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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 276 KB, 720x1170, RailgunPSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8952562 No.8952562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is ridiculous. Bring a mod or something so he can explain me what's the problem.

Even Fatal Frame can have its own thread, why not Railgun?

>> No.8952578

Are you that stupid?
>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

But keep spamming, I'm sure that will bring him around to your way of thinking.

>> No.8952583

Hey, janitor. This is an untranslated Japanese visual novel. THERE IS NO OTHER BOARD FOR THIS.

This is as /jp/-related as threads get.

>> No.8952583,1 [INTERNAL] 

Check the other threads fuckface. Check the very first one I made. No complaints there.

>> No.8952583,2 [INTERNAL] 

The first one was probably a mistake.

Everything else is the janitor saying "fuck you."

>> No.8952583,3 [INTERNAL] 

And you think this is normal?

>> No.8952583,4 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say it was?

>> No.8952583,5 [INTERNAL] 

You stated the obvious, which kind of implied that you were defending the janitor.

>> No.8952583,6 [INTERNAL] 

I stated my belief that the first deletion was a mistake because you specifically pointed to the first one.

>> No.8952583,7 [INTERNAL] 

But.. imagine.. just for a second, if even the first thread was a "fuck you" and not a mistake?

That's right, jews.

>> No.8952583,8 [INTERNAL] 

if only moot would implement a feature which shows whether the deletion is done by users, or the moderation team.

>> No.8952583,9 [INTERNAL] 

Art thou furious?

>> No.8952583,10 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you should stop spamming then? Maybe you should stop making threads with the fucking "Yaho~o Misaka-saaan ^_________^*" shit? Maybe you should just post about the VN in the VN general thread instead of pretending this unpopular, shitty VN, that came out half a year ago deserves a thread of its own?

Aw who are we kidding? You know you won't do any of that. You don't really care about talking about the VN at all. You just want to shitpost Raildex and complain about the evil janitor.

>> No.8952583,11 [INTERNAL] 

It becomes spam only when the janitor starts blindly deleting every picture with Saten on it.

And yes, everything deserves a thread of its own, if it isn't popular then the thread will die by itself. That's how 4chan always worked, until people like you came and started making rules about which VN are "shit" and which ones are not. Which touhou can be posted and which touhou can't. Which "random video (mmo)rpg" threads are ok and which ones are not.

>> No.8952583,12 [INTERNAL] 

>It becomes spam blah blah blah I'm a shit head
No, it becomes spam when you spam it. As is the case with this thread.

>And yes, everything deserves a thread of its own
No. Everything does not. We do not need a thread for every single idol, every single touhou character, every single idolmaster character, every single VN, etc. Condense your threads. There is already a VN general thread. There is no reason you can't discuss the Railgun VN there.

>if it isn't popular then the thread will die by itself.
No, if it isn't popular, you will bump it when it gets to page 15.

>until people like you came and started making rules about which VN are "shit" and which ones are not.
What on Gaia are you even talking about?

>> No.8952583,13 [INTERNAL] 

>No, it becomes spam when you spam it. As is the case with this thread.
Use your fucking brain. The first couple of threads were perfectly legit.
Imagine you make a legit thread and it gets deleted? What do you do then? You repost it. And then it gets deleted again, and again, and again.
And then nerds like you start to automatically see it as spam.

>We do not need a thread for every single
And yet, touhou threads don't get deleted, and RPGs can also have a thread of their own. Same for idols, idol threads don't get deleted because "there is a general on /a/".

>No, if it isn't popular, you will bump it when it gets to page 15.
Exactly what happens with the GUST thread for example. And guess what? Any saged/ironic/disrespectful post you make there will be cleaned.

In short, stop trying to force your rotten views on /jp/ and 4chan in general.

