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8981409 No.8981409 [Reply] [Original]

What job can a skinny soon to be exNEET with no work experience realistically get without going to college? I want to move out and live on my own.

>> No.8981419

a job that requires no work experience or education

so shelf stocking or burger flipping or floor mopping

>> No.8981432

Either work OR enjoy Otaku stuff. Choose wisely.
Don't dare to come back if you choose to work. Get welfare instead damnit.

>> No.8981457

Retail is pretty much all you can do. Or some kind of physical labor, like in a factory.

Don't expect to live anything but extremely frugally. 400 dollar apartment with chump change left over for internet and food.

>> No.8981464

Stacking cans, flipping burgers, washing cars, etc.

>> No.8981473

Grocery stores usually pay enough to let you live on your own, but you'd be pretty broke.

>> No.8981480

Know any jobs that aren't shitty?

>> No.8981487

Start working on convenience store as cashier, or try customer service?

without qualifications or capital? Nope

>> No.8981484

That only works if you have connections, nepotism, or ambition

>> No.8981493


No, that's why people go to school. Every job is going to be shitty until it's in a career field you like.

The alternative is autism bux/SSI/welfare but it doesn't last forever so expect to get cut off or to kill yourself in the far future.

>> No.8981495
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If you get a job at Wal-mart, they'll help you get on food stamps so they can pay you less. Hatred of mankind is normal there.

>> No.8981503

You need to find something you can have a passion for, a service you can give people or someshit. You will have to start flipping burgers or something like that regardless though.

>> No.8981516

With no experience, no connections, no technical skills, no education, no social skills, no ambition nor motivation, those are the best you can get.

>> No.8981517

I work in fast food, but that was only after over a year of trying to find any other job but fast food. Unfortunately out of all the places I applied too they were the only one that took the bait. Whatever, money is money I suppose.

>> No.8981521

It's not even worth working at minimum wage.

Terms like "wage slaves" and other such things exist for a reason. You can barely afford to live, and your life will be much like a slave in these trash jobs. There's a horrible gray area surrounding near-poverty-level jobs, you can't quit your job because you can't live, and you can't get better jobs because your job is shit.

Just go to trade school. If you live in Canada or many EU countries, get financial assistance to pay for your schooling. If you live in the US, walk into a bank and suck their dicks so hard until you get a loan for school. All you need is 1 year in trades.

If you can't do that, go homeless and volunteer / do non-profit work. Tell people there that you desperately need a job. I'm acquainted with two people who utilized this method and landed $15-25/hr jobs. You can live in veritable luxury at $25/hr compared to $8/hr. Going to trade school is a better plan though.

>> No.8981526

Write a book.

>> No.8981529

Get a rich guy to knock you up.

>> No.8981541

Go to a trade school for a few semesters, become an electrician. Very minimal human interaction and the pay is not bad (assuming you work for yourself)

>> No.8981544

You can probably can try starring in some fetish porn flick, like an anorexia one or a fatass one. If you are one of those floorshittier/pissbottlers you can try scat too.

>> No.8981547

Find an office or warehouse-based temp agency. Only looking for jobs at retail chains is for 17 year old kids.

>> No.8981559
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OP, you can become a professional Revolutionary. You can join a far-Left group and work your way to their newspaper. This of course means you will spend your days reading books and print works about the revolution, talking to workers and joining strikes. Your best bet about moving out will be to share an apartment with your comrades (who are probably also broke as fuck)

>> No.8981564

Can a holocaust level skinny person like myself even eligible for volunteer work?

I look like a meth-addled holocaust survivor so I might scare them away. I've never done any drugs or alcohol though.

If I volunteer, will it increase my chances of getting hired?

>> No.8981569


Not OP but I'm in the same boat and I like your suggestion. Getting sick of my parents always bitching and saying "consiga un trabajo."

>> No.8981576


>> No.8981575

Volunteer work is nice. I did it a bit awhile back (fire dept.).
I actually enjoyed it more than work I get paid for...Only I didn't get paid for it.

>> No.8981586


Is there a large demand for electricians in southern california?

>> No.8981592

It's a nice thing to do. Might even make a few friends. Your teachers will almost always know people in the field to help get you started at a job after you get out. Might even get lucky enough to get on with a job while you're taking classes.
Electrician work is always needed and not many want to do it for some reason.

>> No.8981607

I don't know of anywhere electricians aren't constantly needed.

>> No.8981614


I might go with it. It's been really bad lately, I'm getting desperate. Thanks, loco.

>> No.8981681

Working trades is a pretty good life, especially compared to the shit that so many people put up with for worse wages. The maximum potential is far lower than what universities COULD get you into ($100+/hr), but it's also leagues better than minimum wage and some skilled trades can get you easily $50+/hr, thought it's often sporadic work (i.e. visiting a house to set up x / repair x) but you might get to work your own hours.

Other types include furnace/AC technicians, plumbing, etc. Stay away from hobby-ish ones like car maintenance and such, those are too popular and often don't pay the same.

>> No.8982033
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What can an autistic lazy truNEET shut-in like myself do for some money?

>> No.8982096

Join the military.

>Food, housing, everything paid for
>Job security
>When you're done, you can go to school for free or use your experience to work anywhere

>> No.8982101

Get out of /jp/ tardo military scum

>> No.8982103


Joining the military would not be a very healthy choice for the standard unmotivated, weak-willed "take it easy" /jp/er.

>> No.8982105
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You could get a sugar daddy that likes frail boyish looking men with poor hygiene.

>> No.8982108
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>Join the military

>When you're done

>> No.8982110

better than flipping burgers IMO

>> No.8982116

How about creating a botnet?

Easy as fuck money.

>> No.8982119
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>boyish looking

None here, how about boyish acting?

>> No.8982120

Never join the military. Don't even entertain the thought.

>> No.8982124 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 206x317, what is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys look like, exactly?

I always imagine /jp/ers as looking like unkempt skinny boyish looking men.

>> No.8982125


because >>8982108

>> No.8982129

I look like vincent volaju

>> No.8982131
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Bald, ancient, tree-like sages

>> No.8982135


Also, the janitor is deleting all my posts...

>> No.8983651

Go back to your homework, kid.
