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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 479 KB, 736x561, 1336032334763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8980396 No.8980396 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8980399
File: 91 KB, 800x635, Wapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this image once.

>> No.8980403

how old is this image anyway?

>> No.8980402
File: 297 KB, 1357x1442, HOW TO POST ON JP REVISED 2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMPORTANT: Please read before making any new threads on /jp/.

>> No.8980405

who the fuck doesn't understand that 4chan was originally an anime board

>> No.8980404

I don't like how that image misspells "weeaboo".

>> No.8980409

Going by the boards, 2008? Not that long ago.

>> No.8980415

This always bugs me. I guess it's an easy word to misspell, but it should be engraved in your brain by now.

>> No.8980416
File: 141 KB, 601x800, aya thought urg....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only one who posts those Aya pictures. I'm part of a guide to shitposting.
I'm not sure how to feel about this...

>> No.8980449

Most people propably know that but then, they're not in a position to care.

>> No.8981243

I actually didn't mean to make a new thread. My Internet isn't working and I didn't see that it redirected me to page 0.

>> No.8981856 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 135x180, 1 (77).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umad weebs

>> No.8981868
File: 392 KB, 1259x576, weeaboo site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer than this one.

>> No.8981892



>> No.8981905

I like the response picture that goes something like

"you have 15 boards to post anime on, this isn't one of them"

>> No.8981910

Well, that's quite a BURN.

>> No.8981925

Almost everyone on 4chan.

>> No.8981934
File: 1.32 MB, 1448x2492, 1314843878878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8981968

/b/ was Anime and Random years ago

>> No.8981985
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>> No.8982004
File: 265 KB, 1080x1080, silly hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982095

And yet you have hundreds of other sites you could post your topics on and yet you had to make them on here on 4chan which was originally an anime board.

>> No.8982126
File: 36 KB, 508x487, assburger 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just said I liked the response not that I agree with it. I post loli on /g/ and off topic shit on /jp/ all the time, I don't give a fuck. I still think that's a good response though.

>> No.8982139

where's cheshire cat

>> No.8982145


>> No.8982154

there should not be a need of a fucking /sp/ /soc/ /r9k/ and the likes on here. its already bad enough. might as well add /socialnetwork/ and /reddit/ and be done with it

>> No.8982156

> off topic shit on /jp/
No such thing

>> No.8982168

There are hundreds of other anime sites you could post your topics on that have been around since before 4chan

>> No.8982173

except 4chan was for anime as well.

>> No.8982184

So what

>> No.8982200


/sp/ is probably one of the best additions moot has made to the site as far generating memes and original content goes.

Also pretty sure Japanese imageboards have had sports orientated boards since forever, you're being retarded.

/soc/ was added to alleviate camwhoring on every other board and is a necessary evil. you're either an incredibly sheltered /jp/sie or a newfriend if you don't realize just how necessary /soc/ is for maintaining the quality of the rest of the site.

/r9k/ is simply a board where you can't post the same thing twice. you can't really get mad at it for becoming what it is today since it was an experiment in the first place. a board with no defined purpose that ended up sucking. the way you word it implies that it was some sort of defined normalfag relationship palace right from the start.

>> No.8982206 [DELETED] 


>> No.8982210

/sp/ good? you need some more TORRES dude.

>> No.8982216


What's wrong with sports?

And who really gives a fuck? It's moot's site. If he wanted it to remain Japanese oriented, he would have kept it that way. If he wants a return it to that, he could do it any time. And the site is still heavily Japanese oriented and he hasn't actively worked against that, even if he cares less about anime.

>> No.8982219


i don't even go to /sp/ or watch sports.

>> No.8982220


I think the ultimate irony of 4chan is that its resident respective boards are essentially created in order to keep shit out of other boards which are shit in the first place, resulting in an amalgamation of shit boards which are superficially separated but still ultimately remain shit.

>> No.8982237


that's hardly ironic let alone "the ultimate irony of 4chan"

boards filled with shit get sub boards added to alleviate some of the shit

it also works too and we're all still posting anyway

>> No.8982261

>/sp/ is probably one of the best additions moot has made to the site as far generating memes and original content goes.
Wholly subjective, don't care for sports, don't care for their memes.

>> No.8982270


It's ironic by the fact that we still continue to post despite that very obvious fact. Get on my level.

>> No.8982288


>Wholly subjective

How is it subjective in the least? Looking at their raw influence on the rest of the site regarding memes and OC they're likely number 1.

And that sort of creativity is infectious, they've been a hugely positive force for the rest of the site in this regard.


If the boards I still posted on were truly shit then I wouldn't still be posting or more likely I continue to post on them because they're a special kind of shit that I've grown accustomed to. Your idea of some mass irony still sounds hamfisted as fuck to me.

>> No.8982302

Oh please. There's probably more /jp/ material on /sp/ than the other way around.

>> No.8982308


Most of the type of content /sp/ exports doesn't find resonance on /jp/ (which is a very small inclusive community anyway) that however does not disprove my claim that they've been the most influential board on the site over the last couple years.

