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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 980x645, happynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8921573 No.8921573 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8921589

Yes I am.

$14.99, Christine? Whata fuck, man?

>> No.8921586
File: 49 KB, 331x331, gnailaseroneht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8921591

Think of all the worthwhile things you could do with that money instead.

>> No.8921609
File: 248 KB, 320x420, 473242014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could be more worthwhile than supporting Christine Love's drinking habit?

>> No.8921616
File: 72 KB, 1280x480, cristan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hormone therapy is actually coming along pretty nicely.

>> No.8921615

I'm buying Noitu Love2 and Lone Survivor with that money instead.

>> No.8921631

Has anyone played the demo? How good is it?

>> No.8921639

Why is he so disgustingly subhuman in appearence?

>> No.8921640

Stop advertising yourself faggot.
If you were near me I'd lynch for you, fucking homo.

>> No.8921669

I played the demo. It was...strange. The art and interface and everything are really nice. However the story itself is just dull. It's not even a story. You are basically reading through family trees and the history of some Corean family. It doesn't pull you in. You don't *care* about the characters, you are just *told* about them. Jung-su married Heo Miu-Yung and gave birth to Yuin-mi. Okay thanks Christine, I am invested in your story now.
The only actual narrative is some diary from a girl in an arranged marriage. I think the idea was that you were supposed to read it and think, "She's being made to marry against her will?! Oh no! How barbaric! My twenty-first century ideals cannot comprehend something so inhumane! This is based on a real period of history?! Oh my god! I have to share this with Reddit!" But in real life, I found it hard to give a damn. Then there's a very predictable plot twist and then the demo ends.
Insert $15 to continue.

>> No.8921676

I'm getting pretty tired of these hour-long games by shitty developers that think their 'art' is worth $10.

>> No.8921678


>> No.8921684

But shii called it "a literary and intellectual delight"!


>> No.8921694

> Shii

sup tokiko

>> No.8921723

Since when Shii re-became relevant?

>> No.8921724

Not even.

Though he is around.

>> No.8921754

This guy is Tokiko.

Please respond to my email.

>> No.8921808

She is used goods.
Won't waste my time whit that crap.

>> No.8921811

Is it good?

>> No.8921813

It's the story of a whore. If you enjoy that stuff you might want to try it.

>> No.8921838

wtf is this shit

>> No.8921957
File: 22 KB, 396x297, AMERICAN BIRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I only play JAPANESE visual novels.

>> No.8922159

American bird

>> No.8922165

OELVNs are not allowed on /jp/. Follow the rules

>> No.8922167

Japan is #1 ally of America

>> No.8922172

what the hell are those kimchifaggotry faggul runes

>> No.8922181

who the fuck is this faggot? i wish I knew where he lives so I could come to his house and kick his unvirgin, faggot ass.

>> No.8922178

Translated VNs can go in either.

Parts of the game are Corean translated into English.


>> No.8922185

Here comes the butthurt delusional monkey.

>> No.8922187

She kind of looks like sparky.

>> No.8922188

73 East Lynn Ave
Toronto, Ontario M4C 3X3


>> No.8922192

alright... i'm movin out to kick some ass... wish him luck pussyass boys cuz hes gonna need it badLy

>> No.8922293 [DELETED] 

Hold on son... I ain't lettin you hog all the glory.

>> No.8922366

It's not a bad game. I wish there was more to do than read memos and shit but it's not bad.

>> No.8922380


>> No.8922424

>>I'm getting pretty tired of these hour-long games by shitty developers that think their 'art' is worth $10.

Seriously. The standard going rate of games has always been charging $1 for every hour of playtime. Then if your game's content was above average, then you may charge more than the $1 per hour.

>> No.8922473

That isn't true. Read the rules.

>> No.8923124

>The standard going rate of games has always been charging $1 for every hour of playtime

That's never ever been true, in any way, shape, or form.
The exceptions to this arbitrary rule far exceed those that fit it. This has been true since the first commercial video games.

Here's a thought; games are worth what the market pays for them, like all modern economic theory says.

Say the game is overpriced, sure. I even agree. Don't make up a delusional history of game prices to support your argument though.

>> No.8923136

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8923147


>> No.8923167

Why exactly is it corean anyway? Is that faggot a kimchi-lover?

