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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 135 KB, 550x550, cdcdSDV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8928333 No.8928333 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight /jp/? I am drinking vodka straight up and Shipyard Smashed Blueberry because I am a fucking man.

Drinking is a /jp/-related habit.

>> No.8928341

Just drank a few bottles of Hobgoblin, now I'm out.

Alcoholic is pretty expensive. In fact the only reason I would get a job is to buy alcohol. Though overall the cons outweigh the pros.

>> No.8928345
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This is the sucker I am drinking right now. These things are really good.

>> No.8928352

Two mini bottles of Sprite.
Does that count?

>> No.8928357

A can of iced tea.

>> No.8928365
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Pretty nice tasting if I do say so myself.

>> No.8928364
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No. Step your shit up and be a man.

>> No.8928371

no alcohol for me today, maybe tomorrow I'll get some cheap whiskey

>> No.8928377

3 litres guinness, 1 hahn light and 1 bundaberg rum and coke.

I think i gave myself brain damage.

>> No.8928379


Or you could get drunk tonight AND tomorrow.

>> No.8928386


Not really a big fan of Yuengling but that does look good.

>> No.8928418

started on some snapple and cheap vodka, but about to kick it into high gear with red bull and cheap vodka.

on a related note, I've recently been drinking from bowls in an attempt to imitate Yuugi and my drinking experiences have been greatly enhanced. you should try it out

>> No.8928419

Bulento blend while I finger my butthole.

>> No.8928412

Tea, because I can't afford vices.

>> No.8928429
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>> No.8928434
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Starting my 7th shot of vodka. I am sad.

>> No.8928438


This is actually hard to do with just ethanol. Your other organs shut down first, so feel free to drink up.

>> No.8928442

i'm really happy to hear that, it's been bugging me for a while now.

>> No.8928443

Moderately-priced single-malt whiskey.

Eroge is always better when you're drunk.

>> No.8928455

second glass of red wine, just in case the first didn't thin my blood enough.

You should try opening up and talking about it instead of shutting down your liver and kidneys. I'm here for you, dude.

methanol (wood-grain alcohol) is the one that causes brain damage, silly goose.

>> No.8928471

Green tea.

>> No.8928468

Can't you just drink both and not kill anything?

>> No.8928505
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im not drinkig but im high as fuck

>> No.8928500

I am heavily hungover so won't be drinking today.

>> No.8928510

Where do you NEETs get the money for alcohol, anyway?

>> No.8928521

My parents buy it for me.

>> No.8928524

get $20 a week from dad. spent exclusively on alcohol

>> No.8928535


money market instruments.

>> No.8928549

I got really drunk last night, so I'm not drinking tonight.

>> No.8928556

All I've got is some stoli this week. Next week something good should be coming in though, so we'll see what happens.

I'm going to have to try that Blueberry shit OP was going on about. Not really a fan of beer, but it seems like a novel thing to try.

Autism bucks, at least that's where I get mine.

>> No.8928559

What a lame reason.

That is like saying, "I pissed in a bottle yesterday, so today I am using the toilet."

Be a man and drink and cry that you're not a little girl, faggot.

>> No.8928569


>> No.8928571
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On my eighth now. On a roll tonight.

>> No.8928578

Half an hour for a shot?

Are you drinking through your ears or something?

>> No.8928575

Spending your autism bucks on alcohol? Really? I guess Reagan was right.

>> No.8928588

Reagan was an idiot who didn't know his asshole from a hole in the ground.

>> No.8928589


I am just drinking.

>> No.8928594

Only teenage girls drink vodka nowadays OP. Best stick with a traditional stout. My personal favourite is Mackeson Milk Stout.

>> No.8928597

My parents give me money.

>> No.8928598
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you sure you don't want to talk about it, bro?

>> No.8928600

Very, very, VERY slowly.

Why use shots if you're taking your time?
Wouldn't it make sense to just drink out of the bottle normally?

>> No.8928628
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Maybe after one or two more shots.

>> No.8928631

I really want to stop drinking. I wish I wasn't an alcoholic.

>> No.8928643
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When I do that I usually go completely overboard and end up blacking out.

>> No.8928645
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/jp/ - Alcoholic Culture

Yuugi-chan approves

>> No.8928653

I've already drank through my savings and rent is getting harder and harder to make. How troublesome~

I need a drink to avoid the stress of it all.

