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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8926868 No.8926868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing today /jp/

Tags to make this /jp/ relevant - Touhou, shitposting, Otaku, Neet

>> No.8926872

Being a fat autistic virgin nerd.

>> No.8926874

That's it: add in /jp/ whitelisted SEO enterprise keywords. Then Janitor-Bot won't delete your post.

You should have included a *booru Touhou pctirue for good measure, though.

>> No.8926878

I've played Dodonpachi and died a lot of times.

>> No.8926885
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 1334116400115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Shitposting in this thread anonymous.
- Going through notepad to recover old links.
- Use that to help me find images of touhous to increase my folder.

Nothing new.

>> No.8926888

itt: nerds getting mad at janitor doing a good job

stay frustrated

>> No.8926897

reporting kuso threads like yours

>> No.8926901

If he's doing a good job, how come left the Madoka (anime) thread for ages then left Saten thread like baka, nerd?

It's like he wants the shitposters to know they've won.

>> No.8926903


the janitor is boring, though. he can't write, he can't juggle, what good is he? he's just useless.

>> No.8926907

Reporting threads. As always.

>> No.8926908

Those are good threads.

>> No.8926909


>> No.8926910

This. I mean, he can delete posts, but so can anyone. What does he do that's special? Maybe if he sung about deleting each post or something, but that's not the case.

>> No.8926913

Who gives a shit about what shitposters like

>> No.8926911


What about the CurryButt ones? Where do those fall into place?

>> No.8926925

What quality posts have you made lately, anoynmous?

>> No.8926927
File: 220 KB, 500x684, kyoukotomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that my internet is back I am going to s**tpost like [HELL]...!

(After I watch all the animes I missed during this internetless week)

>> No.8926928

I just made a Saten thread, nerd. What about you?

>> No.8926930

hey everyone let's hookup


>> No.8926932

I was going to make a thread about the beef jerky I bought.

>> No.8926935


>> No.8926937


Beef jerky is /jp/-related. Talk about here.

>> No.8926941

quality posts or QUALITY THREADs?

You were like 2 when this game was released, go away.

>> No.8926942
File: 359 KB, 981x1242, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe some dota 2, played little Final Fantasy 4 complete edition on the PSP,

I like how much they improved the 2D graphic, beautiful 2D games never age.

>> No.8926940

your mom

>> No.8926947

I made yet another Touhou MtG set.