>> No.8952583,14 [INTERNAL] 

>Imagine you make a legit thread and it gets deleted? What do you do then? You repost it.
Don't forget you have to come crying to the ghostboard too like a true autist. But really, if you wanted to discuss the VN, you would just post in the VN general thread. Yet you seem to keep ignoring that point...

>touhou threads don't get deleted
Because Touhou is actually a part of the board all by itself (unfortunately). Railgun is not. It simply falls under the VN umbrella (so post it in the VN general thread).

>RPGs can also have a thread of their own.
If they are getting so much discussion it is kind of taking over the VN general thread, then yes, they do get threads of their own sometimes. New VNs as well have threads to themselves sometimes. Even the Railgun VN did back when it came out!

>Same for idols, idol threads don't get deleted because
We don't have threads for individual idols. They generally keep their shit condensed, so I don't see your point.

>Exactly what happens with the GUST thread for example. And guess what? Any saged/ironic/disrespectful post you make there will be cleaned.
I know. I've had my posts in that thread deleted time to time. What do you want me to say? I don't believe Gust thread should be allowed, but it was already accepted by a previous janitor, and janitors since have just decided to let it be.

>In short, stop trying to force your rotten views on /jp/ and 4chan in general.
You're the one trying to force your shitty thread instead of just discussing the VN in the thread it belongs. And the janitor is deleting it, not me. So deal with it, nerd.

>> No.8952583,15 [INTERNAL] 

>you have to come crying
You say this as if you knew me or something? Maybe you can read minds like the janitor? Or maybe you are just paranoid: "Dammit, this Saten pic again, I'm sure it's that same guy! The bastard's here to get me!"

>Because Touhou is actually a part of the board. Railgun is not.
Inventing rules again?

>We don't have threads for individual idols.
My bad, I was talking about idolmaster. "Why don't chihaya just quit" threads don't get deleted.

>your shitty thread
Again, quit being paranoid. It's like if I started to accuse you of being the janitor.

There's nothing much to delete on /jp/ anyway and people generally know how to ignore threads they don't like.
All the new janitor has to do is delete cock/blog/soc threads.
Either you delete every off-topic thread. Which is impossible. or you stick to simple things like gloryholes, cocks and nsfw material.

>> No.8952583,16 [INTERNAL] 

Railgun is /a/ material, it goes in /a/.

What the fuck is the problem with that? Not to mention there is to be no sympathy for those who spam a thread with complaints about moderation. If you feel so justified that you need to spam, try it without the complaining.

>> No.8952583,17 [INTERNAL] 

Visual Novels are /jp/ material.

And no complaints in the first couple of threads: http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/image/DsGexin6eH9hvxG742Yavg

>> No.8952583,18 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah and all it'll do is devolve in to a discussion about the anime, like it and plenty like it in the past have.

>> No.8952583,19 [INTERNAL] 

How can you be so sure?

It's like deleting touhou threads because they may devolve into brainless imagedumps.

>> No.8952583,20 [INTERNAL] 

>like it and plenty like it in the past have.
Do you even read the posts you reply to?

and honestly I don't like mindless image-dumps either, but all I can really do is my part in actually making discussion with my posts.

>> No.8952583,21 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you even read the posts you reply to?
Yes, but I couldn't understand or even extrapolate what you were trying to say.

>but all I can really do is my part in actually making discussion with my posts.
That's what I was doing too, until I understood that nobody gives a fuck about anything but themselves and it wasn't worth the effort to try to contribute properly.

The new janitor only promotes shitposting and selfish "my own general" threads.

>> No.8952583,22 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not going to give up so easily, and I'm definitely going to fall in to your habit of blaming the meido on everything you don't like on the board. If you don't like /jp/ for whatever reason, it is up to you to voice your complaints...to moot or an administrator, through channels that aren't annoying the rest of us. You will not get anything done complaining on /jp/ itself.

>> No.8952583,23 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not the one disliking /jp/
>Yeah and all it'll do is devolve in to a discussion about the anime, like it and plenty like it in the past have.
You are.

