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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 960x544, Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8960951 No.8960951 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8960955
File: 86 KB, 637x482, youre mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8960965

Why is Flonne an angel? She only dies or gets turned to a demon in Disgaea 1

>> No.8960969

Nameless one is such a dick

>> No.8960972

Epic English. It's like they browsed /jp/.

>> No.8961209

I need to replay Torment in English one of these days.

>> No.8961219

Is this an official translation?
Oh wow

>> No.8961221

Like Ar Tonelico 2's translation, it's shit

>> No.8961705

Yeah, I kind of finished my first playthrough on the PSV right now, I noticed some spelling mistakes here and there, and even some neglected parts as well. I remember one phrase left in japanese when I used chloroform during a homeroom.

>> No.8961716
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>> No.8961921 [SPOILER] 
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What is this called?
Please tell me

>> No.8961944
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The King of Gensoukyo Sanae Rape Chapter

>> No.8961946


My genius can't be this sappheiros.

A pretty obscure game, isn't like we got a thread every week in /jp/ since 6 months ago.

>> No.8961965

I want to play disgaea again, but I can't find my DS, don't have the patience for the grindfest, and can't be bothered to go get my ps2 either. My TV isn't even plugged in.

>> No.8962682

>Playing that shitty DS Disgaea
Everyone knows D1-2 are best played on PSP and D3 on Vita.

>> No.8962688

I bought Disgaea 3 yesterday actually.

No intention of playing it though.

>> No.8962689
File: 126 KB, 960x544, Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgaea thread?

>> No.8962694
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>> No.8962703

I had Disgaea 3 on the PS3 but I stop midway because the grinding was getting boring and the story didn't really keep my interest. But I'm willing to give it another shot.

Are there any nice things they added to the Vita version? Is it worth getting even if I own the PS3 version?

>> No.8962710

who are you quotin?

>> No.8962711

I have both versions, and definitely all Disgaeas are better portable. It adds 2 new characters plus D4 ones plus all the PS3 DLC included.

>> No.8962742
File: 188 KB, 850x1155, 08603e03e5d5543f35bc989b3054ba9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped playing D4 since I could never get the meowkin pirates.

>> No.8962754
File: 376 KB, 1000x1339, 9a3c8a27debd48866f66ed49ea699ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the best Digaea girl?

>> No.8962776


>> No.8962782
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Prinny hat.

I'm bored. I wish another Disgaea would come out.

>> No.8962794

>De Gozaru De Gozaru De Gozaru De Gozaru De Gozaru De Gozaru De Gozaru

>> No.8962811

Everyone says Disgaea main story isn't a grind, but I always find myself needing to grind.

It's what made me give up on Disgaea 2 on PSP.

>> No.8962827

be careful with saying "need to grind", people will call you a shitty player

>> No.8962851
File: 64 KB, 300x300, pleinairallaprima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want Pleinair to have her own game.

>> No.8962874

> you're wish
Goddammit Flonne stop browsing /jp/.

>> No.8962878

/jp/ invented misspellings.

>> No.8962881

but he is, he needs to go play FFT and FE difficulty mods, and X-Com, and devil survivor (a game which you can't beat at some points without stopping to grind at points as you meet enemies that take no dmg unless you deal more than 100 dmg to them, and more games like that, in disgaea, however I usually found my self just abusing the color panels to destroy everything I ever met, so I probably wouldn't know any issues you could have, btw you sound ne to disgaea so just a warning, dont use healers

eventually you'll dodge all their heals, no joke

>> No.8962892

Holy mother of Christ, that's one long run-on sentence.

>> No.8962897

welcome to autism. Enjoy you're stay.

>> No.8962904

actually I missed my closed parentheses and my punctuation cause I type on /jp/ one handed while doing other shit
this is the autism

>> No.8962905
File: 168 KB, 850x1237, 902ff750115015c3e0cd44ad204b5251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked these two. Desco was cute also.

>> No.8963265

FE is fire emblem, right? What's the other one?

>> No.8963286

Final Fantasy Tactics, I assume.

>> No.8963965
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>> No.8964003

>shitty player
But those kind of games are not about skill.

>> No.8964652

>and devil survivor (a game which you can't beat at some points without stopping to grind at points as you meet enemies that take no dmg unless you deal more than 100 dmg to them


>> No.8964664

I love Celestial Hosts~

>> No.8964709

I want to fuck Etna while Flonne sits in the corner of the room and masturbates to the scene..

>> No.8964725
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>> No.8964735
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>Fire Emblem mods

>> No.8964740

This makes me wonder if there are any srpg Touhou fangames

>> No.8964744

> dont use healers eventually you'll dodge all their heals
maybe if you don't level them

>> No.8964768
File: 127 KB, 960x544, hardcore games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8964770

What's a good way to do level healers?

>> No.8964804

Like you level everything. Have them stand besides a main character so they will both attack and split the EXP.

>> No.8964808


That's "play" Tactics Ogre not playing. Although I wouldn't mind doing that right now.

>> No.8964807

Overrated and not challenging. I admit I liked the first one when it came out nine years ago but that's it. Playing Tactics Ogre instead.

>> No.8964818

Super Touhou Wars.

>> No.8964883

Take a super powerful mage.
Reborn it into a healer.

>> No.8965091

Phantom Brave has my favorite game mechanics out of all the NIS games I've played, mostly due to the fusion system, although the Disgaea series definitely has more longevity due to the Geo Panel system making for more interesting random dungeons. Has anybody played Soul Nomad? I was thinking of getting it, but I really can't stand it when battles play out automatically.

>> No.8966093

I really fancy playing something like this, but all I can access right now is my shitty laptop. What's the best strategy rpg I can play with this fucking thing that can just about handle DS emulation?(could prob do it well if I adjusted settings or something but I don't know shit about that kind of thing?) Ideally something on GBA or worse, or pc native..

>> No.8966117

Give them a mage pupil and have them learn the offensive magic by standing besides them and using it a few times

>> No.8966215

this guy LPs some of them. http://www.youtube.com/user/MageKnight404

go play GhebFE.

actually, go play FE4 if you haven't. FE4 is best FE.

>> No.8966234

this looks like it was made and written by an edgy 12 year old

>> No.8966236


>> No.8966239 [DELETED] 

Can't you just give them a sword so they can use
Winged Slayer?

>> No.8966255

I think one of them, FEGirls or something, was supposed to be pretty hard. Don't let the fact you can get crazy overpowered fool you. If you speak moon, there are a few more options.
