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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8955465 No.8955465 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8955474

nice legs

>> No.8955473

translate it, weaboos

>> No.8955484

Are there hikkys in China? Do they watch Chinese media or are they weeaboos?

>> No.8955496

We knoe you are here chinons.

>> No.8955520

there are weebos in China, lots of them

they have their own subber groups (because lol who learns japanese just to watch cartoons) and much of their weebo forums are full of domestically invented cancerous memes

if you've ever been to the animu forums on tianya.cn, mop.com, baidu tieba, you'll know what i mean by cancerous

>> No.8955519

A nationalist song from the 20’s.
Yesterday this guy posted the national anthem of the PRC.

>Are there hikkys in China?
>Do they watch Chinese media or are they weeaboos?
Nipponese media are big among nerds of course. But if they’re nationalist nerds they might fill their days with hating on Japan and Japanese media on the internet.

>> No.8955548

I always wonder if their family will look at them in shame.
Especially those people staying in Nanjing.
I wonder if they get labeled as race traitor and get kick out of their home.

>> No.8955546

Chinese anime fansub groups, especially the ones specialising in speedsubbing, are usually the fastest to get subs out, due to the sheer number of subber groups competing for fans to suck them off. Whilst English subbers (you know, [Commie], [gg], [UTW] etc etc) aren't as fast, Chinese subbers tend to have releases with poorer quality - most still use fucking *.rmvb, which is stupid.

Most releases are 480p and 720p rmvb, some are avi, and it is very rare to come across *.mkv H.264 Chinese releases for anime. They sure love their RealPlayer codec.

>> No.8955558

Remember when English fansubbers machine translated Chinese subs?

>> No.8955568

meanwhile in Taiwan and Hong Kong, domestic fansubbers don't even "fansub" anymore (in the sense of providing original translations) - they just find their own, high quality raws, get the Chinese (mainland) fansubs and convert from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese, and make their own releases that way. It's much easier, less of a hassle, and there's no point in doing otherwise since a dozen other fansub groups do the same thing, and they simply cannot compete with the number of mainland Chinese fansubbers, due to their sheer numbers. They do have better quality control though, and look over their stuff carefully. It's kind of like a second-phase proofreading of the Chinese subs, before they release the Taiwan subs.

>> No.8955564

What are the subbing groups called?

I'm picturing names like "Eastern Tianjin Heavy Industrial Subtitling Company"

>> No.8955576

Funny thing about this is, the western community beat the them in anime but completely fail for manga, game and eroge.
Why is that?
They got all the super robot wars translated but the english community couldnt even get 1 translated to english.

>> No.8955580
File: 58 KB, 878x377, Gundam00_chinesesubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8955586

>domestic fansubbers don't even "fansub" anymore (in the sense of providing original translations)
Going by this definition, most of the current English fansubbers aren't fansubbing either.

In fact, the Taiwanese would be superior if they didn't add memes like their English counterparts.

>> No.8955587

>Funny thing about this is, the western community beat the them in anime
Uh, if you mean video quality maybe, but not in amount of media translated…

>> No.8955590
File: 74 KB, 871x546, chinesesubs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8955595
File: 85 KB, 899x572, derpnote_chinesesubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even more

>> No.8955605

>amount of media translated
Like what?
The only few titles that I can think of is Shinchan, Doraemon and maybe sazae-san.
All the new stuff is on crunchyshit.

>> No.8955606
File: 437 KB, 1019x599, sekirei_chinesesubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's sekirei

>> No.8955617

I mean that if it’s translated in English, it probably has already been subbed in Chinese too. So how does the Western community beat them there?

>> No.8955612
File: 171 KB, 1064x632, gareizero_chinesesubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ga-rei Zero 480p rmvb chinese subs

>> No.8955614

>small hammer
my sides.

>> No.8955624

how do you say "the pleasure of being cummed inside" in mandarin?

>> No.8955623
File: 25 KB, 344x423, mixed_subbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these are English subbers though, haven't sorted by dirs yet

>> No.8955622

Video quality and distribution method.

>> No.8955628

Yes, that’s what I acknowledged.

But he was originally talking about amount of media translated I think.

