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8981862 No.8981862 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you getting swole?

The body get weak if the body don't move.


>> No.8981882

I cannot put on weight

>> No.8981886

I just started to do push-ups and sit-ups a couple weeks ago, put on about 10lbs and am gaining some muscle. Never thought it would be that easy.

I don't life though.

>> No.8981888

Today, I did:

ATG high-bar squats
Push Press
Power Cleans
Chest-supported rows

Olympic lifting is pretty cool. I plan on learning to clean and clean & jerk eventually. Unfortunately, I'm on a cut, making me weak and extremely prone to head rush and nausea during power maneuvers. Can't wait to bulk in autumn.

>> No.8981893
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>clean & jerk
This is a real exercise?

>> No.8981898

Yes. There is also the snatch, which is the other major Olympic lift.

>> No.8981899

after you do your clean and jerks with weights, you do it with your dick
you get maximum pump that way

>> No.8981903

This reminds me of going on /fit/ and finding out they're daily routine involves group orgasm in any topic revolving around that Zyzz person rather than actually training.

And no i don't lift. Why would I in this day and age of machines? I do cardio though because that's actually healthy.

>> No.8981911

Actually, /fit/ is all advice threads and greentext stories about going to the gym, fat people, and "feels". How could you think otherwise when zyzz is dead?

>> No.8981914
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Because I don't I want a strong body. I just want to die. I don't care about anything any more.

>> No.8981928


Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.8981930

So dark and edgy

>> No.8981931
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If I ever meet your nerd ass I'm gonna beat you black and blue.

>> No.8981933
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>> No.8981941

Zyzz is dead!?! Wow it must've been so hard on them.

>> No.8981944
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It's not dark and edgy if you're not pretending. It just becomes sad and pitiful.

>> No.8981954

He had an undiagnosed heart defect that was exacerbated when he was in a Thai sauna. Steroids and no cardio may have been involved.

>> No.8981958

So is the reason my muscles have been disappearing lately because I don't do anything besides sitting? My legs were not this skinny last year and my wrists and arms are getting bonier every day it seems.

>> No.8981965


I hate death...

Why can't we just never die, and live in a peaceful communist country, were personal freedom of choice is a relatively high priority.

Why can't my paradise exist?

>> No.8981970
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bcuz their is no god, lol

>> No.8981981

If history has shown anything it is that the human race loves conflict, violence and destruction. Eternal life would mean eternal war. Be glad death exists, for without death there can be no peace.

>> No.8981988


I hope you fucking die scum

>> No.8981994
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Do isometrics actually work?

I wish to follow the workout routine of the truNEET monk.

>> No.8981995


Shut up.


I'd rather live forever with no debilitating health problems, than die and face the unknown.

(that twilight zone episode)

>> No.8981997
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No kings or gods, only man.

>> No.8981999

You can get hemorrhoids if you sit around too much I hear.
Does this mean those hindu priests and buddhist satoris that sit around meditating every day are included as well though?

>> No.8982002


I wonder if you actually knows what qualifies a country as communist, and know the difference between facts from bullshit on this topic.

Yes I take non-serious post srs, deal with it, yuroshiku bitch.

>> No.8982007

I thought about it, but I think my frequent fapping beats down my testosterone... also, shitty diet

so I just go running every couple days

>> No.8982018


that feel when i kind of wanted to make a /jp/sie hemorrhoids general earlier today

also i actually got them from lifting (well holding in the massive shits that come with lifting) not sitting

what a bizarre coincidence that this all fits together in this thread

>> No.8982023


>Fapping lowes testoterone

Is that just bro-science or are you fureal pets?

>> No.8982024

Less testosterone is a good thing because that means you don't need as many diuretics when undergoing HRT.

>the unknown
I believe that death is the end. There is no evidence suggesting any other possibility despite the idea's cultural prevalence. It is often seen as negative because it is the end of life, but it is also the end of sadness, pain and suffering.

