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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8928818 No.8928818 [Reply] [Original]

Omegle thread because it's not like you have anything better to do.

>> No.8928831

Sorry, my anxiety is too bad for any kind of real-time communication, no matter how highly anonymized.

>> No.8928841

No, there's only 1 good /jp/er for every LOL XD SO RANDUMB one on that thing and I don't want to wade through the tards to get to that one person.

>> No.8928876


>> No.8928870

let's do this

>> No.8928881

whyn ot just chat as anon on 4chan? god damn ur so fuckin RETARD and MENTALLY INVALID you FAGGOT

>> No.8928918

You: Greetings, /jp/

Stranger: ░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░
░░█▒░▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒░▀▄▀░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█░░░░░ Feels
░█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▒▒▒▒▒▒██▀▄▒█░░░░ Spurdo
▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▀▀▒▒▒█░░ Börde
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▒░░░░░░░▒█ man!

Stranger: sprolololo asburger

You: abs borger?

Stranger: da fugg are you takling abod assburger?

You: Im attempting to speak mongoloid. Im not very good.

Stranger: fug u

You: Hm.

>> No.8928919

bumpu pantsu

>> No.8928925

spurgy sporg

>> No.8928926

Wow you're asspurgers as fuck

>> No.8928931
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928950

web client: http://rainbowroad.org:9090/?channels=jp

server: irc.sageru.org
channel: #jp

Hop in for some anonymous chat!

>> No.8928953

can't find any /jp/bros

>> No.8928967

fuck off faggot

>> No.8928990

no, you faggot

>> No.8928991

fuck you guys why did tyou disconnect

>> No.8928996

dude it's fucking 4:30am holy shit

>> No.8929006
File: 161 KB, 424x516, maybe i went overboard a bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, okay.

>> No.8929029

jp is NOT your blog :|

>> No.8929082
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes - 01 [1280x720 H264 OGG] [F3043661].mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2011.09.23_12.52.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i cant find anyone :(

>> No.8929101

put cocks in your interests slutty-chan

>> No.8929115
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, [furzi-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 - 01 (1280x720 VFR Web x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.44_[2012.01.03_02.18.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no one

>> No.8929128

you really did it?

damn you're slutty for reals

>> No.8929133
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 05 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_03.16_[2012.02.04_03.07.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont try totrick me..

>> No.8929193

I have met my new comrade

>> No.8929220
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 04 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.17_[2012.01.27_01.06.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like homestck...

>> No.8929232


yeah I do, gotta do dem reps early man.

>> No.8929236


>> No.8929240

ITT: tryhards shitpost for the "first" time so they can validate their views

>> No.8929549

I just spoke to an actual autismal sperglord not from /jp/.

I thought I was going to fucking choke on his pretentiousness. Holy fucking shit. The chat is pretty long, I'll post some excerpts.

You and the stranger both like Autism.
Stranger: Hello!
You: Hi!
Stranger: I'm Leif, pleased to introduce myself.

Stranger: I enjoy music. I play piano, ukulele, guitar, bass, mallet percussion (marimba, bells, xylophone, chimes), pump organ, accordion, mandolin, mountain dulcimer, and I sing. Music was my first language, I frequently watch videos of people being interviewed and play along in real time with the syllables, I often become drawn into the sounds of similar sounding syllables.

Stranger: I'm an avid music listener though.
You: What styles do you enjoy, then?
Stranger: I enjoy keroncong, luk thung, african high life, indie, bulgarian choral, orchestrial/chamber pop/indie, music with layers and feeling.
Stranger: I'm quite the ethnomusicologist, some of my peers have noted.

>> No.8929588

This is what actual autism is like, for all the self-diagnosed autists here.

>> No.8929711

>Stranger: I'm quite the ethnomusicologist
Oh dear...

>> No.8929714

>mountain dulcimer

I lost it

>> No.8929746

my question:

>Question to discuss:
Do you agree that Aspergers is a nonsense diagnosis for awkward people to use as a crutch to escape their social failings?

Stranger 1: Autism is a "disorder" made to limit imagination.

Stranger 2: Hmmm....I can't say I'm quite experienced enough in this field to make a fair analysis.

Stranger 2: Interesting subject, to say the least.

Stranger 2: Do you think ADHD is heavily over-diagnosed?

Stranger 1: Not sure, honestly haven't met anyone diagnosed with it.

Stranger 1: I dislike how often people say "I have OCD"

Stranger 1: When they clearly don't have it.

Stranger 2: Absolutely.

Stranger 2: Anyway, I was diagnosed with ADHD during my early childhood.

Stranger 2: How many kids with ADHD does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Stranger 1: No idea.

Stranger 2: Hey! Wanna go ride bikes!

Stranger 1: I'm busy petting my unicorn.

Stranger 1: Go away.

>> No.8929754

To the /jp/er that told me to listen to the Ken P.D. Snydecast, I thank you wholeheartedly. Funniest shit I've heard in a while.

>> No.8929772

Those are some mainstream instruments. Not pretentious at all.

Then again I have music autism as well.

>> No.8929780

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8929779

It's not just the instruments.

>> No.8929794
File: 16 KB, 1381x106, 2012-04-29_0155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you love me /jp/?

>> No.8929812


/ /    ヽ :: \
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\  `ニニ´  .:::/    N-NO THANK YOU
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |..|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: : |
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ..

>> No.8929851

>Stranger 1: I dislike how often people say "I have OCD"
>Stranger 1: When they clearly don't have it.
>Stranger 2: Absolutely.

Life is hard huh

>> No.8929874

Here's some more the the TruAutist.

Stranger: I can't stop counting to three. It's a terribly elusive number, but it has a lot of control over my movement (which is reflected in all that I do, for movement is speech, walking patterns, writing, typing rhythms, and any other interaction possible).

Stranger: It's such a comfortable time signature, I like the pattern.
Stranger: I like circles, especially in groups of three in an equilateral triangle.

You: Do you write music?
Stranger: Indeed!
Stranger: Though usually I paint it, due to my synaesthesia. It translates easier

Also, here he says "affects" instead of the proper "effects".
Stranger: But it lies in an amalgamation of reality television, sedentary influences from the rise of technology, popular media's affects on the human sexuality, a more rushed lifestyle becoming more prominent

>> No.8929906

I do things in threes just as habitually. I feel not so alone now.

>> No.8929956

Stop lying, ZUN-sama only knows how to use Cubase.

>> No.8929984

You and the stranger both like Anonymous.

(I tell her I'm 16/f)
Stranger: i am also a female
Stranger: enjoy being jailbait while you can
You: how do I get the most out of it?
Stranger: no but if your gonna have sex make sure it's with someone special and use condoms

You: Are you a part of the anonymous group?
Stranger: i am part of the Occupy movement

You: do you go on 4chan?
Stranger: no but i have heard of it and have contemplated it

>> No.8932023


>> No.8932035

if you wanted to bump it you could have been less obvious.

>> No.8932050

I think I'll go talk to a /jp/er. please treat me kindly

>> No.8932101