>> No.8955629


>> No.8955636

Chinese subbers only distribute using BitTorrent and eMule. If there are XDCC bots, maybe I haven't heard of them yet. Chinese cannot into DDL because I heard that many DDL providers are blocked by the Chinese government (pre-Megaupload takedown days), and the domestic DDL providers are hella-slow.

>> No.8955632

So you learnt Chinese to watch Japanese cartoons?

>> No.8955634

It might not be true 10years ago but nowadays almost all anime get subs. Crunchyshit is even doing simulcast now.

>> No.8955639

I am Taiwanese. I watch Mainland Chinese subs because I can't be bothered waiting for Taiwanese fansubbers, or English subs. Chinese subs are the fastest out, and since I've been watching Chinese-subbed anime for so long, reading Simplified Chinese isn't that difficult for me anymore.

And I don't give a fuck about the politics because I like to take it easy.

>> No.8955638

Fixed for you chinabro.

>> No.8955643
File: 123 KB, 784x562, karanokyoukai_chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kara no Kyoukai, Chinese subs

>> No.8955647

Not gonna lie, I am genuinely confused as to why Tw and HK insist upon traditional chinese. Trying to learn with Anki and christ some of the strokes are just absurd.

>> No.8955648
File: 118 KB, 864x610, msgundam00_chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MS Gundam 00, Chinese subs

>> No.8955645

Can you give me the best source/torrent site for simplified chinese subs? I can't read traditional too well.

>> No.8955650

The best part is that they call you communist if you put traditional in anything but good light.

>> No.8955651

Do you have source and link to chinamen translated eroge?
I like to improve my chinese reading skill. Pretty embarrassing when people find out I cant read.

>> No.8955653

Chinafag here. You can tell how cancerous and weeaboo a fansub or scanlation group is by the terms they use. When you translate "onii-chan", you can translate it as:

1. 哥哥 (ge-ge) which literally means "big brother" in Chinese. Direct translation. My Sekirei subs use this.

2. 欧尼酱 (ou-ni-jiang), a transliteration of Japanese "onii-chan". My scans for "Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?" manga uses this.

>> No.8955657

Jesus Christ you can’t be serious…
Why would they not use 哥哥 holy hell.

>> No.8955659
File: 62 KB, 640x480, laughingmarisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king nun sauce
My sides.

>> No.8955660

I used to get my subs from a Chinese forum where subbers would post their releases, but the webmaster decided to shut down for no reason. Now I just look around on Baidu.

>> No.8955658

Are you implying anything about the English fansubbing scene?

Give your sources for chinese subs already faggot.

>> No.8955665


>> No.8955664

>Give your sources for chinese subs already faggot.
Not sure if you would even want that. Do you have any idea how miserable ed2k and DDL links obscured behind forum registration are?

>> No.8955668

this. with many of these forums, you need to register. speeds are okay, but the procedure to get accounts is a big hassle.

>> No.8955666

Fuck, this is as good as redirecting someone to google. Can you simply give a link to a proper search engine for anime?

>> No.8955667

Oh wait, I read it wrong, it is actually european nun sauce. Even funnier.

>> No.8955670

They mentioned torrent. It can't suck that much if there are enough peers.

>> No.8955674

All of them use xunlei. They dont actually upload.

>> No.8955680

Every time I want to download a lossless Chinese album I have to register at yet another forum, make a post thanking the OP, click through a couple of links, get the single APE file with cuefile, split it and retag.

>> No.8955681


Chinese weeaboo web portal. They don't seem that bad on first looks...

>> No.8955683

>/jp/ - China/General

>> No.8955690
File: 66 KB, 823x540, botnets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical Chinese torrent peerlist.

>> No.8955695
File: 81 KB, 1001x637, chinese_animu_messageboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a Chinese animu messageboard. Most of the topics seem pretty cancerous:

>Xiaoyue big brother, happy birthday! kiss kiss~
I'm assuming this is similar to tripfaggotry we have here.

>Otakus are not lonely! Us otakus are blahblahblah
Well fuck.

>> No.8955700


Welcome to the botnet

>> No.8955698

Honestly, you china-fags fucking suck at linking shit. Couldn't you link the correct forum directly?

Even the website itself sucks at it. Why is anime and kung fu panda in the same god damn forum? I can't find any in-season anime either.

