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File: 111 KB, 600x600, maid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8951964 No.8951964 [Reply] [Original]

Which maid do you choose /jp/?

>> No.8951993

eastern maid sure does look kinda tempting but i cant cheat on 2d

>> No.8951996

I already have a western maid and she's alright really, even if she does speak one of those filthy taco languages.

>> No.8951990

Eastern and 2-D maid are not real.
So, none.

>> No.8951998

western, she will just do her job correctly and not spill the fucking tea between my legs

>> No.8952002

I'll go with western since I really need someone to clean up the place.

>> No.8952003

I don't see the problem with that. I'll take the 2D maid regardless of whether she's real or not.

>> No.8952005

Mexican maid ftw

>> No.8952010
File: 499 KB, 500x341, smile fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever one is least likely to steal all your shit whilst you're out of the house

>> No.8952012

Requesting range bans on the people not choosing 2D.

>> No.8952018

There are high chances the eastern or the 2D maid are guys. 2D's the right choice.

>> No.8952017

The maid that works in my parent's house is a fat polish woman, but at least she cleans stuff so I'll go with the western.

>> No.8952024

I'd probably pick eastern, /b/.

>> No.8952023

If the 2D maid is as cute as the one in the OP, then 2D.

Eastern would be a runner up, and the only western maid I've seen is in her 80s and she looks after my grandma every Wednesday

>> No.8952029


My uncle's family has a maid and she keeps raiding the fridge and the sweet jar

she is black incidentally

>> No.8952026


Can we have a maid trade?

Can I trade my Mexican one with yours? She's skinny and cute but she's rarely here on time and sometimes does not show up for work.

>> No.8952030
File: 29 KB, 300x400, shitai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead maid animated by puppet strings held by busty long distance runner wearing a paper bag on her head.

On /jp/, this must be an option.

>> No.8952041

I don't know, I'm not really interested in maid fucking so I have no reasons to have a cute maid, and besides, she works for my parents, not for me.

>> No.8952080

Is that 2d even a maid? She looks like a gothic lolita. If that sign means anything she's a waitress at best.

>> No.8952096

It's obviously a maid cafe.

>> No.8952107

I believe that you lack insight in the dress code that is used by maids.

I'd wish for a homely girl to look up for me, as I would look up for her.

>> No.8952112

She doesn't look like a maid.

>> No.8952110
File: 295 KB, 566x800, 20143399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D trap maid.
Every day.

>> No.8952117

possibly respectable, hardworking mexican woman
pure good maiden, who is beautiful as well.
2D is the best choice here.

>> No.8952128
File: 224 KB, 640x576, ff17f02b25e8ebd70ecdac99b79944eb..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D tsun no dere maid please.

>> No.8952133

You can't get more maid than a maid headband.

>> No.8952136
File: 262 KB, 1054x1346, 1329415750235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Le gustaria tomar un baño?, ¿comer unos tacos? O quizas, ¿Yo?

>> No.8952164
File: 21 KB, 614x435, 1310919310239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Maid would do all her work properly, but would be an ugly eyesore, probably steal your stuff, and, most improtantly, she would be another person to have in the house, increasing the risk of someone discovering my lifestyle. I don't need this place cleaned, since I'm a neatfreak at the best of times, and keep my place tidy.

Eastern Maid would be more of a toy to play with, probably wouldn't get the job done, but would probably leave your stuff alone. She might not care for my lifestyle, but she can't voice those complains with her mouth on my cock.

In all honesty, I'm currently burnt-out as far as my ability to form 2D relations, so a 2D anything is the same to me as a blank piece of paper. A week ago, I would've gone straight for the 2D, but, for now...

a slutty Eastern Maid who would serve as my personal cum bucket sounds just fine for now.

>> No.8952172

>not being a neetfreek

>> No.8952171
File: 1.01 MB, 800x377, okaeri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bienvenido a casa, Señor!

>> No.8952181


>> No.8952201
File: 26 KB, 695x720, 1311468962088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your filthy ghetto beaner language away from my pure Japanese meido ideals.

>> No.8952245

>filthy ghetto beaner language
Today's Spanish everywhere? Yes, it's hardly better than HUEHUEHUEHUE.
Traditional, correct Spanish used by trained meidos? Gloriosa evolución del latín de nuestros ancestros.

>> No.8952252

Consuela! ;_;

>> No.8952257

Spanish is the second worst latin language and doesn't sound glorious under any context

>> No.8952259

Eastern maid.

>> No.8952272

You should have cropped the right picture rather than squashing the left picture.

>> No.8952269
File: 266 KB, 512x512, 1329847303486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8952270

While it's accepted by a majority, it doesn't make it good.

See: Naruto and Headbands

>> No.8952281

Spanish from Spain sounds pretty good.

>> No.8952283

>you will never be a frenchman with a loli nip meido

>> No.8952327

Whats the first worst?

>> No.8952393