It is as I said, as long as your threads are left alone, everything is fine. No fucks given about other threads, or other posters in general.

Stay classy.

>> No.8952583,24 [INTERNAL] 

How many times do I need to say to post it in the VN general thread until you understand? It's clear that the one making this thread, whoever it was, had no actual intent in discussing the Railgun VN. If they did, they would post it in the VN general thread, like anyone with half a brain knows to do.

>The new janitor only promotes shitposting and selfish "my own general" threads.
Janitors have always been shit heads. They've always been biased towards certain content. So what is with all you autists complaining about the 'new' janitor? He is just as bad as any in the past. Unless of course you yourself are new, then I could understand.

>> No.8952583,25 [INTERNAL] 

>post it in the VN general
Still not a valid reason to delete the thread.
It's like deleting every video game thread simply because we have two boards dedicated to them.
The "take it easy" and "ignore shit you don't like" advices should also apply to janitors.

>Janitors have always been shit heads.
The new one is particularly retarded. The old janitor would never spend hours deleting a completely harmless and perfectly on-topic thread because... well, let's say you are right and the thread was deleted because of the already existing VN General.

>> No.8952583,26 [INTERNAL] 

>The new one is particularly retarded.

Try and make assumptions when you've been paying attention for more than a month, this one isn't even that bad, you just think so because of all the shit spammers put out.

>> No.8952583,27 [INTERNAL] 

>you just think so because of all the shit spammers put out.
There is more spam when he is online, because spammers feed on his attention. They were quick to notice his autism.

>> No.8952583,28 [INTERNAL] 

"Condense your threads" has been a /jp/ 'rule' since the moment it was created. Combine that with the fact this is a VN adaptation of anime/manga--from which two characters are used for shitposting--and you begin to see why you're overreacting or shoehorning WAAHHH MEIDO IS MEAN I AM ENTITLED TO POASTS!!1 ;_; bullshite.

Even if these were a 100% legit threads that were deleted (and it has happened many times), so what? It was deleted. You weren't even banned. Mods used to ban people for saging or posting in certain boards or just for shits and giggles. Get over it. Join Reddit or something if you want to feel like your single, stupid post is somehow important to someone.

>> No.8952583,29 [INTERNAL] 

The problem is consistency and fairness.
If you try to enforce the "condense your threads" unwritted rule, then do it with everything, starting from video games and touhou threads.
Otherwise shit like this is bound to happen. Janitors and moderators should show example and promote quality posting instead of doing whatever they want just because "it's 4chan, you either like it or you quit it xD"

>> No.8952583,30 [INTERNAL] 


>Mods used to ban people for saging or posting in certain boards or just for shits and giggles.

Then spam drama is unavoidable, especially when mods try to stir shit on purpose.

>Join Reddit or something if you want to feel like your single, stupid post is somehow important to someone.

Deal with the fact that people may have different tastes than you and not everything turns around what you like and which threads you participate in.

>> No.8952583,31 [INTERNAL] 

No. But there is no reason to keep remaking the thread when the OP can just post about the game in the VN general thread if he really wanted to talk about it. The fact he still hasn't makes it obvious he has little intention in actually discussing the game, and would rather just 'fight' with the janitor.

>The old janitor would never spend hours deleting a completely harmless and perfectly on-topic thread because... well, let's say you are right and the thread was deleted because of the already existing VN General.
Let's ignore the fact that it does not take hours to delete a thread, but what 'old janitor'? We've had a plethora of janitors on /jp/. And they've always done stuff like this. Hell, you probably wouldn't even notice if the janitor changed.

For all you know, the first thread got deleted because it was reported a certain number of times, and the rest because they kept remaking/complaining about moderation (which is against the rules). I've gotten threads deleted by just reporting them multiple times via proxy, it's not that hard to do. Either way, /jp/ is not a democracy. Janitors don't really have an obligation to be consistent and fair as you see fit.