>> No.8982028


>> No.8982032
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My happiest days were when I was weight lifting and meditating every day.

I'm not even sure why I stopped. I think I got distracted by a 3DPD that attempted to seduce me over the internet. That fell through and I just never started it up again.

Time to get back on my regimen, /jp/. Gonna get swole and spiritually fit again.

>> No.8982035


>Less testosterone is a good thing because that means you don't need as many diuretics when undergoing HRT.

I guffawed a bit.

>I believe that death is the end. There is no evidence suggesting any other possibility despite the idea's cultural prevalence. It is often seen as negative because it is the end of life, but it is also the end of sadness, pain and suffering.

There is no evidence suggesting that death is the end, other then faith based beliefs, it's something impossible to know.

>but it is also the end of sadness, pain and suffering.

I don't know those feel.

>> No.8982037

Dear /jp/, today I woke up and did nothing much out of the ordinary. I lounged around in bed for a while and then got up and went outside to water my plants. I fed the cats after I got back inside. I ate Cheetos and simple microwaved cake with frosting for dinner. I drank 3 cans of Blue Raspberry pop.

>> No.8982041

Enjoy your diabetes

>> No.8982042


This summer, I'm growing kale, sweet/hot peppers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, strawberries, herbs, and eggplant.

Already got all the shit planted outside, I can't wait...

>> No.8982045

Well there's not much evidence of anything relating to what's before and after birth and death to my knowledge. Seems like we just start taking notes on a paper one day and then throw away the same notepad we've been scribbling on through life when we can no longer write.

>> No.8982046

>There is no evidence suggesting that death is the end, other then faith based beliefs, it's something impossible to know.
Unless you look at every single scrap of information we have about the human mind, right? Something as ludicrous as magical teleporting souls requires evidence. I guess there's no evidence suggesting that Santa Claus doesn't exist, either.

>> No.8982050

I do some of these everyday


>> No.8982052


Being a drunk is the key to spirituality.

Drink, let go of everything, turn your consciousness inwards, find the inner smile and find the revelations of cosmic humor and taking it easy.

>> No.8982057


Your perception of existence allowed you to form those thoughts.

Believing there isn't any chance of perception after death, is equally based on faith as the opposite view.

>> No.8982058

>There is no evidence suggesting that death is the end, other then faith based beliefs, it's something impossible to know.
Electrical activity in the brain stops entirely during death. Its hard to argue that isn't an indicator of the end, given the direct correlation between electrical activity in various regions of the brain and the conscious experience.

>I don't know those feel.
Then I am happy for you. In a perfect world, there would be suffering. Please understand that for some unfortunate individuals death is the only escape from sadness.

>> No.8982067

I agree with you.

You have folks like Dennet basically saying consciousness itself is an illusion in order to fit into reductionist and physicalist schools of thought instead of accepting evidence as it is.

You should read some Chalmers.

>> No.8982090

>no evidence
Apart from the whole 'the last 50 years of biology' thing.
If you ignore 50 years of neuroscience, biology and chemistry, then yes, there is no evidence.
There's like 1% of the evidence.

>> No.8982100


I'll say it again, your perception of existence created those beliefs, how ironic.

Show me the "scientific study" were they find the etiology of perception of existence, and explain how it works.

>> No.8982118

Such arguments are pointless, and ultimately completely meaningless.
They're advanced forms of denial.

>> No.8982132



Double standards...

>Such arguments are pointless, and ultimately completely meaningless.

Arguing about faith based beliefs, and asserting that you know things that are impossible to verify and know, is moot and arbitrary.

Why do you keep doing it?

>> No.8982141

There is life after death, it's just not the conscious life that you feel right now. There is no soul. Ego death is as much proof as I need of this.

There is nothing inside of you that can go to the afterlife. This sense of self, the "I" that you think you are is just an illusion and you can eventually feel this through meditation.

There is no death though because nothing really dies. Your atoms will continue to be recycled as you return to the earth and life goes on.