>> No.8955702

Wait a minute?
zhai ren is otaku?
Doesnt mean hikki?

>> No.8955710

The word otaku in fact comes from お宅, so they just took that for Chinese too.

>> No.8955713


>> No.8955716
File: 65 KB, 931x566, Ufadsgdfhfdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8955722

So you have to insatall fonts first?

>> No.8955724
File: 184 KB, 1012x615, sanka_verycd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, I mean

>> No.8955726

no idea, didn't download

>> No.8955733

/jp/ has always had a lot of users from China and Taiwan. After /jp/ was linked by Wikipedia, probably even more started to come over, because I assume that domestic Chinese forums for discussing Touhou are really shitty.

>> No.8955741

>After /jp/ was linked by Wikipedia, probably even more started to come over
I doubt that personally. Most Chinese and Taiwanese do not have a very good grasp of English… you would notice if there had been an increase of posters not used to posting in English.

>> No.8955743

>Why is anime and kung fu panda in the same god damn forum?
Maybe because they are cartoons.

>> No.8955746

Outside of hardcore weeaboos, to the rest of the world there is no difference and distinction between cartoon and anime.
Most people think they are for kids.

>> No.8955744

I'm thinking that they're lurkers, just here for the DDL links and lewd Yukari image dumps. They're probably too shy to show their poor English.

>> No.8955754
File: 49 KB, 823x982, wiki-4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page view stats for http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/4chan#.2Fjp.2F

>> No.8955763

they actually release those mkv 720p x264 subs all the time now.
...5 days after the original 480p rmvb release.
so in the end you might as well just download english subs.
This is a country where most of them still use a PROPRIETARY VERSION OF ICQ. If any of you ever get the chance to look at a chinese person's computer, you'll find it to have the most obscene and disgusting crap installed - xunlei, 360 browser, PPS, just to name a few.
This is a place where you can get away with PEDDLING INPUT METHODS THAT WORKS THROUGH AN EXE. And NOBODY would go "Why the fuck would I let your exe handle all my keyboard inputs that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard".
It very much feels like an alternate reality where the "nerd community" chose limewire/kazaa/emule/morpheus/etc over utorrent.

>> No.8955798 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 638x468, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8955810

japan make ramen

japan best

china pls go

>> No.8955820

隱蔽青年問題 = Means "Hikikomori", literally translates to "Self-hiding Youth Problem"

...according to Chinese Wiki

>> No.8955858

What is all this chinafaggotry.

I've finally identified the cancer that is killing /jp/.

/jp/ - No chinese or dogs allowed

>> No.8955859

in other words, the exact opposite of /g/ with their freetards running Ganoo/Loonix and avoiding uTorrent and Chrome because they are botnets?

>> No.8955861

Ramen comes from China.
Look up 拉面

>> No.8955864


>/jp/ - China/General

>> No.8955874

oh hey, what are you chinks doing on /jp/? don't you have dying hit-and-run victims to ignore or baby formula to poison?

>> No.8955875
File: 21 KB, 247x285, asdfasdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or dogs

>> No.8955877
File: 440 KB, 1593x663, whatamidoingonthispage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I going to get v&, /jp/?

>> No.8955880


>> No.8955886

>no respond
I think we finally found the please respond faggot.

>> No.8955891
File: 155 KB, 799x542, dsfhdfhdfhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mena the guy from sweden?

img from krautchan /int/

>> No.8955893

Uh, that’s a Finnish flag.

>> No.8955896

Fucking finfaggots.
Why dont they just band the whole finland domain.

>> No.8955895

sorry, I'm shit with flags in general.

why finns are so good at shitposting, with their spurdo memes

>> No.8955900

Their imageboard culture runs deep in their youth culture it seems.

>> No.8955905

As expected from a finnish subhuman

>> No.8955915

China here,why does everybody in this place liking the "sage" action when doing the message post?4chan is not inside Japan,sage should be Japanese habit of post,does not apply to Americans。Kind of,difficult to understand。

>> No.8955921


>> No.8955935


>> No.8955983

say this one to the face of mine, fucker, and not over internet conn
ection, and have a look at what h

>> No.8959343

Relax bro.
