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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 279x400, 3992812094_40714c7645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8971553 No.8971553 [Reply] [Original]

When you see it...

>> No.8971563
File: 104 KB, 356x456, 6 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see it
pls tell me anyway

>> No.8971568


read the shirt

>> No.8971575

LOL i get it.

>> No.8971574

translate it, weaboo.

>> No.8971576

ex: じろう

>> No.8971581

>visits /jp/
>can read Japanese

Pick one

>> No.8971589

Who the FUCK are you quoting?

>> No.8971593 [DELETED] 


saging the thread because one retard came along and shat on it

>> No.8971592

>not having Rakaichan installed
>>8971576 pretty much fed the joke to you and you still can't manage it.
inb4 who are you quoting?

>> No.8971595

You must be new here.

>> No.8971596

No problem fagnerd.

>> No.8971609

>saging the thread
what does that even mean?

>> No.8971615

you have a problem with sage?

>> No.8971623

This was posted on Hanzismatter's blog? I think I remember this kid. The 'EpIC k00L sam-yuu-rye'.

That said, I've never really understood how the fuckers making this shirt could confuse 痔 and 侍 (or maybe even 時), seeing as they don't look even remotely similar if you can't read moon. They're all pronounced じ, but how would they even know that?

Maybe it's one of those those tricks the Japanese like to play on dirty Gaijins, like that girl who walked into a tattoo parlour hoping to receive 'I love Naruto' and instead getting 'I am a whore' a few years back.

>> No.8971630

>Thinks 'SAYJE' is an English verb he can append a gerund to

>> No.8971647

I thought the most common mistake was 待 instead of 侍

>> No.8971671

What an odd thing to put on your shirt.

>> No.8971669
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1335844371721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought the most common mistake was 待 instead of 侍

Just looking at the character, you're probably right; so why hasn't this been done here, I wonder? We might point out that it can't be pronounced as じ like the other ones, but then again, most character dictionaries (where you'd assume they'd be looking, seeing as everybody knows how to spell samurai even if they can't pronounce it properly) I've ever seen are sorted by leftmost 'radical'. Theoretically, 寺,侍,待,時, and 痔 should be nowhere near each other in it.

I reckon this has to be a joke, personally.

>> No.8971675

i guess that's why he's standing up.

>> No.8971677 [DELETED] 


You're late as usual, /jp/.

>> No.8971683

Well, I just learned a new kanji. Thanks, /jp/.

Deck updated, I guess it's time to do my reps now.

>> No.8971722
File: 70 KB, 1024x576, Nitori and Youmu in the sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes I mistake 待 for 持. But usually I can tell for the context.


>I reckon this has to be a joke, personally.

Well, 侍 特 待 and 持 are pretty alike, but 痔 is too different. If the guy isn't joking someone fooled him.

>> No.8971733

I'd wear this for the irony

>> No.8971753

This inspires me. I'm using the phrase sageteru from now on.

>> No.8972193

Oh, I see, you sageteried the topic. Cool.

>> No.8973349

I'm ageteruering you're thread. You mad dudes?

>> No.8973373

Maybe he is Osaka's fan.

>> No.8973413


It's shitposting even if you are ironic, あー のー っん 君。

>> No.8973469

What, the guy with the super low hanging backpack in the background? What the hell does he have in there that makes it sag so low?

>> No.8973514

This one time some kids at school asked if they could use my bag to help them carry something home and they knew I was passive and subservient so they said, "Okay we'll put it in over there," where I couldn't see and they did then my bag was super heavy all day and when I was walking home with them they were laughing at me struggling but I didn't want to open my bag because I was scared then they asked if I could leave it at my house so I took it home and opened it and it was a bunch of bricks.

>> No.8973550

It's a fashion statement in some high schools. It shows how much they don't care about health and other stuff that are inferior too coolness.

>> No.8973586

Just like in the late 90's
I had hope this fad would have died.

>> No.8973654
File: 189 KB, 777x878, ss (2012-05-07 at 02.11.27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, OP, it took you long enough.

>> No.8973662
File: 220 KB, 1280x1024, ss (2012-04-26 at 06.08.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beta as fuck.

>> No.8973666

I wonder if it was intentional.

I know some Chinese tattoo artists sometimes do this on purpose. The dicks.

>> No.8973676

The people in this thread...not knowing what sage actually means.

We're the board that actually uses sage correctly, if you think its to "report to admins" or otherwise "mark a thread as bad" thats not how its used, get the fuck out of jp.