>> No.8982142

Your own argument relies on that you believe your own existence to even make the proposition.
Your own argument defeats itself, because the more meaningless you portray physical evidence the more meaningless your own argument becomes.
You can't invent meaninglessness and then fail to apply it to your own logic.

>> No.8982143

Not him, and I'm not trying to say there is life after death, however how non-physical conscious experience rises from completely physical forms is still completely unknown. Any attempt to pin it down refuses to acknowledge various aspects of conscious phenomena. We don't know enough about it to rule much out.

Conscious experience is obviously influenced by brain function, to what extent is still unknown.

>> No.8982146


I don't see how it's denial when I don't have any personal investment in whether life does or does not continue after biological death. Should death come, for the person dying it is a non-experience, while life is simply waking up to another day. At worst, you're just making an ad hominem.

>> No.8982149

> to what extent is still unknown.
Of course.
But you're not exactly expecting us to never ever be able to figure it out. It's just really damn complicated.

>> No.8982152

I have extreme doubt you have undergone ego-death by meditation on your own.

>> No.8982155


Even if neurology did claim to "discover" the etiology of perception of existence, and explain how it works.

It wouldn't matter because your perception of existence created neurology.

Do you see where this is going?

>> No.8982159

It's the denial of physical evidence in general. The denial of reality follows metaphysics- the physical evidence ceases to be relevant by some contrived logic- the logic of which you have to rely on the physical processes inside your brain to be correct (or any kind of metaphysical process) to actually trust in the conclusions. You cannot trust in your own brain's logic, but only in the physical world.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

>> No.8982160


Hallucinogenics are one quick method to achieve ego death, anon.

>> No.8982171


>undergone ego-death by meditation

That has been the traditional approach, but you can experience it through fasting, sleep deprivation, or drug use. Whatever option sounds most appealing to you.

>> No.8982174


Now that's just begging the question, since you assume that physical processes underlie consciousness as well as a priori logic being derived from physical facts in order to prove your point.

>> No.8982176

Sure, but you didn't mention hallucinogenics.

Honesty, the way you talk about it so lightly is what makes me skeptical you've experienced it.

Ego-death is always a temporary thing. The more layers of self you destroy the closer you come to finding the you that can't be destroyed. I forget who said that, Pema Chedron I think.

Anyway, Chogyan Trumpa is the master.

>> No.8982177

>Do you see where this is going?
I already did. Putting meaninglessness on things is meaningless.
Ironically enough, anyway. If you deny the physical reality you also have to deny yourself. And if you deny yourself, your argument is also denied- the 'because your perception of existence created neurology.' also applies to 'because your perception of existence created neurology.'
So basically;
Your perception of existence created your creation of perception of existence.
The thought that it doesn't matter because the perception of existence created your beliefs.
It's self-defeating. You either put your trust in physical processes or you don't exist.
This is where the denial comes in.

>> No.8982180

Yes I am well aware of that, notice I said "on your own" or something to that effect. Ego-death is an extreme crisis and you are more likely to wind up with severe schizophrenia than shrug it off an keep posting on /jp/.

>> No.8982182

Since the physical processes that govern my brain are founded in reality, and have meaning, so does the brain's logic pathways. Doesn't mean I can trust the conclusion, but I can at least trust that there are physical processes governing my thoughts, because to assume otherwise would be to invalidate the conclusion rather than loop it.
Circular, perhaps. But at least the circularity isn't self defeating.

>> No.8982202


Well, you could have situations that are not founded in reality (e.g., Russians invading the US), yet which may have meaning (in the sense of possible worlds), as well as situations found in reality yet have no meaning (e.g., a wholly private language).

Some Buddhist proverb comes to mind, along the lines of "there is thought but no one thinking, action but no one acting, etc.", and I do not see that sort of situation as necessarily contradictory, the same way one may gestalt paredoiliac patterns in inanimate objects to have some meaning.