>> No.8928673
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My name is Anonymous and I am an alcoholic. Don't pray for me because I am already dead inside.

>> No.8928704


It's a great beer. Kind of thick though but tasty as hell and works pretty fast. Also kind of expensive I paid about $15 for four bottles.

>> No.8928711

Cool beans, how prominent is the blueberry taste anyway?

>> No.8928729


It's there but not too strong which I like about it. It tastes just right if I were to sum up my feelings on it and is well worth the price.

>> No.8928786
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Alright I am ready to talk about my problems.

>> No.8928801


So, Tomonymous, what are those problems?

>> No.8928810

i know what your mom's drinkin >:)

my pee pee >:)

>> No.8928813


I'm drunk but that isn't completely a problem.

>> No.8928848

Also it's cheap and well known but Woodchuck Cider is also really good.

>> No.8928865


Obviously not, you're probably drunk because of problems

>> No.8928902


What is wrong with being drunk?

>> No.8928921

you cant see the light of good if ur face down in a gutter

>> No.8928928


It's not a gutter.

>> No.8928922


I usually blow maybe $40-50 a week on booze. The good quality stuff. You don't need to be rich to drink.

>> No.8928930

What are some easy to obtain substances that can make me think I'm at Gensokyo, /jp/?

>> No.8928945


The green fairy

Just take some absinth, mix it with water and before you'll notice you will catch a glimpse of the gates of gensokyo

>> No.8928947

2hu games.

>> No.8928951
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lucid dreaming, and maybe the pingpong ball trick.

>> No.8928959


Up yours. It gets me drunk quick. You don't need class to get drunk.

>> No.8928968


dissociatives do the trick: robotussin, MXE, Ketamine, etc.

>> No.8928972

Crispin hard cider

>> No.8929005


Glad to see more cider fans.

>> No.8929015

that pic is too small higher res? also is that gundam?

>> No.8929011
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I just found an import store with every liquor imaginable. Got my ass a bottle of shochu to try, it's fucking delicious.
but I didn't feel like going 15 minutes to that store so I'm sticking with good ol jose cuervo
Tequila (for forgetting life sucks) and good single malt scotches (for when life doesnt suck) are where it's at.

>> No.8929037


Or four whipits at once. I had heavy euphoria and deep hallucinations from 4 at once.

>> No.8929032
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Rum and diet coke. I like beer more, but there's too many calories in it.

>> No.8929048

It's legend of galactic heroes
where everyone pulls the kircheis reaction faces from

if you cant make out the text here's the tl;dr:

>> No.8929049
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Wussy. Tasty beers are always caloric.

>> No.8929043


I fear becoming schizophrenic, as I have genetic tendencies. What is the most secure I can have?

>> No.8929045

Yeah, it's Double Zeta.

>> No.8929046

shut yourself in the face u little pussy

>> No.8929063


>> No.8929062


Why are you so mean? All I want is to reach Gensokyo and come back

>> No.8929083

I am out of booze. This is the moment I have been fearing.

>> No.8929094

I'm sad for you anon. Have you thought about keeping an emergency bottle, and then a back up emergency that tastes like utter shit so you'll still have it after you drink the normal one out of lazyness?

>> No.8929102


I feel so good right now. I will enjoy it while it lasts and then I will check then.

>> No.8929113
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I'm drinking shitty Vitamin Water "Zero" I told my Mom to get Lemonade flavor vitamin water but she said they didn't have any so she got the Zero kind with no added sugar or anything. It tastes like shit and I'm mad at her, I was really looking forward to having some tonight but now its ruined. She told me I'm getting too upset but I don't care.

>> No.8929129

white wine because it is alcoholic koolaid

>> No.8929141

Vitamin Water Zero is the only good vitamin water because there are no calories. You wouldn't want to be a chubby girl, would you?

>> No.8929143


Add sugar to it! If you don't have any, perhaps I could make your night sweeter~

>> No.8929147

what's the alcohol content of vitamin water?
check the label, the higher the content the better odds you have of reaching gensokyo

>> No.8929150


That's good stuff. Squeezed Lemonade goes great with Vodka.

>> No.8929155

Just went to a party and had several shots of whiskey and vodka, still pretty buzzed.

>> No.8929157

"sugar free" drinks are filled with fake sugar which is worse for you than real sugar.

