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File: 135 KB, 800x599, Fate Stay Sakura 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8934027 No.8934027 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit /jp/, what do I do?

The Sakura route is so amazing. There were so many twists that I never predicted.
First of all, finding out that Sakura was Rider's real master came out of nowhere. It makes sense when you consider how terrible Shinji was in general when it came to magic, but to play through 2 routes without knowing this was pretty fun. My favorite part is when Sakura is captured and Rider starts attacking Shirou's limbs. I thought back to how Sakura wished to damage Shirou's limbs to avoid having him go outside and hurt himself. And then it all made sense.
Even better was learning that Sakura IS the shadow killing the people. The whole time, I'm like, "Why does assassin sometimes wear a mask and sometimes have a shadow?" ...and then it hit me and I was like, "No way!"
I was so happy to see Sakura kill Shinji. That was a good scene
I was also so happy to see Sakura kill Gilgamesh. Fuck that guy, he can't be final boss every route.
Kirei eating curry was godlike

>> No.8934071
File: 142 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Sakura 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I mention how awesome Kirei is?

>> No.8934079

You didn't get bored by all the cooking? I am impress usually most people rate Sakura's route SHIT TIER just for that.

Anyways just wait till you get to the end part. Your pants will be filled with an Extraterrestrial Fluid that not even Nasu could properly explain

>> No.8934083

You're fifty years behind and shitting over the objectively worst heroine.

>> No.8934088


But Sakura isn't a Heroine Anon, Shirou is.

>> No.8934096

Sakura is the whiny count the route is based on. The only real end to it was when Shirou turned into a fucking superhero, which was his entire life goal and shit. Fuck this shit, I'm gonna build a time machine and get HF swapped out with Ilya route.

>> No.8934105
File: 211 KB, 448x590, 1309237128274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl

>> No.8934156

It's not about the heroine, it's about all the events that happen. UBW had some pretty cool twists, but that route was spoiled for me for the most part. This route I new nothing about, and I was pleasantly surprised each time.

>> No.8934203
File: 111 KB, 299x530, anincrediblynicepreist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in for one hell of a ride OP when you get around to reading FZ

>> No.8934208

HF is the Ilya route. You even run through forests and stuff with her in your arms.

>> No.8934215

But Fate/Stay was better than FZ

>> No.8934228


Pick choice 2. Special surprise when you almost defeat Berserker!

>> No.8934243


We're not doing this tripfag

>> No.8934302

Don't be silly. No one even knows her name.

>> No.8934307

At my rate, I'll be reading fate/zero in a few years.

>> No.8934308

Cute though

>> No.8934322

Best route.
Best girl.
Plebes can't appreciate it.

>> No.8934327

Just watch it instead of bothering with the "translation".

>> No.8934353

/jp/ is just tsundere for everything. By the end of this thread, we will have Sakura and Ilya doujins and discussions about how people die when their hearts are removed, even if they don't have one.

>> No.8934361

>reading Fate without knowing any spoilers

I wish I could have done this.

>> No.8934392

Yeah, UBW was ruined by having one of the best spoilers ruined before I even started the route.

Fate was ruined by the anime, but it was a boring route overall.

>> No.8934479


There's spoilers in UBW that can ruin it? Color me surprised. I mean the Archer reveal isn't that big,Shirou himself states it and doesn't care too much about it nor is Shirou beating Gilgamesh. It's just shit to be rolled over.

Hell a lot of plot points in Nasu's shit is like that. The reveal isn't too important but rather the details that lead up to it all.

>> No.8934570

Am I almost done with Sakura route yet? I'm currently in a hidden cavern in Ryudou temple. Dark Saber let Rin through and now Rider and Shirou will fight Dark Saber. Sakura already killed assassin and pulled a worm from her heart

>> No.8934571

Naw man, the details make the reveal make even more sense, and then when it's finally revealed you go, "Oh shit, that makes sense!"

>> No.8934588

Right near the end. Prepare your anus for the final fight.

>> No.8934600


Oh boy

You need to go back a few choices so you can read Sparks Liner High

>> No.8934623

You guys are making me want to reread HF.

It was so glorious.

>> No.8934639

Mother Fucker
I charged at Saber with a projected sword, the sword shattered, and she chopped off my fucking arm. Fuck your servant shit.

>> No.8934653 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Sakura 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least my arm didn't get chopped off this time.


>> No.8934657

It was filled with nothing but glorious mindfucks and revelations about the story.

Also had four ero scenes, but I just ctrl through them nowadays.

>> No.8934665

HF is the best route because it has the most Ilya and Kotomine in it.

>> No.8934748
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Sakura 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, the ribbon from the picture... NO WAY. So that's where it went

>> No.8934820
File: 45 KB, 522x328, Fate Stay Sakura 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I just finish the final battle with Sakura and I'm about to project the final weapon to destory the embryo. Suddenly, Kirei appears to protect it not matter what. Goddamn, you faggot, get out of my way, I just need to slash that shit.