>> No.8923292 [DELETED] 

1592 - Yamoto (formerly Jipang or Japon) invades Korea in what will go down in history as the Imjin War. In the six years following the outbreak of the hostilities the Korean army, of which Admiral Yi Sun-sin was arguably its most prominent commander and tactician, skillfully manages to bring the war back to the attacker's home on its own hook. At the daybreak of December 16, 1598, after a two months long siege, the town of Osaka is levelled by an unreported amount of batteries consisting of bombards mounted on cast-iron hwachas, thus marking the end of the conflict and ushering in the cession of southernmost Yamoto to Korea as its first overseas toehold.
1810 - After almost two centuries of weak but persistent border clashes with rogue peasant armies following the rout of Manchuria in 1636, Korea formally occupies Inner Manchuria and annexes it. In order not to upset the brittle policy of appeasement between the two countries, Qing representative Yishan accedes to sign the Treaty of Aigun on May 28, 1811.
1835 - A massive earthquake followed by a tsunami shakes the territory of Sanriku, northern Yamoto, claiming tens of thousands of lives. With its native populace having been sorely tried by a spate of natural disasters spanning two years and months of unrelieved famine, widespread upheaval gives rise to a belligerent lower-class front spearheaded by Oshio Heihachiro, bent on toppling the despotism of the corrupt Tokugawa shoguns. Before long the situation rages out of control, forcing Tokugawa Ienari to beseech the naval intervention of Korean ironclads moored in Shikoku in exchange of permanent military settlements in the northern isles.

>> No.8923290

Of course it isn't literal. But good game devs have always viewed it that way, because it inspires them to create better games.

If you want to make good games then that's a fine rule to live by.

>> No.8923298 [DELETED] 

1853 - In the light of the abrupt shift of powers in East Asia, Commodore Matthew Perry sails to the Korean peninsula seeking to open viable commercial routes between Americas and the Far East by trying to loosen the two centuries old isolationist policy with Western powers of the Korean Empire. After lengthy talks Perry is the first foreigner to be admitted, as a representative of USA, in the court of emperor Gojong. There, he discusses his proposals in the so-called Convention of Hanseong, arguing the opening of the ports of Pusan and Nampo to unresticted United States trade. Perry departs shortly afterwards mistakenly believing an agreement between the two sides had been reached, unaware that the emperor had in fact stopped short of delivering official endorsement to the treaty as per his advisors' suggestion. A more equitable arrangement would be signed exclusively with France only 10 years later, on heels of the defeat of Admiral Roze.
1897 - The First Russo-Korean breaks out. In the wake of the Boxer Rebellion the Korean army, not regarded by the decadent Qing Dynasty as a foreign invader unlike its Western allies, occupies Outer Manchuria with the aim of flushing out and fight any future potential destabilizing cadre. Taking Korean presence as a hindrance to Russia's own interests on the zone, Tsar Michael II wages war on the Korean Empire but the army stationed there, weakened by previous clashes with Boxers, is unable to stymie the thrust of the Korean Army and is soon overwhelmed. The Treaty of Portsmouth, signed on September 5, 1898, would cede the entirety of Manchuria as well as rioting Sakhalin to Korea.

>> No.8923304 [DELETED] 

I hate all white people and Americans especially. We Koreans were so happy when our national hero Cho Seung Hui killed all those kojengi yangnom sekis. Dirty white people all need to die. We Koreans draw our power from hating others and racism. That is the Korean way. I look forwrd to the day we can killl more white people on college campuses. This is what a true Korean patriot believes.
All true proud Koreans should go buy some guns and randomly kill non-Koreans. I have orgasms when I kill people who are not Korean! Don't you? It is every Korean's dream before we die to kill as many americans as we can and spread our hatred to unite our superior Han people. We koreans are much smaerter and more superior to whites because we built a turtle ship 400 years ago whereas whites can only create the internet, telephones, computer chips, automobiles, and etc. Unless you believe in hatred of and killing whites and other non Koreans. If not, then you are not a true Korean. A true Korean patriot belives in murder of all non-Koreans!
True Korean patriots like me get up in the morning and the first thing we do is go straight to the computer and spend the next 24 hours on the internet trying to make as many anti-Japanese/anti Chinese posts as possible because we are insecure of our own Korean image. We know that white people think of Chinese and Japanese as respected powerful Asian nations with a remakable culture.

