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8951614 No.8951614 [Reply] [Original]

Can Satori read minds of people thinking in languages that she doesn't understand, like English? And what would she see in minds of people with mental problems?

>> No.8951622

I like to think she reads minds in colors or images rather than languages and text.

>> No.8951627

Since she can read animals minds, that is likely. Unless animals think in japanese.

Mental problems are a mixed bag, so I don't think you can generalize them

>> No.8951629

Why can't her understand English, OP?

>> No.8951624
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There is probably a torture doujin depicting exactly what happens when, OP.

>> No.8951630

Do you think she can read autistic minds or is it too much for her?

>> No.8951634

I'd crave for her to read my mind.
Although I'd just probably give her in for eternal suffering by that, but she will know the exact reason why it was all worth that.

>> No.8951636
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My favorite therapist

>> No.8951640


>> No.8951643

Does Satori automatically see your every memory and feel the moment you are "in range" or can she only read what you are currently thinking?

Does her mind reading ability 24/7 without her consent or can she "shut it down"?

>> No.8951682

If I had a dime for every time someone asked this exact same question and made this exact same thread...

Yes, she can. How do you think she speaks to her pets? No, not Orin and Okuu, her other pets.

>> No.8951820

I'm really curious about that!

>> No.8951835

She can't shut it down any more than you can shut down your ears, but she can try and ignore or tune it out. Maybe.
For memories, I think she'd have to focus hard to dig up those. She has to hypnotize your character into remembering past spellcards in order to copy them in SA.

>> No.8951842

Can Satori read my mind and tell how much I want to know what it's like to cum inside Satori?

>> No.8951867

So if her mind-reading probably has a maximum range, couldn't she just talk with people over the internet?

>> No.8951929

language just acts as the method in which ideas are transferred from one mind to another. if she can see the ideas directly there would be no need to know languages

>> No.8952123

Has Satori achieved ``Satori''?

This is important.

*le progsnake*

>> No.8952280


>> No.8952468
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>> No.8952545
File: 119 KB, 800x600, Satori_billig_bescheuert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8952701

In the same way you hear people in a room talking while you're reading a book and only listen when you pay attention or when you zone out while someone is talking to you

>> No.8955064
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Could it be thread with cute pictures of Satori along with discussion, please?

>> No.8955069
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