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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 449x510, Sharp-AQUOS-Hybrid-007SH-thumb-450x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8947183 No.8947183 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/.
As it turns out, the iPhone is a piece of crap and pic related is better than the iPhone in every way, and is half the price. Not only that, it's a flip phone as well, major bonus points there.
As you can probably imagine, I'd have to import this from Japan.(Keep in mind I'm in the West of Europe)
However, one of my friends warned me that amongst stuff like mobile Japanese TV, 3G from Japanese phones usually doesn't work anywhere else. Now... that would be huge problem because I use 3G. A lot.
Is this true? Is anyone here experienced with importing Japanese phones or something?

>> No.8947224

Basically, what do I need to be wary of when importing a phone from Japan.

>> No.8947235

Ask >>>/g/

>> No.8947246

what are those phones from animes called

>> No.8947255


anime phones

>> No.8947256

Yes because those people are not only experts in japan imports, they won't tell me to install gentoo and all that other garbage.
I thought you were the experts, /jp/, I remember seeing these massive circlejerk threads over a bunch of phones and everyone knew what they were talking about. Sorta.

>> No.8947257

/g/ might be more helpful, since they're the technology board.

>> No.8947263

I didn't know cellphones were otaku culture.

>> No.8947270

Depends on the light you shed on them.

>> No.8947311

Don't think OP, feel.

>> No.8947313

It's all rather tedious to figure out on my own, but I suggest you read up on the specs of the phone to find out what kind of radio bands they use for 3G and to look up what kind your local telecom uses.

>> No.8947333

Am I the only one who hates touch screen shit being on everything these days? I'd much rather have a cellphone that actually looks like a cellphone (the one in OP's pic, for example) than iPhone android shit.

>> No.8947339

I want to know this.

Jap phones are always miles ahead of the western market.
They had 12mp cameras there while I was still dicking around with a 5mp. Fuck iphone

>> No.8947341

Japan uses different cellular bands from the US. It's possible that 4G would work, although I'm not too sure. See this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_frequencies

>> No.8947345

Japanese phones are near impossible to get a hold of unless you go through 2nd hand or something. And even then they're not really compatible with western networks.

>> No.8947344

Is it actually harder to turn off the shutter noise on Japanese phones, or just illegal and on the honor system?

>> No.8947353

Why do you think I want this phone? It's a hybrid. I know touchscreen can be quite convenient sometimes, it's much more practical for web surfing and whatnot. Typing is easier on a keyboard. This way, I can have both, and the style of a flip phone.

>> No.8947366

I find it ridiculous that Japanese phones are actually much more powerful than Western ones and completely unavailable anywhere outside Japan. It's on the level of "they buy panties from vending machines in Japan!! So crazy lol!!" except it's actually true. It's 2012, for fuck's sake. Globalization is supposed to bring me all the best products from around the world.

>> No.8947365
File: 329 KB, 1200x1347, 9263884975c52b0031a8d64631ab6f6b59a63961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an expert on this subject.

The short answer is; An unlocked Keitai is going to cost you up the ass, and 3G data will always be locked. So no internet, MMS and so on, essentially putting your 23rd century toy on the same level as a 30$ Nokia shitphone, but with a fine camera and fancy UI.

I know how to find fully functional phones, but if you're too shitty to do that research yourself a japanesque phone is just going to give you trouble.

>> No.8947377

Exclusivity is the highest form of capitalism.

>> No.8947430

Okay, progress. These are the frequency specs for the phone.

2G Network - GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900
3G Network - HSDPA 2100

And this is what my service provider uses:

TMN(Portuguese service provider) - GSM 900/1800 3G 2100mhz

I can only imagine that this is good.

>> No.8947438
File: 166 KB, 1600x1067, rms_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP why do you hate your freedom?

