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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8949755 No.8949755 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people on /jp/ say that normal people are so mean?

I'm too scared to go outside often because I feel very nervous, but everyone I have ever met is very nice to me. Sometimes when I have to go to stores I get a little scared when it's my turn at the counter and everyone is still really kind.

The male employees pat me on the shoulder a lot and give me advice on how to be more confident and the female employees call me "honey" and say very nice things to me when I look scared. I was very nervous one day and I was asking one of the female employees where I could find a product I was looking for and she noticed how I was stuttering and she hugged me. She was a very nice person, but a lot of people have done these things. I haven't really ever met a mean person outside of the internet.

I don't really understand why so many of you say that normal people are mean and cruel. I think these people count as normal people, but they're all very nice to me. Could someone please explain it to me? I'm confused.

>> No.8949764

You are probably a beautiful person

People walking towards me on the same side of the road will cross the street to keep walking

>> No.8949763

Are you a real deal retard?

>> No.8949770


I don't have down syndrome or autism. Is that what you mean? I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean.

I'm just a very quiet person and I'm not very good at hiding my emotions. I guess it's just sorta obvious to other people when I'm scared, but that just seems to make them even nicer.

>> No.8949776

Most people aren't dicks. The only people who are afraid of the world are the ones who want to hurt it.

>> No.8949778

I would beat you up so bad if I ever saw you in real life

>> No.8949779
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Where do you live OP?

>> No.8949780


>> No.8949783

Most people are nice on the outside, but most aren't in the inside. True human nature is a bitch. So if you can get through without getting too personal with people, you'll be fine.

>> No.8949784

>No one has mentioned the fact that OP is female, and the perks that come along with that.

Try being a unattractive male and see how it works out.

>> No.8949787

If they saw this exact post you've written and the picture you used they would be mean to you.

>> No.8949788

They either feel sorry for you because you're so pathetic or you're just very attractive.

Most of us on /jp/ don't even get pretend pity and we're certainly not attractive.

>> No.8949793
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I'd be n-nice to you, anon..

>> No.8949791


You know what? Scratch that, try being a average looking male and see how it works out, you don't even have to be attractive..

>> No.8949792

You sound cute, OP.

Me, I'm just creepy and ugly, so of course I don't get any sympathy.

>> No.8949797


Meant to say unnatractive.

>> No.8949803


Why would you want to beat me up? Did I say something that offended you? I didn't mean to. Is it because this isn't a very good thread? I'm sorry, I don't make many threads.


But I'm not a girl. I don't know if I'm unattractive though. No one has ever said I wasn't, but I don't think anyone has ever said that I was. I don't really think that's one of those things that I can decide for myself and I'm not really sure how to do that either. I think I just look normal.

>> No.8949804

Try being an abhorrent creature like me and see the looks and treatment you receive.

>> No.8949822

Some people are mean. And some of those people who are mean simply don't realize they are being mean. People can be very shallow, but they can also be very kind, and those are the kinds of people you want to meet. It also depends on how you are to them. I'm shy and quiet, so people usually treat me pretty nicely, but if you're rude to them, they'll be rude to you.

>> No.8949824


It doesn't take much deviation from normal looks to be treated differently either.
I have a small cut on my face that I bandaged and I was stared at constantly today when I had to go out.

>> No.8949828

Because they want you to be normal. They know you're different, and it pains them to see someone 'so out of touch'. So they feign kindness in order to lure you over to their side.

>> No.8949842

Socially inept female = cute
Socially inept male = autism

>> No.8949845


Why would your looks change their behavior though? I mean, I guess I don't really understand how stuff works since I don't go out very much, but could it just be that they're a little scared of you?

Not because of the looks, but are you maybe kinda quiet? Sometimes I see people outside who are quiet too, but they look angry for some reason and I'm a little nervous about going near them. I'm sorta wondering if maybe they're just shy too though and they don't realize that they're making an intimidating face.

I just don't really think that people treat you differently because of looks. Well, I guess they do when it comes to that attraction stuff, but why would straight men be nice to me if it was just about looks? I don't know if I'm attractive, but even if I was I don't see why it would cause them to be nice to me.

I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do or something, I'm sorry if it sounds like that, but do you smile a lot when you go outside? I try to smile and even though I have a lot of trouble talking to people without feeling scared it seems like a smile is enough to make them not avoid me or anything like that. I guess I'm not really sure what I'm talking about, I just thought it might be helpful.