>> No.8952583,32 [INTERNAL] 

>and would rather just 'fight' with the janitor.
Autism attracts autism. Still, you'd normally expect some decency from a janitor.

>Janitors don't really have an obligation to be consistent and fair as you see fit.
Janitors ARE NOT...
Interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only. Personal motives should never influence deletion.

>> No.8952583,33 [INTERNAL] 

Yea. But who do janitors receive their mandate from? It isn't the userbase of /jp/. It is moot. Thus, if you don't believe the janitor is acting fairly, then contact moot about it. If moot agrees, he will do something, if he disagrees, then that is the end of that.

>> No.8952583,34 [INTERNAL] 

So nobody else has proposed that OP deleted his own threads? He had no problem bumping all of them on the ghost board.

>> No.8952583,35 [INTERNAL] 

And you know what else? Janitors need to respect the rules. Now for moderators, they can talk with the userbase if they want.

>> No.8952583,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'm surprised more people aren't upset by the opposite effect. Actual "Saten threads" are being allowed and protected. I was banned for arguing against the "Saten-san Megathread".

When shitpost it enough = it's allowed has become so very real, people are seriously arguing about a Railgun VN thread being deleted? What the fuck, man.

>> No.8952583,37 [INTERNAL] 

I was the one bumping the threads here because I was curious about how the situation will resolve. And I didn't post the saten/railgun threads.

>> No.8952583,38 [INTERNAL] 

>Janitors need to respect the rules.
Then, like I said, contact moot about it. If moot does nothing, then deal with it.

>> No.8952583,39 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly, that's what I'm talking about. When I was referring myself to the rules, I was talking about the official rules. And /jp/ barely has any fixed rules. They are mostly subjective.

>> No.8952583,40 [INTERNAL] 

It's against the rules to repost things that has been deleted.

>let's say you are right and the thread was deleted because of the already existing VN General.
Let's not pretend to be retarded. You, I, Sakura, and the OP all know that this thread doesn't exist to discuss the Railgun VN, it exists because somebody wanted to go to war with the janitor. The fact that "condense your shit" exists is just the janitor's thinly-veiled justification for deleting it.

>> No.8952583,41 [INTERNAL] 

>Let's not pretend to be retarded.
It doesn't matter though. Users are bound to act like retards, but janitors are supposed to be above that. That's what I think at least.

He should have left the thread alone, it was, as people tend to justify their threads nowadays, "harmless". The very last thread wasn't deleted, it got like 10 replies and then died.

>> No.8952583,42 [INTERNAL] 


Well you certainly acting like a user you describe then. Janitors are no fucking different from regular anons, and applications don't mean anything.

>> No.8952583,43 [INTERNAL] 

see >>8952583,32

>> No.8952583,44 [INTERNAL] 


>and applications don't mean anything.

Then what? Rules don't mean anything? Boards don't mean anything?

Nothing has a meaning in fact right? This is exactly what leads to shitposting. We even have a board for that, it's called /b/.

>> No.8952583,45 [INTERNAL] 

When I say they don't mean anything, I meant anyone could just bullshit their way through it and still be accepted.

>> No.8952583,46 [INTERNAL] 

O-okay then (´・ω・`)

>> No.8952583,47 [INTERNAL] 

Moot makes the rules, and he, not you, will interpret if the janitor is acting in a way he should not.

>> No.8952583,48 [INTERNAL] 

Err, yes. Obviously.

>> No.8952583,49 [INTERNAL] 

Then why argue about what the janitor should, and should not be doing, on the ghost board?

>> No.8952583,50 [INTERNAL] 

Because that's what the ghost board is for.

And I do talk to mods whenever I think my threads or posts get deleted for no reason, that's not where the problem is.

>> No.8952583,51 [INTERNAL] 

It occured to me as likely, but then I went and did something else and forgot about it.
