But there are enough mmo markets where you can sell your account/characters.

Last game I sold was Rift , took I think 2-3 days

>> No.8983004


Well I'm deeply suggesting that you don't by a bastardized game from a company that hates choice and forces you to play a certain shitty way much unlike it's predecessors.

You better believe I'm going to try my damnest to have anyone considering buying it to second guess their purchase.

>> No.8983014

>that hates choice and forces you to play a certain shitty way much unlike it's predecessors.
It's actually the other way but you wouldn't know because you don't inform yourself.
Read http://www.sirlin.net/blog/2012/5/3/diablo-3s-ability-system.html if you like. Some of it is just asskissing but he is very right about a few points.

>> No.8983015


I'm guessing you just make an alternate account for that matter and say "selling account with x and y characters, pm for more information"(can world shout cheaply in allods)? I don't want to end up getting banned or anything, since a loooot of time and ingame resources went on that char, has pretty much everything you can get from the cash shop there, dual spec unlocked(which itself takes at least 3 months) etc. etc.

Haven't ever sold accounts yet, i'm quitting MMO's altogether.

>> No.8983019

If this was 8 years ago then maybe.

>> No.8983026

Well I don't think they are forcing you to play in 1 way.
The new rune system did give us more options to use your spells and that's a big bonus.

Some people prefer to handpick what stats they want to increase each level , but we all know how it worked in Diablo 2 , min to wear armor , rest dump all in vitality.

My only complain about Diablo 3 is I wish I could change the look of my character more not just male/female
Yeah , I was surprised how many people did answer me.
But about rift I just went to a mmo forum and sold it there.
On a sidenote I sold Starcraft 2 Beta keys on the same forum.

>> No.8983033

Diablo 3 is just an wrpg with multiplayer. Why would anyone want to play that? What's special about it? Nothing. People just play it because it's Blizzard.

>> No.8983043


They just want you to play the game their way and that's it.

They think it plays better with 4 per room and that's why it's capped at 4.

They loathe rushing and don't want anyone to bother with anything that isn't goal oriented and that's why they got rid of the room list.

They don't like when other people fight mid-game and that's why they got rid of world PvP.

They're trying to hard to make the game about the game, and trying to make sure it's played in a certain way. When it should be about player interaction, and player interaction needs leg room. They think everyone plays diablo for story and to play through the same game 1000 times, when in fact there were a large chunk of players who didn't even bother watching the cutscenes because they didn't install their cinematics disc, and simply wanted to rush to the end and do runs to raise a new character.

You could always play through a diablo game level by level without any PvP, but the grand majority chose not to, in the third game that's gone.

I'm not talking about builds here I'm saying all they want is some shitty overly-friendly, noncompetitive co-op experience, and there's absolutely no other way to play, especially since they got rid of the room list.

>> No.8983057

I agree with their player cap (at least they way they designed the game, more than 4 would just be too messy on the screen, the perspective and FoV isn't the same it was in D3) but I agree about all other points. They also removed the gamelist and a proper chat in SC2 for reasons unknown and people complained about it but they don't seem to give a shit.

>> No.8983079

Just saying that most of the stuff you complain about (nothing wrong with that) is answered and explained by them. And some of the stuff you say needs some source so it could be taken seriously, like when you claim that majority played PvP and apparently liked it, or that Blizzard thinks people care about story the most.

I have no problem with player caps since I'll be playing alone pretty much always. Naturally I also don't care about PvP.

>> No.8983103

As long as PvP is optional and mutual they shouldn't have removed it from the "normal game".

>> No.8983114

In Diablo 2 you could have been hostile'd by some random player whether you liked it or not. Hardly optional or mutual. There were people playing HC for the sole reason of killing others.

Could it have been made better for Diablo 3? I don't know but atleast now it's mutual and completely optional.

>> No.8983123

>In Diablo 2 you could have been hostile'd by some random player whether you liked it or not. Hardly optional or mutual. There were people playing HC for the sole reason of killing others.
I know, I wasn't talking about D2.

Now it's mutual and optional but somewhat outside of the game. It's better than nothing but I'm not a big fan of it.

>> No.8983127


It doesn't need to be optional.

Carebears go home. I miss the system in the first diablo where you could ganka poor sap any time you felt like. Online play is all about unpredictability, it's not suppossed to be about mundane tasks against AI.

I wishi I had gotten around to palying ultima online and the like, becuase that's how a game should be structured. You should be free in your online world.

>> No.8983134

I think I misread your earlier post.

But in Diablo 3 they made these PvP arenas, so they clearly care about PvP. The way it's done is just different from earlier games. In my mind it works since in the end there's no real difference in dueling outside the Rogue camp or dueling in an arena.

>> No.8983135

How are there replies to this. Stop disappointing me.

>> No.8983141


It doesn't need a source if you palyed diablo 2 the competitive atmosphere was obvious, and I wasn't just talking about PvP in itself, but it wasn't played level by level nearly ever. If you were on bnet 99% of the time you were rushing, or you could be screwing around in an unrelated game MFing perhaps, or just shooting the shit.

Hell even the idea that everyone gets their own loot kind of irks me to be honest the game is so casualzied it almost hurts. I was hyped for this piece of shit a few years ago, after nearly a decade of diablo 2 and everything about it is wrong as far as I see it.

>> No.8983146

Yeah don't get me wrong. I personally would love for it to be neither optional nor mutual but that's not how they're gonna make it. Thinking they would is just delusional.