>> No.8982316


> I continue to post on them because they're a special kind of shit that I've grown accustomed to.

There. You just saved me an explanation. Though, it seems like you do not know what "ironic" means, as is typical of literal-minded autists. Moving along now.

>> No.8982324

>a special kind of shit that I've grown accustomed to

This sounds about right to me.

The only reason I'm still coming here after almost a decade is familiarity. The fact that we can say just about anything we want without having to answer for it is what makes this place so great and it helps to keep this in mind when I'm waist deep in shitposts. For anyone who feels differently, try being yourself on a forum with mods and names and overzealous rules that are actually enforced.

>> No.8982341


You're being melodramatic. Go check out some other discussion based websites or even some smaller chans. I use both and still post on here so it can't be that bad. Complaining about stuff and doing nothing about it is human nature. It's not some great irony that's exclusive to 4chan.

>> No.8982349

>Most of the type of content /sp/ exports doesn't find resonance on /jp/

Most of the type of content /sp/ "exports" (not) doesn't find resonance on the majority of 4chan. That's kind of my point.

And I really don't want to sound like I'm praising our shitposters, but unfortunately the kind of meta shit they're throwing around is pretty universal at least 4chan-wise and has a pretty good tracking record in spreading to other boards.

>> No.8982359

I take it you don't leave /jp/ very often. Quite a few of the boards are filled with normal people.

>> No.8982366

Every board except /jp/ is full of normal people. Hell, even /jp/ has fallen already.

>> No.8982380


>Most of the type of content /sp/ "exports" (not) doesn't find resonance on the majority of 4chan

The majority of 4chan is /b/, /v/, & /a/ which are full of /sp/ shit, which is also on most of the the other higher traffic boards

I don't know why you're so rigidly against admitting to the fact that /sp/ has been a well of creativity and thus a positive influence on the site as a whole.

>> No.8982391

>Looking at their raw influence on the rest of the site regarding memes and OC they're likely number 1.

I must be living under a rock, because I don't see any of their influence anywhere despite one or other thing.

>> No.8982399
File: 70 KB, 500x628, 1334469153403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982400

>I don't know why are you so rigidly against me saying something untrue.

It's my autism, sorry.

Also, it's more like /sp/ is full of /a/b/v/ shit than the other way around.

>> No.8982420


Alright how bout this, which board do you think is the most influential on the site? The board whose culture and memes have had widespread effect on the rest of the boards. Because over the last couple of years it certainly hasn't been /a/, /b/, or /v/

>> No.8982433

Not the guy you're talking to, but I'd say it's a mix of /r9k/ and /v/, with some influence from other chans (namely kraut). Or at least I feel the chan hasn't evolved very much since the advent of greentext stories.

>> No.8982447

I thought costanza started with /ck/ and ketchups in fridges.

>> No.8982461

-who are you quoting
-touhou hijack
-bkub chen
-x is a slut
-daily dose
-u mad. buttfrustrated, coloncrunched unlimited text captions
-please respond
-get out of ____
-all sort of copy pasta ie ken-sama, i still laugh at how 4chan.....

These are all bad things.

>> No.8982465

I can't speak for the boards I don't browse (I don't know what happens on /b/ at all nowadays, for example). But as for /sp/, I'd say they mostly get their shit from /v/.

And /a/ is actually influenced by /jp/ in a huge part recently (even beyond "memes"), so bringing it up does not help your point at all.

>> No.8982474

>And /a/ is actually influenced by /jp/ in a huge part recently (even beyond "memes")
Curious, what do you mean exactly?

>> No.8982503

Can't think of specific examples now, but there's something about the general attitude of some of /a/ posters that reminds me of /jp/ (well, at least /jp/ from some time ago, not the current "random shitposts general" one). Oh, and I've even seen /jp/ trolls reposted on /a/ (instead of the other way around) recently.

>> No.8982538


How has /r9k/ influenced anything? What culture or memes have they exported to the rest of the site? Also I'm talking about current status of late (as in the last couple years) /r9k/ and /v/ haven't contributed much lately where as /sp/ has.

>with some influence from other chans

You're 100% correct about this though.


>who are you quoting

has this actually caught on anywhere? I'm hesitant to say no where because I haven't been to /a/ in a while but last time I checked it was an in-joke between fellow /jp/ expatriates when used off-board, not something that's actually caught on elsewhere.

>touhou hijack

huh? touhou hijacks entirely predate /jp/s existence as a board, are you really calling that a "/jp/ meme" simply because it's touhou related?

>x is a slut

no one says this but /a/ and /jp/

>daily dose

that's a /v/ meme...

>please respond

/jp/ didn't make this, in fact i think you'd be hard pressed to prove anyone did since it's actually said on a day to day basis by regular people without a hint of irony

>-get out of ____

get out of where? i've never seen anyone use this but /jp/ and with the mention of /jp/ on other boards.

