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8970943 No.8970943 [Reply] [Original]

Wait so, Rider says that servants are summoned based on which is most similar to their master, e.g. Saber to Shirou because both have a strong sense of morality, Rider to Sakura because neither talks a lot, but then how does this make sense for Ilya and Rin? Is it because both Archer and Rin wear red, does that make them compatible beings?

I think I might have spotted a plot hole in nasu's writing.

>> No.8970951

Rin got Archer because she secretly wants a man to jam it in

Ilya, I don't know.

>> No.8970950


>> No.8970954

Hurrrrr durrrrrrrr

Shirou had Avalon as catalyzer, Rin the jewel that saved Emiya's life, Rider: No fucking idea or I missed it, Illya go Basaka because she dreamt of having a big, fat rocky cock in between her legs.

>> No.8970956
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>Wait so, Rider says that servants are summoned based on which is most similar to their master,

This only applies to people who summon a hero without a Catalyst to choose specifically.

Shirou had Avalon within him that acted as a catalyst for Saber. Technically the magic circle used to summon Saber was connected to her as well (she helped create it in the 4th war).

Rin accidentally used what would become a catalyst for the heroic spirit EMIYA, the pendant that Archer carried his entire life.

The complete description for Berserker's axe-sword says that the Einzberns made a full-blown temple to Herakles to make sure they got the right servant. This was their catalyst. His weapon is part of the temple's foundations.

>> No.8970958

A catalyst has more of an affect.

Rin and Ilya had catalysts to summon Archer and Hercules

>> No.8970962
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Also, from Fate/complete material III, regarding Rider and the rest. They did not show up in the story.

Catalyst list:
Medusa: Mirror dug up from a temple in Eritrea. An item with ties to an old Earth goddess of Greece.
Medea: Literature, from Colchis, with ties to Medea .
Kojirou: The mountain gate.
Hasan: Since Hasan is the origin of the word Assassin, the class of Assassin itself is Hassan's catalyst.
Chu Chulainn: A jewel on which is engraved an original rune inscribed by Chu Chulainn. It had been crafted into earrings.

>> No.8970972


You mean you don't think Ilya would be a mad little berserker? She wants to crush niggas with brute force, just like Hercules.

>> No.8970975

Both Ilya and Heracles had brothers who were complete wimps too.

>> No.8970976

sounds about right

>> No.8970978
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No, Ilyasviel is a quiet girl who just wants to be with her missing father again.

Are there any other heroic spirits defined mostly or in part about their desires to be with their missing fathers?
Telemachus, I suppose.

>> No.8970985

>Are there any other heroic spirits defined mostly or in part about their desires to be with their missing fathers?

Electra, of course.

>> No.8970992

Zouken got Sakura a mirror of the earth goddess.
And instead of summoning the related hero, she summoned rider, which could still beat half the servants and actually won the war.

>> No.8970993


Ilya and Hercules were perfectly suited for one another, though. And in terms of fighting, she'd totally be a berserker looking to crush everything.

>> No.8971006

>Both Ilya and Heracles had brothers who were complete wimps too.

Who was Hercules' brother in myth?


Oh, his father was Zeus, so I guess pretty much everyone.

>> No.8971016

Eurystheus. Most famous for pissing his peplos and hiding in a pot out of fear when Hercules brought the Erymanthian boar alive to him.

>> No.8971019

>Are there any other heroic spirits defined mostly or in part about their desires to be with their missing fathers?

You can summon people from the future, right? So Ikari Shinji should count I think. He'd be pretty shit without his gundam, though.

>> No.8971026

Anyone else feel the only actual route in this game was Sakura's while everything else was Dragon Ball Z with characters swapped?

>> No.8971031

>Cu Chulainn
This never made any sense to me, the Celts didn't use runes.

>> No.8971037

They didn't use norse runes.
In the northen regions of Europe the word isn't exactly as constrained as it might be commonly perceived in America or something.

It could roughly be translated as "text carvings". They both had runes, and are commonly reffered to as runes.

>> No.8971047

Rin was/had a reverse Catalyst for Archer. Normally you can't summon things from the future, and no one but Rin could use the pendant to summon Archer.

The only reason Rin could summon Archer was because Archer had the pendant and his pendant was connected to the Rin of the past, more so than how her pendant was connected to the future.

>> No.8971053

There aren't many fights in F/SN at all, especially relative to the rest of the content.

It actually isn't too much of an action novel. A plot point is basically how the base premise of the war is a false one.

>> No.8971314
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>In the northen regions of Europe the word isn't exactly as constrained as it might be commonly perceived in America or something.
Yes it is. Runes are Germanic in origin.
If it's not Germanic it's not a rune.

Cu Chulainn is Celtic, they didn't use runes they used Ogham and Ogham was invented after the stories of Cu Chulainn.