>> No.8949848



Socially inept female = future scary cat lady, ostracized by her peers
Socially inept male = autism

>> No.8949851

I know it doesn't make sense, but looks steer a lot more than it should.
Unfortunate, I know

>> No.8949856

Basically, it's how you look and how you carry yourself. If you're socially inept, people mock you. If you're socially inept and cute/attractive, people pity you. I manage intimidating, even if I'm not completely sure how.

>> No.8949858


It's probably your meth-addled vampire look from staying indoors for years that scares the townsfolk, Anonymous.

>> No.8949861

>I just don't really think that people treat you differently because of looks.
You are terribly, terribly, naive.

>> No.8949863

Actually I think you might have a point about the smiling. I'm a large, tall guy and can sneak up on people surprisingly well. I also rarely smile, usually at a rather innapropriate time. Maybe that explains it.

>> No.8949862

I try to be nice to people when I have to interact with them, but I'm pretty sure I just come off as creepy. If even I think I'm creepy, it must be pretty bad.

Though I count myself lucky that at least people simply leave me alone for the most part.

>> No.8949867


>I manage intimidating, even if I'm not completely sure how.

Have you tried to smile more? It just kinda seems like if you don't try to hide your emotions or anything like that then people might be nice.

For example, when I go outside I think it's sorta obvious to everyone that I look very scared. My hands shake a little, I look at the floor a lot, I touch my hair without realizing it, I stammer or stutter when I'm very nervous, and I also have trouble speaking loudly enough for people to hear me well. I try to smile and be as nice as I can though. It seems like as long as people know that I'm nervous then they aren't scared of me and they don't treat me in a mean way.

Maybe if they knew that you felt nervous then they wouldn't be intimidated.

>> No.8949870

I don't feel nervous, though. I like it, really. I was just making a point that how you carry yourself is important. Like you; you describe a weak, miserable shell of a man that would fracture in the slightest of breezes.

>> No.8949872


Why though? I don't understand. I mean, I understand if they were looking for someone to date and then I guess looks might be important to them, but what other reason would people have to care about looks? I don't really understand why it would cause you to be treated differently.

>> No.8949875

Are you sure you're not autistic? Have you just managed to never interact with people before, or any form of entertainment with normal characters?

>> No.8949877

Because, gender aside, people automatically don't like ugly people. It's unfair, but that's simply how it is.

>> No.8949880

That's not inherently true. They don't like ugly people, and hammer into their heads they should feel bad because normals are fuckwits, but if you can manage to carry across a message with body language, that has a profound strength on others.

>> No.8949881


>> No.8949885


>I like it, really.

I'm sorry, I misread your post. I got the impression that you didn't like that people thought you were intimidating. As long as it makes you happy though then it's a good thing.

>Like you; you describe a weak, miserable shell of a man that would fracture in the slightest of breezes.

Oh. Well, I guess that's pretty much accurate. I am a little fragile. Not physically, I'm not particularly small or anything like that, but emotionally I am a little fragile. I don't know if I could handle if someone was mean to me. There was one time when I was very little, I guess about eight years old or so, and one of my classmates was really mean to me and then I cried. I don't think I can handle a lot of mean words, they hurt me a lot.

>> No.8949890


>Have you just managed to never interact with people before

I'm not autistic, but I haven't interacted with many people. I was home schooled for a lot of my education so I guess I just don't have much experience.

>> No.8949901
File: 28 KB, 121x166, l85chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, OP, your beta nature has become so powerful that you emit a beta-aura around your body.

Maybe one day, you'll go super saiyan beta, where your hair starts glowing, you start crying uncontrollably, and you scream whenever someone tries to pull you out of your fetal position.

I wish people randomly hugged me-I get nervous occasionally. I guess because I'm a neckbeard who has said to look like the unibomber multiple times, I don't radiate friendliness.

>> No.8949902

the world is a vampire

>> No.8949909

Shave your damn beard.
I can't go outside without grooming or I feel paranoid. Or rather it's either I groom or stay inside.

>> No.8949913

>everyone I have ever met is very nice to me.
Whether you're male or female, it only means that you're attractive/cute for most of the people outside, nothing more.

Try to find someone ugly being scared of going outside and put him/her next the to SAME EXACT people who patted you on the shoulder. Then, you may understand.
OR, someone not ugly, but black, it works too.

>> No.8949917

Anyone else here have to repeat themselves several times in every conversation?


I'mma shave right now.

I'll be back in 40 minutes.

>> No.8949921


sent to be gayyy
secret destroya

>> No.8949920
File: 36 KB, 493x468, minorindeepthoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I look excellent with a trimmed beard. I usually shave the neck,actually, but that's it.