I'll give you these:

>bkub chen
>u mad. buttfrustrated, coloncrunched unlimited text captions

and some of these:

>all sort of copy pasta ie ken-sama, i still laugh at how 4chan.....

but ultimately you're not only confused about what /jp/ has contributed to 4chan but also of the worth of that content abroad.

>> No.8982554
File: 61 KB, 469x592, 1334312611550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


O god, you really don't know the origin of "please respond"?

Pic related.

>> No.8982561

>/jp/ didn't make this, in fact i think you'd be hard pressed to prove anyone did since it's actually said on a day to day basis by regular people without a hint of irony
Some finfag. And guess where all these fucking finnish shitposters flock to?

>> No.8982560

"Who are you quoting" has gotten people banned on other boards

>> No.8982565

Greentext stories originate from /r9k/, as far as I know.

>> No.8982582

Board culture and memes are for fags

>> No.8982593

>/jp/ didn't make this, in fact i think you'd be hard pressed to prove anyone did since it's actually said on a day to day basis by regular people without a hint of irony

People used to bump threads before please respond.

>> No.8982603

-madotsuki puke
-daily dose their way into 4chan banner
-without /jp/ there wouldnt be a thing called ghost board

>> No.8982610

This thread a shit.

>> No.8982614


It's true that it started with ketchup in the fridge, but it still started in /sp/. The other big meme /sp/ made was the WHY guy. I think "my face when" was started by /v/, but "mfw" was /sp/, since "My face when" posts had overrun /sp/ so badly that it got you banned, so they created mfw to get around it, and this spread to other boards, despite "my face when" not being a bannable offense in other places.

>> No.8982615

It went like this:

people bumping their own threads on faster boards once they fall down a few pages -> people from faster boards coming to /jp/ and doing the same -> trolls "bumping" other people's threads after a few minutes -> "please respond"

I doubt it will catch up on other boards, at least not the bigger ones, it doesn't make much sense there.

>> No.8982630


that's not the origin because there is no origin. people have been saying please respond over text in an act of desperation since the dawn of the internet and people have used the phrase to comedic effect for almost as long. the recent popularity of the phrase on 4chan is due to pictures like that but you can't seriously pinpoint one of them and say this is the origin because the joke itself is simple observational humour.


>And guess where all these fucking finnish shitposters flock to?

almost everyone on /jp/ posting finnish memes is a non-finn. those memes have been around for ages on finnish chans and are just now being picked up and spammed by the rest of the world. also true finnish shit posters are almost always young kids who can't speak english so they remain almost entirely on the finnish chans. /jp/ actually has a very high concentration of quality fiinnish posters but they don't make themselves known by virtue of being quality posters.


this is a difficult one to pin down and i honestly don't know who to credit. obviously /r9k/ has the most of it and for a while people were redirected there when it was first getting started but it feels weird in my mind to say /r9k/ invented it. regardless i'm not talking about what /r9k/ came up with 4 years ago but when they've come up with lately, particularly since being reopened.

>> No.8982642
File: 104 KB, 1199x898, 1325574022076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys guys I have an idea! To restore /jp/'s honour.

LET'S ... export Flanfly!

At 2 AM we strike /b/!

>> No.8982653

we've already "raided" /b/ once before

and flanfly is already "exported" on /a/ and /v/, it just isn't posted everyday. but when it is posted, people spam "WHATA FUCK MAN xD" and "best time of day flannally come!" etc.

>> No.8982659


Raiding /b/ is like pissing into an ocean of piss.

>> No.8982662

You've told me this before, the last time I've posted this link. You don't have to remind me again.

>> No.8982668

Everything on /jp/ has been exported in 1form or another.
I have seen picture of Marisa being replaced by Mugi.
Yume nikki got another huge popularity boost since 2007.
I think the only thing left is nokosage and sage since it doesnt really work on other board besides /jp/ or portal thread or saten glory hole thread.

>> No.8982693

and by the way, the original raid thread from /jp/ is at

anticipating "hurr foolz no thank you" spammer in 3, 2...

>> No.8982705

Sage does absolutely nothing, not even on /jp/

>> No.8982731

Sage was a somewhat meaningful insult back when the bump limit was 100. Now, people who attempt to destroy a thread with sages has to get it up to what, 500 posts? In which case the thread was a massive success already. Now sage is a purely symbolic insult.

And yes I know what the "real" purpose for sage is god damn it!

>> No.8982741

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.8982765
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sp/ is probably one of the best additions moot has made to the site as far generating memes and original content goes.

But seriously, /sp/ being terrible is more a reflection on how badly degraded our userbase was, not on the concept in general. There are sports related things that might be nice to discuss, like the 2008 Chinese gymnastics team (all of legal age, the Chinese government agreed, don't bother them about it).

>> No.8982815

>almost everyone on /jp/ posting finnish memes is a non-finn.
Yeah, they're mostly krautchan faggots. For a non-Finn, the simplest way to tell this is whether they use ü.
