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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 101 KB, 720x405, weabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8926694 No.8926694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God I hate you weaboos.

I hate everything about you. I hate your love for Japan, which is just another gook country. I hate your love for Asian women, are they even human? I hate that you watch shows made for Japanese children, anime. I hate you for eating sushi and noodles and saying you like Japanese food! I hate you so much it hurts.

>> No.8926710
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it

>> No.8926704

I never thought I'd see such blatant trolling as I have in this forum. Step away from the computer, drop the ham sandwich and back the FRACK off, gaijin. I hate to use that word but you've made me that serious. As hard as it may be for
you to fathom, some of us here are actual fans of the Final Fantasy series (pre FFX) and Square's work in general. You can try to bash me for an avatar that I bought becuase I happen to be a dedicated fan of perhaps the most poignant, painstakingly woven tapestry of love, loss and vengeance ever to pen put from pen to paper, but you would fail, just like all you flamers do in real life. Who can say that the minds at Square Enix (note: appropriate portmanteau is SQUENIX, not the laughable SQUEENIX)were it not inspired by the works of William Shakespeare or Chuck Palahniuk? Cloud's bastard sword has more akin with the bastard sons of Macbeth than it does to any armament or basilard of the time. The Honey Bee Club in Midgar reminds me more of the Fight Clubs than any brothel. So please, use your brains, not your sarcasm, and step up to the intellectual plate, or leave this forum and take your "Haterade" with you.

>> No.8926705

I like you.

>> No.8926716
File: 249 KB, 705x729, CryingYuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8926726

The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings.

In cyberspace, we state this in an even more basic manner: Remember the human.

When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning; words -- lonely written words -- are all you've got. And that goes for your correspondent as well.

When you're holding a conversation online -- whether it's an email exchange or a response to a discussion group posting -- it's easy to misinterpret your correspondent's meaning. And it's frighteningly easy to forget that your correspondent is a person with feelings more or less like your own.

It's ironic, really. Computer networks bring people together who'd otherwise never meet. But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less -- well, less personal. Humans exchanging email often behave the way some people behind the wheel of a car do: They curse at other drivers, make obscene gestures, and generally behave like savages. Most of them would never act that way at work or at home. But the interposition of the machine seems to make it acceptable.

The message of Netiquette is that it's not acceptable. Yes, use your network connections to express yourself freely, explore strange new worlds, and boldly go where you've never gone before. But remember the Prime Directive of Netiquette: Those are real people out there.

Would you say it to the person's face?

>> No.8926736



>> No.8926739

lel u made brah?

>> No.8926750

I never thought I'd see such dirty assholes as I have in this thread. Step away from the cocks, drop the balls and back the FRACK off, slut. I hate to use that word but you've made me that serious.

>> No.8926781

this anon is right


>> No.8926789

Mad respect, Anon.