>> No.8982205 [DELETED] 


>> No.8982207
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You guys please stop arguing about existentialism.

It doesn't even matter.

>> No.8982212

I don't care if I'm weak. As long as I can walk it's all good.

>> No.8982214

Nihilism sucks

>> No.8982221


>Ego-death is an extreme crisis and you are more likely to wind up with severe schizophrenia

Have you experienced it first hand? I experienced ego death through DMT. Ordered it over the internet awhile ago, never had any experience with hallucinogens before hand, took it without really researching very much about it, and was completely unprepared for how overwhelming it was. The ego death was temporary, but I experienced about three months of depersonalization after until things started to feel a bit more real again.

It wasn't some sort of horrible experience that would have made me schizophrenic though, but it opened up my eyes to how easily I could remove something as fundamental to my existence as my sense of self.

I would imagine that ego-death experienced through meditation would be much longer lasting since it's not induced through a fleeting drug experience.

>> No.8982234
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You have your own perceptions of reality, and you act on them. Everyone else does too. What is really "real"? Since it is impossible to know, it doesn't matter and you shouldn't worry about it.

Surely your reality gives you enough to worry about already. Mine sure does.

>> No.8982241
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>Chogyan Trumpa

The Keith Richards of Buddhism.

>in addition to alcohol, Trungpa used $40,000 a year worth of cocaine, and used Seconal to come down from the cocaine.
>Before his coming to America, Trungpa drove a sports car into a joke shop in Dumfries, Scotland. Some accounts ascribe the accident to drinking. According to Trungpa himself, he blacked out.
>He often combined drinking with teaching. However, in some instances he was too drunk to walk and had to be carried. Also, according to the Steinbecks, on a couple of occasions his speech was unintelligible.
>One woman reported serving him "big glasses of gin first thing in the morning."

>> No.8982272

it's the only logical conclusion.

>> No.8982276

Yeah none of those things really matter.

Go read Transcending Madness, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism and Path of the Sacred Warrior.

>> No.8982280

Dear god philosophy is such bullshit.

>> No.8982293

oh, meditation talk

i'm going to try this transcendental stuff along with;

i've heard mantras help a lot. any advice for an absolute beginner? ideally i'd like to attain this ego death thing eventually.

>> No.8982296
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>Path of the Sacred Warrior

I've read this and it was good. I prefer Alan Watts though. He's got that whole English hermit vibe going on and he has a nice, relaxing voice. His philosophy is also a lot easier to digest since he typically stays somewhere in between Hinduism and Buddhism, pulling practical insight from both and rarely going to either extreme.

>> No.8982315

I love Alan Watts as well.

At the end of the day, you have multiple people declaring their experience of what is really real, or as the case may be, not real. Better to take what's useful and figure the rest out yourself. There is never go to be a correct answer.

When it comes to the ego and ego-death, I have experienced but it was far more visceral than most people say. I came to my own conclusions owing to the insights of that experience. So for my opinion, the death of the ego could possibly be nothing more than a dream, given the ego appears to exist at other times. Or maybe only nothing is. Whatever, the best thing to my mind is to embrace not knowing about anything either way. Letting go and experiencing everything as it is, or appears, without judgement, finding basic goodness, not WORRYING, these are the things I got from it. But as you probably know there is more to it than what I'm saying and even saying these things doesn't really make sense in the same way to anyone other than myself. I find it too hard to put into words and talk about.

>> No.8982334

they're better than nothing
they work via resistance which is basically what weight lifting does, except you're using the ground or your body pushing against other parts of your body

>> No.8982362


>any advice for an absolute beginner?

Honestly, I think simplicity is the way to go, at least it was for me. There seems to be two schools of thought on meditation and other similar practices. It's either these very complex and elaborate rituals or it's just simple meditation, both achieve the same exact thing but it's just a matter of what approach is more appealing to you.

Personally I felt that all of the rituals and mantras and techniques became a distraction and I didn't really meditate as much as I just read about how to meditate.

