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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8941323 No.8941323 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. Do you know of any decent MMO's with a Japanese client/server and playerbase? Been looking for an MMO to play that keeps me immersed in the language. Closest I've gotten was Shin Megami Tensei, which I just didn't find appealing. Bought Final Fantasy XIV, quite boring and also when you register with a NA account you're forced to use an English client. Then of course there's all the Nexon games, but again those games are meh and you also have to get past the IP block if you want to play on the Japanese servers. I've also seen CosmicBreak threads in here, and that's one I still have yet to check out.

So far the best option looks to be Monster Hunter Tri, it seems like a fun game. Any information on getting the Japanese edition to work with USBLoader?

Any other game suggestions? And if you want to play with a fellow /jp/er, post your account/character name.

>> No.8941326


>> No.8941336

All native japanese MMOs are terrible. The most popular ones are Nexon's ported stuff like Arad, but have fun with the ip blocks.

Also, tri is dead and frontier is the most grindy game ever made.

>> No.8941344

Same issue as FFXIV. Final Fantasy Online accounts are tied to your Square Enix account, which is region specific. Also not wild about what I played of XIV and saw in the XI videos on youtube either- the pacing seems practically turn based.

>> No.8941352

Tri is really dead? And yet Frontier lives on despite being older?

>> No.8941357

koy-heem moo-soo.

>> No.8941368


>> No.8941371

ay you! sen key

>> No.8941374

Tri players all moved on to portable 3rd or 3g. Frontier is still going because people have invested thousands of hours into it.

Your best bet is to wait for the Phantasy star online 2 open beta.

>> No.8941647

Tri still has a decent amount of people playing on the US servers. Quite a few people who frequent the MH threads in /vg/ will hop on if you bring it up.

>> No.8942438

Bumping to hear from the morning crowd.

>> No.8942458

Wait for the PSO2 OB. It's a fun game, and there will be plenty of people playing who only speak in moonrunes.

>> No.8942649

I notice alot of jRO players on nicovideo. try that out?

>> No.8943073

Fukken proxy again. Japanese MMO companies just hate foreigners because they can't take foreign credit cards for microtransactions or something. Looks like my best option might be to proxy Arad, since I already love DFO. At least until PSO2OB.

>> No.8943083

>Bought Final Fantasy XIV, quite boring and also when you register with a NA account you're forced to use an English client.

lolwut? There's a language select option in the configuration menu.

>> No.8943103
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Dark Souls.

Play it in the wee hours of the morning and enjoy playing with Japanese people and then sending them ridiculous or insulting messages in your broken gaijin Japanese.

>> No.8943946

You mean ffxivconfig.exe, right? Oh, I know. That defaulted to Japanese anyway, because my locale is Japanese. So at the login screen, it's in le moonrunes. But once I login with the NA ID, the screen with the Play button is in English and so is the game.

>> No.8943972
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If you like Monster Hunter, i'd suggest MHFO, but the japanese version has an IP block.

The Korean version didn't, but now they require a bank account.. Also that kind of negates the purpose of you being immersed in the language. You should get into the PSO2 open beta when it starts up again, kinda plays similarly and has quite a few /jp/ers playing too.

>> No.8944103

Oh man, this reminded me of that priest who killed an atroce with throw stone. Took him HOURS. Nobody stole his kill. It was amazing.

>> No.8944260

Cosmic Break is good, you should check it out.

>> No.8944667

A few years ago when I used to play, Ultima Online had quite a lot of Japanese players (they had the most shards as well).

I'm not sure how many still play though, I only played on a Japanese server on one of my characters as we used to exploit the fact they were in a totally different time zone.
