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8938326 No.8938326 [Reply] [Original]

How do you nerds get money to buy figures?

>> No.8938330

your mom gives me money everytime i bang her

>> No.8938329
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>> No.8938336

I work 9-5 to support my wife and kids, and when I get a little bit of disposable income I buy a figure or two.

Doesn't everyone?

>> No.8938350

autism bux
Mooch off the gov't
GPU mining
Captcha filling
MMO Real world trading

>> No.8938355

I live in superior welfareスウェーデン。

>> No.8938357

SSI checks, though i haven't bought any figs in months.

>> No.8939390
File: 127 KB, 500x590, Yids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a right crook.

>> No.8939420
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By manipulating figures and not actually contributing anything to society.

We are the Jews of the UK after all. Hell, one of us invented modern capitalism.

>> No.8939423

>Captcha filling
More info! Can I go NEET just from filling CAPTCHAs all day?

>> No.8939425

I've been trying to transcribe audio lately for $$ but it's so goddamn boring. I can't even browse /jp/ while doing it since it demands all my attention.

>> No.8939433

Hey me too.
Just got my autism bucks confirmation letter the other day.

Not sure what to do with all this money, might just save it. I don't like spending money, it makes me stressed.

>> No.8939439
File: 66 KB, 468x420, cmimg_492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over jocky, England is ours now.

>> No.8939451

Going to apply for Employment and Support Allowance soon. I feel like I don't deserve it though. The people who usually get this are properly disabled, and I'm just a bit miserable and incapable of dealing with people. Granted, I couldn't work with people for more than a few hours without having a panic attack/being sick/running away, but I feel like it isn't a "real" problem.

And generally I have no problem with people receiving benefits, even if they're in my situation or just do it to buy booze. Perhaps I just hate myself a little.

>> No.8939454


>> No.8939469
File: 636 KB, 1536x1024, 025_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as the English Islamic Republic doesn't extend any further north than the Tweed, I don't mind so much.

>> No.8939470


Congratulations! are you in America?

>> No.8939653

Currently, parents.
Studying a degree in Mathematics and got a Masters in Financial Mathematics lined up assuming I meet the offer.

>> No.8939711

Degree in Mathematics
Any job you want
Starting 300k
