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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8933628 No.8933628 [Reply] [Original]

Just so you know, /jp/, being a trap in real life sucks.

No matter how passable and pretty you are, society will never accept you once they find out your biological sex. Those who appear to accept you only want to treat you like a piece of meat.

That is all.

>> No.8933634

I want you to suck on my piece of meat.

>> No.8933639

Suck my huge fat chode

>> No.8933637

Man the FUCK up

>> No.8933638

why do you think people here want to be traps?

>> No.8933654

Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.8933661 [SPOILER] 
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>Those who appear to accept you only want to treat you like a piece of meat.
funny cuz its true

>> No.8933667
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>wanting a trap
>not wanting a huge neckbeard dressed as a girl

>> No.8933673

>Those who appear to accept you only want to treat you like a piece of meat.
This seems to be a very common belief in trap drama. You guys are vain as hell.

>> No.8933678
File: 146 KB, 822x1000, Otoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if there are many cock chasers and people who only like you for fetish reasons dont give up hope OP!

I'm sure there is a kind and gentle man/woman out there for you who will love you for being you~

>> No.8933685
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I thought the purpose of crossdressing was enjoying as much dick while looking like a girl (and being treated like a girl) for as long as time allows. Then moving on with your life once you're no longer girly enough, with insurmountable life knowledge. At least that's what I'd do if I could pull it off. Cherish the memories later instead of becoming a walking hormonal joke.

>> No.8933720

Maybe it's common because it's true.

>> No.8933725

Cheer up, anon. There's surely a cute boy or girl out there who is waiting to love you. Not everyone in the world is a bad person; just look at /jp/. In fact, you might find a cute boy who will love you for who you are right here! Doushio?

>> No.8933736

>feminine chinese boy
>leave the house for hte first time in months to have my pc looked at
>get hit on by the guy behind the counter
>run to my mom thats waiting outside and ask her to deal with the cashier for me
>go home and fap about him pulling out his dick

I need to get a haircut

>> No.8933740
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A good girl should never be sucking dicks, but I generally agree with you on the idea of how an idealized anime like trap should be. You get to experience the wonders of both sides and enjoy all the experiences you would typically miss out on. Unfortunately, the 3D wold is cruel and makes things difficult to impossible.

>> No.8933752

so you can fantasize about your barber flipping you over and plowing your asshole?

>> No.8933759

>Unfortunately, the 3D wold is cruel and makes things difficult to impossible.

I can't see how that stops the passable crossdressers of knowing when it's time to stop. Then again, the 3D world's people don't usually make much sense.

And a good girl would do anything to help a friend in need. Even more so when they have the "if you don't blow me right now I'll die" disease.

>> No.8933763

Except it isn't most of you faggots who complain about this don't even pass and you just say it because you have seen others say it.

>> No.8933765


>> No.8933774

>being a trap
>not going full TG


>> No.8933777

OP here, posts like these give me hope.

The worst part is that those who don't pass are fetishized even more so than those who actually pass.

Why would I go full TG when I don't have actual dysphoria? Hell, I'm on anti-androgens when I shouldn't be.

>> No.8933784
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I don't even see a problem with this. You are a shit tier trap. If you can pass well then you should be out there sucking dicks and helping fellow /jp/ers loose their virginity or anyone who looks like they are socially inept.

>> No.8933791

How old are you, OP? There's no reason anybody would find out your original biological sex if you've already transitioned fully at a young age. And why wouldn't you, unless you always want to have a cock?

>> No.8933799

I hope you're not implying that /jp/ isn't full of terrible people.

>> No.8933801
File: 24 KB, 200x223, 1334868208172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look into testosterone treatment if you don't want to be a trap anymore, I've been looking into it and it seems like it gives good results or you can keep crying.

>> No.8933802

It's not a thing to be taken lightly. I mean, I'm trans and now no girl will ever want me to cuddle. Now I'm a NEET -and- a freak.

>> No.8933806


Not OP, but 19. It's too late for me.


>> No.8933808

Just so you know, OP, it's much worse to be a girly-looking guy who happens to be straight. You get made fun of by insecure jocks, only the wrong type of girls would want anything to do with you sexually, your parents keep thinking you must be swinging the other way due to the lack of girls and the faggots give you creepy long stares when you're sitting in the bus.