>> No.8934834


>> No.8934904 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Sakura 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon. I saw this picture in the ending and my jaw just hit the floor. Madness, this entire route.

>> No.8935097

Wow, the normal end is so sad. It's painful to watch Sakura stay in the house by herself planting flowers and waiting for Shirou to return. At least Rin's granddaughter visits her when she gets older.

>> No.8935178

Normal end is much more in tune with the route in my opinion. Sakura's crimes and Shirou's abandoning of his ideals have a price to pay and they got what the got. True End felt way too out of the blue after Shirou was played to die for half of the route.

>> No.8935304

I'm having trouble getting the normal end for Rin.

I try lowering the relationship points, but then Rider just sorta kills me in the church.

>> No.8935317

Whats the name of that game?

>> No.8935328

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.8935392

>Sakura's crimes

Humanity's crimes, you mean. Sakura just blamed herself for something out of her control. Angra Mainyu existence is due to humanity (go to cm and hollow/ataraxia, the resolution for fucking avenger depressed me. Humans are cunts).

>> No.8935446


I think you misunderstood the entire route. That route was to give an answer to the kind of life Shirou Emiya SHOULD live. He had to break free from his father's poisonous shadow and accomplish what he couldn't (destroy All Evils in the World) and obtain the life he wanted deep inside (a life with his one true love, who happens to be a Grail Waifu just like Sakura). He had to find the cure of his 'defect' which was still present in the other two routes, he's just less aware he's an empty man as Kotomine because he didn't bond with him to realize his issues. He did it by losing worthless memories and through death-rebirth anew.

It was to complete the ritual: Heaven's Feel.

In any case, 'Sakura's crimes' are more in her imagination. She tended to blame herself over everything, even her own abuse. Saber is the same as Sakura, someone who carries the blame and would snap (they are very suited as master/servant partners after both of them got blackened).

The Shadow was Avenger (or rather the Grail) consuming people as she slept, using the uncanny compatibility of Matou magic (and imaginary numbers) to make it happen. Avenger was innocent too. Sakura put a stop to this once she realized it by not sleeping again.

She only had control over it during the last days, after she snapped, by going Dark Sakura. The people she killed were: Kotomine Kirei, Zouken Matou, True Assassin, and Shinji Matou (accidentally). What 'crimes' do you speak about?

There is no villain in HF. Everyone is somewhat responsible for what happens. You can even argue that Avenger himself is the most innocent victim of all. He still paid for it.

The True Ending fits in everything. Rider inclusion was a little out of place, but Nasu favors Rider as his girl. So let's leave it like that.

>> No.8935452


Rin doesn't have a normal end, she has good end. You need to have higher points with Saber to get it.

>> No.8935464

Fuck actually analyzing the text, Sakura is a slut XD!

>> No.8940303


Actually, the night she was attacked by Gilgamesh, she went of her own will to the town to swallow people.

>> No.8944183


No. She was asleep (the Shadow moves her body as a puppet as she sleeps. Think about sleepwalking). She only woke up a little after she got killed by Gilgamesh.

That's why it's called "Nightmare: Awakening."

>> No.8944238
File: 519 KB, 671x550, 23654368_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura had the best route even though she is the worst heroine.

>> No.8944257

Shinji was the character with the most character development though. People give him a lot of shit when really hes trying his best even when the odds and fate are against him, his father and grandfather abandoned him and lied to him his whole life,he wasted his whole life thinking he could do it ,when really his whole family lied to him. Hes also the only character i actually felt for, he had actually reasons for being who he was and even without magic tired his best. It wasn't his fault he actually understood it was a war rather than how immature shriou viewed it like it was som fairy tail or something. If he was in a earlier war, maybe he would of actually been regarded as a genius at tactics.

>> No.8944946
File: 365 KB, 800x1000, 3449f0f744e8c856a2f3e3874e7cfc2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pasta is best.

>> No.8944963

hey hey, a respectable thread.

I'd like to believe that the three consecutive routes can also be a metaphor for all our lives.
Saber Route -> Understanding of one's ideals
Rin Route -> Surpassing doubts
Sakura -> Application
It's amazing how well done the game all together is.

>> No.8944985

More like:

Fate: Discovering you ideals.
UBW: Affirming your ideals in the face of hardship.
HF: Revaluation of your ideals as being less important than the things you have in life.

>> No.8945006


Hmm.. I don`t know about that. From the scene where Kirei is lifting up Shiro asking him what his wish was, the reply being that he'd never undo what was already done, I had the impression that all along he never once thought against changing the past, but working on the future. For the second, I think mine is more accurate, since it's Archer of all people to come kill hm. And for the third, in the (true) end, Shiro still ends up going for both: The girl and his desire to be a superhero.