>> No.8947441
File: 31 KB, 460x287, jamesmayfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8947447

Translation of this thread:

Hey guise i'm a weeaboo where i can get one of those TRUE JAPANESE PHONES? xD

>> No.8947448
File: 60 KB, 752x564, RMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're beyond salvation

>> No.8947450

> Japanese phones are actually much more powerful than Western ones
but that's wrong you fucking weaboo
it's 2012 not 2000

>> No.8947453
File: 57 KB, 400x500, ikafacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least try to make sense.
Also, use sage.

Same to you

No, don't start arguing about stupid crap you idiots.

>> No.8947458
File: 33 KB, 602x800, b018341aae5900db51f41cd1874059c93dcfbf7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit isn't true anymore. Your western smartphone is comparable to a high-grade Keitai, except for the camera. But the Japanese cellular infrastructure itself and what people commonly use the phones for are somewhat more... Elaborate.

However, budget Keitais are generally better than budget Western phones, but that advantage quickly disappears as you climb up the phone ladder.

Nerd, read >>8947365. It doesn't matter. The frequencies are almost always compatible with your average European nets in that sense, but you can really only call and send SMS with it.

And it'll set you back 700USD, and you'll probably buy a shitty locked hypersim dungheap by sheer stupidity.

Don't be a faggot cumcommander.

>> No.8947459

I guess it would work
Also what languages does the phone come with? apart from jap?

>> No.8947463

If it's not the 3G frequencies that matter when determining if the 3G on the phone will work in Europe or not, what is? I can see why it'd be incompatible with US, with these being the main providers:

AT&T - GSM/3G 850/1900mhz
T-Mobile USA - GSM 1900mhz 3G 1700mhz

Completely incompatible.

>> No.8947464

It's not like any of you hikkis are actually getting calls.

>> No.8947467
File: 134 KB, 407x405, maxwee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't start arguing about stupid crap
sup weaboo faget

>> No.8947473

>use sage
Yeah brah, you're a TRUE /jp/sie

>> No.8947480

/g/ here.

We're not fucking tech support.

>> No.8947495

OP you got your answer so why not delete this thread before it gets out of hand with shitposting from a bunch of nerds.

>> No.8947496

Well then, I guess this guy is shit out of luck.

>> No.8947502

Because I'm trying to get >>8947458 to answer; if it's not the 3G frequencies that determine whether or not the 3G from the keitai will work here, what does determine whether 3G works or not?


>> No.8947503
File: 52 KB, 446x369, suckmycocdude2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting from a bunch of nerds

>> No.8947510

There's no way you typed that with a straight face.
/g/ - Tech Support/Desktop Thread General.

>> No.8947514

Hey Ned, delete this crappy thread.

>> No.8947521

fuck off fagggot
we don't need another HOW TO BUILD GAYMEN RIG /v/ type thread on /g/

>> No.8947525

You're right. You need about another two dozen.

We don't need tech help threads here either.

>> No.8947532

>As it turns out, the iPhone is a piece of crap

Hey did you also know that cats are mammals and people use the internet for things?

>> No.8947536
File: 41 KB, 381x380, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if you don't get enough of those already without my help.

>> No.8947545

Well, I've never used an Android but I imagine you can make it any language you want.

>> No.8947562

It will work if the band are compatible but you won't get the fancy stuff like 1seg tv and being able to use it to pay stuff since that comes from the SIM card.

>> No.8947572

So, according to my post: >>8947430
the bands are compatible, right? I'm not really interested in tv, as long as the 3G internet works I'm good.

>> No.8947603

HSDPA is 3.5G.
I'm not sure if they are backwards compatible, hell maybe even your provider has already HSDPA.

>> No.8947604

Guess so
Go for it

>> No.8947607

>as long as the 3G internet works

>> No.8947631

It does.

If you're gonna shitpost at least try to have some credibility; I'm not hiding the fact that I can't into mobile tech very good so I don't see why you should act like I'm trying to make it seem I know what I'm talking about. Because I don't, to be completely honest, which is why people are helping me.

>> No.8947700

>worrying about cellphones

Go away /v/

smartphones are for faggots anyway.

>> No.8947718

>talking 'bout shitposting in a smartphone thread

>> No.8947739

Who the FUCK are you quoting, you little shits?
