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8941268 No.8941268 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ hate secondaries so much?

>> No.8941273


No really, Touhou games are pretty shitty, and the universe they're based in far more interesting than any of the games-but they're still not that great.

>> No.8941277

they dump touhou images on /jp/ and roleplay in the threads they make to do so

>> No.8941284

People getting angry about images being posted on an imageboard, I still don't understand it.

>> No.8943365


>> No.8943525

I don't really hate secondaries. It's just that after grinding fucking days trying to beat the games, spending a good time reading the official print works, and discussing carefully about the lore, it feels really bad to see someone completely shitting up the personality or going completely against the canon. It just feels bad, to make so much effort, and be able to call yourself " a fan of the series", and see people that only like to shout memes and know only marisa, cirno, alice, flandre and a few others out there. I don`t hate them, I just wish they would dedicate themselves a bit more to the series they claim to love.

>> No.8943570

In my village there is problem
And that problem is youkai
They take everybody money
And they never give it back

Throw the youkai down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party

>> No.8943638

I tried EoSD but I have piss poor reflexes and can't do bullet hell games but I've read all the official print works and explored the wiki in great detail as well as paying careful attention to ZUN interviews. I may be a secondary but I consider myself a damned good secondary.

>> No.8943748

>the universe they're based in far more interesting than any of the games
THIS is autism. It's a shooting game.

>> No.8943932

I don't hate them, it's just them who hate me.

>> No.8943974

I don't dislike you...

>> No.8943999

Fun fact: According to the official definition you're a secondary because you read the printed works. Yes that includes the official ones. A primary fan only plays the games.

>> No.8944000

>>8941273 the universe they're based in far more interesting than any of the games
This is what secondaries actually believe.

>> No.8944006

>official definition
There is none. And that makes no sense, to exclude official works.

>> No.8944007

So just because I wanted to immerse myself more into the lore, I'm a secondary? Pfft, really? Am I really in the same level as people who shout "MARISA STOLE MY PRECIOUS THING LOL" and "CIRNO BAKA BAKA"? That's a pretty strange definition.

>> No.8944029

clam it, tertiary

>> No.8944057

Yes there is. It was posted a long time ago here on /jp/. I'm sure someone has the archive link saved somewhere.

No. "Primary fan" and "secondary fan" are just retarded phrases invented by shmup players who wanted to feel superior to others, which is why they considered even the official works "secondary shit".

You seem to be exactly the same kind of user though, because you demand special treatment for knowing a lot about canon.

>> No.8944067

I don't care what one /jp/-er came up with, it's his opinion. But I do agree with you that such a distinction is petty dickwaving.

>> No.8944068

This whole thread just proves that you ignorant shitbags that spout "HURR DURR PRIMARY/SECONDARY" have no idea what you are all saying. By the original definition, a secondary is someone who got into Touhou through the fanworks (doujin music, doujinshi, doujin games, fanart, etc). And a primary is someone who got into Touhou because of the games. Now, these terms are just used like cool words to throw around just as a label for someone who plays the games or does not, which is pretty much wrong. There are primaries who don't play the games anymore because they find them boring and there are secondaries who set world records on a weekly basis. Not that you should be using these terms in the first since it's just troll terminology and was originally used by some stupid elitist twats who needed to feel a false sense of superiority to others. If you're going to be one of those stupid elitist twats, at least stick to your roots and know what the hell you're spouting before making yourself look like a complete fucking retard.

>> No.8944080

I actually don't deman any kind of special treatment, nor do I care about such trivial issues. I just enjoy the series the way they are, by playing the canon games, reading about the lore and discussing it. I just... dislike people that claims that they are fans of the series without knowing anything about them. At least, you know, if you're going to say that you have an extensive knowledge about the series, dedicate yourself a little bit (it probably takes less than a week to read about the series), not spend your whole day watching fan videos and this kind of thing.
I have no problems with fans that enjoy the series for example, because of the music. And it's also important to note that knowledge isn't to be used as a way to deem yourself superior to others, but to actually use what you know when it is indeed needed.
The definition itself is pretty retarded though, I agree fully.

>> No.8945773

le baka baka (9) xD

>> No.8946452

