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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8937710 No.8937710 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any tips for holding in my sperm? I can only play this game for an hour before I blow my load.

At this rate it will take me forever to finish.

(I always surrender once before I actually fight)

>> No.8937714

Don't touch your dick try to orgasm using only your mind.

>> No.8937721

That actually happened yesterday, I stopped fapping but while reading the text it suddenly just happened.

Not even trolling.

>> No.8937720

Give in to your lust. You can always cum again.

>> No.8937724

Make a save before each fight. Then you can go through each one in order at the end.

>> No.8937734

During masturbation, when you're on the edge of cumming and you begin to feel your mind going numb you just have to squeeze your dick strong enough.

Circle the lower part of your dick with index and thumb and stop jerking off. You'll begin to lose the sensation of cumming.

With this technique you are able to edge ad libitum.


>> No.8937735

I tried to save it for especially good scenes. Still ended up fapping three times a day, but it didn't take me too long to finish.

>> No.8937739

The game gets really hard halfway through, when you meet the 9 tailed fox. It's impossible to beat her on the first try.

>> No.8937748

About 35% of the enemies are so disgusting that you will try hard not to lose. You'll eventually recognize the style of that one artist that is responsible for thousand of killed boners.

>> No.8937749
File: 1.33 MB, 800x800, 1329681064824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you actually try to win every fight? Then your chances of fapping are greatly reduced. If you lose, then go ahead and fap.

>> No.8937754
File: 37 KB, 558x181, crabgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That one artist" is the creator of the game.

>> No.8937757

I've fapped to all of them except earth worm girl so far. All of them were glorious. I've done up to the harpies.

>> No.8937773

Hello Komachi aka the most boring and long rape scene

>> No.8937780
File: 32 KB, 204x211, 1335098855110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8937788


>> No.8937786

I saved before each fight and would edge myself until I got to a particularly good monster.

>> No.8937802

I couldn't keep the thought of her being Komachi out of my mind.

Though her scene in Part 2 was pretty good.

Are you sure you guys are talking about the same artist?

>> No.8937843


>gets really hard

No it doesn't. Most of the "hard" fights are just figuring out how to best use that new ability you got. I beat Alma Elma, Tamano, Erubeite, and Granberia on my second try once I figured out what to do. I beat Alice on my first try.

The game is mechanical and designed that the only way you can lose is by sheer luck, or your own stupidity for wastefully using your SP. It's interesting, but unlike a real RPG there's no way that you can be skillfully unable to beat something unless you are clinically retarded.


I tried looking for the Little Shop of Horas picture, but I couldn't find it. Fuck that part of the game. Fuck the Chimeras, fuck the Drayds, and fuck the Beelzebubs. It's like by the end of the game he was requisitioned to draw the gross monsters.

>> No.8937855

ITT: Next-level furries

>> No.8937870

I came buckets finishing this game, not even done with part 2.

Seriously I must have fapped over 15 times a day while I was playing it.

>> No.8937882


What if I told you that furries were the American equivalent of otaku.

>> No.8937888

What if I asked you out for mai tais

>> No.8937894

No, comic book nerds are.

>> No.8937892


Sure, why not?

>> No.8937896

You free at 4?

>> No.8937897

I try to not lose against every fight, but if I do then I fap regardless of whether I like the monster or not.
During rape scenes that are scripted to happen (i.e. Alice rape, princess blow job) I also fap.
Once I fap I stop for the day, even if I can fap again.

>> No.8937909


A-ok. I'll meet you there.

>> No.8937910

what's the game? sorry guys, i'm new here

>> No.8937912

It says it right in OP's picture.

>> No.8937916


and Chimeras and beelzebubs were ok. All those plant monsters were unfappable though.

>> No.8937952

The artist who did Chrome, the zombies and the automata is great. He must have been very expensive to hire.

>> No.8937961


Don't forget the green/red/blue/purple slime, frog girls, nefereti lamias, and a few others. That guy (UN_DO?) and the one who did the vampire and medusa girl are my favorites.

>> No.8937979

That artist is pretty much the only reason I want to play this game at all. Main reason I've been putting it off is because I know most of the scenes will be completely normal sex except for the girl having some visual monster trait.

>> No.8937984


More like a monster having a somewhat visual monster traight. Some of the times it's just a face, hair, and maybe tits on some critter. At least the other artists try.

>> No.8938008

No, they are pretty damn monstrous a lot of the time.

>> No.8938053


This guy just can't do faces at all, fuck. Not to mention his monster designs are just the same thing over and over.

Still great games though.

>> No.8938082

I do the same thing. It's why I can never finish nukige.

>> No.8938095

>I always surrender once

No, you faggot. Use edging, if you're playing chapter 2. Get that accidental ejaculation count nice and high.

Also, is there another Illias ending in this game? Might save me some trouble to start evaluating as quickly as I can.

>> No.8938215

Getting lots of vore and plant girls all the sudden, I can take a break fapping for a bit.

>> No.8938243


>> No.8938274

Fapped pretty hard to the 8-tails fox girl, she rapes you with her ass and her tongue coils around your dick.

>> No.8938303

>>>/vg/ is that way, pal.

>> No.8938324

You should be redirecting if you can't even do it properly.

>> No.8938342

My post redirected to /vg/ properly, and why are you saying one should be doing something they can not do.

>> No.8938477

It was obviously a typo of shouldn't you fucking n*rd. Learn to context.