>> No.8933809

My barber is an old guy with a handlebar. Not kawaii at all

>> No.8933813

19's not that late. Your body's skeletal and muscular structure keeps growing up until 25 or so. If you start now, you can still become a cute girl.

>> No.8933815

>only want to treat you like a piece of meat.
I'd love a trap even if there wasn't sex.

>> No.8933822

False ugly tranny propaganda.

>> No.8933824

But you're a masochist, with a load of rape fantasies. You just don't know yet.

>> No.8933832

OP here.

I'm 18. I've been crossdressing since I was 14 and I pass pretty damn well. I live as a guy normally, but I do sometimes present as female and no one ever questions it. Sometimes, however, you get to know someone really well and it just seems right to tell them that you're actually biologically male. The two main reactions to that are:
1. Dude, what the fuck? That's creepy as hell, get away from me.
2. Oh that's hot as hell, I have a huge trap fetish. (These continue to make a big deal out of it)
But I've met some nice people in a third group who just think it's pretty cool and get over it. They treat me the same either way and I appreciate it.

>> No.8933836

This, especially if you're already thin.

>> No.8933842

>>Those who appear to accept you only want to treat you like a piece of meat.

It's funny because some 3D girls think this 24/7 as well. So congrats trap anon. You really are becoming the little girl.

But really you act like real platonic friendships aren't possible.

>> No.8933857
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>But I've met some nice people in a third group who just think it's pretty cool and get over it. They treat me the same either way and I appreciate it.

And you don't want anything to do with them, romantically speaking, precisely because they're okay with it. That or they're ugly.

>> No.8933865

You don't like people telling you that they think it's hot?

I don't know how I'd react. I'd probably just tell you that was cool and try and be the same, but my mind would fill up with lewd stuff.

>> No.8933873

>I want someone to love me for who i am even though I'm more emotionally unstable than an actual woman AND I don't want to put out ever
>baww sex is the devil
Every tranny ever. Stop using the word trap.

>> No.8933880

That does sound pretty sad. Perhaps you should just not tell people. I'm sure its probably hard not being able to talk about something, but maybe you should just try not to worry so much about it and live the dream. Plus, if you have meet a few people who are ok with it then you are already doing better than most of us friendless people here and can't really complain.

>> No.8933882

Nope. I dated someone who didn't mind it for a while and we generally got a long pretty well. He eventually had to move away though, it was a shame.

>> No.8933893

I've also kind of noticed this. Why do transgendered people hate sex so much?

>> No.8933895

More like: "I want big burly cocks in my boypussy but I don't want people to see me as sex object"

>> No.8933916

I'm not a typical MtF transsexual, but I understand this to some degree. Taking anti-androgens kills your libido a whole lot. You stop getting morning wood or random boners all together and don't have the urge to fap as much. It's hard to get it up and you barely ejaculate anything. This lack of sex drive, compounded with transsexuals' hatred of their sexual organs, results in their tendency to avoid sex.

>> No.8933918

Ur fukin dumb. How do you expect people to react when you tell them you have a bizarre sexual fetish?

They label you with it.

>> No.8933932

It's not a sexual fetish though. I don't get aroused from wearing girl clothes.

>> No.8933937

>>you are already doing better than most of us friendless people here and can't really complain.

That too. Oftentimes Anon's first world problems seem quite paltry compared to the problems of other Anons.

Like the guy yesterday who wanted to kill himself despite having things better than some of the NEETs here. Learn to count your blessings already nerds.

>> No.8933942
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I gave OP a solution here>>8933801 but he's the type to create drama for attention i.e. this thread. You just have to accept this is the world is or change yourself if you really want to fit in.

>> No.8933943
File: 50 KB, 244x363, 1308087304832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do you do it? You're a homossexual, that much I can tell. If you don't get aroused from looking and being treated like a girl, then that means you crossdress for other people. Meaning, you don't believe you can get a fulfilling relationship if your partner sees you as a male from the start.

And then you whine about people using you for personal satisfaction.

>> No.8933957

>Those who appear to accept you only want to treat you like a piece of meat.
It helps that most traps behave like shallow whores. You people are fucking horrible.
If I wanted to talk to retarded girl, I would talk to the one without dick.

>> No.8933970

This. What WOULD make you happy OP?