>> No.8973687

pipe down underage sagefucker

>> No.8973693

>actually old as fuck

Thank you...

>> No.8973700

>What the hell does he have in there that makes it sag so low?

A little girl. Every sane man should carry a loli with him. In case that an old hag tries to violate you, you can molest your personal loli to resist her lewd temptations.

>> No.8973802

Cool, bricks are expensive.

>> No.8973820

Why aren't you using sage, then? Did you think your post warranted the attention of the whole board? That your inane ramblings were so worthy of being brought to the top of the front page? Or perhaps you're using "nokosage", which is even worse?

Fucking hypocrite. You aren't using sage the proper/2channel/text board/whatever way, you're using it the, "I want to be as un-/b/ as possible!" way.

>> No.8973837

>nokosage, which is worse
I don't know what you're talking about. nokosage is always the best choice because you sage the thread without aspies arguing over what sage means.

>> No.8973846

No, you end up saging the thread but still starting an argument about how you didn't sage.

>> No.8973859

It generally causes less arguments, you can usually find out since /jp/ has such a slow post rate.
Though I do remember making a noko-sage post a few times, only for some faggot to post a "test" reply right after, then delete his post as soon as he could, to try and make it look like "I" was the one who had bumped. Fortunately, the deletion wait count is long enough for the archive to pick it up if a faggot tries this.

>> No.8973870

*find out that the post was saged; I should have made clearer.

>> No.8973871


>> No.8973879

We're meant to be making an example here!
The fun of saging is showing everyone how mature and cool you are!

>> No.8973886


But a proper use of the sage function is encouraged here.

Like when you post something unrelated to the topic (like arguing about sage), or make an unrelated comment, or simply something what don't add anything meaningful to the tread.

>> No.8973898

What you seem to forget is that noko+sage redirects you to the thread, something that sage alone doesn't provide. You might scoff, but it's a valuable tool when you're in a sage discussion in Page 3.
In my opinion, since sage is more about not wanting to bump the thread with your contribution, rather than showing everyone that you did just that, I'm okay with using nokosage at all times, bumping only in special occasions. I get that there's still a place for regular sage, specially in showing how our board culture differs from the rest of 4chan, but for actual use I prefer nokosage.

>> No.8973903

Shouldn't it be 下った?

>> No.8973904

If a single person ages the thread after you have used nokosage, then there is no reason not to assume you aged it too. And that matters. Maybe not in your personal view of the board where you know you didn't bump, but in everyone else's where they think you did.

>> No.8973908

Why don't you just use an extension?
Christ, quick reply doesn't make you leave the thread.

>> No.8973912


Everything that needs to be said.

>> No.8973924

Sup Robert

>> No.8973921


Is a loan word, so type it in English, you weeaboo.

>> No.8973930

Or you could just use the catalog to open the thread again.

>> No.8973935

Quick replies, the back button, the catalog. Use any of these and more you stupid fuck.

>> No.8973955


>> No.8973968

Not everyone who browses/knows about text boards is Tokiko. A sizeable portion of /jp/ has done since long before he arrived here.

>> No.8973985

I "check back" on threads. My general process is this:

1. Find a thread.
2. Oh, I have something to post.
3a. This could be useful, I'll bump.
3b. This is a silly comment, I'll sage.
4. Back to the front page, let's find another thread to read!

Giving how bumping and pages and stuff work, I've always figured this is how 2channel-style boards are intended to be browsed. Of course even 2channel has its own crazy browsers and extensions and stuff, but I've never understood them. People have scripts to refresh threads so they can view new posts in real time or whatever? That's stupid.

>> No.8974008

Thats like 4chan x. If you browse 4chan without extensions then you're fucking out of it man. Try them for a week, you'll wonder how you ever got by without them.

>> No.8974023

I did, I didn't like it. I hate change. I like the way pages and things on the site as-is work. Sure people don't use them "as they should be", but I'm not going out of my way to fix that. I'm fine with it. And never have I been about to click a link to a post when I've thought, "Darn, I wish I could see this without having to press my mouse button."

Again, I know these exist and I don't have a problem if everyone but me uses 4chan X or whatever. Just don't expect everyone else to (assume everyone is browsing "vanilla", maybe) and don't do stupid things like that one extension that made a cat appear if you put "neko" in the name field. That's AOL/MSN COOL FREE GLITTER-tier trash.