It's really as simple as just sitting down in a comfortable place and experiencing the moment. Feel your breathing, hear whatever sounds may be nearby, and just experience the moment that you are currently in without making an effort to consciously think about any of it. If any thoughts pop up on their own then don't try to suppress them, just let them run their course.

Outdoor medication is also very enjoyable. Since I live next to a forest I love to sit outside and just meditate with my eyes open. You just take in the whole scene before you without consciously focusing on any particular detail. Feeling the wind against your face, the sound of the animals, the way the entire forest just seems to be dancing in the wind. Some days I can easily lose all perception of the passage of time and spend several hours out there.

>> No.8982367


>Outdoor medication


>> No.8982377

I agree with this guy. Start it simple. 10-20 minutes in the morning or whatever. Just do the basic stuff.

If you get interested in more spiritual side of things get some books on traditional Yoga like stuff by Patanjali and books on Buddhism.

Just don't do what I did and go deep into it head first. I meditated for nearly 5 days straight apart from sleeping. Not too highly recommended unless you want to completely change your life by flipping a coin on having a positive future vs being insane.

>> No.8982489

So is this my good morning thread or what?

>> No.8982501

Don't lift, /jp/. You'll never be a little girl if you become TANK HEAVYMUSCLE

>> No.8982513


True little girls are strong and brave.

>> No.8983787

Because I want to keep my svelte physique that makes both women and men lust after me.

>> No.8983789
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>> No.8983795

because its impossible to get jacked without steroids if you are over 6'

>> No.8983853


Maybe if you're an absolute little pussy that expects results the first week.

>> No.8983857

Why train without roids? They're harmless if you do research and get a proper PCT. I already did 2 cycles.

>> No.8983858

>>Unfortunately, I'm on a cut, making me weak and extremely prone to head rush and nausea during power maneuvers.

Eat the same and run more. If you do it right you'll still end up in the negative calories range, but without the goofy disney fatigue.

>> No.8983867

It looks like you've gotten too used to the taste of failure.

>> No.8983869

Because you will lose your gains when you cycle off and will need to keep using them your whole life to stay swole

>> No.8983871

What happened in Afghanistan?

>> No.8983876

>Because you will lose your gains when you cycle off
Nah, you will only lose your water gains. PCT helps to keep nearly all muscle gains. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8983880

Only if you're at least 6' 4". /fit/ has plenty of swole non-manlets.

>> No.8983881

With all this evidence you've been posting, it's clear you're a highly knowledgeable individual and not at all full of shit.

>> No.8983885

Because it isn't harmless. There's no magical fantasy pill/injection with zero side effects.

Think of it as making a deal with the devil: if you want something, then you gotta pay for it in some way. Nothing is free. He might not come to take what you owe him now, but he will later.

That said, I fully support steroids if you're a professional athlete and your livelihood depends on it. But for goofy hobbyist gym rats? Don't bother.

>> No.8983889

>you will lose your gains when you cycle off
Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.8983890 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8983894

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I alternate between jogging and sprinting for about 30 minutes after breakfast and I do:
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press / Press (Alternating)
Pull-ups: 3 sets
After dinner.

I'm mostly just trying to keep lean but the minimalist weight lifting coupled with my cardio keeps me from becoming a pudgy skinny fat.

>> No.8983905
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>> No.8983911

The hell it is. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Get to it.

>> No.8983922

Over 220 pounds and over 6' with only 16% bodyfat here

Currently Bearmode. All I have to do is cut to 11% and I will be swole as fuck without roids. You jelly?

>> No.8983965

That's such a bullshit misuse of the quote. Building muscle with steroids and then expecting those gains to evaporate is just as ridiculous a claim.

