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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8923014 No.8923014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sports are a plague upon society.

It should be illegal to waste so much money on something so fucking pointless.

>> No.8923020


>> No.8923022
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Otaku are a plague upon society.

It should be illegal to waste so much money on something so fucking pointless.

>> No.8923017


>> No.8923027

Evolutionary leftovers from our time as monkeys. Some people can't help but give in to their primal instincts to use violence against others and physically struggle while running around. It's a shame we as humans can't let go of such barbaric things and pursue greater heights of progress for mankind.

>> No.8923028


>> No.8923029
File: 297 KB, 1357x1442, HOW TO POST ON JP REVISED 2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMPORTANT: Please read before starting new threads on /jp/

>> No.8923024


>> No.8923025

I like it.

>> No.8923040

I love you Moetron.

>> No.8923034

I find your choice of images somewhat suspect, especially given that your message is a complaint about excess.

>> No.8923035
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ur threads got deleted straight away though

>> No.8923048

Holy fuck this. Seriously, stop spending your money on stupid shit god damn.

>> No.8923046

Stop using this shit thread for advertising for your shitposts.
I mean holy fuck did you even read that shit when you made it.
Go damn. You fucking disgrace touhous.

>> No.8923057

But I like watching sweaty young boys playing with their balls. It asserts my masculinity.

Fuck the starving orphans that this money could be spent on instead.

>> No.8923076

We are not unreasonable or intolerant people. We are your neighbors and friends and relatives. We are completely normal people who live completely ordinary lives except for one thing --we cannot understand the attraction or value of sports.

Don't misunderstand us; We believe in fitness and staying healthy. There's nothing wrong with a neighborhood softball game, working out at the gym, or shooting hoops in the driveway. But we think there is something wrong when people base their lives on the outcome of a game. We think there is something wrong when grown men collect baseball cards. We think there is something wrong when people are willing to pay for the opportunity to watch other people play and have fun. We think there is something wrong when people think we're weird because we don't watch sports. And we especially think there's something wrong when our favorite TV show is interrupted for a *&@!^%$#@!! sporting event!!!

This site is dedicated to free-thinking people everywhere who have enough self-assurance to resist the influence of the common herd.

>> No.8923086

So, tell me. Do you really believe that your life as an expendable slave of society (it really is just like a herd of cattle who can't think for themselves, and are in fact, afraid of thinking), is meaningful?

Or are you just trying to be ironic?

>> No.8923096

I'm pretty sure ancient aliens didn't play baseball.

>> No.8923100

I wouldn't want them to be illegal, but I do think people shouldn't be paid 2+ million dollars to throw some ball around.

Same with actors and Hollywood.

>> No.8923113

I don't think very many actors throw balls around though.

>> No.8923125


>> No.8923127

Actors actually contribute something somewhat meaningful to society, though.

Sports are nothing but a massive drain that enforces sheep-like behavior.

>> No.8923138

I don't like sports at all, but seriously? People shouldn't be allowed to do stuff they enjoy?

>> No.8923134
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Suika is mine, you can't have her.

>> No.8923135
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World Domination 101 - Distract the masses with pointless rivalries.

Open your eyes, goyim. We control you.

>> No.8923143


>> No.8923145

With that kind of attitude you are not much better than normalfags who shun you for playing videogames

>> No.8923146

Not if it brings down society. Some people enjoy murder but that doesn't mean we should just let them murder people.

>> No.8923152

Say that to me in real life and not on the internet and see what happens.

>> No.8923153

Videoogames improve hand-eye coordination and critical thinking.

Watching sports improves nothing. It just makes you fat and stupid.

I have no problem with people actually playing sports.

>> No.8923157


What purpose does society have? For example, one person may have the purpose of contributing to society, but society itself? It has no purpose. It only exists so that it can continue expanding endlessly, like a disease.

So, what is so good about society? Why should I care about it?

>> No.8923161
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>> No.8923163

Well I never play videogames, I mainly watch people play them for my own entertainment.
Getting fat in exchange for entertainment is worth it for me

>> No.8923170

Society is the evolution of humanity and technology.

For example, we no longer have gladiators fighting to the death and we can fly in the sky for a couple hundred bucks.

>> No.8923175

>Watching other people play videogames

You are the definition of autism.

>> No.8923171

Society can protect people from dangerous people who can hurt you.

>> No.8923188

No, the reason murder is bad is because it's immoral, not because it "brings down society". If you can prove the playing sports, or watching others do so is immoral, you may have something.

And what is society anyway? We're all just people, it doesn't really exist.

>> No.8923189

You could always come to my house and try to force me to care

>> No.8923199

So society is meaningful because it serves us. Hmm. But, in exchange, you sure pay a heavy price. Though if you're so willing to pay that price, more power to you.
You've never had to make a living for yourself, I guess. Hey, I'm not looking down on you for it. I'm only saying that you apparently don't know what you're talking about if you say that society protects you from harm instead of visiting more harm upon you.

>> No.8923195
File: 20 KB, 202x300, The_shining_heres_johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I will.

>> No.8923196

Yet all of you faggots are suicidal asspie losers.

Natural selection. You're the ones not reproducing and killing yourselves quickly or slowly with a gun or bad dieting and lack of exercise.

Not primal leftovers and animal instincts. It's something that keeps your head from getting as fucked as yours.

Prevents depression, builds confidence and prevents you from being a useless piece of shit.

>> No.8923197

If you can prove that murder is immoral, you may have something. Oh wait, morals are subjective.

>> No.8923205

Nope, murder is objectively immoral because we have property rights, including those over our own body.

>> No.8923207

Who decides what's moral or not moral? All your views of right and wrong are ingrained into you since you were a child from society. Morality is a result of society's attempts to preserve itself.

>> No.8923210

That's some nice circular logic you're going for.

>> No.8923216

I think you need to take it easy.

>> No.8923219

All of those people that passed the test of natural selection, will eventually die regardless.

Their existence is no more meaningful than ours. In the long run, all of us are expendable. There can be no meaning in an expendable life that simply disappears one day. In such a case, you can be certain that you, as an individual, did not matter at all. You did not amount to anything. You may as well have never been born.

If you take pride in something so meaningless, then you are wasting your time.

>> No.8923221

Hide behind your computer if you want nerd, I work 40 hours a week and pay for everything I use. In exchange for all the benefits of society like peace, order, and an endless amount of technologies I sacrifice 30% of my life. I get to spend the rest doing what I want.