>> No.8929160

What brand of absinthe do /jp/ recommend? I'm in the UK if that's relevant.

>> No.8929167
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There's no alcohol in it. I'm not even old enough to drink and even if I was I don't think I would. I just like the lemonade vitamin water, It's the best when its frozen!

>> No.8929175
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Oliver Soft Red Wine
I'm culturally Italian,
I'm fucking cheap.
I've had so much vodka, rum, and whiskey that only beer, wine, and Tequila taste good, and I can't afford good Tequila at the moment,

>> No.8929181

> fake sugar which is worse for you than real sugar.

Spoken like a true fatty. You're repeating junk science which has long since been discredited.

Sucralose also has zero absorbable energy, which is why people don't grow fat from drinking diet sodas.

>> No.8929186


Aspartame causes blot clots and is disallowed for use within USAF for this reason.

>> No.8929197
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Success! I found a more beer in the fridge. Looks like this will be a blackout night.

>> No.8929225
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I hate how bottom shelf tequila is still like 10 dollars a pint!
I'm cheap and just want to get drunk, so I love my 8 dollar fifths, but goddamnit you can't get tequila for that price.
what do you say we whip up some decent tasting artificial agave liquor and get filthy rich!

>> No.8929234


I can't stand tequila. Too exotic. Just give me good old whiskey, vodka or beer any day.

>> No.8929244


No kidding! All we need to do is make cheap Tequila, and on that note, $15 or $10 whiskey, and we'd be fucking BILLIONAIRES. The two drinks are awfully overpriced.

>> No.8929248


I can't stand Whiskey or Vodka.

I've had too much Vodka, and Whiskey tastes like dirt.

Tequila for me tastes like what I think a cactus would, and I've only had it 3 or so times, so I feel I could drink about as much as I wanted to right now, if I weren't already drunk.

>> No.8929279

The $10-15 a fifth bourbon market is already way too cornered. Of course most of it's swill, but it certainly isn't anything like the $15 a handle whiskey out there.

>> No.8929282
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>bragging about what stupid drink you use to get drunk with

You people are the worst kind of scum. Just get drunk.

>> No.8929296
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jose cuervo tequila is probably the nastiest shit I've ever tasted.

I fucking hate tequila. I don't know why anyone would drink it when they could drink literally anything else with alcohol in it that wouldn't make you blind.

>> No.8929301


And how the fuck can you hate whiskey?

>> No.8929321

I'd take a sip from uncle clemus' mystery moonshine all lead still before I'd pick tequila.

>> No.8929328


Yes, we're bad because we use it to get drunk, but I've been getting better.
I really do enjoy the taste of wine, so I've been switched over to it, and even giving myself some space on smoking, as I've wanted to prove to myself that I'm not dependent upon such things.

And Whiskey to me just tastes like dirt, honestly, and I can't bring myself to ever like it.

>> No.8929330
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It's tastes like smokey, hazy garbage juice?

But yeah, drinking something until you like it makes you so manly. If you ate a piece of shit everyday, it'd probably start tasting tolerable after a while too.

>> No.8929333

Water and Orange juice.

No yucky alcohol for me.

>> No.8929339

Sourmash and that rye stuff canadians drink are pretty bad, but there is some really good scotch out there.

But if you don't like, you don't like it. That's fine, calling it all trash though is going too far.

>> No.8929355


I just drink Jameson. The final word in whiskey,

>> No.8929370

This motherfucker.
Jameson is good stuff, good enough that I cross the state line just to pick it up.

There's this good Japanese mid shelf whiskey that I can only find out there too, but it's name eludes me.

>> No.8929381


Why would you have to go to a different state for it? Jameson is usually sold everywhere.

>> No.8929386


Jameson was my first experience in whiskey, and the first indication that I hated it.

>> No.8929396


Try it again. If you can't appreciate something as great as Jameson then you can't appreciate any fine alcohol.

>> No.8929404

Because the only liquor store in town has a piss poor selection. So it's either head into town and hope for the best, or go a little farther the other way and reap the benefits of lower pricing, and less tax.

Such is life in buttfuck nowhere.

>> No.8929409


I know what you mean. I have to go a few blocks to find a place that sells the Smashed Blueberry that I mentioned but it's worth it. The local liquor store next to my apartment sells nothing but trash in terms of beer.