People thinking you're a girl isn't enough because you tell them you're a guy anyways.
People finding you attractive doesn't because you say they think you're meat.

>> No.8933985

Stop being a bitch. What else would you expect? You're changing your physical aspects solely for aesthetic reasons, so it's only logical people would be attracted by you by the same prospects.
Also, man the fuck up, gaylord.

>> No.8933992
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This if a girl tells me that she like the smell of dirty socks and never wear panties I would -try- to act the same

>> No.8934005
File: 39 KB, 261x94, 1310764393547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we'll ever know. We are not being supportive enough and we're ostracizing him for making a personal statement. We are true scoundrels.

>> No.8934017

Well said.

>> No.8934021

My problem is with people who are constantly horny and make sexual comments all the time. There is no problem with casual flirting and things you would do with someone you find attractive, but the sexual comments about how I long for cock and my "boy-pussy" really aren't appreciated.

And honestly, I should have listened to you guys about the real world; there are way too many people who do this there. I should just stick with hanging out with shut-ins online.

It's okay, /jp/. I know how you guys are.

>> No.8934035

I don't get sexually aroused, but wearing girl clothes and looking pretty does generally make me happy.

I guess I'm a shallow whore.

>> No.8934050

Except when you go in for your next appointment, you find he's out sick, and his tall, lanky and handsome son is filling in for him. Surprised, you stammer out something about an appointment and blush. He smiles and, noticing you've mostly frozen at this point, leads you back to a chair by your hand. The two of you are alone in the store, and he helps you sit down. "Well, how would you like it cut today?," he asks, running his hands through your hair and lightly caressing your scalp with his fingertips. "S-something c-cute," you stammer out, wriggling a bit at his touch. He places a hand and your arm and leans down to your ear, whispering "Something... feminine, perhaps?" You blush again, and can only nod, an erection growing as you imagine his hand sliding lower, lower...

>> No.8934040
File: 63 KB, 578x547, 1317537347861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun.

>> No.8934051

>Once I admit I'm a hypocritical whore, you can't call me a hypocritical whore anymore! Ha! Got you good!

Who am I quoting? OP's mastermind-level thought process.

>I should have listened to you guys about the real world; there are way too many people who do this there. I should just stick with hanging out with shut-ins online.

No, please. We don't need any more blogshit ruining the board. Go to /soc/ or something.

>> No.8934053

>how I long for cock and my "boy-pussy" really aren't appreciated.
You remind me of women who dress slutty and get drunk and when someone fucks them, I WAS NOT ASKING FOR IT HOW DARE THEY MAKE A SINGLE PASS AT ME HOW DARE THEY FUCK ME. You contradict yourself at every turn, first it's I don't get off on crossdressing and I don't really want to be a girl and now it's this nonsense about not liking the attention you get from crossdressing. If you don't want to be a girl and you don't get off from it and you don't like the attention then why do you crossdress? If you do wish to be a girl then you will just have to deal with it because even real women have to deal with this.

>> No.8934073
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we have a winner.

>> No.8934091

Okay, let me make this clear:
I don't get sexually aroused from crossdressing, but I enjoy it psychologically.
I enjoy the positive attention I get, like any other person would. I don't want to be a girl, but dressing like a girl is a form of escapism for me . I just don't enjoy the sexual objectification that comes with crossdressing.

You're right though, since the fetishization seems to be an inherent part of crossdressing, I'll just have to deal with it or give it up completely.

>> No.8934102

I'm too sleepy for this bullshit. Someone take over.

>> No.8934113
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>I enjoy the attention
Fixed it for what you truly meant and I am done with you, you just want attention like all the other disgusting transsexuals.

>> No.8934119

If only that would happen to me. I would still be too shy to accept it though

>> No.8934126

>You're right though, since the fetishization seems to be an inherent part of crossdressing, I'll just have to deal with it or give it up completely.

Exactly. People are idiots who can't mind their own business and can't stop trying to remake the whole world to fit their narrow views of it. You can't change the way a moron's brain works, and you're doing something that attracts the attention of morons.

>> No.8934129

I like how we all assume OP is actually a passable trap. I can imagine the people around him going "jesus christ, just out yourself already!" "this is awkward as fuck!" for those who don't care and "I can't fuck you soon enough" for the desperate homos.