There's plenty of anecdotal evidence on your average steroid/bodybuilding forum. Why anecdotal? Because there are no scientific studies to evaluate this stuff since nobody will fund trials for recreational steroid use. As long as you don't go way beyond your genetic limit, you keep most of your gains. The only people who need to be cycling constantly are pro bodybuilders who have an extreme excess of mass.

gh15 approved

>> No.8983994

I am sorry that I enjoy being able to use my testicles too much to be impatient and use steroids for rapid muscle gain

>> No.8984002

That's why you research before roiding. Balls grow back after PCT.

>> No.8984007

>Balls grow back
Man, I was almost with you until this bullshit. You should have claimed that you'd grow a third nut or something. Lie big or don't lie at all.

>> No.8984011


>Nolvadex and Clomid are both fine choices for your PCT purpose; truly you only need one or the other. Both SERMs have the ability to greatly stimulate the release of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) thereby promoting the production of testosterone. As you understand testosterone is produced in the testicles and such production occurs due to the release of LH by the pituitary gland. When the pituitary releases LH this signals the testicles to begin producing testosterone; without LH there is no production and without production there is no testosterone.

So yes, PCT reverses testicular atrophy.

>> No.8984028

benefits of swole?

>> No.8984035

What kind of idiot would go to steroid.com and expect to find anything other than propaganda and bullshit?

>> No.8984037

Posing in front of the mirror
Feeling yourself up
Protecting your favorite 2hu

Unfortunately, it does nothing for crippling social anxiety.

>> No.8984054

Sadly it doesn't do shit for social anxiety.

But I'll be damned if I couldn't spend several minutes each day feeling my pecs, triceps and delts. Feels so nice

>> No.8984059

>Posing in front of the mirror
>Feeling yourself up

This is a lot more satisfying when you're an underweight lazy fuck.

>> No.8984064


>clomifene blocks estrogen action, leading to an increase of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.



Clomifene has both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties, but its precise mechanism of action has not been determined. Clomifene appears to stumulate the release of gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and leuteinizing hormone (LH), which leads to the development and maturation of ovarian follicle, ovulation, and subsequent development and function of the coprus luteum, thus resulting in pregnancy.

Anti-estrogen actions stop the side effects from aromatase processing of test. Then go read up on what effect the released gonadotropins have in males (hint: it's exactly what the steroids.com article says). You're just as much a victim of propaganda as you claim others are; you hide under a superficial layer of skepticism and pretend you're not being intellectually lazy and just trying to confirm your own preconceptions.

>> No.8984068

>Clomifene has both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties, but its precise mechanism of action has not been determined. Clomifene appears to stumulate the release of gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and leuteinizing hormone (LH), which leads to the development and maturation of ovarian follicle, ovulation, and subsequent development and function of the coprus luteum, thus resulting in pregnancy.

Whoops, forgot to greentext that bit.

>Was I quoting?

>> No.8984085

/fit/ go home


>> No.8984083

You have a lot of balls (except not really, because of the steroids) calling me lazy when you're the one juicing.

>> No.8984117

I'm not the other guy who's done cycles; there's two of us arguing against you. I'm personally against steroid use because I enjoy making my gains naturally, but I'm not retarded enough to deny the efficacy of steroids. Do whatever you need to do to salvage what little dignity you have remaining after being so incredibly buttdevastated.

But /jp/ is my home board. I've here since the split from /a/; I've just taken up lifting as a hobby since then.

>> No.8984144

>^everyone who is bigger then me is a obv juicer. Anyone smaller then me is a beta faggot

>> No.8984163

To be honest, you sound a lot more angry than I am. I don't deny the efficacy of steroids, you're just bringing in extraneous points to... artificially boost... your... oh.

Well, I guess it makes sense. Carry on.

>> No.8984166


>> No.8984245
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He's skinny as fuck with gyno. It's kind of funny and ironic he's singing about being swole and pumped.

>> No.8984280

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8984874


>Sadly it doesn't do shit for social anxiety.

Helped with my social anxiety, but that might be because I was just shy from being self-conscious about being fat.

Now that I'm swole I'm pumped up with testosterone and I feel much more confident.

>> No.8984965

But how can a NEET move?