>> No.8929416

I used to be sober all my life (I'm 22).

Recently I started drinking to fit in with my friends as I want some social contact.

What have I done to myself?

>> No.8929426
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Just woke up, going to start with a few glasses of cheap white wine (goon for any other Ausfags here.)

I wish I knew someone who I could buy weed off. I have money that I really would rather spend on drugs, but can't. Being high is so much more fun than being drunk.

>> No.8929425


That is what happened to me my freshman year in high school. I was at a friends beach house one summer and next thing I knew i spent the rest of that summer knocking back bud light and other piss water beer with my friends in Newport Beach, CA.

That was a good summer.

>> No.8929428


That was 10 years ago. I feel old now.

>> No.8929437

The difference is I was 22 when I started drinking.

You were fucking 14. Big difference. I had been sober while everyone else around me was drinking their livers away in high school and college. I changed a part of me that day...

>> No.8929445


You missed out. Those were the best days of my life. Drinking, surfing and floating around in the ocean on a beautiful and warm day.

>> No.8929451

Suck my cock and die. What are you even doing on /jp/ if you are socially well off?

>> No.8929465


I am not anymore. Why do you think I am drinking alone.

>> No.8929467

It's not a big deal. You said you wanted social contact. You were going to change one way or another (otherwise you'd still spend every night in your room fapping to loli on 4chan like always) and starting drinking is one of the better outcomes. At least you didn't start shooting up or clubbing.

>> No.8929468

But I started drinking. It's bad for you ya know.

Also it's against my religion to drink and shit...

>> No.8929470


Jesus had wine for blood. That would make him the ultimate sinner than, right?

>> No.8929477

amen brother, I was very social throughout highschool, but after I graduated and moved away, I realized how much shit I was missing out on.
Being alone I can do whatever the hell I want and don't have to worry about texting someone to keep in contact, trying to act interested in other peoples shit, etc etc.
If someone wanted to hang out and watch/play/whatever all the shit I do, I'm down. but since that's not the case I have much more fun being a recluse.

>> No.8929478


Drinking is my only real vice. It's gotten to a point where I can't even enjoy watching the movies I love anymore without being drunk.

>> No.8929474

Can't this attention whore go to one of the threads made just for that?

Yeah yeah, your life is a real soap opera.

>> No.8929475

It's not that bad for you if you drink in moderation. I'm sure you already do things that are at least as unhealthy as social drinking.

What is this I don't even.

>> No.8929496


I actually got away from other people drinking (except my friends) because I saw how idiots reacted to drinking in college. It was so bad that it made me want to stop drinking altogether. When I was in high school we just drank, played video games and pool.

>> No.8929506

About to start my 9th shot of vodka and third beer. This might be it for tonight.

>> No.8929512

Yeah, I drank in high school, stopped drinking in college, then started drinking again after college. The drinking scene in college is terrible, although I suppose I might have actually made friends in college if I had drank.

>> No.8929527
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It is I! He who is nameless! rofl leeeejun XDDD

Currently on my 9th or so wine. I love you, /jp/. You are a wondrous thing. I don't care about the shitposting. You are the only board on 4chan devoid of normals and children.

>> No.8929537


Who the hell drinks wine to get drunk other than middle-aged married women>

>> No.8929550

There is nothing wrong with being religious.

>> No.8929575

There is when it keeps you from enjoying alcohol.

>> No.8929582
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I have no income. 10 dollars for 4 litres of white does me just fine. I don't care as long as it gets me drunk.

>> No.8929592


Are you drunk though?

>> No.8929632

I want to snuggle with a drunk /jp/er

>> No.8929643


No you don't. I will wake up pissy, wanting water and pancakes. In that order.

>> No.8929654
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I am completely ZONKED.

18 glasses now.

Utena is mai waifu

>> No.8929668


18 glasses? You could have been more productive with your time and actually chosen a drink that gets the job done.

>> No.8929679



I seriously wish I could kill everyone that liked that shitty show.

>> No.8929691

But since you can't you should just kill yourself for having shitty taste.

>> No.8929694

Threads like these make it really difficult to stay on the wagon.

You're a bad influence, /jp/.

>> No.8929702


Shut up and drink. You will be a much happier person. I know I am.