>> No.8945037

HF: abandoning ideals for boring, normalfag life

>> No.8945060

>From the scene where Kirei is lifting up Shiro asking him what his wish was, the reply being that he'd never undo what was already done,

You're talking about the scene under the church in Fate, right? For most of the route, Shirou was unsure with how to deal with his survivor's guilt. His dilemma was paralleled in Saber, who had the same problem with the past. It wasn't until he confronted his fellow corpses that he solidified his view (and also convinced Saber).

>For the second, I think mine is more accurate, since it's Archer of all people to come kill hm

Honestly, doubts and hardships are almost the same thing. The point was that Shirou chooses to pursue his ideal because it holds beauty to him, despite seeing Archer's memories knowing what may happen in the future. Even if, in the end, he's dead on a hill of swords. it wasn't a mistake.

>And for the third, in the (true) end, Shiro still ends up going for both: The girl and his desire to be a superhero.

I think you misread. Shirou abandoned his ideal for Sakura; that was the whole point of the route. Sacrifice everything else for the girl. Going superhero is antithetical to saving Sakura (see Mind of Steel). The idea was outright stated multiple times by Kotomine, Ilya, and Shirou himself.

>> No.8945153

And you're acting as if going superhero works with his ideal. Becoming Archer means Kiritsugu 2.0. Meaning you'll be trolled by Kotomine until one of you dies and you'll fail to save everyone, leaving you to kill innocents if need be to save the majority. Shirou's ideal justice is different from and would have to be sacrificed to follow the world's justice. Besides in HF True End, Shirou's got a waifu who's basically a Ultimate Enigizer Battery on steriods and her historical hax eyed BFF who can wreck shit if she wants without worrying too much about power loss. And Rin as backup when needed. You can do a whole lot more good with that instead of just useful sword spamming abilities with an emo mindset which causes you to go back and fail at commiting suicide. Wait, he still has those abilitis, albiet they're not as refined as in UBW route. Oh, and Zouken's dead, unable to fuck with the world as he probably would have did with his insane ass. Granted. he probably would have pulled that shit in the next Grail War(if Waver/Rin hadn't dismantled the Greater Grail. Well shit...).

>> No.8945183

Fate: As shitty as anime.
UBW: Archer is gar.
HF: Best route, best girl, best rage.

>> No.8945205

> Even better was learning that Sakura IS the shadow killing the people. The whole time, I'm like, "Why does assassin sometimes wear a mask and sometimes have a shadow?" ...and then it hit me and I was like, "No way!"
fucking seriously?

>> No.8945261

>And you're acting as if going superhero works with his ideal.

Going superhero literally is his ideal. I have no idea how you've managed to conclude otherwise.

>Becoming Archer means Kiritsugu 2.0. Meaning you'll be trolled by Kotomine until one of you dies and you'll fail to save everyone, leaving you to kill innocents if need be to save the majority.

No, it doesn't. Kiritsugu abandoned his superhero ideal; he chose to sacrifice for the greater good. Shirou (and Archer) inherited pre-Mind-of-Steel Kiritsugu's ideal. Shirou wants to save everybody at the cost of nobody (except himself). The killing of innocents doesn't occur until Archer becomes a Counter Guardian and it was against his will. Archer managed to live out his ideal; the bitterness came after his death.

>Rest of your post. Spoilers are pretty useless since everyone else on /jp/ read FSN years ago, but alright.

You're missing the point. Hurrdurr powerlevels doesn't make Shirou a superhero; he's lost the moral standing to be one. Once he has accepted the idea of selfishly sacrificing others for Sakura, he can no longer be a superhero (ally of justice). Shirou's ideal went beyond simply being a "vigilante."

>> No.8945291

I think Sakura's route is the most boring.

>> No.8945318


>Granted. he probably would have pulled that shit in the next Grail War(if Waver/Rin hadn't dismantled the Greater Grail. Well shit...).

Fate/complete material III describes the dismantling of the Great Grail as being "of the same magnitude of the grail wars", so yeah he probably pulled some zany shit.

>> No.8945469

I was using spoilers for the guy who said he was almost finished but whatever. When you say selfishly sacrifing others for Sakura, do you mean before or during Dark Sakura shenanigans? [spoilers]I want to know do you think he should have killed her when he suspected she was the shadow before she snapped, or when she was manically laughing while offing people(Gil, Kirei, Zouken, and Shinji[acicident]). I would agree with you on the latter if Shirou had no other options to stop her from wrecking havoc on the general public with Angra Manyu(probably spelled that wrong, but wtfever).[/spoiler] Also, Shirou wanted to save EVERYONE. so that would include Sakura.
Welp, I feel we're going to go in circles, so just post your answer so I can read it and agree to disagree.