Also, very convenient. I feel much safer when I leave my house with a beard making me look like a vicious hobo. I've noticed people treat me with more respect when I'm sporting my beard, too.

I'm guessing many people on this board have little scrawny pubic beards, though.

>> No.8949922

Personally, my hair is pretty short. I think that's because I never cut it.

>> No.8949928

The real answer is that they pity you and assume that you need to be treated in that manner.
Or they're just doing their jobs.

>> No.8949947
File: 82 KB, 816x720, arayashimahotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't you clever.

You act like I've never shaved my beard off-I completely shave it off every 3 months or so when I get bored. Then, it grows back into it's glory all over again.

>> No.8950007

I guess almost all people run into people they hate/dislike, and that are mean to them. I guess it's plausible that it happens more often to otaku or "geeks". But to answer your question, I guess the reason you always hear about people complaining, or rather sharing, that "normal" people are mean to them is because, well, the very reason that they share this, is probably because they're frustrated. In other words, sure there might have been 99 people who were very nice to said person, but you'll only hear about the 1 douchebag who hit them over the head with a 4X4. People use the web to vent, simply as that. Furthermore, I doubt others would find it interesting, if people always wrote: "Today a complete stranger said that my hair looked great!", and not "Today a complete stranger said that my hair looked like poo!" (Even though it's just 1 out of 100) In any case, feel free to vent/share, when some idiot decides to be less nice to you.
By the way, and completely off topic, I just discovered this forum, and it looks mighty cool. I'm looking forward to sharing in the otaku spirit, although by the looks of things my posts might have to get a wee bit more harsh, judging by the general tone^_^ - よろしくおねがいします~

>> No.8950013

Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.8950014

This seems too specific for a copypasta

You don't have to be harsh, other people will do it for you.

Remember to put sage in the email field if you're not saying something worthwhile

>> No.8950019

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.8950118

Please learn to divide your post into paragraphs.

>> No.8950484

You reminded me that I still have face breakouts that I wanted to get rid of. Great, another reason not to go outside.

>> No.8951727

People on the internet are really the mean ones.
Like me. I was unpopular in school but decided it would be better to just be by myself than hang around losers/uglies. I look down on ugly/fat people constantly. I can't stand beta males for their weakness despite desire to fit in. I make no attempt at friendliness to anyone.

>> No.8951756

you get treated plenty different because of your looks. When I was just finishing 12th grade, girls wouldn't even look at me.
Then goes by two years of heavy lifting and on my second cut during summer, they literally can't keep their hands off me.

A family friend can come over and start laughing while talking to you because of some silly joke they made, and while doing that they lean in to touch my chest or something.
Trying to buy an M game for my younger brother so I go to the nearest gamestop in the mall, and some girl gets real close and runs her hand on my back instead of just saying excuse me without touching, so she could get help with some DS games. Do I look like I play pansy ass DS games? Fuck off. Of course I didn't say that and directed her to the counter because it would be rude, but things like that annoy me. I don't like that soft touch people do.

that's probably why OP got hugged, he's just better looking than average and people want to touch him.

>> No.8951768

How do you deal with that shit? I don't want random people staring at me or touching me. Ever since I started lifting, people keep staring at my goddamn biceps every time I go out, not to mention all the "wow you're huge" and "how did you get so big" comments when talking with anyone. God I hate that shit. Keep your comments to yourselves. I love lifting because it makes me feel and look good, but society's standards are so ridiculously low that anyone who does not look like a fat slob will get stared at.

>> No.8951790

You can try wearing a baggy jacket, but in the summer you are open to harassment.

>> No.8951791
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If you act like you have autism you'll get treated like it. I'm so socially anxious I fumble with my words and get all shaky when it's my turn at the register. I've had cashiers help me count my money and tie the grocery bag to my wrist because they think i'm mentally challenged and i've escaped my keeper.

>> No.8951799

I find that "normal people" are the nice ones and I'm the asshole.

Strangers are often way too friendly, and that makes me uncomfortable since I don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.8951809

Don't deal. Just be friendly like them. There's no reason not to.

>> No.8951833

I've also had cashiers count my money. Never been to those two stores since.

>> No.8951873

I don't really think other people are generally mean.

For some reason I always think that people are looking at me in crowded places, or maybe not even looking at me, just knowing that I can be seen by lots of people makes me feel uncomfortable. A lot of the time it feels like I start walking differently and I don't know whether it's just me over thinking it or not.

>> No.8952036

I wonder why hired people can't act in a neutral way. It would be good service. Chatting, joking, flirting and misinterpreting just makes everything unstylish as hell. Doctors and people at expensive places are usually good.