>> No.8923309 [DELETED] 

However, we absolutely hate the fact that noone knows what Korea is excpet a place inhabited by a bunch of balloon headed, 3 foot wide faced, wife beating dog eaters who do nothing but scream and yell about how great and superior Korea is.
However, at the same time, we Koreans immigrate to other countries like a swarm of cockroaches b/c we know deep down inside our country is a 3rd world shithole of dirty trash strewn rotten cabbage smelling whores who sell their dirty snatch in massage parlors in Los Angeles, NYC, and Sydney. However, we are ashamed of this and embarassed. Thus, to make ourselvees feel better about our selves, we go to Asiafinest and try to make as many hateful comments about other Asian countries and Mexico/USA because we are so jealous of them. We want them to be below Korea's image but unfortunately, that will never happen b/c all intelligent people know we Koreans are barbaric monkeys who have a severe inferiority complex.
That's why I am so pissed off and angry. That's why I want to buy guns and just go ballistic and kill random foreigners. It makes my Korean little boy ego feel better about myself. Also, all of Korean men and kyopo people are just like me. The ones who are not racist and pyscho are traitors and the whites can have them for their own. A true Korean is racist and hatred is the guiding force in life for all true Koreans.

>> No.8923316 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 358x241, koreaashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923330

┃  ┏┫┏┓┃┏┓┃  ━┫┏┓┃┃┏━┫┏┓┃  ━┫  ━┫
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┗┻━┻━━┻┛┗┻━━┻┛┗┛┗┛  ┗┛┗┻━━┻━━┛
                   _ __
                 / ∧_,, ∧\
               ./  <;`Д´ >、 <アイゴー!!
              / /\ \つ  つ、ヽ
              | |  ,\ \ ノ  | |
              ヽヽ  し \ \) / /
               \ `\_____\' //
                ヽ、 ____,, /

>> No.8923327
File: 25 KB, 428x321, nidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corean invented genre of Visual Novels finally available on Steam (which itself is derived from Corean software, nida)


>> No.8923331
File: 218 KB, 444x530, 1334261173940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923334

:::/\\                   /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
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      ::::::::::::::::::::::::::...  + EE!  Q    �� .....:::::::
        ::::::::::::::::::....::....::.  カカ  �� ...::::::::::::::::

>> No.8923336

Why was my post deleted?.

>> No.8923338

Globalization = Sinners

If South Korea continues the path of globalization, Koreans will be punished by God.

Remember chinese killer who killed a Korean woman and cut her into 300 pieces.

Remember the Oakland Shooting

This is all happening for a reason. Stop globalization! Stop Lee Myung Bak! stop Seanuri Group! Kill all traitors!

>> No.8923343

I don't know. You'd think the moderation team would be more concerned with deleting this off-topic thread entirely.

>> No.8923348

:  ,
) (  、
                      o___, . (、. ' ⌒   `  )
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  `( ' ` ”, )    \ \         /    /     `‘| ' ` ”, )
   \  |       |  \      /    |      /    /
      \ \__/    \.   /     \__/    /
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        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/\ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                  /   \      ∧∧
♪          ∧_∧  ./     \   /中 \
き〜み〜が〜 <` `∀´> /       .\ .(`ハ´ )
    よ〜は〜 (    )つ         ⊂      )
           | | |            | | |
           〈_フ__フ           (__(_)

NSJ is a filthy coreaboo

>> No.8923356
File: 46 KB, 664x151, modkoreanscum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget.

>> No.8923355


>> No.8923353

Janitors true coreaaboos
<`∀´ >

>> No.8923361

NSJ confirmed

>> No.8923364

                        / ̄\ \     / ̄\.\
                       / ̄日 ̄\ \ ./ ̄日 ̄\\
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>> No.8923368

.                ∧酋∧
                <";‘Д‘> No one treats me as a S-Krean President, Rou Moo Hyong.
               -∪-★ ) Why is that?
    ミ;ヽ.    ミ斗             ミ;ヽ.    ミ斗
     ミ'シ\ ミ;:  |              ミ'シ\ ミ;:  |
      ミ';, ヾ;'  /               ミ';, ヾ;'  /
      ミ:;:,... i,,.ノ    _           ミ:;:,... i,,.ノ    _
  ≧゙''''",   _,,二ll二",, ;`)≠=-    ≧゙''''",   _ll二二",, ;`)≠=-
             \                 /
              \ Weeee ha ha ha   / 
.                \ ._∧酋∧___/
                /  <#‘∀‘>つ-★\ but when i go abroad,
.              /|'' ̄ ̄∪" ̄ ̄ ̄|\/ everybody treat me as a national guest!
.                | Only for cheaf |/   so i love to go abroad♪
                 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              i will go , even if S-Korean people stop me!

