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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8918385 No.8918385 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about raves, and electronic music in general?

Personally I love it, but what are your thoughts?

>> No.8918394

I love how raves are full of otakus. O wait they're not. Wrong board baka.

>> No.8918396

My thought are mostly about you and why you would make this thread in /jp/ instead of /mu/.

>> No.8918400

But they have their fair share.

You've clearly never been to one. The sheer hedonism present in them is right up /jp/'s alley.

>> No.8918409

I love j-core and would love to attend a tano*c tour someday.
Otherwise I only listen to electronic music in the safe confines of my home.

>> No.8918410

yeah, i bet you are a fan of giving aids to neg ass in gay raves OP

>> No.8918425

But they aren't like that at all.

>> No.8918430

I ended up taking 4 poz loads at the last rave I was at. Never again.

>> No.8918431

That Touhou euro dance mix is kinda cool

>> No.8918438

Raves are for normalfag sluts to take drugs and have sex with random strangers. Even Zyzz did it, and that drug abuse was what weakened his heart and led to his death. Weakened both figuratively and literally.

"electronic" music is the same as calling some other music "guitar" music, by the way. There are many genres under that umbrella.

Just because you used a 2hu picture doesn't mean this is for /jp/, delete your thread.

>> No.8918442

i shoot up my load in some neg asses in raves everyday, one of those was probably from me

>> No.8918455

Again, you have never been to one.

Where did all these sperglords come from? I only want to have a friendly discussion here.

Also raves != drugs, you idiot.

>> No.8918460

Look at where you are, faglet. Then look again.
Now take your AIDS infested ass back to where it came.

>> No.8918463

Stop shitting up my thread.

>> No.8918469

I am trying to learn to DJ and produce my own tracks.
Yes I really like it! And J-core scene is awesome.

>> No.8918473

Stop treating the board like your own personal /b/.

>> No.8918479

Go away.

>> No.8918489

This thread is not conducive to true /jp/ and as such has been alerted to the moderation team for removal.

>> No.8918492

Friendly discussion about raves on /jp/? You're fucking delusional, but I guess syphilis does cause mental problems, on top of all the drugs your body has gone through.

>> No.8918508

Are you retarded? This thread is /jp/ related. J-core is an important part of doujin music.

>> No.8918520

Raves are a hobby pursued by normals and is no better than attending a con.

>> No.8918545
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I don't like that kind of thing.

Any place with a lot of youths and drugs is a mixture for lewd behavior. I can picture a rave inside my mind right now and it's a frightening thought.

Women engaging in orgies in the middle of the dance floor as nearly men masturbate and chant them on. Naked women chained to the walls as they scream out satanic chants, all fueled by the drug known as "ecstacy" or MDMA. Fornication going on rampantly in all corners of the "rave" establishment.

Just wild, uncontrolled debauchery. Nothing is more disgusting.

>> No.8918551

So you hate Denpa then?


>> No.8918555

who AIDS here

>> No.8918565

You can filter all you want, the voice of true /jp/ can never be silenced or removed.

>> No.8918562

You tell 'em blitzcrank.

Get this shit off /jp/

>> No.8918578
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>> No.8918593


pls go

>> No.8918602

Why are you trying to destroy the good old days?

>> No.8918607

How can I possibly leave /jp/ in it's most dire time of need! AoC rises again we need to join together to stop his reign! ~Nohryonnnnn.

>> No.8918618
File: 1.79 MB, 855x1050, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