>> No.8929709

For some reason it's popularity soared last year. Probably because of /a/ and that Penguin show.
You should kill yourself for having shit taste >>8929654

>> No.8929730

By the way what are your favorite wines?

>> No.8929773
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Actually, Utena is a sure sign of horrid taste. Enjoy your lolsymbolism dykefest, though. It sure is DEEP-it has to be with all those reused scenes, right?

>> No.8929791

"light syrup" from canned mandarin oranges.

>> No.8929795

Some cheap 37 cl dark rum.
Atleast I'm not a bad drunk like my mother is.

>> No.8929792

I'm pretty sure the guy was talking about the chick. Buttfrustration isn't needed.

>> No.8929827

coca cola for lunch (now) and coke zero for dinner.

>> No.8929836
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Oh gee sailor man, take me while I've the thought capacity of a squashed apricot. DAMN AND BLAST THESE WOMAN DRINKS ;_;

are ur jimmes rusled? XDDD

>> No.8933885

I have quit drinking, as it always makes me feel suicidal for the next few days.

>> No.8934006


My girlfriend came to my apartment this morning to give me a ride because my car is broken down and she flipped her shit when she a bottle of vodka and bottles of beer lying around. She considers me a full-blown alcoholic.

>> No.8934048

Whiskey lemonade. Incrasing the ratio of whiskey the more I drink.

>> No.8934062


Don't do that. You will ruin your buzz.

>> No.8934066


>18 drinks
>of light raspberry flavored beer at 2.0 abv

Why am I not surprised that an Utenafag drinks like an actual fag?

>> No.8934069

nice Hayes modem

>> No.8934229



>> No.8934378
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I found some more beer in the fridge. Going to keep it light tonight and just try one.

>> No.8934436
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About four or five shots in it starts to taste like water.

>> No.8934501
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Just clearing out the last bit of spiced rum and whatever pop I have lying around, at the moment its Dr Pepper and after it'll probably be pepsi or someshit. Drinking is my only true friend

Its kind of a treat from the bottom shelf stuff I usually drink but damn it feels nasty on the teeth

>> No.8934530


What's the point of wasting money on grey goose if you're just going to do shots of it?

Just about everything tastes like water once you're drunk enough-aside from, you know, food.

>> No.8934534

Vodka is water in Russian

>> No.8934540
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Hobnob Merlot
Pretty good stuff.
Glad that I am home for the summer so I can bum wine off of my parents.

I dedicate my glass to my Oni Brogres.

>> No.8934559

Happen to have one lying around.

>> No.8934563
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>whats the point of wasting money on Grey Goose?

Fixed that for you. Grey Goose is swill, get you some Tito's or some Stoli if you're desperate.

As for me, this is my weapon of choice tonight.

>> No.8934564
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>> No.8934566

Looks good.

>> No.8934604
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Good taste detected, I might get a bottle of Hendrick's to celebrate the end of my semester this week. I'd rather see my grades first, though, because I'm poor, and I don't deserve Hendrick's if I did badly.

>> No.8934634

I don't like alcohol.

I am however drinking a cocktail of citrus Full Throttle, raspberry lemonade, and green tea.

It keeps me positive, focused, relaxed, and physically able to beat "U.N. Owen Was Her...-Lyrical Crimson"
On Stepmania, expert mode, on a real fucking dance pad.

Holy Shit.

>> No.8934644

I would be drinking, however I finished my last bottle of scotch a few days ago, so I'll probably go grab another bottle tomorrow. Poison of choice currently is isle of jura's origin, tis pretty good.

>> No.8934772

Gonna finish off the last bottle of beer I have (White IPA, Deschutes seasonal). Then maybe have some of that cheap sake that's been in my fridge for a couple months.

>> No.8934780
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>> No.8934795

Is gin any good?

>> No.8934798


It tastes like mangoes and fruit mixed with pine needles (the juniper). Tastes best when mixed with tonic water.

Refreshing and enjoyable.

>> No.8934808

Sounds good. I'll see if I can find some for a reasonable price.

>> No.8934817

How much am I looking at for a bottle of Bombay Sapphire? £20 ?

>> No.8934841

Yes, around that.

>> No.8938860
File: 57 KB, 550x801, kraken_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking through my cupboards today and I found an untapped bottle (or jug if you will of this). What are you drinking tonight /jp/?

>> No.8938872

Franziskaner. love me some cloudy hefeweizen.
