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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8975461 No.8975461 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the reason people like Touhou? The fanbase is so terrible with most of Touhou crap being shitty remixes of the original horn bgm. Also the series is just full of loli lesbians. No males allowed. The games aren't harder than any other shmup. How could any regular person get into this idea of Touhou?

>> No.8975483

>How could any regular person get into this idea of Touhou?

>> No.8975489

>full of loli lesbians
>loli lesbians
>How could any regular person get into this idea of Touhou?

You gay bro?

>> No.8975484


But the music is amazing, so fuck you.

>> No.8975486
File: 444 KB, 690x1346, 1a640298f66c228fae7e82da618d0cd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn porn porn porn porn
All my fetishes are pleased with dozens of ero doujins released all the time.
I don't even play the games, just come to /jp/ and talk about all the lewd and dirty things I can do to the girls, while posting pictures of them in provocative poses or being filled with dick.

The music is okay.

>> No.8975495

i watched bad apple and thought it was hella cool.

u.n was her is also nice

>> No.8975501

Ronald McDonald personally endorsed it.

>> No.8975506

I sincerely can't tell if these kind of posts are serious or trolls because it seems most of you faggots are like this.

>> No.8975503

there are boards for normal people you know. off with you...

>> No.8975504

I really didn't have anything else to do when I discovered it. Why do you care? No one is making you like it.

>> No.8975513

I really like the music of Touhou, the universe is very interesting and is very very extensive. I also enjoy the characters. I am also annoyed by the fact that there are too many female characters ( I do love their dresses, and their personalities, but I just would like some kind of "realism" in biological terms ). I also enjoy the games. Mario is not a hard platform series, and there are many other harder platform games, yet people play it. Because, you know why? Because FUN things are FUN

>> No.8975515

Getting into touhou just for the porn is kind of retarded. It's just a plus.

He's probably serious.

>> No.8975514

I don't see your problem. The porn is a HUGE part of Touhou. Have you just been unaware of that all this time...?

>> No.8975524
File: 64 KB, 300x300, osaka_doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty

>> No.8975559

I'm not unaware you fucking faggot, but there are these people who see touhou just a fap material, that's stupid. Though you are probably a fucking tertiary like the guy I quoted so I'll not even waste my time talking to scum like you.

>> No.8975571
File: 230 KB, 1421x1931, 1301286626099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While /jp/ may give troll responses about what's liked about Touhou, they'll also go into deep meta-conversation about the setting, characters, or stories whenever a new official work is released.

I think the series has huge setting potential and really admire ZUN for putting as much thought into it as he does, even if he himself says to not take it too seriously. Maybe there are 'better' things out there, but Touhou is just comfortably enjoyable.

>> No.8975586

Why do you care that other people are unable to appreciate what a fucking masterpiece Touhou is like you do?

>> No.8975594

It's a fun setting with cute characters. It's PERFECT for porn.

Don't get me wrong--I got into Touhou through the games. I have played them all and read all the translated printed stuff. But complaining about liking Touhou because of the porn is like complaining that someone liked LoGH because of the anime or something.

>> No.8975601

>>The games arent harder than any other shmup

I dont play the games much except for Easy mode, so this argument is rather invalid.

The original BGM is a masterpiece, the setting of the world of Gensokyo is surreal, I am not gay so yuri loli amuses me.

And the fanbase has somehow make Touhou better, a surprise since most fanbase makes things worse.

>> No.8975608
File: 13 KB, 220x324, some old guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about your likes and dislikes OP

>> No.8975627

>Also the series is just full of loli lesbians

As it should be. Also futas.

>> No.8975686
File: 42 KB, 500x552, shitnatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this thread deleted, and why do you reply to it ?
This is now a yuru yuri thread because fuck you.

>> No.8975775
File: 77 KB, 399x654, 9e0d9a7b8688058ef542399f8a68cef7ba8aabc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8975799

tutorial for touhouism. It's the reason /jp/ was born.