>> No.8923498

>The art and interface and everything are really nice.

Were you playing with your eyes closed?

>> No.8923503

>English language VN
>Korean everywhere

But... WHY?

>> No.8923526

didn't know sparky was that ugly, in fact I didn't know how he(or is it a she?) looked at all

>> No.8923553


Haha, yeah, no.

>> No.8923619

>Genre: Indie
>Genre: Independent from publishers

Oh god I am furious this is not a fucking genre it's a fucking product release approach what the fuck is this game even all I can go off is the screenshots which instantly tell me not to buy it oh fucking fuck shit what is wrong with this world fuck.

>> No.8923678

Did she died?

>> No.8923712

This VN isn't all that bad. It isn't very good, mind you, but it's still better than a ton of the garbage that Japan farts out every month.

You know what is bad? Game reviewers who haven't played more than maybe two VNs attempting to review it. I normally really like RockPaperShotgun, but this was just moronic: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/02/29/wot-i-think-analogue-a-hate-story/

>> No.8924077


After seeing the "If you can't tolerate this art style and are ignorant, click here..." bullshit I can't take them very seriously. Or you, for that matter.

>> No.8924095

Sup Mr. Love

>> No.8924135

>It isn't very good, mind you, but it's still better than a ton of the garbage that Japan farts out every month.

Uh... no it's not. Even the most mediocre of Japanese "garbage" is better than this game at least in some way.

>> No.8924155

Has /v/ had any shitstorms about this?

>> No.8924166


is there a torrent for the full version?

>> No.8924174


No one wants to bother paying the shitty 15 bucks to get it. Including me.

>> No.8924185

Torrent where.

By the way, weren't visual novels not allowed on Steam because they weren't "video games" and shit?

>> No.8924188

where are people getting the price $15 from? it says $10 on Steam.

Not that it's still kind of a rip-off. If it was $5 I'd think about it, but $10 is kind of pushing it.

>> No.8924189

Korea a poopoo.

>> No.8924196

They said the concept of space koreans was retarded and the plot itself made little sense.

Apparently the crew loses the knowledge of how to use most of their technology even though they are in fucking space and there is an AI and their society devolves into a traditional korean society. And then everyone enters traditional marriages and all the heroines are used goods.

>> No.8924206

Since it's on Steam I'm guessing no porn? Wonder if eroge devs would ever consider cutting porn out of their shit for a steam release then providing a patch somewhere under the table to make it ero again.

I can't believe moot agreed with the autism commandos here to put /vn/ inside /vg/ instead of here. Whata fuck.

>> No.8924224

So CLove is actually a dude? Everything makes so much sense now.

For the record, Digital is great and everyone should play it. SBTJAYS is terrible and no one should play it. I'm not interested in feminist korean court drama, so I didn't even play the demo for this, doubt I'm missing much.

>> No.8924260

That sounds terrible. Used goods too? It only gets worse.

>> No.8924280

Only reason for SPACE COREANS was because the artfag is korean and CL doesn't know how to research shit.

No, seriously. That was their logic.

>> No.8924913

Just tried the demo. BORING

I don't even care about the feminism everything is just zzzzzzzzz

>> No.8924925


>> No.8924944
File: 532 KB, 844x1300, balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck would they have to research?
It seems somewhat obvious that a space ship full of colonists wouldn't be all Korean. It would at the least be international.
Especially considering Korea doesn't have a space program and the USA is the only country to have landed on another planetary body.

Don't they fucking learn about space exploration in school? Or the space race?
Or do Koreans think they invented it?

>> No.8925026

definitely not worth $10

>> No.8925050
File: 457 KB, 597x800, 1235366357376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think of all the worthwhile things you could do with that money instead.
50 apples...

>> No.8925501

Why waste money on this when I can waste five dollars on a game that lets me get gut-raped by a yandere partridge?

>> No.8925571

>The death of the Mugunghwa’s population is essentially a framing device for an acutely close-up look at a society that believed men are born to rule and women are born to obey. That is not a fictional society: Analogue’s gradually-revealed backstory is based upon Korea’s five centuries-long Joseon Dynasty, and particularly its shocking oppression of women. On the ship, before everyone died, its female populace were little more than slaves and breeders, with their only meaningful communication conducted via private letters.
